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Episode 100: Reunited with a Sniper

Matt P.


Previously on Point Palace:

- Alexia was about to get caught for breaking and entering into Nurse Ivory Goldie's home except Tanisha stalled just in time. They got what they needed, the number to Owen's hospital. Both girls couldn't wait to go but Tanisha was weary about how they would get in.

- Will gets a blast from his past when Carrie and Dylan show up at his door. Carrie explains that they need information about Lenvy as Lenvy is really Carrie's twin. Will tells them that Lenvy died. Carrie and Dylan go to Lexington to visit her grave.

- C.C. tries getting out of her contract with "Blue Crystal" but Cairina denies her. C.C. then gets interrogated by Detective Miltner and tells him that the last person that Nick said he was going to talk to was Jenny because he wanted to apologize for everything.

- Alley began to rethink her position on L.J. John gets an interview for a company and asks Alley to look after her but she's not happy about it.

- Nate runs into Ava only to have a confrontation with Sky. Nate drops his folder that he was carrying and Sky retains it. She finds out Nate's secret about his STD and threatens to tell Ava about it.

- Mika tries breaking up with Will because she admits to him that his life is in danger since he is her target for murdering someone's ex-boyfriend. It turns out that Trella Lopez was a friend of Tjin Tao and hired the hit on Will.

- Carlos still can't remember anything about the previous night and Jenny thinks that he could have very well killed Nick. To protect him, she calls Detective Miltner and admits to killing Nick.

- Alley calls Blake over to override John's wishes of having Blake there to help with L.J. Blake watches TV and swears he sees London. Alley thinks he's still grieving and Blake gets a call from Myra telling him that London is alive.

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Episode 100:

Reunited With a Sniper

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

Special Guest Stars:

Jean Reno as Fernec Debois

and Sophie Marceau as Isabelle Debois

- - -Blake100.jpgAlley100.jpgJohn100.jpg

(With the news of London appearing alive, Blake and Alley quickly book a flight to France together. Blake couldn't believe it and he didn't know what to expect. London was alive. Alley still had her doubts. They settle in their hotel room. Blake plops himself down on the bed.)


This truly is a miracle! London's alive! How amazing is that? This whole time we all thought she was dead but she wasn't. It kind of makes sense. We didn't go to the cremation. She was saved.


Believe me, I'm so happy for you, but it seems a little too surreal.


Everything in our lives are surreal. Does she even know that I'm here? What are we going to say to each other?


Whatever it is, the first thing that should be asked is why the hell she left in the first place.


Supposedly someone found her. She was breathing.


Like I said, things just aren't adding up. Look, you play the devoted husband with her, and I'll try to find out the facts. We'll make a team.


What does John think about all of this?


I haven't talked to him since yesterday. He might be mad that the nanny had to take care of L.J. but I couldn't wait up for him. This was too important.

(Alley pulls her cell phone out of her purse. Blake takes out his cell phone to call practically everyone. John answers on the second ring.)







Where are you? I came in late last night and Blake's nanny was taking care of L.J. Which was smart that someone was looking out for her.


Have you heard the news?


What news? The interview went so well that I ended up going out to dinner with my future boss.


London's alive.



Alive? Are you serious?


It was briefly all over the news. Blake found out and we're both in France right now. We don't know anything yet but I'll keep you updated.


That's great but I wish you were here with me. I know that you're a good friend to Blake but I need you too.


Well I needed you to be there for your daughter. You dropped everything for your sake and I dropped everything for his.


Then I should be there too.


Listen, obviously London will be returning to Point Palace. You'll see her then, she'll be reunited with her husband and her child. The answer to how she's alive will unfold.


I need to go back to sleep.


And I need to reevaluate a few things. Like you and me!

(In pure Alley mode, she let her words to do all the talking. She quickly hangs up on John, who on the other end was shaking his head, but then went back to sleep. Alley watched as Blake was at his highest happy point ever.)

- - -board9.jpg

(Back at the Administrative Wing of Point Palace University, a school board meeting was beginning to start. Dylan was taking over for Blake. Everyone got silent so that Dylan could start the meeting.)


Surely we've all heard the good news about Blake.


It's amazing! I feel so privileged to be the first one to tell him too.


While Blake is overseas, I will briefly be taking over until he returns.


That would make sense. You are after all vice president.

(Dylan smiled at the compliment until he heard a very familiar voice.)


The position that I originated!


What the hell are you doing here?


Yes Bryan. You know that you're not welcome here! Myra will you please call campus security to have Mister Daniels removed from the premises.


Myra that won't be necessary after what I have to say. Lanoi, Benjamin, Dylan it is so good to see you all. I know that we ended things on a really bad note. I might have had some guilty association with that whole explosion fiasco but nobody can prove anything. Nan's dead and after all, she was the one who did it. Not me!


