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Breaking News!! MAJOR SHAKE UPS!!!!



S.T.E.A.M. has been away this week, due to a quick hitaus.

Recently a lot of controversy has arose from a recent storyline twist, Jodie has HIV.

A lot of readers were taken aback buy this serious issue that was not expected on a show like S.T.E.A.M. I understand every one's concern and really appreciate the feed back. I take great pleasure, in telling that this latest twist will be handled properly and with dignity. "I know what I am doing. There's a method to my madness" Head writer ML C. has been quoted as saying.

So in that regard, S.T.E.A.M. will return to your screens Sunday with MAJOR changes.


Fired is Jennifer Hammon!!!

With the recent storyline twist, Jenn will be taking a new direction and another actress was needed to fit the brash delivery Jenn is going to be delivering. We thank Ms. Hammon for her time and talent and wish her well on future endeavors.


Alicia Silver Stone as Jennifer Hammom

The role of Jenn has been recasted with this beautiful sultry actress. "She's more in line in what I was looking for originally when casting the role of Jenn" The Head writer says. "Jenn is going into a new direction which will be quiet interesting. She debuts Sunday in a special 2 part episode.

Also Fired....

Dondre T. Whitfield

Mr. Whitfield has been let go due to storyline purposes. Just Like Jenn's character. "Dre" will be taking a different direction, as his storyline really heats up. Again We thank Mr. Whitfield, for his talent and wish him the best.


R&B Star D' Angelo

The role of Dondre has been recasted with this talented singer. "D provides more of the range I need for the character of Dre" ML was quoted as saying. D' Angelo debuts in the role of Dondre(Dre) in Sundays special two part episode.

Behind the Scenes Shake ups!!


Mr. Ian H. has left due to other obligations. "We were fortunate to have experienced his talent. The door will always remain open for his return." We wish him well on his new series he is working on.


SONOP's Top Man Matt Preston will be writing a few scenes here and there. "We are happy to have his talent with us." ML said

And Finally!!!

The Season Finale...is coming. It's going to get CRAZY in Pasadena. The Lady In Black FINALLY reveals her Face and all Hell breaks loose.....Steam200x600Mona2.jpg

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