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Episode 73





No spoiling the fun- start at the beginning- NO JUMPING TO THE END!!! :D

(EXT: The Capwell Hotel)

---Kelly directs the catering staff in the banquet room, instructing them that she wants everything just so for this dinner. Kelly explains that the entire Castillo and Capwell family are going to be there and, because of the solemn occasion, she doesn't want any problems for the family and as little disturbance as possible. They get to work setting up and she turns around and sees her husband standing there.

"You're quite cute when you're bossy, you know that?" Ashton smiles

"This is a surprise. I thought you weren't going to make it until later- that you had meetings."

"I wrapped all of that up early- I think it's more important that I be here with my wife, don't you?"

She smiles for the first time that day as Ashton kisses her. He asks if there's anything that he can do to help and she tells him she has everything covered. Ashton asks if she's going to wear what she has on, irritating her slightly.

"I haven't exactly had time to primp myself- And for that matter, why should it matter to you what I have on?"

"Cute when she's annoyed too. Actually, if you would've let me finish, I was going to tell you that my meeting was with your tailor- and she put the finishing touches on something I bought for you for this occasion. It's upstairs in the penthouse.."

"Ashton, I couldn't possibly leave, Eden's expecting me and I want everything to go perfectly..."

"Not to worry, my love, I'll handle all of that- you've been on your feet working on this all day. Go upstairs, take a nice hot shower and put on something brand new. I think it will do you a world of good."

"How did I get so lucky? Where have you been all my life, Ashton Lavery?"

"Waiting for you to show up." he answers, leaning in and kissing her again. She then heads upstairs, with her dress.

(EXT: Plane flying Overhead)

---The pilot comes on over the loudspeaker and says they're making their descent into Santa Barbara. Mason looks at Mary, who's quietly fallen asleep by the window. He gently nudges her, telling her they're about to land. She sits up and fastens her seatbelt. Mason comments that she hasn't said anything all day- she was quiet over breakfast and has slept the entire flight.

"What do you want me to say, Mason?"

"Anything, really- what I can't handle is this silence I've gotten from you since last night. We made love, Mary. We need to talk about that."

"We were both low last night, Mason. We'd been on a wild goose chase and we were leaving with not much more to go on than we had to begin with. And in our weakness, we comforted one another."

"It was more than that and you know it."

"You're married Mason- to Julia. You made a commitment to her, a lifetime commitment- what happened last night doesn't change that."

"What are you talking about? It changes everything!"

Mary tells him that she intends to continue to live her life without him. She informs him that she's going back to work at the clinic and she thinks it's best if they keep their distance for a while. Mason asks her where that leaves their investigation and she says that Pearl can handle it. Mason isn't fooled, telling her that the Mary he saw in Florida wouldn't give up so quickly, and certainly would want to handle Mark and Sherri personally.

"Revenge has always been your forte, Mason. It's never been mine."

"Maybe not before....but c'mon, after all the torture he's put you through- I can't imagine not wanting a little revenge....You're fooling yourself if you think you can walk away from this...and from me.....so easily..."

"I've done it for 20 years Mason, what makes you think I can't now?"

They are startled when the plane touches ground, having been so ensconced in their own conversation.

(EXT: Angela's Condominium)

---Angela emerges from the master bathroom, still fastening her earrings. She looks in the mirror to make sure she looks just so. She looks at her watch and wonders where Ted could be. Ears ever-ringing, Ted picks that moment to come bursting through the door downstairs.



Ted charges up the stairs and tiptoes to the room, holding his hand behind his back. He smiles at his wife who's doing her best to be coy and ignore him. He steps directly in her personal space, bringing his face close up to hers. As she turns to her left to disconnect eye contact, he whips the a dozen yellow roses out with his right hand.

"Yellow roses.... My favorite. They're beautiful...."

"Not half as beautiful as you!" he says planting a passionate kiss on her, which she soon pulls away from.

"I'm still mad at you- 12 yellow flowers aren't gonna make it up to me...."

"Nothin happened between us. We're just friends, Angela..."