We'll open the floor to new business but you're old business.


I've learned a few things about how this school runs. The politics behind it is quite intriguing. The Hammertons buy it for their pride and joy but before them someone else bought this school as I'm sure it was bought from someone else.


What are you implying Mister Daniels? We could have you arrested for your involvement but you didn't keep to your bargain. You were supposed to never come back.


She's right Bryan. Make your point and leave. Before you find yourself in a heap of trouble.


Though your threats are very touching you can't prove a thing. Since Nan's declared dead, everything was taken away. Including that piece of evidence that Blake found.


You're a disgrace to this school.


Since the Hammertons bought the school, I collected enough money to make all of your heads spin.

(Bryan pulls out his checkbook from the pocket of his suit jacket.)


How much money will it take to own Point Palace? Believe me, I'll offer more than Edmund Hammerton could ever dream of telling you. Just name your price.

- - -Alexia100.jpgtanisha100.jpgOwen100.jpg

(Alexia and Tanisha walk into the hospital that was holding Owen in Raleigh, North Carolina. Tanisha gets the attention of the receptionist.)


Can you please help me? I'm looking for Owen Newlan.


Mister Newlan is only allowed specific visitors.


I know but I'm a part of a volunteer organization. Both of us are actually. Owen is one of the patients that we were here to see.


May I see some ID please.


I don't have mine but I think she does.

(Tanisha pulls out her ID from an old volunteer form from long ago. The receptionist accepts it.)


I'll let you both go. His room is around the corner, to the left.


Thank you.

(Alexia and Tanisha giggle to one another while they walk to the room.)


You're too good.

(They stop when they get in front of Owen's hospital room.)


This is it sister. We made it this far to find him.

(Alexia and Tanisha open the door to find Owen on his hospital bed watching television. He turns around to find both girls before him. Alexia stood their, speechless with a big smile on her face. She was so happy to see him.)


(in a deaf tone)

I didn't hear you come in. I'm still a little deaf. Good news is, the doctors here have been trying to help me. It's getting better and better each day. I've even mastered sign language.

(He signs 'I love you' to Alexia. She ran to him to hug him with tears pouring down her face.)


Don't cry sis.


These aren't sad tears. They're happy tears. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to know that you're alive. We were worried sick about you, thinking that you were kidnapped or that you might have been dead!


This scene is just so touching to see you two together. I think I'm going to cry too.


I've missed you too Tanisha. There's been dreams of me holding you at night but they never came true.


Until now.

(Alexia stands up to let Tanisha hug Owen. She kisses his cheek. He continues to hold her.)


I needed that.


The nurses wouldn't kiss me like you would.

(Alexia kneels down next to him.)


We need you to tell us what you know about this place. Like how you got here and by who.


Some nurse brought me here. The lady stayed with me while we flew here.


Her name was Ivory right? She's kind of older.


Yeah. She told me that they were going to fix my hearing problem and the other things. I realized that I had a problem. It wasn't good to be suicidal. Life is too good to pass up. They've been helping me with that here too.


Why did Ivory bring you here? Do you know Owen?


Yeah. She was hired by someone.


Who? Who hired Ivory to take you away?

- - -Jenny100.jpgCarlos100.jpgDetMiltner100.jpg

(Jenny was taken to the Cody Prison by Detective Miltner minutes after she called in to Detective Miltner. Watching Jenny go was one of the hardest things Carlos witnessed. He felt as if it was his fault, just because of his anger towards Nick, yet again hurt his relationship with Jenny. He just kept screaming to let her go.)


No! She didn't do it! Please! Let her go. Let her go!

Det. Miltner:

Sorry but she called in and confessed. We have to arrest her.

Carlos: (to Jenny)

Tell them you didn't do it.

(Jenny stood silent. She just slightly shook her head. The other cops with Detective Miltner led her into the police car. Everything happened in a blur to Carlos, he was just furious that she was being arrested. What angered him was that he couldn't do anything to save her.)

(The flashback ends. Carlos waits for Jenny to join him at the telephone conference. A buzzer sounds and a guard leads her to the chair. She smiles at him. They both pick up the payphone like receivers.)


Hey you. Thanks for visiting.


Why? Why did you have to do this?


I told you. It was to save you!


But I don't need saving. If anything this just makes things worse for me. I couldn't sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning hoping and praying that you were okay.


I'm doing fine in here. The other inmates are actually leaving me alone. I don't talk to them, they don't talk to me.


You don't deserve this. You didn't do anything. You didn't kill Nick!


Maybe I did. No one knows. I could have went to his office and killed him.


That's bull and you know it!


Is it? We don't know what happened. Just like you could've been drunk and killed Nick. I have to protect you because I love you.


