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Episode 90: Another Tragedy

Matt P.


Previously on Point Palace:

- Carlos was able to play the right tape that he wanted to see. (Which was his acceptance speech and how he thanked Jenny.) She remembered something about him and Nan. The two almost kiss but Carlos thinks it's not time yet.

- London works out with Alley to burn off her maternal weight. Alley brings up the point that there will be a huge custody battle and London informs her that she will have a will drawn up. London then faints.

- John stops by Blake's apartment to see L.J. Blake doesn't think it's a good idea and tells him to stay away. John retorts that L.J. is his daughter, not Blake's.

- Sky calls Ava who acts weird with her and Sky tells her that she knows something's up with Ava's new sexual habits.

- Alexia can't stop thinking of her brother Owen's kidnapping. Tanisha suggests they go and to the police but Alexia doesn't want to because her mother would find out about it.

- Nate lies sick in his bed and calls Blake who's taking care of London. Blake suggests that he gets tested because of Nate's heavy track record with girls.

- In Lexington, Victor confronts Juliana on the fact that he knows she's hiding something and Juliana decides to go to Point Palace with him to show that she's not.

- Dylan talks to Carrie who admits that she's homesick for her parents. Dylan then has Carrie talk to her parents and Dylan explains Carrie's childlike mind syndrome. They both decide to go and see their daughter and think the coast will be clear.

- Will calls Mika who's at a punk rock concert. She tells him she'll see him soon. She then gets on her head phone to talk to an Asian man who gives her orders. Mika produces a small gun from her boots. When everyone is mesmerized by the band, she aims the gun and shoots her target for her job.
Episode 91:
Another Tragedy

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman

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(Mika breathes in the cooling crisp night air. She walks in the courtyard to Will's dorm room. She gets up to the door and stops to brush herself of. There could be no evidence, but why would there be she contemplated to herself. Then she knocks on the door. Will answers it with a smile on her face.)

Hello there.

Hey yourself.

I'm happy to see you.

Likewise. So...are you going to let me in or what?

Of course but there's something I wanted to tell you first.

(Will leans in and places his left hand to cup her soft cheek and with his right hand, pulls her in tight to tenderly kiss her.)

Wow. What a greeting.

(Mika walks into Will's dorm room.)

Would you like a drink?

Oh so that's how you get girls. You get them drunk and have your way with them.

No not really. That's not until our fourth date.

(Mika sits down on the couch, Will sits next to her as the two begin to cuddle.)


You know, I'm so glad that you're here. Not because I was feeling lonely but because you've gotten me over a lot. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this...nah, never mind.

Please tell me. If we're going to have a relationship then we need to be honest with one another.

After our date the other night, I pictured Lenvy, and she told me that you were the one who was going to change my life. So far so good. In speaking of that little word honesty, that was a big thing with Lenvy, it meant everything to her. And my honesty practically destroyed her in the end.
(Changing the subject)
I'm sorry. I know girls don't like hearing about ex-girlfriends. I'll shut up now.

No. I like hearing about her. What happened to her was tragic but I can tell that it makes you feel a lot better. You can really hear it in your voice.

She also told me that you're going to be the one who will get me over her. Hopefully you will be.


So what took you so long to get here?

(Mika kind of freezes. They just talked about honesty, and if she lied to him, than she couldn't stop, but she knew that she had to.)

You mean after The Destins concert?

Yeah. For a while there I thought you weren't coming at all.

I...I had to stop and see a friend. For emotional support.

That's nice of you.

(Speaking Cambodian)
Sam dose.

(Mika thought about the body that was already being examined at the concert. Someone must have noticed that he had been shot down dead and went to call the police or get security. There was no way that Toshi would see the light of day, so ‘sam dose' meant ‘I'm sorry' in one of the many languages she knew. The apology was meant for both Toshi and Will. Already she was lying to Will, but
that was only a part of the dark secret that she had to keep.)

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(In Ava's room, she tries sleeping in her bed but can't. She was afraid to go to sleep, in a way, she was afraid of her own dreams. Ava continues to toss and turn in the night. She gets up and out of bed and walks over to her dresser to pick up her cell phone.)

