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GH Fan Fic: Episode 13



Episode 13


[After seeing Patrick, Robin quickly tries to hide her emotions. Patrick looks at Robin sympathetically and is told that she doesn’t need his sympathy. Patrick tells her it’s ok to let her defenses down because he won’t hurt her. Robin tries to fight letting her feelings out but can’t and lets her pain pour out of her. Patrick offers to drive Robin home and she accepts. Before they leave, he hands her a tissue so she can clean up her face.]

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[The nanny comes out of the room and is shocked by what she sees. She tells Nikolas that Molly is trying to sleep, but he tells her to shut up. Nikolas picks up Ric and goes to punch him again, but someone grabs his hand. Nikolas turns around and sees Sonny. Sonny tells Nikolas that if he hits his brother again, he (Nikolas) will have to answer to him (Sonny). Nikolas let’s Ric go and laughs at what Sonny says. Nikolas then turns around and punches Sonny in the mouth. Sonny checks his lip and when he begins to bleed, he tells Nikolas that he’s a deadman.]


[skye and Lorenzo converse about the Haunted Star and their past relationships. Skye tells Lorenzo that she is happier than she’s been on a long time and attributes that to the unconditional friendship that they have with each other. Lorenzo tells Skye that he wants to be more than just her friend. He wants to be the man that she can feel safe with.]


Lucas (after pulling away): Dude, what are you doing?

Guy: Aren’t you happy to see me Lucas?

Bobbie: Lucas…what is going on here?

Tony: Who is this guy and why did he kiss you?

Lucas (to Tony and Bobbie): I have no idea. This guy is just….some strange person who came up and kissed me.

Bobbie: Hopefully you are playing some sick joke young man. And if you are, I hope you know I don’t find it funny.

Guy: Sick joke? Is that what you think this is? Lucas how can you act like you don’t know me?!

Lucas: Because I don’t.

Dillon: Hey..umm….ha! This is really funny. Yay, the joke worked. It’s time to go.

[Dillon grabs the guy but he pulls away.]

Guy: What is it with you Lucas? How can you not remember me? We were just together the other night!

Lucas: …….

Guy: Oh I get it. You’re a closet case aren’t you.

LuLu: Lucas, maybe you should--

Tony: Closet case? What are you talking about?

Lucky: Lucas, do you want me to press charges against this guy?

Tracy: He’s referring to Lucas being “in the closet”.

Bobbie: That’s impossible. My son isn’t in the closet he’s—

Guy: I hate to break it to you Ms. Spencer, but your son is gay. Isn’t that right Lucas?

[Carly runs over to Lucas with a concerned look on her face.]

Carly (whispering to Lucas): Look Lucas, if you'd prefer to do this in private it's no big deal. I can arrange for that.

Bobbie: Lucas? (Bobbie grabs her son’s face as he looks away from her). Lucas?! You’re not…

Carly: Not now momma!

Bobbie: You’re not….You’re not gay…are you? Lucas? Come on. TALK TO ME!!

Lucky: Lucas, Carly is right. You don't have to do this right now.

Lucas: No Lucky. This was gonna come out sooner or later. Yeah mom. I am.

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On The Next General Hospital….

- Bobbie doesn’t take the news so well

- Carly is there to comfort her brother

- Luke & Tony are disappointed in Bobbie's reaction

- Sonny learns of Alexis’ disappearance.

- Lorenzo tells Skye he wants to be with her

- Alexis and Sam try to figure out where they are

- Jax thinks he’s found Courtney; Courtney contacts Jason

- Carly is being watched

1 Comment

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Loving the Lucas story....Sonny getting knocked out made my day. Wish I could have seen it on the TV. :P

Oh and whatever happened to Emily? Can we assume she died??? :)

Awesome episode Ryan.

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