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Episode 97: Doctor Death

Matt P.


Previously on Point Palace:

- Will and Mika’s parachute landed in a remote side of town. Will was freaked out by Mika who had to call Tjin Tao to tell him that she was being followed. Will demanded an answer.

- Jenny breaks down and admits to Carlos that she was raped by Nick. Carlos was devastated.

- C.C. pays a visit to Nick to demand to know what it is he knows about her. Nick doesn’t tell her as C.C. tells him not to mess with her. She rips out the phone from his office after he makes a call apologizing to Jenny, saying that she won’t be ignored. Agatha eavesdrops on their conversation and knows that Nick raped Jenny.

- Tanisha and Alexia continue to do research on Ivory and after a few helpful websites, Tanisha helps Alexia get the information they needed.

- Ava runs into Nate at the café and the two begin to chat. Sky calls her and wants to see her. She says that she’ll meet her at the café and when Sky asks if Ava’s alone, she lies and says that she is.

- Dylan breaks up a huge cat fight between Juliana and Carrie.

- Blake invites John, Alley, and London’s family to the reading of London’s will. Alley was the one who remembered that London told her about the will to try and stop the war between John and Blake. It is there where they are about to find out who baby L.J. will belong to.

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Episode 98:

Doctor Death

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

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(Everyone in the room was shocked to what London was about to say. Especially Blake and John whose eyes were practically glued to the screen.)


I want…I want baby L.J. to have the most love of all. I don’t want to anyone to fight over her. Especially Blake and John. Try to come up with a compromise for her. If you two can look into your hearts, then I want you to realize that that’s not what I ever wanted for my daughter. I wanted so much more for her. Show her this tape when she gets older. I want her to know that I loved her. What happened to me, was an accident, and she had nothing to do with it. She was a never a mistake to me. I will always be with her in spirit. As I am with everyone. My family, my friends, and Blake. I love you.

(A tear falls from London’s eyes onto her cheek. She then waves goodbye to the camera as it clicks off. Everyone is speechless.)

(Blake picks up L.J. from Gavin’s arms. He hugs L.J. and kisses her cheek. He then turns around and hands L.J. to John.)


You’re L.J.’s father. I can’t do anything about that but give in to reality. She belongs to you.


Are you serious? This is no joke, right?


Yeah seriously Blake, you’re giving up a lot.


Well it’s worth it. This is what London wants. We should all abide by her wishes and make her happy.


Thank you. You don’t know what this means to me. Coming from you, it was obvious that we weren’t going to see eye to eye on anything.


Then maybe this is for the best. Our daughter would be proud of you. Both of you actually.

(The rest of London’s family nods to agree.)


If you would, please excuse me.


Then the matter of L.J. is settled. On to other business…

(Blake exits out of the E.J.’s office. He walks down the hall way and to the stairway. No one seems to be around, so he sits down on the steps. He hears the door click. Someone joins him.)


That was really big of you to do. You made John very happy and London. It must feel good not to be selfish.


Is that how you thought I was acting over this drama with L.J.?


Honestly? Hell it’s me you’re talking to. Yes I thought you were being a selfish, pig headed, jerk faced, ass!


Thanks. However you have a lot to deal with. Everyone has their own life to handle but a baby puts your needs on hold. If you are serious about supporting John, then baby L.J. is a lot to handle.


That’s a given but it never really occurred to me.


You got what you want. Maybe if you would have had me be the father, you wouldn’t have such a grave responsibility, but like you said. It’s better to not be a selfish, pig headed, jerk faced, ass.

(Blake snickers as he stands up. He leaves her to ponder.)


Did I really make a mistake?

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(In his own private office, Nick sits at his desk looking at medical records of patients from the past week. His mind begins to wonder. He then gets a knock on his door.)


Come in.

(Agatha opens the door and slams it shut to show that she’s angry.)


If you break that door then that might come out of your paycheck.


Money is the last concern that I have with you.


