Episode 99: A Century to You
Previously on Point Palace:
- Agatha returned to the hospital to collect her belongings. She went to make amends with Nick but found him dead instead.
- After sleeping with Sky, Ava has dreams about Nate. She wakes up to question herself and her sexuality.
- Michael and Carrie Ann Slondsbid try reaching Carrie but Dylan and Carrie both tell them to shove off.
- John spends a lot of attention on L.J. which makes Alley feel a bit jealous. Alley finds Blake to tell him that maybe she made a mistake in siding with John.
- Mika starts to break it off with Will but he tells her he loves her.
- C.C. goes to Carlos's to boast to Carlos and Jenny that Nick's dead. Carlos goes to throw her out but opens the door to find Detective Miltner.
- Alexia and Tanisha visit Ivory who give them run a round about knowing who Owen is. Tanisha distracts Alexia while she breaks in through the back door only to almost about to get caught by Ivory.
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Episode 99:
A Century to You
Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo
Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman
A Century to You
Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo
Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman
- - -

(In Nurse Ivory Goldie’s kitchen, Alexia stayed hunch behind a table curtain. She could hear footsteps coming towards her.)
(Alexia knew that it had to be Ivory. Her only hope was Tanisha. Alexia held tight on to the piece of paper which had written Owen’s name and a number next to it in which she found hanging from a magnet on Ivory’s refrigerator. Alexia also grabbed another piece of paper behind it, making a loud noise.)
(Outside, Tanisha lies on the ground screaming for help.)
What the heck is going on?
(Ivory walks outside to find Tanisha on the ground holding on to her leg.)
I thought that I told you and you’re friend to leave.
Please help me. We were about to leave but I hurt my leg.
Where’s your friend?
I don’t know...just help me. Please.
Fine. Stay right here while I go and get bandages.
(Before Ivory walks into the house, Alexia comes around the corner, which Ivory didn’t see her. She rushes to help Tanisha.)
Oh my god.
Where did you come from?
I…was just in my car until I witnessed my friend’s fall!
(to Tanisha)
Are you okay?
No! That stupid lawn gnome tripped me.
We’re leaving. You’re lucky lady that we don’t sue you for numerous things.
(Whispering to Alexia)
Nice timing.
Get out! Don’t make me call the cops. I don’t know what crazy things you two are accusing me of and you tripping over my lawn gnome was your own stupid fault. Goodbye ladies.
Someday lady. You’re going to get what’s coming to you.
(Tanisha fake limps back to the car.)
Please say that my Academy award winning performance wasn’t wasted.
The award goes to…
(Alexia shows Tanisha the papers.)
We’ll find him tomorrow. Obviously this number has to be his location. It just has to! Things are finally beginning to look up.
- - -

(At Point Palace University, Will gets a knock on his door. To his surprise it’s Carrie and Dylan.)
Well if this isn’t a blast from the past then I don’t know what is.
There’s something that we need to talk to you about.
We come in peace.
(Dylan throws up a peace sign with his fingers.)
That’s good to know.
(Carrie and Will walk in to his room, he goes to shut the door until Mika walks in to give him a kiss. She doesn’t notice his company until turning around.)
(to Carrie and Dylan)
Let me explain this one to you. This is Carrie, we- I don’t know, how would you explain it?
Will and I had a short thing a while a go. Many, many years ago. More like a mistake.
Definitely a mistake.
And this is her boyfriend Dylan. This lovely creation is my new girlfriend Mika.
Nice to meet you. If this a bad time then I could always come back. Seems like you three need room for a little reunion.
No. The reason why we’re here is to talk to you about Lenvy.
(Will pauses and begins to think of her when he sees Carrie.)
What about her?
Carrie recently had some family issues but she found out something very important about Lenvy.
You know how everyone used to always think and say that Lenvy and I were practically twins. Surprise! According to my step witch mother and bastard father, whoever they are to me, told me that Lenvy and I are in fact twins.
The resemblance was too real to miss.
Carrie wants to know where she can find her to tell her.
I’m confused. Does that mean that Gloria Elliot is actually your mother?
Is Lenvy your recent ex?
(to Mika)
(to Carrie)
Her last name is Elliot, yours is Slondsbid. What gives?
(to Carrie)
You might as well tell him. He won’t give you information unless he knows what’s going on.
Fine. All I can tell you is that Lenvy and I were adopted but split at birth. I’m guessing that this Gloria person took Lenvy and the Slondbids took me.
Lenvy never knew this. She never told me.
