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Episode 60






(EXT: Baja Mexico- Highway)

---Santana drives down the highway, nervously. She remembers back to going off on the speedboat looking for Cruz and seeing the yacht he was on explode. She then flashes back to greeting a distraught Eden as a body was pulled up from the water. She continues driving, then thinks back to the conversation with Det. Torres and Kirk. She continues driving again, checking her rear view mirror as she looks for her exit.

The camera pans to a car two cars behind and zooms in on the driver. "That's right Santana- nobody behind ya. Just keep driving...." Kirk says, as he follows her.

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---Alone in her office, Elizabeth admonishes Keith for barging in and announcing their marriage to everyone at Capwell.

"I'm sorry angel, I didn't think it mattered- they were all gonna find out soon enough...." Keith says

"There's nothing to find out, Keith. I was drunk and we made a mistake. I thought we agreed the best thing to do was to just end this as quickly as possible...."

"We did, Lizzie Bit, we did, but see, I got to thinking- I don't know about you, but I ain't gettin any younger and here I got this beautiful, sophisticated, sexy woman to call my wife... I'm not so sure I wanna give that up..."

"We hardly know each other..."

"So? Last time I did this it was with somebody I knew inside and out and you know what? I'm a bachelor now.......or at least I was until.....Operation Consummation."

Elizabeth looks at him. "It's disturbing that you call it that...."

"All I'm sayin, Lizzie Bit, is maybe we ought to think this through, before we rush anything. Who knows? We might've stumbled onto something great here.....do you really wanna throw that away?"

Elizabeth stares into Keith's eyes, taken in a bit by his charms. Suddenly, the two of them hear a loud, violent banging on the door.

"What the...." Elizabeth barely gets out before.....


Elizabeth looks at Keith. "Gina...."


Elizabeth flings open the door and Gina storms into the office.

"Hey babe" Keith says.

Gina promptly slaps him across the face as hard as she can.

---CC sits at his desk, staring at the picture of he & Sophia sitting on top of it. He remembers back to the evening where she came home from the spa and the candlelight dinner and dance that they shared. He comes out of his flashback when Kathleen buzzes him, telling him that his daughter is there to see him.

She opens the door. "Hi daddy. This a bad time?"

"Oh, Kelly, it's you pumpkin. Not a bad time at all."

Kelly notices that CC sets the picture of he & Sophia back down on his desk. "You thinkin of mama?"

"Yes, there's not a day that goes by where I don't think of your mother...."

Kelly tells him that she still can't believe she's gone. She says that she doesn't think Ted is handling it very well and CC explains that's why he sent Ted on the trip to New York. CC changes the subject, asking her how things are going over at the hotel. She says that they're fine and the hotel is just what she wanted to talk to him about. She tells him that she'd like to move into the penthouse with Ashton, seeing as how it's vacant. It has plenty of room for the two of them and work will be convenient. CC tells her that he had plans to rent it, but they fell through and couldn't be happier than to rent it to she and her husband. CC mentions one thing though.

"There's only one bedroom there. Not conducive for say.......a baby...."


"I'm just saying darling that when the time's right, the penthouse is not exactly a place you can raise a child in..."

"Ashton and I haven't even talked about children yet, we're still getting to know one another...."

"Isn't that what a courtship is usually for?"

Kelly gives him a look and as she's about to defend her husband, the phone rings.

CC answers it. "Hello.......Eden, baby, where are you I can barely hear you.......What?......Mexico?!? Why are you..?........ MY GOD- Are they sure it's Cruz?......... Well when will they know?.......That long? Princess, do you want me to come down there and...........Alright, alright. But if you need me.......Ok...........She's right here with me, don't worry, I'll tell them.............I love you too....."

Kelly asks CC what's wrong and CC tells her that there were complications with Cruz's investigation and he was last seen boarding a yacht that ended up exploding. Kelly is horrified by the news and CC tells her they found a body. As Kelly begins to cry and CC walks to comfort her, Ashton enters the office.

