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The evening of October 30th started like any other in the City of Salem, Ilinois. This was especially true for the Salem Police Department, as Abe sits at his desk reading reports form the previous day. As he sifts through the papers, a representative from the D.A.’s Office walks in, throwing a leather bound file on his desk in front of him and telling him........

Rep: You better read this, Commissioner. This person comes up for review this evening and, if it is granted, he will be transported to a maximum security prison tomorrow.
Abe: (Slowly looking up) And good morning to you too. Thank you so much for almost knocking over my coffee.
Rep: The D.A. wants to know what you intend to do about it.
Abe: Tell the D.A. that all of our officers will be forever vigilant, ok? If, and that’s a big if, the prisoner is transferred, they won’t come anywhere near Salem, alright?
Rep: (Leaning forward on his desk) You better hope not, Commissioner. Because if that happens........
Abe: (Leaning forward) First of all, get off my desk.

The rep stands up slowly........

Abe: And second, I just told you what is happening. I don’t need some tight-ass coming in here telling me my job, especially when she was sucking her thumb when I was busting Stefano DiMera and Victor Kiriakis. Now.........there’s the see through door. See your way out of it.

The Representative slowly turns and walks to the door but, before she walks out, she turns and tells Abe......

Rep: I hope you’re right, sir. Because God help us all if you’re wrong.

The rep.walks out, leaving Abe to lean back in his chair. He looks at the folder and, after reading the name on it, sighs deeply. He then opens it slowly, puts on his reading glasses, and starts reading, as the scene dissolves to..........


Salem D.A., Patricia Cromwell, is on the phone.........

Patricia: What?! Oh dear God, no. Are you serious?! Whose bright ass idea was this?! (After a pause) Well, we all better be on the ball tomorrow. God help us if this one escapes.

She hangs up the phone and stands up, walking to the window and looking out onto the city of Salem, and thinks to herself.....

Patricia: God........pray for us. Pray for us all.

The scene then slowly fades to black on her worried face.


The next morning, Hope is helping JT with his breakfast. Bo walks into the house and walks over to Hope, kissing her on the cheek and kissing JT on the head while also messing up his hair. He walks around to the couch and sits down, asking Hope.....

Bo: So........how is my family doing today?
Hope: We are doing fine. How are you doing, Bo?
Bo: Ok. The therapy sessions are going good. Starting to........make some connections. Haven’t felt this well in a while.
Hope: That’s good, Bo. I didn’t think you would go, to be honest with you.
Bo: Well, it was too important. The doctor that Victor put me in touch with is really good. I didn’t know he cared so much.
Hope: You know, even with this war he is fighting, which I hate.......

Bo rolls his eyes..........

Hope: Victor really loves you a lot, Bo. Even I can see that. He has ever since he found out you were his son.
Bo: I know. I know. Just wish all this battling was over, you know? Get some damn peace back into our lives. So I can.........spend time with my favorite girl and my favorite guy. (pats JT lightly on the head)
Hope: Well, you will always be my favorite cop, Brady. Never forget that, ok?
Bo: You bet.

Bo leans in and gently kisses Hope, as she places her hand on his cheek. They then look lovingly at each other, as the scene dissolves into........

Marlena is putting things back in her office and hanging pictures on her wall. As she turns to get another picture, a nurse comes in and welcomes her back, saying that it’s good to see her. Marlena smiles as she goes to hug the nurse, saying that it’s good to be back. But.........all she’s doing is putting some stuff back in her office. She still has some things to work out before she starts telling other people how to live.

A man walks in with flowers and tells her he wishes he would have listened to her earlier. Marlena looks to see that it is Roman, as the nurse looks at both of them and then excuses herself. After the nurse leaves, Roman walks over to Marlena and tells her how sorry he is for the fight they had the other night and knows that last night isn't going to make up for anything. Marlena turns silently and walks back over to her desk, picking up a picture and silently placing it on the wall. Roman wants Marlena to please listen to him but she turns and says........