I need to find Lenvy. I need to tell her what’s going on. Did you two break up or something?
You don’t know?
Know what?
Lenvy’s dead. She died during the explosion. Lenvy was one of the closest people to the flames.
Oh my god!
(Dylan goes to hold Carrie who is misty eyed out of shock.)
I’m sorry babe.
Lenvy’s buried on Cemetery Hill in Lexington. You should go see her and say goodbye. Her grave is located on the very top. As much as you won't believe this, but Lenvy changed me from that old bastard you used to know and hate.
Sorry for coming.
It’s okay.
We’re going to go now. If it means anything, you really have changed Will. For the better.
(Carrie and Dylan exit.)
Wow. That was a lot to take in.
Sorry about bringing up the past.
No that’s okay. You should do it more often.
Things are better now. I have you.
Actually…that was what I wanted to talk to you about!
- - -

(In Carlos's room, Detective Miltner makes his way into the dorms. He begins to look around. Carlos quickly takes his hands off of C.C.)
Is something wrong officer?
Have we been bad?
Det. Miltner:
That depends. I'm sure you all have heard the news about the murder of Doctor Nicholas Quarr.
Yes we actually just found out. C.C. here is full of so much information among other things.
It was on the news dingbat.
Det. Miltner:
Then you know why I'm here. I'm investigating his murder and after talking to the other nurses and doctors, it seems that your names have been coming up a lot.
You must mean those two. After all Nicholas raped her and Carlos attacked him. So if you'll excuse me...
Det. Miltner:
You're not going anywhere!
I'll admit that things were very bad between Nick and us but we would never kill him.
Det. Miltner:
But your boyfriend here punched him, continuously. A nurse quoted him for saying 'I'll kill you, you bastard.'
I had found out that Nick raped Jenny! I was angry. What would you have done if you were in my situation?
Det. Miltner:
Granted what Nick did was wrong, you still made threatening remarks and now Nick is dead. I’m simply just doing my job.
Carlos was with me last night. The whole night!
They're probably making false alibis to save each other.
Det. Miltner:
You know what miss you can be excused. You're disrupting the investigation.
I don't want to tell you how to run your job but it's obvious that the one who hated Nick the most, would be the one who wanted to kill him. Your suspect should be the red head.
Det. Miltner:
We'll talk later.
(C.C. exits.)
Det. Miltner:
As for you two, I hate to say it but you are the main suspects in the case.
That's really shocking.
Det. Miltner:
Until we find out who did it or anything else involving the case, I suggest that you two do not leave town for any reason. We'll be in touch.
(Detective Miltner turns around to leave. Jenny taps him on the shoulder.)
We are good people! Everyone wanted to see him dead. He was a horrible person! We would never do anything that drastic. Good day sir.
(Detective Miltner exits.)
(to Carlos)
Where the hell did you leave to last night?
- - -

(Later that day, Alley holds on to baby L.J. while John is on his cell phone.)
Yes. That's wonderful. Um...yeah I'm available today. What time? Right now? Okay. Are you sure it's the only time he'll be able to see me? Sure thing. Yeah I can be there as soon as possible. I can see you in about an hour. See you then.
(John hangs up his cell phone and kisses both L.J. and Alley on the forehead.)
Who was that?
I have a job interview in an hour. It's for this professional photography place, they're looking for new talent, and they like what I've done.
That's great so who's going to watch L.J.?
Since she's in your arms, I was thinking that you could.
Then you thought wrong because I have to study for a test. No offense but a screaming baby is a little bit distracting.
This is a chance of a lifetime. It's what I truly want to do. The reason I applied for the job was because of L.J. I'm about to graduate, I have to raise a child, and I'm going to need money if I want to raise L.J. in this town. I'm just asking for some help.
I'm happy that you understand responsibility but I can't watch her all the time. I'm not-
Not what? Her mother?
I wasn't going to say that.
Sure you were.
Fine, I'll call Blake and will have him watch her.
What do you mean, no? He gave up L.J. for you.
He gave up L.J. to look good in front of London's family. We both know that's the truth.
Fine I'll watch her. Don't think that I can drop everything just for your daughter.
(John exits to leave Alley alone with baby L.J.)
Even though I love ya kid, Blake should be watching you!
- - -

(Wind rustles making Ava shiver as she walks in the courtyard from a classroom. She sees Nate on a bench reading notes. He notices her.)
Hey you. Is it safe for you to be seeing me? I'm not sure if your wife might be around.
She's not my wife. Just my...partner, I guess.
So how are you?
I'm doing okay.