Stop saying that. Damn it you didn't kill Nick and I know it. I'll find out who did it. As for Detective Miltner, you let me handle him. Even if turns out that I was the one who did it, then I'll be held accountable for my actions. This was so stupid on your part. Just survive this. You'll be out before you know it.


I hope so. The killer's out there and it might be you. That scares me because we all know Nick deserved it. You, me, Agatha, a patient who had it in for him, C.C., or anyone could have done it. This isn't stupid, I'm just making sure that you're not the prime suspect since you pretty much are!

(Carlos put his hand up to the glass. Jenny put hers against his. Beyond the cool clear glass, they both felt each other's touch.)


You know I'm a strong girl Carlos.


That's why I love you.

- - -Dylan100.jpgCarrie100.jpgJuliana100.jpg

(In Carrie's room, she is sitting relaxing on her couch. All she could think about was Dylan who calls her on her cell phone.)


Hey you. I was just thinking about you.


That's funny because I was just thinking about you too. How about we get together tonight after I'm out of the office. There's good news all around. London's alive and Blake's going to see her.


That's great to hear. Hold on I have a beep.


I'll just see you later tonight.


Bye hun.

(Carrie switches over to the other line.)




You don't know hard it is for me to be calling you right now. Before you hang up, please just listen to what I have to say.

- - -Blake100.jpgAlley100.jpgFernec100.jpgIsabelle100.jpgLondon100.jpg

(In France, Blake and Alley take a taxi ride to meet with London at a country side house where she had been staying. The people who were taking care of her had given them the address. Blake was so full of questions as was Alley.)

(The taxi stops and Blake gives him the money.)


Merci monsieur.

(They walk up to the large house which had the true French looking decor to it.)


I can't believe it. I get to see London, I get to be reunited with my wife.


We'll see.


Please don't be a bitch.


I won't...maybe just a little.

(Blake knocks on the door. An older man answers it with a smile on his face.)


Bonjour monsieur. Je suis Blake Hammerton et elle est Alley Robberts. Ou est London, si vous plait?


Ahh...tres bien. Je m'appelle Fernec.

(A woman walks up next to Fernec.)


Elle s'appelle Isabelle. Isabelle est mon femme.


Enchante monsieur et madameoiselle.


Nice to meet you all. We're here to see London. I didn't study French so, hopefully you know English.


Yes. Follow me.

(They followed Fernec and Isabelle throughout his home to the backyard. In a chair, there she was. London was sitting down reading a book. She notices Blake and Alley with Fernec and Isabelle. London gets up and runs over to hug him.)


I'm so happy to see you!


Honey you have no idea.

(Blake and London kiss each other.)


I have so many questions for you. I'm just so happy to see you.


Yeah, it's a miracle isn't it. You go from being dead to alive without any explanation. It's like magic.


Oh Alley. You're still the same.


We'll leave you to be. If you need anything we'll be upstairs.


Merci Isabelle.

(Isabelle and Fernec exit.)


Come sit down. You can ask me anything you want.


How did you turn up alive? What happened?


Well. I thought I was dying. It turns out that I was only asleep for twenty-three hours. They call it sleeping beauty syndrome. And I thought that I was dead from giving birth but it turns out that there was a blood clott that was fixable. It just was hard to find.


Yeah I saw that on the news.


That's why my breathing was low when you thought I was dead. My body was sent to the crematorium but I woke up just in time and escaped. I didn't know where I was or what I was doing. I'd lost my memory from the exhaustion.


How did you end up in France?


Fernec and Isabelle found me. They're actually doctors and told me that they could help me but I would have to go to France with them. Little by little, everything returned to me. Then I remembered you Blake. I went on television to find you. So that we can be together again.


Baby L.J. is getting bigger.


Thanks to your reading of the will, John takes care of L.J. now.


I decided to abide to your wishes and I gave up the war with John. At least the war over L.J.


That was all I wanted. I really want to see her. I need to return to Point Palace. My home is there with you.


Let's just enjoy this. This miracle vacation. I wouldn't have it any other way.

(Blake hugs London.)


I knew deep down inside you were alive. I had a feeling.


I love you.

(Alley rolls her eyes at the scene.)


I love you too. We'll never be apart. Never. Even if that means, holding on to you and never letting go.

- - -Carrie100.jpgJuliana100.jpg

(In her dorm room, Carrie stands up and waits for Juliana's response.)


You have a lot of gull calling me!


I know I do but I want you to hear me out. I thought that maybe it would be best if you and I could get to know each other better. We're family.


It's disgusting to even think about it.


But it's true. Please consider coming back to Lexington. It would be great to be a family. As messed up as it may be. Just consider it and get back to me.

(Juliana hangs up with Carrie who seems dumbfounded and shocked.)


She's right. Maybe we can be a family.