Should I call her?

(Ava contemplates the thought but gives in and dials Sky's number. Sky answers it on the second ring as she is awake, working on a paper.)

Hey you. How's my favorite girl doing?

Um...restless actually.

Insomnia. That's one of my favorite things in the whole world.

You're kidding, right?

Of course.

Sorry that I called so late.

I'm just working on a paper for Biology. Your call is giving me a break that I need. What's on your mind?

For the fact that I couldn't sleep, you had a lot to do with it.

That makes me so happy to hear that. When you said that you were a very straight forward person, you weren't kidding. You do know how to get straight to the point.

That's just who I am. Basically I can't sleep because of that dream I had. You're the only person that I would feel comfortable enough talking to about it. You're the only person that I told really.

I can hear in your voice that you're still a little nervous or feeling weird about it.

Usually dreaming about having sex with girls of the same gender, isn't exactly normal.

What is normal? No one really can define it. Can you? Obviously if I'm bothering you, affecting the way you sleep, then the only person who you're really fighting with is yourself.

You said that you studied Biology. Not Psychology. Don't even get me started on psychologists.

We're not going on that subject at all. I'm so down with who I am and I'm comfortable knowing that I am different. It took me sometime, but I realized that I can't change myself for anyone. Neither should you.

It took a lot for me to come out and tell you everything. About the dream and how it made me feel.

Kudos for doing that. Like I said, you're wrestling the thought of being with me, and not to sound biased or conceited...it sounds like you do want me. And there's nothing wrong that!

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(The next morning, Tanisha sits down in her beanie chair that's located on her dorm room floor. Alexia, who was practically her new roommate, stares at the telephone.)

If you stare at that thing it might explode.

Owen might call.

Let's just take our minds off of Owen and his kidnapping and focus on something else.

Like what?

(Suddenly there's a knock on Alexia's door. Tanisha gets up to answer it knowing who was visiting them.)

Like someone who we haven't seen in a while.

(Alexia opens the door to find London holding baby L.J. with her. Both of the girls begin doting over the cute baby.)

She is adorable!

Thank you. How are you two doing? We haven't spoke in forever.

We're...okay. What about you?

(London forces a small fake smile before having her eyes wander. She then hands L.J. to Alexia to hold her.)

I wanted to come by to say something to both of you.

Yeah we know she is the cutest little baby we have ever seen.

It's not about the baby. L.J. has a lot to do with my life, and I wanted the both of you to see her, but there's something else important. It's about my health.

What about your health?

Doctor Harnlo said that there were complications with my pregnancy. If I had my baby there was a chance that I could possibly die from hemorrhaging. She wouldn't know when, but she said it would be very shortly.

(Alexia and Tanisha look at each other in shock. Now they had another tragedy to deal with.)

It was either my baby or me. I realized that L.J. is the reason why I came to this school. I came because I was in love with someone who didn't feel the same way but I found someone better. And Blake and L.J. are the two most wonderful things in my life. As are you two. You're my best friends on campus.

Please don't talk like you're dying.

(A tear falls from London's eye. The other two girls were getting misty eyed also.)

Just in case I do pass away soon, I want to say a final good bye to the both of you.

We're not saying good bye to you. Not yet at least!

(London hugs Tanisha and Alexia.)

You're going to be fine London. I just know you're going to be okay.

I’d like to think that to but…I know better. You know you weren’t that bad when we first met. A little bitchy at the first but who isn’t when they enter this school? Bye sister. Or should I say…sisters.

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(Alley drives to Blake's apartment. She is obviously mad about what John told her and she is in a rage to do something about it. She parks her car in the parking lot. Her cell phone rings. The I.D. reads ‘John Calling.')


Hey. I just wanted to call you to see where you're at.

Just went to have a little chat with Blake!

Whatever you do, don't do anything drastic. Besides, he's not what I'm worried about...London is.

If I have to say to this one more time I’m going to scream!
She's going to live through this!

How do you know that?