It doesn't sound like that in your voice.
How exactly can you tell that? You've only known me for like a week or so.
It's kind of easy to tell when people are faking how they feel. Maybe you need a man in your life.
That's kind of egotistical, don't you think?
I'm just kidding.
(Ava smiles at his joke.)
Thanks. I needed to smile and laugh inside.
What is bothering you?
You'll laugh if I tell you.
I'm sure I won't as a friend, I can be here for you. It's hard for me to be friends with girls. Usually I just want to sleep with them but you’re different. No matter how hard I’d try, I know it won't happen because of your situation.
My situation is what's bothering me.
Well if you want to change that, then you know where to find me.
(From a far, Sky watches Ava leave Nate alone. When Ava is out of far view, Sky charges over to Nate.)
You don't listen very well do you?
Great, it's you.
I'm your worst nightmare.
I doubt that!
I told you to leave my girlfriend alone and you didn't!
You're girlfriend sounds like she wants a man's touch. Are you doing something wrong in the bedroom hunny?
(Sky slaps Nate across the face.)
I’m thankful for guys like you who’ve turned me into a lesbian! That's actually a side that Ava loves, you know how liberal a lesbian can be. That’s an experience you'll never have and you'll never share with my lover.
I'll keep pursuing her. Rather you like it or not. She wants me. I can tell.
(Sky knocks Nate's notebook out of his hand.)
Things can get very tough for you around here.
You're lucky that you're a girl because I would have kicked your ass by now.
Bring it on! I've tangoed with some guys before. I'm not scared of you.
(Nate picks up his notebook. He turns his back to leave but a few papers fall out. Sky picks them up. She begins to read it.)
Well, well, well. What do we have here?
- - -

(Across town, Blake sits alone in his office. He looks at a picture of London. Blake kisses his fingers and places it against her lips. Someone knocks on his door which startles him to put the picture frame down.)
Come in.
(Blake's secretary Myra opens the door but doesn't come in.)
How are you doing?
I'm hanging in there.
That's good. I just wanted to let you know that your parents are on line one. If you need anything, feel free to ask.
Thank you Myra.
(Myra exits. Blake picks up his office phone.)
Hey you!
You're on speaker phone so we both can talk to you.
Hey you guys. I'm happy to hear from you.
We wanted to check up on you. We heard about what you did.
Which was?
Giving up L.J. to John.
News travels fast. It’s nice to see that you’re keeping in touch with the Tylers.
That was a very noble thing you did. When we hear that you're doing so many good things, it makes us so proud. We always raised you to be kind.
You're too nice. Which is what we love about you.
Even though I hit the lottery, it didn't change us one bit. Yeah things were nicer and we were able to afford the finer things in life, but we still remained good people.
I don't think I can run this school anymore. Not with London being gone. She was the only person who believed in me.
That's not true. Your father bought the school for you because he knew how much you adore it. You were the right person for the job so don't let anyone tell you different.
Believe me, I get so many compliments from Benjamin and Lanoi. They're very happy to work with you.
It's just...I'm not doing good inside. I feel as if I've lost all hope of London by giving up L.J. She was the only connection that I had to my wife and now John has her.
You know that we're here for you. What happened to London wasn't fair.
With good things come bad things in our lives. I've learned that. What happened to me didn't deserve to happen at all!
You know that London will always be in your heart. That's one place that is reserved for her.
A month ago I was with my wife and a month later, she dies. She's not here. She's not with me!
If you want to come home, you're more than welcome to. We would love to see you.
We love you son.
(Blake hangs up with his parents. Myra buzzes in again.)
Yes Myra?
Alley's on line two.
(Blake picks up the phone.)
What can I do for you Alley? Before I become emotional, your call is not good timing.
Then maybe I have something that will cheer you up. Come to John's apartment. I need your help.
- - -

(C.C. drives on to the lot of "Blue Crystal." She gets out of her car to look into her reflection. C.C. smiles at what she sees.)
(After swiping her card, C.C. walks to casting director Carinia Gartiez's office. Carinia stands up from her desk to give her a hug.)
Hey you. It's so good to see you. We have been so busy trying to find new talent for the upcoming weeks so I'm sorry for not keeping in touch.
That's quite all right.
What can I do for you?
After thinking long and hard about it, I've decided to possibly leave the show.
(Carinia practically chokes on the coffee she was drinking after hearing C.C.)
Excuse me? You want to leave the show that made you popular and famous? It would be so hard to drop your character when she is in the middle of a huge front burner story plot!
