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Winner and Answers to the 10th Round



READER'S LIGHT: Celebrating Guiding Light's 70th Anniversary.

1. Before coming to Springfield, what town did Abigail Blume once call home?

Hint:Hint: Reva Shayne Lewis also had called it home before being discovered by Alan Spaulding in 1995.

Answer: Goshen

2. Who did Ed Bauer sleep with in 1992 while still married to Maureen Bauer?

Hint: Hint: She was introduced onto Guding Light in 1983.

Answer: Lillian Raines

Each question was worth 5 points. Congrats to Actor87 for getting each one correct. That is an additional 10 points.

Bonus Question: Worth 10 Points

Can you name three characters that have crossed over between Another World and Guiding Light?

Answer: Mike Bauer, Hope Bauer, and Cass Winthrop.

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