First let me thank you for being smart. Barging into my office is smarter than confronting me out there. Unless you’re finally growing a back bone, you might just want to back down.


No Nick! Not now, not ever! I can’t even tell you how mad I am about what you did to Jenny.


Jenny? That’s what this anger is about? Very interesting. Here I am thinking that my private life is safe and secure but it’s obvious that what some of us do outside of this hospital is nothing more than grandma gossip.


I’ll admit that I shouldn’t have been eavesdropping but I couldn’t help it. You and that actress friend of yours were screaming so loud, it was as if the whole floor could hear you. What I heard though, I didn’t like. How dare you brainwash that girl when she was easily manipulated and what’s worse is that you raped her! Yes Nick, I heard that part too. A man who rapes a woman is nothing more than a coward who doesn’t even deserve to have the title of being a man.


Are you finished? You are. Literally. With words like that you can pack you’re things and get out. You’re fired.


What? You can’t do that?


Oh I could find a reason. Just cause may be one but surely there can be more. You’ve been slipping up through the years. Maybe it’s simply because you’re older and need to retire. Except now, you’re terminated from Cody Memorial. Like I said before, get your things and get out! Now!

(Hurt tears begin to form in Agatha’s eyes.)


I was with this hospital for the past fifteen years. Along the way I nurtured you and felt like a mother to all of you. I took the fall for you and saved you from so many things. Might I mention that burnt hospital wing that you were supposed to be supervising but ended up falling asleep on! I covered for you and this is how you repay me.


Let me stop you right there. The only mother you acted towards was Carlos. Don’t lie to yourself and try to pretend like you care for me!

(With tears staining her face, Agatha wipes her eyes.)


You’re a monster! You need to be stopped! Hopefully it’s me but somebody needs to do it.

(Agatha exits by slamming the door yet again. On her way out, she runs into Carlos and Jenny who comes storming out of the elevator. Carlos is walking steadily and Jenny follows, almost as if to slow him down or stop him.)


(noticing Agatha)

Hey what’s wrong? Why are you crying?


He fired me. I found out too much and he fired me!


He can’t do that!


Well he did.


That’s it! Enough is enough. He’s dead!

(Carlos storms into Nick’s office, breathing heavier, and ready for blood.)

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(In her dorm room, Alexia is online on her lap top while Tanisha watches television.)


Didn’t we already do this? This is dejavu all over again. You do the research to find nothing, while I sit bored. Some what bored, Blue Crystal has a very interesting episode. Melanie is about to find out who the father of her baby is. Mieguel or Gary. You can’t write this stuff.


While you watch your stupid soap opera, you’re wrong about this same old scenario. We’ve struck gold.



Well duh, I hooked you up with the best search engines. What did you find? Is it good?


Oh it is. Her name is Ivory Goldie. Her occupation is a traveling nurse and she lives in my hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina. Her age is not mentioned but she was born in the sixties who like you loves soap operas. It says so in this profile I found from a previous employer.


You found her address and everything on the internet? Nothing’s ever private anymore. Plus we know that she could potentially have kids!


Very funny. That’s not the point. Besides, Doctor Quarr gave me her name and I strictly did some research on her. Luckily something happened this time. I don’t have the address but I do have her phone number.


You’re on to something.


Damn right I am. If she knows something about Owen, then we’re going to have to find out what it is. Eerie how close she can be to my mother.


You shouldn’t just flat out show her your cards. She might be scared off, disconnect her number, and then she slips through our fingers.


Nurse Goldie is a traveling nurse but maybe we could travel to her. Without getting caught by mother of course. The city is big enough but with my luck, she would be the first person that we see.

(Alexia goes through her purse to dig out her cell phone. She dials Ivory’s number. On the second ring, Ivory answers.)




Hi, I was wondering if I can talk to a Miss Goldie.


This is she. Who may I ask is calling?


Yes my name is…Tanisha Conway. My father needs help. He needs a nurse actually and I found your services through a friend.

