A FAVOR IS DONE - PCE: Episode 66
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Endgame- Episode 66
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Written By: Ryan Chandler
Tishy Smith
Marco Dapper debuts as Dante Brennan
Port Charles begins with Lucas walking into the student union (while on the phone) to pick up some information for his fall classes. While he's making his way to the board, he comes upon a mural made by students with art majors in memoriam of Brandon. Lucas is immediately overcome with emotion and wants to hightail it out of there. The voice on the phone calls his name so he can get back to their conversation. Lucas abruptly ends the call, saying he'll call them back. He turns around and bumps into someone, knocking their belongings down.
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," says Lucas, bending down to help pick up the person's belongings.
"It's alright, I understand," the person says.
Lucas stands up and is finally able to get a good look at the person standing his way. Luke admires what he sees. A tall, muscular guy possibly of Italian origin, with short black hair and a killer smile.
"Umm…can I have my stuff back," the guys asks jokingly. "I mean if you wanna keep it just let me know."
"Oh no no here," Lucas blushes while handing over the belongings. "I got lost in thought. I do that sometimes." Lucas can't place where he knows this guy from. But it's really bothering him. "Do I know you from somewhere?"
Luke’s next stop before heading back to Bobbie was to see Sonny. He had a favor to ask of his old friend. When he got there, Sonny was just getting settled after coming back from the hospital. "Well you look like hell," says Luke.
"Yeah, that's usually what happens when you're jumped in the park by a group of men." Sonny pops a pain pill, then asks Luke why he's there.
Luke apologized for not stopping by sooner after Courtney's death, and usually he wouldn't do things like this, but he has an important favor to ask him. Sonny said he understood and wanted to know how he could help him.
"I need you to arrange for someone to disappear….temporarily. No questions asked. Only us three would know."
"Luke you know I'd do anything you need. But what's this about," Sonny asks with some interest. "Hey…if Lucky's in trouble I'll help you out the best way I can."
"It's not about Lucky. And you know of all people Sonny that no questions asked means no questions asked." Luke asked if he could choose one of Sonny's villas to send this person. And no one….no one is to know about it, especially Caroline. Sonny immediately got on the phone and placed a call to Bernie, while he's on hold, Sonny makes a reference that this must have something to do with Bobbie.
“If what has anything to do with Bobbie?” Both men turned around to see Carly standing there, her arms crossed across her chest. She looked from her uncle to her ex husband and tapped her foot impatiently. “Is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on?”
Luke sighed and told Carly that nothing was going on. Carly snorted and demanded to know what was going on with Bobbie. Luke looked at Sonny, who gave him an imperceptible nod. Luke thanked him and told Carly to leave him alone, that her mother was fine. Before Carly could speak again, Luke was out the door.
Over at the MetroCourt, Alan & Monica arrange for most of their belongings to be sent back to the Quartermaine Mansion. They only have two more nights there and they have too much stuff to take back at one time. Alan kisses Monica on the cheek, as she forces a smile. Alan remarks that their break has been good for them….professionally and romantically. He feels very close to Monica and is ready for them to begin the next phase in their life. Alan says when they get home, the first thing he's going to do is have the lawyer shred their divorce papers. Alan gets up and walks into the other room. Monica begins to have some doubts about ending things with Alan….but she forces herself into believing this is what's best for them all.
Back at the PCU Campus….
The guy runs his hands through his hair. "I'm Dante. I'm sure you've seen me around. I'm popular like that," Dante smirks. "And you are?"
Lucas sticks out his hand. "I'm Lucas. I'm a second year here." Lucas smiles at the guy as the two make eye contact. A few seconds later, friends of Dante's call him over to where they are.
"Listen Lucas, it was nice meeting. But I gotta go. Maybe I'll see you around."
"Sure, maybe you will," Lucas says as Dante walks away. "Maybe you will."
“Sonny, what the hell is going on?” Carly perched her hands on her hips.
Sonny looked at Carly. “Don't worry yourself about it. It has nothing to do with you.” Sonny sat down and rubbed his head. "What do you want? What are you doing here? Don't you have better things to do?" Sonny begins acting rude, hoping it'll get Carly to leave.
Carly, who's slightly annoyed with Sonny's attitude, remarks that she's there to check up on him. "I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright. I guess some old habits are just hard to break." Carly begins to fiddle with her fingers. She isn't sure how to break her pregnancy news to Sonny. "Look, um…I have some news, some very happy news. But I'm not sure how to tell you."
Sonny watches as Carly works up the nerve to tell him her good news. He decides to stop her before she tortures herself. "If you are here to tell me you are pregnant, I already know. Michael told me." Sonny gets up from the chair and walks over to the terrace window.
"Oh..well I'm glad you know." Carly knows why Sonny refuses to look at her. They've gone through a lot together and it must hurt to see her pregnant with another man's child. "Listen, I'm gonna take the boys this weekend, so you can work on getting better ok." Carly resists the urge to go console Sonny. "I'll call you later." Carly picks up her jacket and begins walking towards the door.
"Carly," Sonny says stopping her in her tracks. "Congratulations. I am sure you and Nikolas will be very happy." Sonny and Carly give each other a longing look before Carly walks out. Sonny walks over to his desk and pulls out a picture of him, Carly and the boys.
Noah slapped his car door shut and took the Brownstone steps two at a time. He pulled open the door, yelling out Bobbie’s name. He was greeted with silence. He closed the door and yelled out her name again. He walked briskly into the kitchen, but she wasn’t there. “Damnit” He muttered. "Where could she be?" Noah walks into the dark living room.
“She’s gone Noah," a voice says coming from somewhere within the room. Noah cuts the light on and sees Luke sitting with a bottle of scotch.
"What do you mean she's gone," Noah asks angrily. "I'm her husband. I have a right to know where she is!"
"Barbara Jean is gone. And it'll be a cold day in hell before I tell you where she is.” Luke said, a menacing quality in his voice. "We Spencer's stick together. I am here to tell you that she is safe. She begged me to tell you that. If it was up to me, I would tell you to rot in Hell. Luke walked to the front door, leaving an astonished Noah behind. "Don't even bother trying to find her. You won't."

Next….on Port Charles
-Ric gets a special visit from his wife while at work
-Alexis' mood is ruined after what she sees in the mirror
-AJ is jealous when he sees Nikolas & Michael bonding
-Blake tries to convince Liz to go on a date with him
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