Just talk to the writers and have Melanie disappear for awhile. Have her get kidnapped by Ian's character or something!
That I can try to do. Then again, I'm not the writers or an executive producer. What's wrong with you? Why all of a sudden do you want to leave?
I have my reasons okay? A friend of mine just died and…
(begins to tear up)
And I need some time to myself.
(wiping her eyes)
Oh gosh I’m still blubbering about it. See I thought you would be the only one who’d understand but I guess not. Not that you would care or anything but I was his closest friend he ever had. Now he bit the big one. Life can be so cruel.
(Carinia gives her a sympathetic hug before digging through her file cabinet to pull out C.C.'s contract. She begins to look them over.)
Though I am sorry to hear that. You signed on to a four year contract in 2005. You're contract expires in 2009.
Can I get out of it sooner? Maybe I’m not trying to get out of my contract per say, I’m just wanting to take some time off.
How soon?
Like next week?
I can't do that. I'll talk to the others and see what they say. I know this business and it's pretty cut throat. If you leave, you don't know what you may or may not get. Yeah soap operas are a great place to start but the film business is so much harder. I’m only saying this if you are considering moving on. Blue Crystal is your safety net. The show practically revolves around your character!
Please just respect my wishes. Give me some time off to vent.
(C.C. exits Carinia's office. She walks back to her car until she gets a call from Detective Miltner.)
Yes mister Miltner, how may I help you?
Det. Milter:
Come down to the station for questioning. Right away would be best.
- - -

(Back in Will's room, Mika and Will hold each other have just making love in his bed.)
That was amazing! You my dear, are amazing.
Thank you. You weren't so bad yourself.
(Will kisses Mika.)
For a second there, I thought you were going to break up with me.
(Mika stays silent and looks away from him.)
But after having wonderful sex with you, that guarantees us that we aren't. Right?
The reason we can't be together is because of me. You know that whole it's me not you thing? Well, you're not the one who's a trained deadly assassin.
Yeah that was a lot to take in but I'll deal. Just as long as you don't kill me, I'm happy with it.
(lowering her voice)
You're actually on my hit list.
Come again?
Tjin Tao told me that I need to kill you for something that you did in the past. Something about killing one of his best friend's daughter's boyfriend?
Oh my god! Yes I killed someone before but that was long ago and I have paid for it. Karma came, bit me in the ass, and I'm probably going to hell for it! I don't understand who or why you work for him.
It's the Yakuza. They're hired to do things like that. After they saved my life, I had to do what they say.
Who would hire to have me killed?
Some Spanish girl, I can't remember her name.
That bitch! Trella Lopez, it has to be her.
Yep, that's the one. Except she died in the explosion so the hit was put on hiatus. When Tjin Tao found out, he wanted to push it up further. I could be dead for telling you everything.
Then we would die together. That's how much I like you. We're good together Mika. We deserve each other. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, without you, I wouldn't know love again.
Which is why, you deserve to live, and I need to get the hell out of this town so that you're safe. It's not in the assassin rule book but I never expected to fall in love with my target. Which is why I feel bad for having met you at all.
So what are you trying to say? It would’ve been easier just to shoot and boot?
Yeah but subconsciously I didn’t have it in me.
(Will holds on to her tightly.)
We have to figure something out. Please, just don't leave me. That's the one thing I ask. There’s no way in hell I’m going to let Trella Lopez win beyond the grave! I’m going to fight to survive and you’re going to help me.
- - -

(In Raleigh, North Carolina, Alexia and Tanisha have dinner in their hotel room. Alexia puts down her food to pick up the piece of paper with the number and Owen's name that she stole from Ivory's.)
What are you waiting for? Call the number, find out what or where it is, and then we'll go there.
There's still some doubts left in me. What if it's a decoy?
Because some nurse knew our situation and knew that we were going to break into her house to take some personal information.
She's not that good or psychic!
That personal information belongs to us! Owen's your boyfriend and he's my brother.
I do miss him. I guess I have doubts too.
What doubts do you have? We know what Ivory did, she kidnapped my brother. All we have to do is find him, bring him back to Point Palace, and then bring down Ivory Goldie.
All the while, your mom doesn't know a thing.
It's for the best!
I'm just worried that Owen's going to be different. We don't know what he's been through. The last time we saw him, he tried killing himself because he went deaf. According to you, it wasn't the first time he tried committing suicide.
Yeah and then some bitch kidnaps him to move him elsewhere.