You are in NO PLACE to make demands, Roman.
Roman: I know, Doc. I know........I was just saying.........
Marlena: You just want me to overlook how much of an !@#$%^&*] you’ve been lately. I won’t do that. Sami’s dead, Eric’s dead, Carrie is overseas with our grandchild, Belle is still trying to put her life back together after what happened with that jackass Philip........and here you are, playing supercop. Oh, I’m sorry...........FORMER supercop.
Roman: Ok. Bout sums it up, I guess. Look, can we at least call a truce? Just for today?
Marlena: (After a pause) Well...........it is Halloween. Maybe we can.........do what we used to.
Roman: You mean.........go trick or treating?
Marlena: Yeah, I guess. That used to be fun. Especially when the kids were small.
Roman: Sure was........before so much changed. So..........can I look forward to picking you up tonight?
Marlena: (After another pause) Sure, Roman. Why not.

Roman runs over real quick, hands Marlena the flowers he was holding, gives her a quick kiss on the lips, and rushes off, telling her he’ll see her tonight right before he runs out the door. Marlena smiles after he leaves and the nurse walks back in. Marlena asks her to get her a vase to put these flowers in. The nurse smiles and leaves to find a vase as Marlena holds the flowers close to her and smiles as she smells the wonderful scent. The scene then dissolves to.........


A judge is about to make a decision in the courtroom......

Judge: It is the opinion of this court that the prisoner be remanded to the Joliet State Prison, to stay there.........until the day of their death. And...........

May God Almighty Himself have mercy on your soul.

The judge hits the gavel and the prisoner is led out of the courtroom slowly. As the prisoner walks past Patricia., who is sitting in attendance, she picks up her cell phone and calls Abe. When he answers, she tells him that the prisoner is being transferred. Abe sighs deeply, telling her that she better call her friends statewide and let them know what is going on. She agrees and then hangs up the phone.

As she walks out of the courtroom, the scene switches back to the cop shop, where Abe walks out of his office and tells one of his officers to get Bo Brady on the phone. The officer obeys and runs off to call Bo. Abe then thinks to himself that if the meeting went wrong........

He knows only God can help them then.


The scene then dissolves into nighttime, where kids are being taken up and down the streets of Salem trick or treating as the skies are slowly getting darker. Steve and Kayla walk down the street, watching the parents and kids having a great time on the Eve Of All Saints. Steve holds Kayla in his arms, saying how great it is to be home for a day like Halloween. Kayla smiles but then asks him if he still plans to get involved with that Orpheus/Stefano/Victor business now that he is home.

Steve stops her, telling her that he’ll do what he has to do. Period. Sometimes, good people have to do bad things to get the right outcome, he tells her. So, no need for her to worry. Kayla says she won’t and the scene pans upward over the beautiful streets and, when the scene pans back down, the prisoner that was in court earlier that day is now headed to their new destination.


The men who are transferring this person speak amongst themselves, with one saying.........

Officer 1: Damn. I could be at home right now. Another Halloween without taking my kids out.
Officer 2: Man, don’t worry about it. We won’t be long. All we have to do is drop this cat off and head back home, alright?
O1: Easy for you to say. You don’t have kids.
O2: Oh, so now I have to have kids in order to speak my mind, huh?
O1: Just speed it up, ok? Having this prisoner in here gives me the creeps.
O2: Well, finally.........something we agree on.

As the men talk, they don’t know that the prisoner has broken the restraints that were binding their hands and, as the men look out into the night........

The prisoner springs forward, smashing their right hand through the protective glass shielding. Both men scream out in horror as the officer in the passenger seat reaches for his gun. The prisoner backhands him, shattering his jaw and knocking him unconscious as his head smashes through the glass window.

Then..........the prisoner turns his attention to the driver..........

The scene comes up from over a nearby ravine as the car is now driving across all the lanes of the road. The car then hits a guardrail and tumbles end over end downward, coming to a rest near a huge tree as it smashes into it. After a few moments, one person climbs out of the destroyed car. The person stands, looks at the car, then turns.........

And slowly walks away and makes their way back to the street. It is..........the prisoner, who is removing the last of the restraints that binded them. Then, after walking about 400 yards, they past a sign..........that simply says........

Salem: 5 miles.

The prisoner stops, looks up at the sign, then turns back to look ahead at the city of Salem........

And then continues to walk slowly down the road.

The scene then fades to the...


Bo has just hung up the phone talking with Abe. He walks back into the main study and walks over to Roman and Victor. He turns and tells Roman that there may be a problem. When Roman asks what it is, Bo tells him that a special prisoner that he recommended putting away almost 30 years ago is being transferred to a maximum security prison in southern Illinois.