"Then why didn't you just tell me you were with her?"

Ted smiles and says that it wouldn't have been half as fun this way. Angela doesn't understand and he tells her he likes it when she's jealous- always has.

"You mean you were just playing with me?" He looks away, feigning guilt. "It's not funny Ted! Do you have any idea what that little twit you were engaged to has been putting me through?"

"Who, Lily? Why do you let her get to you babe?"

"I don't know, she pushes my buttons...."

"I was hoping I could push your buttons myself...." He begins hungrily devouring her.

"Ted.....Ted.......We've got to go dinner, your sister's expecting us....."

"She'll understand if we're let- We're newlyweds..."

Ted begins devouring Angela's neck, causing her to moan with pleasure. After all the time she spent getting dressed, Ted has her dress on the floor in seconds flat. She carefully unbuttons his shirt and reaches to hang it on the bedpost.

"What are you Doing? What's gotten into you? We don't have clean sex, wife or no wife" Ted says, tearing off his t-shirt.

Angela quickly undoes his belt and tears his pants off of him before he literally throws her onto the bed, hurling himself on top of her. he kisses her passionately as the roll around in their beige Satin sheets.

(EXT: The Capwell Hotel)

---Eden arrives at the banquet room with Adriana, wearing no makeup and a dour black pantsuit. Her eyes are swollen, as though she hasn't slept in days. Adriana, meanwhile, is done to the nines. Adriana comments that everything looks so beautiful.

"Kelly's worked very hard to make sure everything's just right." Ashton says, emerging from the background.

"And where is she Now?" Eden asks.

"Upstairs, changing, she should be down any minute. I gave her a break with the staff."

"How thoughtful of you." Eden says, sarcastically.

"You'll have to excuse my mother, Mr Lavery. She's just upset...."

"Don't speak for me, Adriana- I'm an adult and perfectly capable of communicating exactly how I feel when I say something."

"It's alright, Adriana. I understand it's a rough time for all of you..."

"And talking as if I'm not in the room certainly won't help matters!" Eden interjects.

Before things get any worse, Kelly arrives at the banquet room and calls to Eden. Eden turns around and immediately begins to cry when she sees her sister. They walk up to each other and embrace, Kelly brushing Eden's hair gently.

"You're gonna get through this darlin. We're all here for you, especially me."

Eden continues to sob, describing to Kelly the scene she came upon in Mexico and trying to explain everything that happened beforehand. Kelly continues to stroke her sister's hair and tell her that everything's going to be alright. She's with her family now. Eden asks when the others are supposed to get there- Kelly explains that CC and Rafe have gone with the driver to pick up Rafael, Carm, and Carmen. Kelly also tells her that Ted's flight should have gotten in an hour ago and that Mason's should be arriving any minute. Eden asks about Julia, who arrives on cue with Samantha. Julia walks up to Eden and takes both of her hands in hers.

"How you holding up....."

"I'm doing my best, Julia, I'm trying...." Eden says as she again chokes back tears.

Samantha embraces her cousin and tells her that if there's anything she needs, she can count on her. Adriana quietly whispers that what she needs is to get away from her mother for a little while. Samantha suggests she stay at their house tonight and Adriana leaps at the offer. Samantha asks where Chip is and Eden pipes up, wondering the same thing. Adriana tells her that she talked to Chip earlier in the day and he wasn't going to be able to leave until the morning. Eden asks why and Adriana explains that Victoria isn't up to making the trip and her nurse can't come stay with her until the morning. Eden is disappointed that the whole family will be there except for Cruz's son. She's distracted when everyone begins arriving- CC walking in first.

"DADDY!" Eden says, her voice cracking as she walks up to him.

"Princess." he responds, taking his eldest daughter in his arms.

Behind him walk in Rosa, Rafe, Rafael, Carm, Ric, and Carmen. Eden is especially surprised to see Ric, who she didn't think was going to make it.

"I was able to work it out at the last minute, thank God. I couldn't imagine being any place else."

