PCE: Episode 5

Endgame- Episode 5
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Almost at the hospital, Noah drove on and parked the car. Before letting Bobbie out of the car, he tried to rationalize with her the situation. He explained what he could for her and he asked her if she would be okay to see Lucas without confessing to him she was the reason Brandon was hurt.
Bobbie wanted to turn herself in, but Noah convinced her it was best to let things ride out till it was absolutely necessary to come forward. He was protecting her and he hoped she would come to realize this.
At the hospital, the friends closest to Brandon continued to wait for word about their injured friend. A few moments later, though it seemed like a lifetime for Lucas, Patrick emerges from the room with Robin and David to give them an update on Brandon’s condition.
“I was going over the paperwork and noticed that no one identified themselves as Brandon's next of kin. Why is that," Patrick asks looking at the room full of worried people. "There has to be someone we can call right?"
"Ummm, no," Lucas says wiping a tear from his face. "I am the closest thing Brandon has to family. His parents died when he was a kid. The only other family member I could think of was his sister, but she died a few years ago." Lucas walks over to Patrick running his hands through his hair. "Look, I know all about hospital procedure and that you're not able to share this information with me, but I really need to know. I am his family. Please Patrick."
Patrick gives a look to Robin and David, who give him the nod of approval. "Brandon’s stabilized for now. But there isn’t much we can do for him that hasn’t already been done. It’s up to Brandon now.”
"What's wrong with him?" Carly asks. "I know that you're keeping something from us. Don't make things any harder than they already are."
"I'll clear some things up for you," says David. "Brandon went into severe cardiac arrest on his way over to the hospital. During the surgery to repair some of his internal injuries, Brandon again when into cardiac arrest and during the peri-period, it was very touch and go." David gets ready to continue, but Robin cuts him off.
"But we were able to stabilize him due to the combination of drugs that Brandon was on, as well as the immense talent of Dr. Hayward here." Robin then turns things over to Patrick.
Lucas takes a deep breath before hugging his sister. "So everything's alright now right? I mean he's ok?"
"Brandon," Patrick begins to say, "Suffered severe damage to his head during the accident." Patrick watches as Lucas begins to freak out. "Before you get worked up, let me finish. There was severe cranial swelling that was putting pressure on his brain. He had an intracranial hemorrhage that put pressure on his brain, so we relieved the pressure by withdrawing some of the blood so I could go in and repair the damage."
“May I sit with him?” a distraught Lucas asks.
“No, at least not yet. Give us time to look him over and to reconnect the machines. Someone will let you know when you can see him. Perhaps someone would like to take you for something to eat in the cafeteria or something and come back a little later. We’ll know more about his condition and we can allow visitors.”
Suddenly, Patrick was paged and he took his pager out of his coat pocket. He walked over to the phone and called in the page. While on the phone, he looked over in Carly's direction with a concerned look on his face.
“You better come with me, Carly," Patrick says while grabbing her arm. "Sonny and Courtney were just brought into the ER. There's been an explosion.”
Carly is hesitant to leave her brother behind, but Lulu tells her to go. Reluctantly, Carly follows Patrick to go find Sonny & Courtney.
On the next Port Charles: Endgame....
- Carly learns of Sonny & Courtney's fate
- Monica files the papers for her resignation as Chief of Cardiology
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