Roman looks at Bo with shock. He walks past Bo, telling him and Victor that Abe and him thought they were doing the right thing. He hopes no one is hurt by this maniac. When Victor asks him who they’re referring to, Bo says apparently............a serious nut job. Victor asks if there is anything he could do, like call the Governor or the Attorney General. They both owe him many times over. Roman says for right now, he thinks they need to bring Abe over and get on the phones and hope that this prisoner made it safely to their destination..........

Before it’s too late. Bo gets back on the phone to call Abe as Roman picks up his cell phone to make some calls. Victor calls Nico in, giving him orders on how to proceed this evening.

The scene then fades into.........


Lucas is at the door, handing out candy. He smiles as he gives the kids their treats and wishes them a good night as they leave. He watches them walk into the night and then closes the door, walking back into the living room to see Maggie helping Alice with her famous cookies. Lucas says he is glad to be helping them out as it's taking his mind off his problems. He sits down, saying that he hates he missed out on all of this growing up. Alice tells him it wasn’t his fault. Lucas says he knows. He then says that if he didn’t have a mother who was so damn selfish, he could have spent his life with his real family.

He says he hates the fact he didn’t grow up a true Horton. Maggie tells him that he shouldn’t blame anyone for that. It was just fate, the same way it was fate to find out he is a part of this family. And always will be. Hope walks in agreeing with Maggie, saying that she has always loved him, no matter what. She then walks over and gives him a kiss on the cheek, making Lucas blush. He then says quietly to Hope that he saw some pictures of her from some years ago and.........wow. She’s was just as beautiful then as she is now. Hope smiles, wondering if Lucas wants to be kissing cousins.

Lucas blushes again, saying that he needs to get some candy from the kitchen, which makes all the women laugh out loud.

Hope then gets a phone call and tells the person she will be right there. Hope then says she has to go. JT forgot something for his costume. Hope kisses Alice and Maggie and tells them to say goodbye to Lucas for her. She tells them she may be back later and wishes them luck with the trick or treaters. Hope then gets into her car outside and calls Bo, telling him that she is on her way home right now to get something for JT and then she will be all his. Bo smiles, saying that he will see her soon. They tell each other their I love yous and, as Hope hangs up the phone, starts her car, and drives away, the scene pans upward into the crisp night sky.........

And back down into a service station on the main road to Salem.


The older station has two attendants, one sitting in the shop, the other working on a car in the garage area. The attendant inside has a radio turned to the police band frequency and hears a report about two missing officers who were transporting a prisoner to another prison when they lost contact with headquarters. As the police continue on the radio, the attendant goes out into the garage and tells his co-worker........

Attendant 1: Aye, two cops are missing. And some prisoner has escaped. Maybe we should lock up and go home for the night.
Attendant 2: We will........as soon as I replace this radiator.
A1: Man, that can wait until tomorrow.
A2: I know it can...........but I want to get it done so I can start on that lady’s transmission tomorrow. That’s an all day job, friend.
A1: No [!@#$%^&*]. Look..........I just don’t like being out here this far from Salem with some escaped convict missing.
A2: Damn........OK!! Ok........if it makes you feel better, I’ll finish up here and I can drop you off on my way home. Now.........does that remove your panties from your ass?
A1: Sure does. And hurry up............I want to see my lady tonight.

To himself, the second attendant says.........

A2: Chasing after some ass is more important than your job, huh? !@#$%^&*].

As the first attendant walks back into the shop, he notices that there is no sound coming from it. He steps slowly into the shop, looking around, and walks slowly over to the radio. What he sees makes his eyes grow wide with shock as he looks down at the radio.........

And sees it completely destroyed. It looks like someone hit it with a baseball bat several times because there is nothing left of it. He slowly walks backwards from the radio, looking around to see if anyone is in the shop. He starts to then turn around and, when he does.......

He comes face to face with the prisoner. The attendant tries to scream out but the prisoner grabs him by the throat, squeezes around his wind pipe with a vice-like grip, and crushes his larynx. The prisoner then puts one hand under his chin, another on top of his head........and jerks his head sideways, snapping his neck in two pieces. The attendant’s eyes are still open as the prisoner drops the dead man to the floor and then turns their head to look into the garage........