I don't but for someone who thinks negatively and would love to think negatively of her, I'm whistling a different tune.

Remember to keep peace, not war.

I'm not going to fight with London if that's what you're worried about. My beef is with him. By the way, if you didn’t want me fighting with Blake, maybe you shouldn’t have told me in the first place!

(Before John could retort with what he thought was nonsense, Alley hangs up on him. She gets out of her car and walks up to Blake's apartment door. She knocks on it and he answers it with a smile on his face.)

What are you doing here?

I'm here to see you.

That's nice to hear. Please come in.

(Alley walks into Blake's apartment foyer and up a flight of stairs to the living room.)

Where's L.J.?

She's with London and London's out visiting friends. I'm glad that she's getting out and enjoying her life. With her situation, I was so scared that she would lose confidence in her strength.

You know that I am so sorry for what's going on with her, but that does not give you the right to treat John the way you did with L.J.!

You mean the guy who left her when she needed him the most? Or the same guy who she said she didn't want hanging around her child when the baby was born? This is the same John Snaldry who you go out with. Right?

Look the way you treated him the other day was disgusting! You were hoarding his own daughter away from him?

Hoarding? This is so classic of you. Making something out to be more than it really is. I don't understand why you're siding with your boyfriend, when the reason why you two broke up the first time was because London was pregnant by him. Or wait? Was that the second time? I really can't remember with your relationship.

(Alley slaps Blake across the face.)

It's been a long time since you've done that to me.

L.J. is John's daughter. You and I both know that things have changed between them and she wants him in her daughter's life just as much as any other family member who belongs to that child.

Get out of my home. I never knew you to side with your boyfriend over your best friend. Why don’t you leave and be a traitor elsewhere.

I know that we'll be fine tomorrow and I'm sorry for what I did. But it's needed to be said. As much as I hate saying it...L.J. is not a Hammerton!

(Blake stares at Alley. She then exits slamming the door behind her.)

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(Nate sits on a mahogany chair in his hotel room, alone. He kept thinking of what Blake told him the other day as he stares blankly.)

If you usually don't get sick all that often. Then you have a track record with all of these girls. Maybe you should get tested.

(Nate opens his lap top and connects it online. He then finds a number to a local clinic that would help him. He pulls out his cell phone and slowly dials the number, without completing it, he stops.)

(In denial with himself)
There's no way that I have any wrong with me. I was always protected. Most of the time at least.

(He sighs. Then he finishes dialing the clinic and waits nervously as the phone begins to ring. His stomach felt like a fire was erupting.)

Redmont's Cody Clinic, how may I help you?

Yea- Yes. Yes you can. I need some information on getting tested.

That's actually a very wise decision. Recently it was national AIDS and HIV awareness month. What you're doing is the right choice.


Just to let you know that everything is confidential.

When can I be there?

How about three days from now? Let's say...two o'clock? That’s when the specialist will be in.


Your name?

Nate Mav- Mavick.

Remember, we're very discrete here and we’ll explain to you more about that when you come. Clinic orders. See you then Nate.

(Nate hangs up with the operator.)

It was only a cold but I'm doing the right thing. Just in case. You can never be too sure.

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(Jenny spends time in her room alone. All she can think of is the flashback of when she supposedly had a fight with Carlos.)

(Jenny turns on the television set to watch an episode of "Blue Crystal." Her mind begins to wonder about what Nick told her. Then Nick lets himself in the room.)

Hi babe.

Hey you.

What are you doing?

Nothing really. Just watching "Blue Crystal." Was I really on this show?

Yeah. Like I told you before, you were marvelous.

Did I like being on the show?

A lot. It wasn't a job to you, it was your fondness for acting.

(Jenny smiles at the thought.)

Do you have anymore questions for me? You really are curious today.

Well I've just been doing a lot of thinking lately. About you and my life.

Nick: (forced)
"Blue Crystal" was how you met Carlos.

Tell me more about him.

Carlos was in love with you when you and I were together. He would do anything to try to get with you but I had to stop him. He's been over you though, he's going out with Charissa Chasity now.

