Please Let me know your ideas and Comments!
Kendall OR Greenlee...
51 members have voted
Here are some of the ideas behind my SL's.
- Mallet/Dinah/Matt: SL is over now, but Matt is still going to be bitter.
- Josh and Cassie: I really didn't like this couple and I broke them up immidiantly.
- Cassie: The character was totally changed with the actress without explaination which was unnessesary. I decided that later I will write in an explaination that will actually admit to the fact that Cassie hasn't been the same person these past two years.
- Dylan Lewis: Morgan Englund is once again in the role.
- Susan Lemay: Kirsten Storms is in the role but could be recast.
- Marah Lewis: Natalia Livingston has taken over the role.
- Rafe and Daisy: I never liked them and felt that the de-aging of Susan was hurting the history. She has been aged back, now she has been in college while Rafe stayed to finish HS. (He is still a little younger, but not much) He won't be shown much, but he may be used in the future teen SL's.
- The Kids: They are going to remain at the same age for now, with the exception of Leah who is now 3. Though by the end of the year, these children will be aged a few years, it will be nothing drastic and history will be checked so that ages make sense.
- Houses: Many will be brought back such as the house that was owned by Matt&Vanessa then Josh&Reva.
- The Beacon: I know that too many people have lived at the beacon, but it is still a good place for certain characters such as young couples and bachelors/bachleorettes. But not everyone will have a room now.
- Any Confusion: I am still working out the living arraingments but by the end of the year I hope to have that settled and a more organized idea.
Since I am writing for you all, I decided to do something that the actual show should do (in my opinion). I am going to ask your opinion not only on the current state, but the future of the story. I will be asking questions about Story Lines, Couples, Casting, and many of the things that I listed above. I'll start posting my questions soon. So please let me know what you think.
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