(Tanisha snickers on the side but Alexia quickly shuts her up.)


What exactly is wrong with your father? If you don’t mind me asking.


Not at all. He’s suffering from…lung cancer. It would be better if we talk face to face. About your services and such. We’re from Raleigh.


That’s great so am I. Why don’t you come over to my place which is actually my home office as well. I live at Five Forty One Ridgeway Drive in Gladys Park.


Great. I know exactly where that is. We’ll meet you tomorrow. Say at around five o’clock.


See you then.

(Alexia hangs up with Ivory.)


Tanisha isn’t exactly an Irish name.


Which is why you’re going with me and you’re talking to her.


She knows your voice.


So I have a cold. If she calls me, then it’s a number located in Raleigh.


Good thinking.


When tomorrow comes, we’ll just have to figure out a plan. She must know where Owen is! She was the last one seen with him. She’s obviously hiding something and we’re going to find out what that is.

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(Back at Cody Memorial Hospital in Doctor Quarr’s office, Nick turns around in his chair to find Carlos steaming with anger.)


Great. Just what I need, a hot headed Latino.


Words can’t even express how angry I am.


Good bye Carlos. Before I call security, you can leave.



I should kill you! I should rip that wretched head off your shoulders and kick it around for everyone to cheer me on.

(Jenny enters.)


This isn’t worth it. Let’s just leave.


NO! What he did to you was a mistake because he should have known that he would have to deal with me!


Please Carlos, you’re scaring me.


You should have thought twice about touching my girlfriend!


If you want a piece of me, then let’s go!

(Carlos dives across the desk to grab Nick. The two begin to struggle. Carlos repeatedly punches Nick across the face. Nick punches him back into the wall, knocking down a framed poster. Carlos throws a chair at him but it misses. The two continue to punch each other. Jenny keeps screaming as blood flies everywhere.)

(C.C. gets off the elevator unseen. She begins to watch the fight that’s unfolding.)


What the…?

(Doctors rush in to break up the fight. Carlos breaks free from two of them to go after Nick again.)


I want to press charges against this bastard. He attacked me!




(C.C. watches everything from a far.)


Oh my. Looks like the tables have turned for poor Carlos. Such a temper, such a shame. Carlos could be arrested.

(C.C. smiles devishly and gets on her cell phone to call the police.)


Hi, I just wanted to let you know that there is a huge fight that broke out on the fourth floor of Cody Memorial Hospital. Security is here but I thought it would be best if the situation was handled better. My name…my name is Jenny Fremann.

(C.C. exits to go down the floor unseen.)

(Jenny is scared of what Carlos had just done.)


(To Carlos)

I’ve never seen you this angry before and it hurts me. No matter the circumstance, you’re a different person because this is a hidden side of you!

(Jenny exits as Carlos gives the evil eye to Nick who looks at him back as security begins to ask questions.)

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(Tonight was a busy night for Ginny who was on her feet serving everyone. Nate walks in and accidentally bumps into her, almost spilling the scalding hot coffee she had in her grasp.)




Yeah you better be. You’re lucky I didn’t burn your skull! Aren’t there any other coffee shops you can go to? Just get the hell out of mine.


You don’t own this you know.


You’re right I don’t but I work here. Since you come in here all the time, there has to be some boundaries between us.


Just know that what I did was wrong and even if you don’t believe it, deep down inside, I really am paying for it.


So you finally got an STD?

(Ginny laughs at her own joke but Nate doesn’t.)


You’re beginning to grow on me Maverick.


The last name is Mavick.


Oh I know. It’s just your one of a kind. See…I can flirt too you know but I don’t sleep with every piece of meat I see.


Here I’m thinking we were having a break through.


It’s a start!

(Ginny exits. He notices Ava sitting alone reading a book. He sits down to join her.)


You come here often?


Do I know you? I’m just kidding. It’s nice to see you again. I honestly didn’t expect to see you so soon.