(holds up Owen's records)
According to this, all we know is that he's been through some sort of treatment. This piece of paper tells us nada. The only piece of the puzzle that it holds, are the answers to where he is.
Then why didn't we just bust Ivory?
She's up to something, with her being a nurse, the reasons are just unclear to us. When we get to Owen, he'll be able to tell us everything. We'll get to be the family pair again. You'll get to have the love of your life in your arms again. Then all of us a team will bring justice against nurse Ivory Goldie.
Then start dialing.
(Alexia picks up her cell phone to dial the number on the medical record sheet.)
(to Tanisha)
If only tomorrow will come sooner.
- - -

(While driving through the streets of Point Palace University, Sky gets a call on her cell phone. It reads AVA CALLING. Sky answers with a smile on her face.)
Hey sweetie.
Hey you. What are you doing?
Driving. Which is why I shouldn't be doing both talking on the phone and driving at the same time.
I'll call you back.
You don't have to. I'm actually already where I have to be. Anyway, do you want to maybe swing by my place later? I was thinking we could have some alone time.
We always have alone time but that sounds fun. Maybe you can bring something interesting to spice up the night.
Wine and chocolate it is then. I'll see you later. I-
Never mind. Bye.
(Sky hangs up with Ava to get out of her car. She goes to The Palace Café and notices Nate’s car. When she makes her way in to find him, he isn’t happy to see her.)
You're not welcome here, get out!
Public place isn’t it? I figured you’d be here trying to tally up your ho card. I have some important information for you.
What are you going to do? Threaten me to stay away from Ava? Oh wait, you've already done that. This is like attempt number...fifty. Go bark up someone else’s tree.
(Sky gives him his folder that he dropped earlier.)
Where did you get this?
You dropped it from our rendezvous earlier. Like a good Samaritan or should I say lesbian, I wanted to give it back to you.
Definitely not buying the nice act.
And you shouldn't. It seems I really should pity you.
You are ridiculous.
How's your STD working out for you? Did they find a cure yet?
You read my papers?! You went through my personal stuff?! Now that's just pushing the line of rudeness.
Yes I did. Only because it caught my eye. After all, you dropped it, I picked up, so therefore it's fair game to be read.
(Sky laughs at him.)
What are you going to do? Tell the whole school or the city?
That would be tempting but the only person who really wants to know is Ava.
You wouldn't.
Of course I would. I'm not a bitch but you're turning me into one. I want you as far away from her as possible and with this lovely piece of information, you will be. Once I tell her, she'll still be your friend, maybe she'll say hi to you but she will never want to be with you. Just get over the fact that she's gay and we're a couple.
You really are a bitch. Maybe the reason why you turned gay was because guys found you horrible in bed or just unbearable to look at yet alone talk to. Just because you’re bad at turning men on, doesn't mean you should bring other girls like Ava down with you.
You're just jealous, but believe me, you're not getting a threesome from us. You're so dirty! Soon Ava will see that and soon you will realize that we are meant to be.
(Sky begins to go back to her car until she turns back to him.)
By the way, I'm sorry that you're not going to be able to have kids. I hear that STD's can do that to a guy. Guess that's what you get for having a diseased wee wee.
- - -
(The wind begins to pick up while Carrie and Dylan begin to walk to Lenvy's grave on Cemetary Hill in Lexington during the next day.)
This isn't the happy town reunion that you wanted.
Thank you for being with me. I couldn't do this without you.
That's what boyfriends are for. I'm just hoping that once we get there, that this is the sole reason why we're here.
No. I'm not planning on seeing Juliana or Victor. Victor made it clear he doesn't want to ever see me again because of our disturbing situation and I hate Juliana for practically everything. The Slondsbids won't be getting a visit plus it would just be weird trying to find Lenvy's mother and explaining her the situation.
If it means anything, I'm sure she's looking down on you, thanking you.
(They find Lenvy's grave and stop in front of it.)
She would've loved to be your sister. No matter how screwed up the situation is.
(Carrie steps forward to Lenvy's grave.)
Wow. Who would've thought that it would be hard trying to talk to you. You're not here with us but I hope you're around me. I know I just met you that one time at the mall and I wish I would've met you other times. Could have bonded. Maybe hated each other at first. We could've been a family. That's something that has betrayed me. Too bad we couldn't be there for each other.
(A tear falls from Carrie's eye onto her cheek.)
This is it. This is goodbye. Goodbye twin. I miss you and will love you from the bottom of my heart. Even if I didn't know you at all.
(Carrie kisses Lenvy's grave with her fingers. She turns around to face Dylan.)