"Kelly.....Kelly, what's wrong?"

"My God Ashton!" She runs up to him and hugs him.

"What is it baby? What is it?"

"It's Cruz.........Ashton, he's missing....."

Ashton is stunned and holds Kelly, as CC looks on.

---Lily walks down to Angela's office, telling her she needs all of the files to give to Joann. Angela gets the files she's asking for and hands them to her.

"Anything else?" Angela asks.

"My, my, my, aren't we testy today...."

"Can we do this another day? I'm really in no mood...."

"What's the matter, Angela? No sack time with Ted? A little frustrated?"

"You crude little......You have no shame- much like your mother. Then again, your mother can keep a man satisfied......Oh wait, I take that back.....her boyfriend just came home married to another woman. Is this some kind of twisted Blake curse?"

"You can't hurt me Angela, not anymore. Besides, I have no reason to be upset- I'm free. You, on the other hand..."

"I'm what Lily? Happily married to the man I love?"

"Happily married? You really expect me to believe that? This, this is the same woman who was guzzling down drinks while I was dancing with her husband? Happily married couples take trips together, Angela. Happily married men don't jet off to New York City to act like fratboys and meet up with old college girlfriends.."

"What are you talking about?"

Lily spells it out for her, telling her she'd have to be a fool to think that Ted would spend a week in New York City and not see Laken. Angela reminds Lily that it's a business trip, but Lily reminds her just what it is that married men do on business trips. She also reminds Angela of how they got together: Ted was cheating on her, his fiance. Once a cheater, she tells Angela, always a cheater.

"You rotten little witch, get the hell out of my office before I tear you to shreds."

"Oh, gladly.....just one thing though- has Ted even bothered to call you since he's been away?" Angela looks at Lily. "Didn't think so. Do yourself a favor- give his suite a buzz. You never know what you might find out..."

Lily smiles and turns away, walking out of the office, leaving an uneasy Angela to sit at her desk and contemplate.

----Keith holds his face with his hand, shocked by how hard Gina hit him

"That really hurt...."

"GOOD!" Gina replies "I WANTED IT TO HURT, JUST LIKE I WANT THIS TO HURT!" She slaps him again in the exact same spot.



Elizabeth steps in between them. "All right Gina. That's enough."

"No, I believe I decide when it's ENOUGH, HUSSIE!"

"Hussie?" Elizabeth says almost under her breath.

"You really are dense aren't you..." Gina says sarcastically "This, THIS IS WHAT YOU LEFT ME FOR? ZSA ZSA THE ICE QUEEN?"

"Zsa Zsa the Ice Queen.....Where did you come up with that?" Keith asks.

"Never mind where I got it from. WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?"

"Elizabeth, would you mind giving me a few minutes alone with Gina?"

"Gladly- you can have her. We still on for dinner, darling?"

"Of course."

"See you at home. Good bye Gina- And when I get back, I expect you won't be here...."

Gina goes to lunge toward Elizabeth but Keith holds her back. He tries to calm her down but she's not having any of it.

"OH, NO, Don't even THINK you're SWEET-TALKIN your way out of this one, KEITH!"

"Will you just SHUT UP for one minute and LISTEN TO ME?" he says as he puts his hand over her mouth. He looks at her and tells her to keep her mouth shut and he'll take his hand off of her. She nods her head in compliance and he lets go.


Keith cups his hand over her mouth again and explains.

"Who owns Capwell Enterprises"

"CC" Gina says, muffled.


"EWIZABA" she says.

"Precisely. You think I like being married to Zsa Zsa? NO, of course not. But I'm doin it for YOU, baby. I'm doin it for US." He again lets go of her mouth.

"How is this for US?"

"Oh, I've got a plan" Keith says, giving her his patented devilish look.