(Nate smiles at her flirtatious remark. In the back of the cafe near the entrance, Sky watches everything unfolding.)


What the hell? Are you kidding me?

(Sky rushes over to Ava and starts to kiss her while completely ignoring Nate.)


Why hello to you too.


I missed you sweetie. My bed’s been so lonely since the last time we well you know!


Sky this is Nate, Nate this is my…my, um…


(to Nate)

Her girlfriend. It’s okay to say it. Ava recently came out and luckily it was to me. Believe me, I was the lucky one.


Nice to meet you.





I’ll leave you two be. Bye Ava.


Bye Nate.

(Ava exits. Sky waves him good bye.)


Please don’t tell me you’re beginning to go back to the dick side.


Not exactly. He was just someone new that I met. Are you jealous or something?


Jealous? Of a guy? That’s way too much of a subconscious issue and it’s something that doesn’t bother me in the least. I’m confident and comfortable of who I am. Especially when I’m with you.


You just seemed a little controlling, like you were marking your territory all over me.


Like a bitch? Not really.

(Sky places her fingers on Ava’s lips.)


You’re my girl and I’m happy that you’re mine. I’m also going to make sure that no one, especially a man, will take you away from me.

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(Later in the afternoon, Mika knocks on Will’s door to his room. After three knocks, he answers it, in his pajamas.)


Hey. I figured that you would need some space after last night. I also figured that in the face of death you would get drunk at a bar so I brought you a bagel. One of nature’s greatest hangover removers.


You figured right. Hopefully you don’t peg me as an alcoholic. I’m not. The only thing that I have done was cocaine. That was a long time ago. See I know how to be honest with you. Can’t say the same for you though.

(Mika walks in to Will’s room. She closes the door behind her.)


I deserve that. You have to hear me out though. The reason why I couldn’t tell you anything was because if you knew, you would have been scared off. That was why I was distant with you in the beginning.


If you were so distant, then maybe you should have just flat out warned me not to get involved.


Whatever it is that you want to know, I’m willing to tell you.


Usually it’s me who’s the one who has to explain everything. To be honest, it kind of feels good for once to be off the hook. Please, go on.


This is hard for me to say. Only one other person knows the truth about me. Now you’re about to be one of them.


Who’s the other person? Your father?


Tjin Tao isn’t my father. He’s my boss. I’m a Yakuza assassin.


What? After last night that actually makes sense. All of the spy crap, that truly makes sense. What’s next? Are you going to start flying through bamboo thickets like in the movies?


Thanks for taking this so seriously.


Sorry. Just understand that I was almost killed last night so I need something to laugh at.


This isn’t a laughing matter. I lived in Japan as a geisha. My teacher was killed and she gave me the power to fight. I moved to the states to get rid of a killer who was set out to kill me. Tjin Tao saved me and I was in debt to him to join the Yakuza as an assassin.


That is one hell of a story!

(Mika moves in closer to Will. She begins to hug him and hold him.)


As crazy as it sounds, it’s true. I don’t know what I’m going to do about it because Tjin Tao doesn’t know that you know and he could have our heads. Literally. I just hope that my little secret doesn’t affect our relationship. I really do like you Will.


Do you like me enough to give it all up?


Don’t put me in that position!


I just don’t know what to do.

(Mika begins to think back to when Tjin Tao told her that her next assignment was to assonate Will.)


Yeah. Neither do I.

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(Victor begins to pack his things for him to leave to go back to Lexington. He is interrupted by his phone ringing.)


Hey. I Just wanted to let you know that I’ve made it safe and sound. Home is still the same. Dante is supposed to be coming by shortly. When are you leaving?


As soon as possible. This school and this town has done nothing but shame me.


You still haven’t realized it.


Realized what?


Nothing. Just get home and we’ll talk. Please don’t hate me for what happened. It was in the past although that’s not an excuse, I just want us to be a family again. The DiMarco’s. You, me, and Dante. The three of us. Together again.


Things are going to be different between us. They already are!