You mean Melanie?


(Jenny stands up from her couch and hugs Nick as the two embrace each other. Jenny thinks of when she almost kissed Carlos as she looks at Nick.)

Even though I don't remember a lot, I'm glad that I'm with you.

Vice versa honey.

(Nick leans in and kisses Jenny. She closes her eyes and feels his soft lips on hers.)

(Jenny opens her eyes. Memories were rushing back to her. How she met Carlos at the hospital when Nan tried tying her up in a closet, how Nan caused so many problems for the two of them, even when Jenny and Will had Nan kidnaped. How the two had a truce after Jenny found out that Nan and Tracie were switched at birth. She even slowly remembered that Doctor Nicholas Quarr was Carlos's mean boss.)

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(On the set of "Blue Crystal," Carlos and C.C. film a scene together in the fake café setting that was used on the canvas.)

(In character)
But Miegal, why did you come back? I thought you hated me.

(In character)
Melanie, I returned because I love you.

(The producers and the writers seemed happy. They were all pleased to have Carlos back in the cast as they watch him perform.)

And cut. Great take you guys. We’ll break for lunch.

I still have it.

You did great. You seem to be in a really good mood.

It's because I have every reason to be.

And why is that might I ask?

I have news about Jenny.

How's she doing? Is she out of the hospital yet?

Yeah but she has amnesia and she's been staying with someone I can't stand. I think I told you about that. Anyway he's been helping her but I really think he's harming her.

Amnesia huh? It's good that Jenny's alive and well but that doesn't seem like
anything to be happy about. She should be with you and she isn’t.

That isn't the best part. I saw Jenny the other day and she sort of remembered something. It's like a miracle.

(C.C.'s smile on her face quickly dissolved.)

C.C.: (trying to contain her resentment)
That is good to hear. Please excuse me.

(C.C. stands up out of her chair and walks over from behind the set. She pulls out her cell phone from the prop purse she was given. C.C. frantically calls Nick. He answers on the second ring.)

(Lowering his voice)
Long time no hear.

Are you in a private place?

(Nick looks over at Jenny. She was deep in thought but smiles back at him to humor him. Nick takes his call outside of her dorm room.)

Now I am.

I just had a nice little conversation with my fellow co-star and he's told some pretty interesting stuff.

Like what?

Like how Jenny supposedly remembers something of her past with Carlos.

What?! That can't be true. Her brain is so gone. And she's been believing every damn word that I've fed her. I even told her a little story about how Carlos fell for her but then went after you.

Oh you're good. But what are we going to do? We can't let those two be together. And I at least have some sort of evidence to destroy them!

Just don't worry about a thing. Keep your claws on Menudo and let me worry about Jenny.

(Nick hangs up with C.C. and looks through the window back at Jenny.)

(to himself)
You better not be hiding something from me Jenny!

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(Later in the afternoon, Dylan helps Carrie get ready for an event that he has planned for her. The place was in her dorm room but it was all meant for her.)

(Carrie begins to comb her hair and smile at her reflection of the mirror that's in her bedroom.)

What are you doing? Our guests are going to be here any minute.

I look. So...pretty! Look at me!

(Carrie begins to flaunt and dance happily in the mirror. Dylan is annoyed.)

Can you get serious for just one second?

I thought you said a minute!
Why do you treat me like I'm two?

Because. How old do you think-
(correcting himself)
How old are you?

I'm ten years old.

That's why. Besides, tonight is going to be a surprise.

Oh goodie, are we going to have cake and ice cream? This is going to be a blast!

(Carrie's dorm room is knocked on. Carrie's eyes lights up and Dylan goes to answers the door. It turns out to be Carrie's parents, Mary Ann and Michael Slondsbid.)

Mary Ann:
Hey baby doll!

(Carrie hugs her parents. Michael gives her a kiss on her forehead.)

Mommy! Daddy! I'm so happy to see you!

It's good to see you too sweetheart.

Mom you have to come see my room! It's so cool and Dylan has been such an awesome counselor. I love this camp.

