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Endgame- Episode 7
Lucas Loses His Love
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Opening Video

Tonight's episode features the music of Chris Daughtry. The song used goes hand in hand with the episode and will make your reading pleasure a little more enjoyable. The link to the song is provided below. Please download this song as a token of our appreciation.

Daughtry - Sorry

Lucas slowly approaches Brandon’s hospital room. The closer he gets to the room, the more he can feel the pit in his stomach deepen. What will he be able to say to make it all better? Elizabeth tells Lucas that she’ll give him some time alone with Brandon. When Elizabeth leaves, Lucas peeks through the glass and is hesitant to walk in the room. Finally he musters up enough courage to walk in.

*****“Sorry” by Chris Daughtry begins to play….*****

As he steps into the room, his eyes focus on the tubes and equipment that Brandon is hooked up to, bringing tears to his eyes. He walks over to the window and pulls over a chair, careful not to touch Brandon as he’s afraid of hurting him. He stares at Brandon, not touching him, shaking, trembling. He reaches out for Brandon’s hand and hovers his above Brandon’s.

“Well here we are,” he begins finally grabbing his hand. “I don’t know what to say. I’m not very good at this.” He lets out a big sigh, trying to force back the tears. “You had me scared there for a minute. All of us were out in the waiting room awaiting word on your condition.” Lucas puts his hand on Brandon’s forehead, brushing away the hair from his face. “But the doctors say it’s up to you now. You now have to fight to come back us. To me. You’re a fighter. Next to my father, you are the strongest man I know. And you have people who need you. I need you.”

Lucas dreads talking about what happened between him and Dillon only hours before. But he knows that if he can give Brandon a reason to come back to him, he can fix the damage done to their relationship.

“I don’t know exactly how much of this you can hear. But…I want you to listen to what it is I have to say. What happened between Dillon and I was a mistake. I don’t know what came over me, but it felt like a force was pushing us together, a force that I didn’t want.” He gets up from the chair and walks back and forth in front of the bed. “I’m not shirking the blame. I am the one who made a mistake, I’m not drying to blame someone else, but I just….I never meant to hurt you Brandon. I didn’t mean to cause you any pain. It’s because of me and my stupid actions that got you here. If it wasn’t for me and Dillon, you wouldn’t have run out in the street and got hit by that car.”

Lucas begins to cry, knowing how much he let down Brandon. He is torn into pieces knowing that he is majorly responsible, at least in his opinion, for the accident. He stares at Brandon once again, trying to imagine the happier times. He wants to just hug Brandon tightly and never let him go.

“When I say I’m sorry, will you believe me Brandon? Will you forgive me for betraying your trust?” Lucas sits back down in the chair next to Brandon and grabs his hand and leans in close. “I am nothing without you. It is because of you that I am the man that I am today. You made me feel like I could make a difference in the world, and forced me to love myself for who I am. You are the one constant in my life and I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He lifts up Brandon’s hand and kisses it, continuing to fight back tears. “You are a part of me. You and I share an eternal bond that I will always cherish and respect. I love you.”

Lucas continues to pour his heart and soul out to an unconscious Brandon, a single tear trickles down Brandon’s cheek. All of a sudden, the deafening silence is broken when Brandon’s electrocardiogram sends out an alarm. Lucas looks up with tears in his eyes to see that Brandon has flat lined.

Lucas runs over and screams for the doctors to come in while pushing the panic button. “Oh god someone help! Please help! Something’s wrong!” Lucas screams.

As Noah and Bobbie approach Brandon’s room, they hear Lucas’ calls for a doctor, and Noah freezes in his tracks. He knows that he can’t in good conscious help the person who he helped hurt. Bobbie begins to cry, knowing that she is directly responsible for this. Patrick, David, Elizabeth & Alan rush into the room and do their best to try and get Brandon’s heart working once again. Lucas freaks out, begging, pleading with them and god to help save the life of the man that he loves. Brandon is the one he betrayed, but he’s the man who has his heart and soul, the man who is a part of his very being.

Lucas continues to get in the way of the doctor’s who are trying to save Brandon’s life, Patrick yells for Carly to take Lucas out of the room. Carly rushes into the room and takes a distraught Lucas outside the room and they watch as the doctor’s work feverishly to save Brandon.

“I’ve gotta go back in there! He needs me! He needs me,” Lucas screams with tears in his eyes.

After working on Brandon for minutes, David stops.

“What…what are you doing? Why are you stopping,” a frantic Lucas asks David. “Keep going.”

“I’m sorry Lucas. Brandon is—” David’s words are cut off by Lucas. “No,” he cries. “Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare say it. He’s not….,” Lucas tries to regain his composure. “He’s not…You know. He’s not. He’s not.”

Carly tries to say something to cushion the blow Lucas is feeling, but ends up making it worse. “Lucas I am so sorry. But the doctor’s wouldn’t lie to you. Come on, come with me,” she says reaching out for her distraught brother.

“Get the hell off of me Carly! All of you…GO AWAY! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!” Lucas then rushes into the room where Brandon lies and watches in horror as the nurses unhook his lifeless body from the machines. Lucas closes his eyes and tries to think of all the good times they had, but he can’t. He collapses on the floor where his sister is there with a shoulder for him to cry on. The camera pulls away from Lucas and Carly while he’s crying in her arms as Port Charles comes to a close.

On the next Port Charles: Endgame
-The reality of Brandon’s death sets in on Lucas
-Sarah is pleased when Steven tells her of his future “date” with Robin
-Sonny breaks the news of Courtney’s death to Mike and his children


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  • Members

That was the most heart-breaking story I've read...

I truly loved the relationship development of Lucas and Brandon...Lucas has lost the one person that had everything for him. He's lost his confidence in who he is; he's lost the heart that was there for him during the periods of unacceptance, looks of disgust, and the breakdown in the relationship of his mother. The sad thing of it all is that Lucas has no idea that the mother that gave him life is the one that took life from the man he loves.

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Drama. Drama. Drama!!!! I love it!!! Ryan my love don't disappoint here and continue the bonding between Lucas and Carly!! I loved it SO SO much!!!!

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oh my god...thank god I have the Kleenex next to my computer at my desk

I was seriously in tears from this eppy. Amazing job on this, Chandler. You have no idea

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Wow, that was amazing. Loved seeiing Lucas and Carly bond like that. My heart breaks for Lucas as he has lost the man he loves. Great story going forward and I can't wait to read it. You have been doing some amazing work lately, even better than before.

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