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May 25, 2007






-The MCF arrives at the Salem Harbor and sees that the cruise ship has arrived. Ernesto slowly makes his descent off the ship.

MCF (via voice changer): WELCOME TO SALEM!!

Ernesto: Thanks. It's been a long time coming. Is it really necessary for you to wear that damn cloak? Aren't you hot?

MCF: I need to conceal my identity until tonight. That is also why I still use my voice changer at all times. You never know, Ernesto.

Ernesto: I guess. Sorry about having you come all the way to the harbor. This ship is so big that there is no way it would fit in at the pier so I had the harbormaster pull some strings and get us here.

MCF: It's no matter. You let me know ahead. The harbormaster is still in our employ, I trust?

Ernesto: Yes. No problems.

MCF: Good. Well, now that your here, monitor the guests and make sure there are no problems. I must go take care of some last minute business to make sure our guests arrive here tonight. They may not fall right into our hands so I may have to force the issue.

Ernesto: Do what you must. I will be here, preparing the ship for our guests' arrival.

MCF: Good. Oh, and how is Steven?

Ernesto: Well, he is aware we are in Salem but I have guards outside his room on the boat. I didn't want him going anywhere unless it's with our instructions.

MCF: Good. Keep it that way. Now, I must go. Time is of the essence. I will be back soon.

The MCF leaves as Ernesto returns to the ship.

The scene then shifts to Steve, who is sitting in his room on the ship. His guilt over having to help kidnap Lexie. Abe, and Celeste is eating away at him. He knows he is in Salem and that the MCF is going to do something big. He need to warn everyone. He looks outside his room and sees the guards still there. He looks around for another way out but can't find any. He wonders what he is going to do. Lives are in danger and he may be the only one who can stop it but he can't if he can't get out of his room.

Meanwhile, Lexie is looking out the window of her, Abe, and Celeste's cell. Her face turns to one of shock as she says that the area they are in looks familiar. She realizes it's Salem. Abe and Celeste take a look and realize she is right. Celeste then gets a strange vibe and says that she feels this is where it all begins. The horror...terror...tragedy. They must warn there loved ones in Salem. Lexie tries to calm Celeste as a worried Abe looks on.

The scene then shifts to Tony and Anna. Both are silent until Tony finally says:

Tony: This is ridiculous. You haven't said anything in a few days. DAMNIT!! Talk to me, will ya?

Anna is silent. Tony walks over to her and grabs her.

Tony: Anna...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just felt...

Anna: What, Tony? Did you you expect me to admit my love for you too? What did you expect? After all these years, did you think you saying you still loved me would mean we could just reunite like nothing ever happened? Alot happened, Tony. Just because we have been locked up together for months and had to rely on each other does not mean we are close enough to ever be like we were.

Tony: I didn't expect anything. i just wanted to get my feelings out for you.

Anna: Tony, we both know what you expected. You thought I felt the same way.

Tony: And you don't?

Anna is silent. She turns away, fighting back tears and has been clearly affected by Tony's declaration of love.

Anna: I'm not saying anything. I don't want to talk about this. I will make you a deal. I will talk but not about this. Let's drop the issue. Ok?

Tony: Whatever you wish.

Anna: Good.

Anna turns her back and walks away as Tony looks on, contemplating what exactly Anna does and does not feel for him.

Meanwhile, Chelsea is looking out the window of their cell/estate room and says she can't beleive they are in Salem. Forrest remarks on how he can only imagine what is in store for them. He wonders why they were brought to Salem. Abby notices that Forrest looks a little unnerved about being in Salem and asks if he is ok. Forrest says it's just hard to imagine being here. He never wanted to be in Salem. Lawrence had spend so much time there and there is so much history. There is just some things he doesn't want to deal with. Chelsea asks what those are. Abby tells her that Forrest has some things he doesn't wish to discuss and his past is one of them.

Chelsea asks Abby how they are supposed to be able to trust him and get to know him. They told him all about them or, at least, Abby did. Abby points out they have nothing to hide and that Forrest maybe had to deal with alot in his life. She advises Chelsea to stop being so rude to Forrest. He has been nothing but a good friend to both of them since they got there. Abby insists she owes him an apology. Forrest tells both girls to calm down and tells Abby he understands where Chelsea is coming from. There is no need for an apology.

Forrest tells Abby that Chelsea is only looking out for her best friend. She is very lucky and he doesn't blame her. He is a stranger to them and he apologizes for not being able to share more. He just can't right now. There are just some things he doesn't want to relive or share. All he can assure them of is he has no intention of hurting them or manipulating them. He is being held captive for unknown reasons just like them. Abby thanks him for being so kind and understanding. They both smile as a worried Chelsea watches, bothered by the growing bond between Abby and Forrest.

-On the pier, Kate searches for the MCF. She checks her purse and reveals a gun that she just recently purchased. She says she will do whatever is necessary to end the recent sufferings of her family. She vows that the MCF's games end now. She then sets off in search of the MCF.

