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Tracy Breaksdown; A Partnership is Formed - PCE: Episodes 39-43



Endgame- Episode 39-43
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ned arrives at the MetroCourt for a meeting with Jax. Over the past few weeks, Ned has shown interest in purchasing a business and though he doesn't need Jax to do so, he thinks the opportunities for the both of them could be endless, especially if they work together. Jax thinks Ned's idea is good, but wants to know exactly how this situation would work.

Ned explains that the private investors that Luke sold his old club too (which was renamed Evolution) have earned their money back, and now want to sell the club. With situations changing at ELQ, Ned has been considering getting back into the music business. He could chose the talent that would perform at the club, and through the partnership with Jax, he could use the club to showcase the models and talent from the Titan/Deception partnership for cosmetics and fashion. Jax tells Ned to have his attorney bring up the papers and he'll sign them. The two shake hands and can't wait to begin their new venture.
At the Quartermaine Mansion, Luke walks in to find Tracy sulking in the dark in the den. "Good evening wife. I see you're hitting the juice a little earlier than usual."

Tracy, who's had a very long and stressful day at work, stares at her husband, while taking another sip of her liquid dinner. "Do you know how it feels to go through life, never pleasing your father?"

"My father is the last person I want to talk about. He spent all of his time drinking and abusing my mother. My father isn't someone who I would ever want to please."

"You know…..everything I've done has been for my father. I've set up my entire life to revolve around what he wanted from me. I went to college to major in business to please him. I went back to school to get my master's degree in business management. All of the internships and friends I've made were all to benefit my goal to one day run ELQ. But no matter what I've done or how hard I've worked to try and please him, it was never good enough."

Tracy gets up and goes to get more liquor from the bottle. "Alan went to medical school to spite our father. He turned his back on what father yet and yet still, Alan is still his perfect child. All of his children…well all except AJ are perfect. But me? I am a failure in his eyes. So is Ned, my father's namesake and Dillon too. None of us are quite good enough or meet his unreachable expectations."

Luke walks over to his wife who's slowly beginning to break down. She tenses up when he tries to hold her, refusing to allow herself to be weak and fall into the habit of thinking she needs a man to make her life feel better. After holding back her tears, she finally lets all of her pain out, crying on her husband's shoulder.

"All I want is for him to be proud of me. All I want is for him to be proud of me," she repeats over and over, unaware that Edward is behind the door eavesdropping.
<b>The role of Michael Corinthos III will now be played by Jake Weary.</b>

"You know, you don't have to keep hovering around me," an agitated Michael said, not looking up from his text book. "Isn't it enough that you have me grounded, but do you have to watch me like a hawk?"

Backing off a little, Carly sat on the couch, pretending to read through a magazine. "Michael, I'm just making sure that you study for your finals. I'm sure you don't want to be forced to go to summer school. Trust me, I don't like grounding you, really I don't," she answered back. Carly was in no mood to argue with her eldest child. She has more than enough stuff on her plate to have to deal with Michael's attitude issues.

To say that things between them were tense, well that would be an understatement. The minute Michael returned from school, he'd run up to his room and slam the door. Rather than have dinner as a family, he chose to eat in his room, staying away from Morgan & Carly. Carly put a halt to his wanting to do his homework in solitude too.

Something in Michael has changed over the past few months. Instead of being warm and receptive towards his mother and father, he's distant and withdrawn. Michael makes a comment about not having to go through this if he were with AJ. This catches Carly by surprise so she blasts him for talking about him. Michael says he wonders what he life would be like if he wasn't stolen from AJ, if he wasn't kept from him and told so many lies. Carly orders Michael to his room, then asks Leticia to watch Morgan. She needs to take a breather.
Jason arrives at the coffee house to find a very annoyed Sonny. Sonny asks Jason to sit, but Jason prefers to stand. After 5 minute of staring at each other, Sonny asks what Jason has been up to….you know, since he's neglected his duties with Sonny. Jason blows off Sonny, telling him to back off him.

"You know Jason if you can't put your focus on our business, then maybe you shouldn't be involved anymore. You have ignored all of my phone calls to you."

"As I said…I had things to do Sonny."

"I don't care if you had things to do. When I call you answer. You're not a child Jason. You're not just starting out in this business. You are my most trusted friend, my partner, and yet you weren't there when our shipments were raided by Lorenzo. You weren't there when we tried to send him a message and were shot at by his men. You haven't been around Jason."

"You know what Sonny? I'm sorry I wasn't there to be your 'muscle' but I do have a life. My life doesn't revolve around you. Did you once call me to see how I've been? No, you haven't. Did you bother to stop by the penthouse and wonder why I haven't been around? No. Did you even know that Sam is alive?"

Sonny's speechless. He didn't know the problems that Jason has been going through. He's been so caught up in his own business that he didn't think that Jason could be dealing with his own issues.

"What do you mean Sam's alive? She died Jason. You saw her die."

"Well she didn't. She's alive and well and living in Wyndemere with Nikolas & Lucky." Jason's emotion slowly begins to come to the surface. He tears up, but refuses to allow himself to feel sad. "She's been alive for months Sonny, with no real memory of who she is. I don't know if it's the explosion that caused it or if Helena did something, but Sam's not her old self. Until I figure out exactly what in the hell happened to the woman that I love, business and this stupid war with Lorenzo will take a backseat." Sonny tries to console Jason, but he pushes Sonny away and takes off.
On the next Port Charles: Endgame
-The citizens of Port Charles say goodbye to Brandon Wexler


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I love the vulnerability that Tracy is showing. That is her true colors. You showed them perfectly. I love that she is able to show it with Luke who probably is her soul mate, but Laura will always be his (at least in my mind). That is just amazing.

Like the pairing of Ned and Jax. They have been off the canvas for a while. Now that Brenda is coming back and Ned is her best male friend, it gets Brenda in Jax' orbit again. Inspired.

Not sure if it was intended, but I liked the citizens of Port Charles says goodbye....cause my blog of the same name is as gone as Brandon Wexler.

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Now I know why I put this back on my favorite's list....

First off, loving seeing the change in Michael....it's a long time coming, and with Jake Weary in the role, it's even more of a delight to read.

Love that he is pushing the past back into Carly's face; it was bound to happen, and I'm glad that at the age he is, he's not backing down from what has happened.

Jason's at his breaking point, and even Sonny can't help him....It's time that Jason pushes Sonny to the side for awhile so he can actually get his own life, especially with the realization that Sam is alive, in order. Sonny can't expect him to be his "Every man". Awesome job in having Jason putting Sonny on notice too...always love seeing Sonny's mouth close shut :P

Excellent episode, Ryan....and wonderful new additions to your cast.

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