- - -Sky100.jpgAva100.jpg

(At Sky's apartment, Ava walks in with a worried expression on her face.)


You seemed so urgent on the phone. Is anything wrong?


Yes and no.


Whatever it is, I'm here now, so you can tell me anything.


Just don't get mad at me when I tell you but you know your friend Nate?


I know that you don't like each other.


Well how much has he told you about himself?


He's just a friend. It's not like he likes me or I like him. I'm with you baby.

(Ava places her hand on Sky's waist.)


That's good to know. You have to see the way he looks at you. He obviously has a crush on you. Except you might not want to get too close to him.


Why? Are you staking your claim on me?

(Ava retracts from Sky.)


No. I've found out that, and I'm not making this up in anyway possible. Nate has an STD. I'm afraid that if you get close to him, he could affect you.

- - -Jenny100.jpgcc100.jpg

(Later that evening, Jenny sits alone in her cell. She kept reliving the events of the past days. Carlos could have killed Nick. It was the best thing for him. A guard comes by and knocks on her cell.)


Wake up. You have a visitor.

(Jenny is hoping that it's Carlos, but it's not, it's C.C. with a smirk on her face.)


What the hell are you doing here?


How could I pass up the opportunity to come down here and thank you.


You're being a smug little bitch. Just like always.


This is like research for me. The show has decided to give me a bit of a break and Melanie’s character is being sent to the slammer. It’ll make for great ratings, don’t you think jailbird?


Get bent bitch!


I want to also thank you for securing me a position in the warm bed next to your boyfriend.


Don't even think about it! If I find out that you're with Carlos, I'll kill you.


Just like you killed Nick. Let's face it, the bastard had it coming. I don't blame you but you're not going anywhere. You won't even have a trial.


You're lucky that these bars are keeping us separated. I want to wipe this grimy floor with your disgusting face.


Toodles dear. I'll make sure to tell you every filthy detail about how much better I am in bed than you are. Poor Carlos is going to need some consoling when you're gone. Have fun in rotting here!

(C.C. exits with the guard.)



You come back here! You bitch!

Male Guard:

(yelling back)

Calm your ass down!


Sorry. I'm sorry.

- - -Alexia100.jpgtanisha100.jpg

(Back in Raleigh, Alexia and Tanisha are in front of Owen's closed hospital room.)


Who would've known that we were going to get kicked out by a nurse?


There has to be more. Owen was right about to tell us who took him!


Maybe we should just come back another time.


No. I'm not wasting time anymore. Those nurses are going to give me some information and if they don't like it, then they can go shove it.

(Alexia charges to the front nurse's station. Tanisha follows.)


Girl just calm down for a second. You can't be all hot headed. Let me handle it. We both know that I'm the better con artist.

(Tanisha sees that a different nurse is manning the station.)


Hi I was wondering if you can help me with something.

(Tanisha makes eyes with Alexia who begins to look around the station. She finds something interesting as Tanisha continues to distract the nurse.)


Tanisha we need to get going.


Thanks for your help.

(Alexia and Tanisha begin to walk out of the hospital.)


So did you find anything?


I glanced at the visitor sheet for Owen. I think I know who paid Ivory to take him!

- - -Mika100.jpgWill100.jpgTjin100.jpg

(In the late hours of the night, Will is walking back to his dormitory from his night class. He pulls out his cell phone to call Mika.)


Hey I'm getting out of class so why don't we get together. Will you be around?


Yeah you can say I'm around right now.

(Mika is dressed in all black to blend in with the night. She is on top of a ten story building that is near Will. She has her head phones in and Tjin Tao's voice comes through.)

Tjin Tao:

Mika this is just like any other target. Take the shot and dispose of the body. You don't have a lot of time.


I...I can't do this.

(Mika looks into the scope to see Will lighting up a cigarette.)

Tjin Tao:

Your hands are shaking. Calm down and take the shot.


I'm too close to the subject. I got too close. It was a mistake to do it but I'm too close to him!

Tjin Tao:

Forget about everything. Ease your mind and pull the trigger.

(Mika closes her eyes while a tear falls from her cheek.)

Tjin Tao:

What are you waiting for? Take the shot Mika!

(Mika pulls the trigger from her sniper riffle. The bullet strikes Will in the chest. He quickly falls down onto the ground of the alley way next to him as blood begins to soak out of him.)

- - -

Next on Point Palace:

A season finale you won't want to miss with new endings, new beginnings, and of course a cliffhanger ending!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

I am really on the fence with this London and Owen thing. I don't know Matt. It was so odd because at how long we had to wait to hear anything about Owen and then it's like we moved at mock 2 to find out about London. Maybe there is a reasoning for this I don't know.And both explanations came in the same episode. I'm just thrown for a loop right now

Again I love CC vs Jenny. I always look forward to her scenes and her dialog.

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