-Eric is walking through Salem Place and comments on how he can't beleive all the fighting at the Brady family Memorial Day picnic. He shows up late to all that and it's a shock. He is glad he wasn't there for the beginning and that he didn't stay. His Grandma Caroline could've used him but she has Hope comforting her. Besides, he needs to get to the bottom of whatever secrets are being kept between Carrie, Kate, Nicole, and Victor. He knows Sami know of nothing because she would've told him. He remembers Belle was in the bridal party and wonders if she knows anything that can help. He decides to head over to see her and to see if she knows anything.

-At the penthouse, Belle is checking Claire's temperature and telling Caroline she is so sorry for not being able to come. Claire had a high fever and she couldn't take a chance. She asks her if she is sure she is ok. Belle tells her if she needs anything to call her. She is sorry the picnic seemed to upset her and not go as planned. She tells Caroline that her and Claire will stop over as soon as she feels better. Belle bids her goodbye as there is a knock at the door. Belle answers it to find Philip there.

Philip tells Belle he would like very much to talk to her about Claire. He wants to apologize for his actions of late and to work out a compromise. He knows he needs help for his recent drinking troubles and for his temper. He will comply with her rules but he doesn't want to never see Claire. She is his world and he needs to see her. Belle reminds Philip of all the chances she gave him and he messed up on every one of them. She can't trust him. The man she cared about is gone. He has been gone since the island mess last summer and he isn't coming back. Philip promises Belle he will get better but she won't hear of it. She has heard it before and is finished. She is filing papers tomorrow to have him removed from Claire's life for good and he can't stop her. He isn't fit to be a father to her. She slams the door in his face.

Once inside, she takes a deep breath and goes upstairs to get some medicine for Claire. Outside the penthouse, Philip is distraught. He can't lose Claire. He has already lost everything. His cell phone then rings.

Philip: Hello?

MCF (via voice changer): It's time, Philip. Tonight...you take action.

Philip: What?

MCF: The plan...the deal we had you imbecile!! Go down to your car and stay on the line.

Philip gets in the elevator, while still on the phone. The scene then shifts outside to Philip's car. He arrives at it.

Philip: Ok.

MCF: Open the door.

Philip: My doors are locked.

MCF: Not your driver's side.

Philip opens the driver's side door and finds a brown envelope.

Philip: How did you break in without setting off...

MCF: I have my ways. Open the envelope

Philip opens it to find a bottle of pills.

MCF: Those are mild sedatives to knock your pops out. They won't hurt him. You can look up the drop to make sure or even try it on someone. Tonight at 8:00 PM you will give him 2 pills. They will knock Victor out promptly. Then, you will get your father out of the house and into your car. Only you can do this due to your father's state of the art security. Bring him to the Salem Harbor-Port 9. I will be there when you arrive and we will go from there.

Philip: Look...I don't want to hurt him. I'm not sure I can do this.

MCF: You want power, don't you? You want to keep Belle and Claire...right? You need all the power and influence you had while Victor was presumed dead. The power he is denying you. You will be able to prove yourself, Philip. By the time we let your father go, you will have shown you ability and he will let you have more responsibility and influence. You will have Belle and Claire. You will have it all, Philip. You have to do this. I promise you I will hold to the deal. You can even be with us and watch over me and my men. Your father will not be harmed.

Philip: I still don't know.

MCF: Let me also remind you that you don't have a choice, Philip. Whether you agree or not, you are doing this or I will make sure you lose everything anyway. I need your father out of the way for a bit.

Philip: Why? What is...

MCF: Nevermind. Just think of all the benefits this will provide for you in the long run. This is for both of us, Philip. It's a win-win and your father won't be hurt.

Philip thinks about the MCF's words.

Philip: Alright but I don't want him hurt and I want to be around alot to make sure you hold to the deal.

MCF: Very well. I will be in touch later tonight to make sure all is going well. Just follow instructions and you will be fine. Until later.

Philip: Bye.

Philip hangs up, wondering if he is doing the right thing. He realizes he really has no choice and that as long as his father isn't harmed, it may very well work out for the best. He sets out for the mansion to prepare to do something he thought he would never do...drugging his own father and having him kidnapped.

-At the Salem Inn, Austin and Carrie are continuing their honeymoon and are kissing in a hot tub in their room. Carrie tells Austin this couldn't get any better and that for the first time in months, she feels like all her troubles are miles away. Austin says that's good as it seems he is doing his job. They kiss. Carrie says she feels that they are missing her family's picnic but it is their honeymoon. Austin assures her they understand and wouldn't want her to interupt her honeymoon. Besides, they were supposed to be in Aruba by now if not for a storm in that area. As far as her family knows, they aren't in Salem. Carrie says he is right and that it's fine. They will take a flight out in the morning and it will all work out. The hotel knows anyway. They then go back to making love in the hot tub.

Meanwhile, the MCF hides behind some crates on the pier. Alan arrives. The MCF peers behind the crates and motions to him. Alan asks what is going and why he wanted to meet him. The MCF says that tonight is the big night and he needs Alan to make sure that all of the guests they need make their way to the ship. He urges him to pass the message on to James. Alan asks why he just didn't call and give directions. The MCF says he or she feels it's better in person so that Alan takes this seriously. God knows he screwed up enough. Alan says he knows he made mistakes but that he has been effective for the most part.