(Mary Ann smiles as she takes Carrie's hand and the two ladies walk to the bedroom. Dylan is left alone with Michael.)

So you're Dylan?

Yes. It's nice to meet you, but not under these circumstances. I’ve been saying that a lot lately.

I would say so.

(Dylan shakes Michael's hand.)

How has Carrie been doing?

She still thinks that she's ten. It's sad to watch.

It really is. But appeasing my daughter isn’t going to fix things.

Actually I had her analyzed by a family friend. Dr. Elizabeth Reed. She's one of the best. And she said, that Carrie's suffering from some repressed child hood memory. Possibly at the age of ten.

(Michael looks on as does Mary Ann who eavesdrops from a far.)

I haven't a clue what about.

- - -
(Outside of Carrie's dorm room, Juliana DiMarco pulls into the parking lot with her black Sudan that was a rental car. Before they get out of the car, Juliana looks at Victor.)

Remind me again why are we here?

I don't know you tell me.

You think that I'm hiding something when I'm really not.

When it comes to Carrie you are. You have been from day one.

(They both get out of the car and begin walking up to the door.)

We're here to see your little girlfriend or should I say your ex since she did leave you to come here. Now you know the second we walk in there, Dylan will be all over her or next to her. How is that going to make you feel? If I were you, I'd just back out now.

(Victor hadn't thought of that. Dylan was going to be there, he wasn't going to just see Carrie, he was going to run into one of his enemies as well.)

I- I don't know.

Say the word and we'll go back on a plane to Lexington.

I hate how you do that. I know Dylan's going to be in that room but so what! I'm going to have to face the music anyhow. We've come this far and if you claim you're not hiding anything, then lead the way in!

(Juliana continues to shake her head and doesn’t say anything.)

Thought so.

(Before Victor can open the door, Dylan opens it for him and stops. The two have an awkward moment together.)

(rudely to Dylan)
Get out of my way!

Nice to see you too.

Hi I'm his sister. It's nice to meet you. So where is the crazy little fruit loop?

(Victor stares at Michael who says nothing to him. Carrie comes walking out with Mary Ann who sees him too. Carrie runs up to hug him.)

(to Victor)
Victor? Wow you've grown up just like I have! Isn't it weird?

(Then Juliana walked in with Dylan behind her. Mary Ann and Michael both look at each other and Juliana freezes when she sees the both of them. Dylan noticed the tension between the three.)

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(As night descends, London and Blake go to bed. Candles were placed on the dresser drawers. Blake was waiting in bed with his boxers on. He then watches as London appeared in the doorway. She was wearing a see through robe and a black lingerie ensemble.)

You look amazingly sexy.

(London smiles at the compliment. Her days and nights at the gym paid off, she lost a lot of the weight she had put on. She then crawls into the bed with Blake. He places his hand on her cheek and begins to passionately kiss her.)

If I were going to die, then I would want you to love me and respect me. I want to be sexy for you.

None of that matters. You are beautiful to me. You're my wife!

(London kisses Blake's neck, his chest, and his stomach. She then rips off his boxer shorts. She in turn takes off the gown and he unzips her lingerie teddy to reveal her naked body.)

I love you Blake Hammerton.

You won't have to worry about that. Because you know I feel the same way.

(The two continue to kiss each other passionately and tenderly.)

- - -
(The next morning, Blake looks at London. She had since put on pajamas before falling asleep. Her face was pale and her skin felt very cold as he touched it. His eyes began to widen with fear.)

London? London are you awake?


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Slower episode but still good. I absolutely loved the Will and Mika scenes, and I like them as a couple.

Same thing with Ava and Skye, I loved their conversation. I am really starting to like them and love how Ava’s was questioning her sexuality. Great dialog too in that scene’

I also loved the touching scene between Alexia, Nisha and London.

I also liked when Alley slapped Blake and nice ode to there history. I learned a lot.

Good scenes with Nate too, really looking forward to see his test results.

And Nick now seems he might go crazy with his last statement “You better not be hiding nothing from Jenny”

Also the Carrie/Dylan situation is getting very interesting

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