The second attendant is still working on the car and, after looking for a tool that he needs, decides to slide out from under the car. As he does.........he stands up, looks around, and sees his wrench laying on a small table in the corner. As he walks over to it, he hears something fall off to his left. He looks over........and sees that one of the tool boxes fell over. He goes over to pick up the tools. As he bends down, he picks up a socket and places it in the toolbox but, when he picks up another socket......

He is grabbed by the back of the neck. He is stood up and turned around. He is struggling to free himself but can’t get away. The prisoner has now grabbed him by his throat and the shocked and terrified attendant is now being carried by his throat towards the front of the car. Once he is there, the prisoner looks at the begging man, looks at the car hood, lifts it up, and then slowly places the man’s upper torso on top of the engine. And then, with incredible speed and unbelievable strength.......

He smashes the hood of the car down on the attendant several times until blood is pouring down on the ground under the car. The prisoner then slams the car hood down on the attendant once more and leaves it there. He then looks throughout the garage for some other clothes to change into. After 20 minutes have past, the prisoner walks out into the lot and sees a car sitting in front of the station. The prisoner slowly walks over to the car, gets in..........and pulls down the sun visor, where a set of keys falls out. The prisoner chuckles once and starts the car. The prisoner then slowly drives off into the cold, crisp night and the scene then dissolves into...........


Hope is driving through the winding street in the Salem countryside. As she drives by, a car that was sitting on the side of the road starts up, and Hope looks into her rear view mirror to see the car. She continues to drive as the car pulls out onto the street and gets behind her. The car slowly follows Hope as she drives and she keeps looking in her mirror to see what the other driver is doing. Hope then looks down and picks up her phone, calling Bo. When he answers, Hope says that someone is following her closely. She tells Bo she is getting worried to which he responds for her to tell him where she is.

When Hope begins to tell him, the driver speeds up and slams into the back of her car. Hope lunges forward, hitting her head on the steering wheel, and dropping her cell phone on the floor. Bo calls out but Hope can’t pick up the phone as the driver slams into her car once again. Hope then puts both hands on the wheel and speeds up, trying to get away from the crazed driver. The driver, though, speeds up as well and pulls along side Hope’s car. The driver then jerks the car to the left, smashing into Hope’s car once again. Bo is now screaming into the phone but Hope can’t respond as she fights for her life against this maniac, who then jerks the car to the left again, slamming hard into Hope’s car.

Hope, with her forehead bleeding, manages to roll down her window. She then jerks her car to the right, slamming into the other driver’s car. She does it once again, with the same result. The cell phone goes dead as Hope then looks over to the other car and the driver rolls down the window. Hope looks at the driver and her eyes grow wide with terror as she stares at the driver.............

And the driver turns their head very slowly
(FACE OF PRISONER/DRIVER) as the terrifying scene freeze frames on the driver’s face.........

And then suddenly goes black!




Recommended Comments

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Horrifyingly AWESOME episode!!!!!!!!!!

In the beginning it was odd because this is a bit out of the blue but I was so intrigued, especially with how everyone even Abe was acting.

Love Marlena's feistiness. She was always rocking on SL but she's improved and been at her best ever since she told Roman off a few weeks ago.

Nice Horton scenes. Loving Lucas spending time with them and handing out candy at the Horton House.

The transport stuff was chilling and astonishing...but it got so much more creepy as the episode went on...and horrific. When the prisoner was beating up that attendant, and the smashed radio...just breath taking.

And then the ending...I never expected it. So awesome and mabye the most chilling part of the episode. The "atmosphere" of the episode was all around creepy especially when you have no idea what is going to happen.

This is gonna be a GREAT Halloween for SL!!! :D

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The new banner was what drew me into this story. I'm so glad that it did because there's so much going on in Salem that Hogan should pay attention to. It definitely had it's Halloween/Michael Myers elements to it. Plus it reminded me of the 1982 Salem Strangler plot which I think had Mary being killed while at a Halloween party.

Very exciting and I can't wait to read more! Wow what an ending. I'm such a huge fan of cliffhanger endings and this is tops. Great job.

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Reading into the last paragraph I was just stunned, I was just like, "Oh no you didn't" Again, you two continue to amaze me. Overall the beat of the episode was smart and smooth. It was well paced, not too long and not too short. The dialogue, especially from Marlena and Hope today was awesome. I cannot wait for tonights episode which I know will spook me!

Thank you both for writing such wonderful material

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