(Victor hangs up with Juliana. He goes back to his things until he his door is knocked on. He opens it to find Dylan and Carrie in front of him.)


Great, what an exit this is going to be.


Believe me, one of us, not mentioning names, didn’t want to come here.


We or at least I came to try to have you stay. You being here means a lot to me.


Unless you want to go then by all means.


(to Dylan)

Be quiet!


What happened was disgusting. My sister lied to me and it dealt with you. It was just a big mess of a nightmare which hasn’t ended yet until now. Please just let me go. Dylan, be happy because Carrie and I will never be together.


Yeah your relationship would be incest-


What did you say?




Wait a minute…this was what Juliana was talking about.


That was just an insult. Don’t look too much into it.


Since Juliana’s your sister…


And you’re her daughter. Then that means. I’ve been your uncle since the whole time we went out!


All I have to say is that I thought you two knew after the whole scandal broke.


Oh my god. I was in love with my uncle! We- Oh my god we slept together.


Well isn’t this a wonderful way to say goodbye. Just leave. I’m never coming back here again. This was a mistake. You were a mistake! Now get out!


With pleasure.


(to Victor)

I’m sorry about everything.


It’s not your fault baby. Not in the least.


Just go. Just like I should have done the second I came here.

(Dylan and Carrie exit. Carrie gets a sickening pain in her stomach. Dylan holds her hand as Victor slams the door in their face.)

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(Late that night at Cody Memorial Hospital, the fourth floor is dark and practically empty. The patients were asleep and the night nurse was no where to be found.)


(screaming out)

Stephanie? Are you here?

(Stephanie pops her head out of one of the nurse’s station.)


Right here Doctor.


If you need me, I’ll be in my office.


Sure thing. I’m just fixing myself a snack. All’s quiet on this end. I’m listening to music too while I’m on my break but my phone is on vibrate if you need anything.



(Nick goes back to his dark office. He sits in his chair. He goes to turn on the light until he hears a noise. He stands up to investigate.)


Who’s there?

(He sees no one. Nick goes back to his desk while his back is turned away from the door. The noise returns and he see a familiar figure.)



(The figure is dressed all in black. Their gloves reach for Nick’s stethoscope that hangs around his neck.)


What the hell are you doing?

(The figure tries choking Doctor Quarr with his own stethoscope. Nick breaks free after struggling to gasp for air. The figure picks up his phone that was on the desk and repeatedly hits him over the head with it until he falls to the ground.)




(The figure then ropes the phone wire around his neck and continues to pull on it until Nick keels over and dies.)


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Great episode! So glad that Nick met his maker, because he needed to. He was such an &#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*]. He deserved it after what he did to Jenny and to Agatha.

I'm still intrigued with Ava and Sky. I like how they are unfolding

I think it was very stand up of Blake to give up LJ. I dont think that Alley knows what she has gotten herself into, raising another woman's child. This is the story that I am really interested in. Alley and John have lost some bonding time that they need to get back with LJ. I am anxious to see this unfold.

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  • Members

Well, Nick had that coming. Guess he won't be rising form the dead after how he was doing. Good work as always, Matt.

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Another great episode. It's really good reading these back to back. I love it.

FINALLY SOME movement on Owen.

I love how you did the murder. I thought for sure it would be shot gun affair. But this was much better, and more evil if you will. I can't wait to see how this unfolds. Great build up to

I also loved how Blake was the better man. I wanted a love triangle wit ADL but this turn of events was so much better and unexpected which made even better for me

I loved CC she is now officially the new Nan after this episode and yes she even reminds me of Nasty Natti. I LOVE CC

Now this Sky/Ava/Ginny/Nate thing is REALLY intriguing. I love all the dynamics and all the players in it. Loved Ginny as usual. She is a fire cracker. I just love her And Sky was straight tripping over Ava. Makes me wonder if Skye is crazy because she seems to nice.

Matt you have been doing an excellent job. Great entertainment that's for sure.

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