The MCF reminds him of his molesting Will and how that wasn't part of the plan. He did right by kidnapping Will to keep him silent but he could've found some other way to frighten him into keeping his mouth shut. Alan says he knows that but he also had a chance to inflict his own revenge on Sami and Lucas through Will. The MCF says that there are other ways and that he was supposed to wait until tonight to get any revenge. The MCF reminds Alan he or she promised that everyone involved in this operation would have their chance for payback but they needed to have patience. Alan jumped the gun but it's no matter now. Will is keeping his mouth shut and it puts the Brady, Horton, and Roberts families through more hell.

Just then, Kate shows up. The MCF and Alan are stunned.

Kate: Well, hello there. Hope I'm not interupting.

MCF (via voice changer): Kate...

Kate: You know Alan...I knew something was off about you when you returned and boy was I right. I had the rumblings that you were in with the cloaked one so I'm not surprised.

MCF: Kate, what do you want?

Kate: Answers. I know you have Chelsea. You have been manipulating me and Carrie into keeping Evan with Nicole. Now, I hear that your cohort, Alan, here did something to Will.

Alan: I don't...

Kate: NO!! Don't deny it because I just heard it being talked about between you two. Very sloppy of you two, I must say. All these months of secret planning and so on and it was so easy to find you both and overhear your talk. I'm disappointed. I wanted a challenge.

MCF: Alright. ENOUGH!!

Kate then pulls out a gun and aims it at Alan and the MCF.

Kate: You got that right. ENOUGH!! I've had enough of you making me and my family suffer, along with so many of your other victims here in Salem. It ends now. I was afraid before but you know I'm not now. I showed you that last night when you kidnapped me.

MCF: Well, bravo to you. Now, put the gun down and...

Kate: No. Not until I get what I want.

MCF: And that is?

Kate: What I just asked for. I want answers...now!!

The MCF and Alan look at each other as a determined Kate holds them at gunpoint.

-Back at the Salem Inn, Austin and Carrie are both relaxing in the tub. Carrie's mind is drifting and she once again finds herself thinking about her secrets. She recalls getting the DNA tests and learning Evan is her son. She opens her eyes and, as tears stream down her face, she whispers she is sorry to Austin but that she has no choice. Austin slowly stirs and asks what she said. Carrie says she was just talking to herself. Austin notices that she seems nervous or worried and asks her what is wrong and why she is acting like that. She was just fine a minute ago. Carrie assures Austin she is fine. She just needs his arms around her to know that this is only the beginning of the good times for them. Austin promises her it is.

Meanwhile, at the penthouse, Belle exits the bathroom with the medicine for Claire. She walls by the guest room Carrie stayed in the night before the wedding and sees something that catches her eye. She looks between the nightstand and the bed and finds a piece of paper. She wonders if it is important and sees it is part of her a Universtity Hospital Lan test. She sees the nightstand drawer slightly open and opens it completely. She finds a large envelope with University Hospital on it and wonders if the paper fell out of it. She wonders why that would be there and recalls Carrie being the only one in there unless Sami dropped something. She then notices the paper says DNA testing on it. She is reluctant to look because it isn't her business. She decides to put it away and just ask Carrie when she returns but something catches her eye as she tries to put it away. The paper has the name "Evan" on it. Recalling that is the name of Nicole's adopted son, Belle looks at the paper further and sees Carrie's name on the paper too.

Belle: What the hell is this?

There is then a knock on the door downstairs. It's Eric, who calls out to Belle and asks if she is home. Belle is reading the paper and decides she has to look inside the envelope for the rest now that she has read the loose paper. She reads it over and says:

Belle: Oh my God...Evan is Carrie's son?!

She then hears Eric calling to her but is so stunned she can't move as the screen freezes on her shocked face and then fades to black.


Roman to Marlena: Talk to me. Please!!

Marlena to Roman: I hate you!!

Hope to Caroline: I am going to go after Bo and get the truth. Tonight!

Kim to Shane: It's no use. My family will hate me...and that will never change.

Kate to the MCF: You tell me everything now or I blow your brains out!!

Carrie: Oh my God...the labe results!!

Eric to Belle (who is holding the DNA test results): What do you have there?


Recommended Comments

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Roman writes the blog too Rudolpho. They cowrite.

Damn! Love the ending! Never saw that coming where Belle finds the results. I would have figured Sami or Lucas would have but excellent choice. Plus, Eric right there, Makes me so happy. I am loving it.

One thing I love about your blog is how strong the women are. Go Kate! I love how she tracked down the MCF.

I am jealous of Carrie. She has my honeymoon. Excellent job you two :)

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Are you gearing up for everyone in Salem to board this ship? If so, I'm really interested. Is it going to be like the Cruise of Deception? That would be awesome. I love storylines like this that bring everyone together.

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