He kisses his sister-in-law on the cheek and immediately walks up to Kelly. He greets her with a light peck on the lips, surprising her. She introduces to her husband, Ashton.

"Nice to meet you." Ashton says.

Ric says nothing back. Mason, Ted, and Angela arrive, each greeting Eden and giving their condolences. The whole family is floored when Brandon walks in. Everyone is all smiles to see him, even on such a dour occasion. Brandon gives Eden a huge kiss and tells her he's so sorry about Cruz. Eden says that she's surprised that he made it, since he hasn't been back in town for quite some time.

"Cruz helped raise me for a while there, and he was always a part of my life. I had to be here Eden. I couldn't let him pass without seeing you and making sure you were okay."

"I appreciate that- my you're so grown up. I remember when you were just a little boy, running around playing hide and seek in the mansion........You look good, Brandon. And so much like your father..."

The family begins taking their seats and the long rectangular table. They all sit down and Rosa leads everyone in a prayer for Cruz. She speaks beautifully about what a loving, giving, generous, and courageous man Cruz was before closing out with a prayer in Latin. Everyone begins eating their food. Eden looks over at Adriana, saying that she's disappointed that Chip wasn't able to make it in. Adriana says he had no other choice, he had to take care of his own mother.

"He should be HERE! With us....."

"Who should Be here?" A voice says from the corridor.

Eden slowly gets up from her seat and sees her gorgeous SON!!! standing there. She begins to choke up and runs to the middle of the room to hug the son she and Cruz raised. She tells him that she's so happy he's there and comments that she didn't think he'd be able to make it.

"I didn't think so either, but we worked it out..."

"I'm so happy that you did. Kelly- can you have the service staff bring another setting? We're going to have 1 more for dinner..."

"Actually, 2..." Chip says.

"2? What are you talking abou-"

She cuts herself off when she sees Victoria Lane wheel herself in in her electric wheelchair.

"Hello Eden" she says.


THE END.............for today

I'm DYING to see your comments on this re-cast!!

Also join me in chat at : http://www.freewebs.com/ccandsophia

Also, join us for the radio show tonight. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/santabarbaratalk

(646)652-4802 The show only lasts one hour tonight, but we're gonna take as MANY of your CALLS as possible! :)


Recommended Comments

  • Members

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is definately a surprise. I was actually ok with Kristin, but now that I see who you cast, I like her much better. Very nice choice. Can't wait to see how she interacts with everyone. Also love Chip. Great choice and I can totally see him as Cruz's son. Fantastic episode.


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Damn I was WAY off but in a much better way! Love it! Totally worth the wait. I wish I could join you but someone is being a pain...

I have to admit, I saw where you wrote no jumping ahead. I was like, "He will never know" But I felt bad so I went back and read the whole thing. Just like you said babk in BB TNT, we think alike, yep we still do. Love it!

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This is going to sound incredibly dumb but I don't know who that actress is. She looks familiar though. What's her name?

P.S. Good episode!

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This is going to sound incredibly dumb but I don't know who that actress is. She looks familiar though. What's her name?

P.S. Good episode!

It doesn't sound dumb at all- if you didn't watch the first 2 years of SB or 'Generations' you probably wouldn't know her. The actress is Linda Gibboney, the original Gina on SB and formerly Jessica on Generations.

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Why did you choose Linda Gibbony for the role of Victoria Lane? I can't understand. I can't imagine her in that role. I think Kristen Madows played it perfectly. :huh:

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Why did you choose Linda Gibbony for the role of Victoria Lane? I can't understand. I can't imagine her in that role. I think Kristen Madows played it perfectly. :huh:

I think Kristen Meadows played it perfectly as well, but when I said she might be coming back......A LOT of people were like "NOOOOO!" "Please Not Victoria.....at least, not Kristen Meadows!" Here's the link: Victoria Casting Call Comments

I must disagree with you though- I can SO imagine Linda as Tori. :)

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I may even like the character now....or love to hate her which is just as good. Before I just hated her. I think you did a great job casting. I amsorry that I couldn't join you in the chat. That chat hates me and I can't get in there

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