---Santana pulls up to a small, poor-looking clinic. She gets out of her car, nervously looking around her. She hurries toward the door, as Kirk gets out of his car, following behind her. He follows Santana into the clinic and ends up at a locker room where she puts on her scrubs. He ducks into a small hallway so she won't see him when she comes out. He watches her through the little window on the doors as she walks quickly down the small hallway, perpendicular to him. He sees her going into a room on the end, on the left hand side. He follows her there and peeks in through the blinds on the window. When everything comes into focus, he sees her standing over what looks to be a man, severely bandaged up to the point that all that can be seen are his eyes and lips. Kirk quietly opens the door and sneaks up on her. He puts his hand on her shoulder startling her.

"Ahhh!" she says, as she turns around. "Oh my God, Kirk."

"Yes, Santana it's me. Mind introducing me to your friend there?"

Santana looks up horrified, as a sinister Kirk stares her down.

THE END.............for TODAY


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There is so much good to this episode I can't even begin. I LOVED Lily and Angela fighting, that rocked. I loved their repartie. I would love to see if Ted is seeing Laken in NYC.

Kirk following Santana was great. Wonder who Santana is hiding? Cruz perhaps? Or is she working with Kirk? I hope not.

But the BEST was Gina and Keith. Oh My God. I could almost feel that slap. I could see that devilish smirk he has when he said, "I have a plan" Keith always has a plan. You can tell that you love writing for Keith, he is so good.

Such a excellent episode, filled with the great comedic styles of SB along with the right balance of drama.

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Thishy has wrote what I wanted...

1. Lily and Angela discussion - Brilliant! Just like in the show!

2. Kieth and Gina - Brilliant, excellent etc. You mean Gabor Zsa Zsa? She's from Hungary! Like me!!! :lol:

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I agree with Tishy and Pentek, this was a fabulous episode. Loved Keith's antics and the way that whole scene was written. Kirk following Santana had me really creeped out. I am sure there is lots of good stuff to come for them. One thing I was thinking about though - Does anyone else think Kirk has set himself up as some sort of imitation of CC. The way he said that a lot of people in the community had reasons to set him up because he was a successful business man. Not that I am buying it, but it is a good cover story. I think it is so funny that he is trying to make himself like CC and I can't wait to see if any other characters notice that.

Keep up the excellent work


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Rouse or not, totally digging this whole Keith & Elizabeth 'marriage' (watch out Cruz & Eden - you have some serious competition here)! From the 'disturbing' "OPERATION CONSUMMATION" (bwahahahaha!) to Gina's 'blessing' :lol: - pure comic genuis!!! :D

Still wary as all get out of the Ashton character (love CC's comment about courtship, not marriage, being when you're supposed to get to know a person...when will his "Pumpkin" ever learn?!?).

One thing I was thinking about though - Does anyone else think Kirk has set himself up as some sort of imitation of CC. The way he said that a lot of people in the community had reasons to set him up because he was a successful business man. Not that I am buying it, but it is a good cover story. I think it is so funny that he is trying to make himself like CC and I can't wait to see if any other characters notice that.

Interesting point (one you should definitely call into the RTSB radio show again ;) to discuss). It would make sense given he would KILL (literally!) to have Eden be an iota as taken with him as she is with her father. However, he is NO CC Capwell and has tried the whole uppity, business shark tact before...and failed...miserably. His over-the-top psychotic route was not so successful either. Perhaps he should give the whole morals/conscience/soul thing a shot along with dark hair & eyes, skin-tight jeans, and sprinkling some sexy Spanish into his conversation...that sounds like someone Eden might go for. ;)

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Interesting point (one you should definitely call into the RTSB radio show again ;) to discuss).

I am sorry I missed the show last week. We got a new puppy and I was doing a bad imitation of my own ------> handyman. Took me about 3 hours to install the 3 baby/puppy gates and when I finished at 1230 am, I headed straight for bed. I plan on calling in this week though and I can't wait.


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