You ready to go home?
Yeah. Let's go home.
(Dylan kisses Carrie's cheek. She clings on to his hand as they continue to walk back to their rental car.)
- - -
(At the Cody Prescient, C.C. has walked in to Detective Miltner's questioning office. The room was small with a table and two chairs. The lights were dim.)
Det. Miltner:
Thank you for coming here.
Not like I'm forced to. After all it is the law. Do you mind if I smoke?
(Det. Miltner shoots her an un amusing look.)
We've all seen the movie. I was just kidding. Is it a crime to try and lighten the tense mood? If I wanted to seduce you, I wouldn't try copying off of Sharon Stone to do it!
Det. Miltner:
The reason that you were called over here was so that we could get your statement. Earlier there was so much mass confusion.
Basically I was Nick's closest friend. He wanted Jenny and I wanted Carlos.
Det. Miltner:
What do you mean by want?
(C.C. looks around the room.)
Are we being tape recorded? I have a tendency to have a foul mouth.
Det. Miltner:
Yes we are being taped. Feel free to say what you want.
I wanted to screw Carlos and he wanted to do Jenny. Case in point. That's why we formed a bond. More like an alliance. I'm sure you already know the back story of Carlos and Nick. They hated each other through their past work relation.
Det. Miltner:
No offense Miss Chastity, but you're not smelling like a rose here.
Never said that I did or wanted to. You're asking me what I know about Nick's death. I know something very valuable.
Det. Miltner:
Then you have to tell us. Like you said, it's under the law.
Nick told me that he had asked Jenny to visit him. He wanted to apologize for raping her. My guess is that Jenny couldn't forgive him and she killed him out of anger.
Det. Miltner:
Thank you very much, you're free to go.
(C.C. gets up to walk out of the room.)
Anything to get Jenny away from Carlos! I didn't forget about that part Nick.
- - -
(Across town in Carlos's apartment, Jenny is frantically pacing back and forth, while Carlos is sitting on his couch thinking.)
What's wrong? You seem so panicky and nervous.
Wouldn't you be? How can you act calm during a time like this? Your worst enemy's dead. That makes you the prime suspect!
Maybe I'm calm because like you told that Detective that we're not bad people so I believe in that.
Where did you go last night?
I was with you.
No you weren't. You found out that Nick called me and you left after I ignored the phone call.
Like I said-
Stop lying to me! Where did you go?
(Carlos stays silent as Jenny stares him down.)
You don't remember. Just say it you don't remember.
I went out for a drink last night.
You were drunk? Oh my god Carlos! This isn't sounding right at all. I've never saw such a rage in you like I did when you attacked Nick. I was so scared of you.
(Carlos stands up and cups her face with his hands.)
I would never ever hurt you! You have to at least believe in that.
Just be honest with me, what do you remember?
All I remember is going out for a drink and waking up in your bed. I was still upset about what Nick had done to you. It was going to calm me down. You can't imagine how upset I was. I still am.
You killed him, didn't you?
Jenny, I honestly don't know or remember.
Then I know what I have to do. I love you and I need to protect you.
Please, don't do anything drastic.
NO! You have a wonderful life going for you and I don't want to see you go to jail for something that Nick deserved to have coming to him.
Please just be rational chica. Just calm down.
(Jenny gets a call on her cell phone.)
Det. Miltner:
Hello Jenny. We just got some evidence that you were the last person contacted by Nick last night. You may have to come down to the station for some more questioning. The sooner the better.
Perfect timing Detective Miltner. I was actually right about to call you.
(lowering his voice)
Don't do it! Don't be irrational!
I have to confess...I was the one who did it. I killed Nick!
- - -
(Blake knocks on John's apartment door. Alley opens it with a smile on her face.)
Thank you for coming. I needed help watching L.J. She's such a pistol.
With pleasure. I miss her so much. Just like her mother.
(Blake takes baby L.J. out of her cradle to hold her.)
I need to go and get her blanket. She's about due for a nap. Will you do me a favor and turn the TV off while I go look for it?
Sure thing.
(Blake goes over to the screen and for a second he thinks he sees London. He quickly shakes his head.)
(Alley returns with the blanket.)
What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.
The news was just on. I could've sworn I saw London.
I'm sorry Blake. You might be delusional. Maybe it's because of the stress.
No I swear to you it's what I saw! I'm not crazy Alley.
(Blake's cell phone rings in his pocket. He hands L.J. to Alley so that he can answer it.)
Blake, you're not going to believe this. A miracle's happened. London's alive.
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