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February 16, 2007




-A worried Hope walks through the door of the Brady Pub just as Caroline comes downstairs. When Hope meets her at the counter, she asks where Bo is. Caroline informs her that Bo isn’t even there. Hope takes a moment to let that comment sink in and then turns and starts walking towards the door, telling Caroline that she will go and find him. Caroline tells her to keep her updated when she finally gets in contact with Bo. Hope shakes her head yes and then rushes out the door.

As Hope walks out the door, she runs into Roman and Kimberly, who are headed inside. They stop Hope and ask her where is she rushing off to so fast. She tells them that Bo isn’t in his room and with the tension in their marriage and all the pain and tragedy that Bo has been through, she doesn’t want to leave him by himself. Roman can understand that but, he tells her, Bo’s grown. He can take care of himself. Kimberly concurs, also telling Hope that she knows how much of a rebel he is. And, the fact that he always keeps his thoughts and feelings to himself when something is bothering him shouldn’t also be lost on Hope.

Hope agrees and tells them that she understands what they are saying. But, he has been more closed off than usual and she just can’t let that slide. Hope hopes that they can also see that as well since she loves him so much. Kimberly looks at Roman and then back at Hope and takes a step forward, kissing Hope on the cheek and wishing her luck. Roman does the same and tells Hope to get in touch with him if she can’t find him by sundown so that he can put some men on it. Hope thanks them both and they separate, Roman and Kimberly going into the Pub, and Hope racing off to find Bo.

As Roman wheels Kimberly into the Pub, he parks her right along side a booth and Caroline walks over, greeting her two oldest children. She asks what they want for dinner and both say bacon and eggs at the same time, which makes Caroline laugh, because they used to do the very same thing when they were kids and always used to like eating breakfast foods for dinner. Roman says:

Roman: I know that, Ma. That’s why we said it.

Caroline: Yes, well, you two better eat everything on your plates, instead of having another food fight like you used to, ok?

Kimberly: Of course, Ma. We’re grown now. We wouldn’t dream of dirtying up your nice floor.

Roman and Kimberly look at each other and smile as Caroline smiles wryly and leaves to go fix them dinner. Kimberly looks at Roman as they watch her leave and says to him:

Kimberly: I thought she would never leave. I think she knows something’s up, don’t you?

Roman: I never had doubted that woman. Even when I wasn’t Roman, she still could tell me what was wrong with me even without me saying a word. I know that’s not about to change now that I am her son again. And, if she knows that about me, and you.......

Kimberly: Then she knows that something is up with our little brother. I wonder has he made a breakthrough yet?

Roman: No, he hasn’t. Because if he had, my head would be on a platter right now and he would be holding the ax. Yours too, sis.

Kimberly: I know that. You don’t have to remind me. I just hope one thing.

Roman: What’s that?

Kimberly: That when he does remember, that he won’t hate us........

Or worse.......hate himself.

Roman shakes his head slowly as Caroline and a waitress returns with their huge dinner. She puts it down and asks if anything is wrong. Both Roman and Kimberly look at one another and say no. Everything’s just fine. Caroline tells her children that a lie may hold for now but, soon, she will want the truth.......

And as their mother, she will get it. Caroline walks off to let Kimberly and Roman eat their meal in tension-filled quiet.

Forty-five minutes later, after Roman and Kimberly are through eating, Kimberly says she can’t take it anymore. It’s not right to keep the truth about Bo from her. She says she’s going in the back and telling Caroline everything. Roman says fine. Go ahead. He’ll sit right out there and watch for Bo and Hope. Kimberly tells him that since their father died he is the man of the family and he isn’t leaving her to do this all by herself. He’s going in there with her, right now.

Roman sighs deeply and says ok. He’ll do what he needs to do. He just hopes it goes well. He gets up and wheels Kimberly into the kitchen, where they both tell their mother there is something she needs to know about Bo and it can’t wait any longer. Caroline looks scared as she puts down her apron and both Kimberly and Roman look at their mother with fear and worry.

-At Lucas apartment, both parents are worried sick about Will. It’s been a day and they haven’t heard a word from him. Sami goes and looks out the window of Will’s room and then sits on his bed holding his basketball jersey. She then sees a picture of the two of them at the last Forth Of July parade and she then breaks down slowly. Lucas comes and stands at the doorway and slowly walks over to Sami as she starts crying harder and harder. She then tries to get up so she can go look for her son.

But, Lucas grabs her. He turns her around and tells her that she is in no shape to go and look for him. She asks Lucas:

Sami: Are you saying that I can’t go look for my son?!

Lucas: What I’m saying is with the state you’re in, you may do harm to yourself and more harm to Will. He may have just pulled the same stunt he did when he went to Chicago last summer. He has done things like this before.

Sami: You think he’s acting out after what I told him about.......my.......

Lucas: I don’t know, baby. This maybe his way of dealing with it. But.......you do know who your father is, don’t you?

Sami: Yes, I know. But, he has so much on his plate now. With my mother acting strange and everything between Stefano and Victor and then with Uncle Bo, I just don’t want to give him anymore to worry about.

Lucas: I know, Sami. But we may have to ask him for more help and soon, ok?

Sami: (Crying harder) Ok, Lucas. If it’ll bring my baby home......I’ll.....I’ll do whatever I have to.

Lucas: Good. Now, let’s get you cleaned up, ok?

Sami: Ok.

Lucas takes Sami into the bathroom and tries his best to calm her down but even he is beyond worried at what may have happened to his son. He just doesn’t want to show his lady how scared he really is.

-Meanwhile, at a motel, Will is still bound and gagged and being held at knife point by Alan, who is smoking a cigarette. When Will tries to yell through the binding in his mouth, Alan tells him to shut up or he’ll have to do him like he did his mother. That makes Will violently thrash against his bindings in anger at the thought of what happened between Alan and Sami all those years ago. Alan then walks over to Will, bends down towards him, and whispers into his ear:

Alan: Be still and very quiet, little boy. Or.........I’ll have no choice but to silence you myself.

This calms Will down enough to where he stops fighting his restraints. Alan then stands back up and looks down at Will, as the scene slowly dissolves into.......

Bo, who is walking into Dr. Barbara Harris’s office. He introduces himself and says:

Bo: Dr Harris, I’m glad you could see me on such short notice.

Dr. Harris: No problem, Detective. Even though you are a famous man in this city, I guarantee absolute discretion. Patient/doctor confidentiality prohibits me from talking about your case at all. So, if you’ll have a seat, we can get down to business. Bo, what I know is your case history from your doctor here at University Hospital and I want to have you tell me....when did these memories start coming to you and how have you dealt with them?

Bo proceeds to tell the doctor what has happened up to now. He also tells her that this is bothering him so much, it’s starting to affect his marriage. He loves his wife and children and wants to be the best person he possibly can......for them. But, he knows he has to get past this first.

The doctor suggests that for this meeting, they try hypnosis. Bo says that he has tried that before and, frankly, is sick of constantly going through the same stuff and not getting anywhere when all is said and done. The doctor tells him that what he is trying to remember is buried deep in his sub-conscious and that may be the only way to bring it out. Bo says ok. He’ll try it one more time but, if it doesn’t work this time, that’s it. No more. The doctor says that’s a deal.

Meanwhile, back at the motel, Alan walks around the hotel room, staring at Will with an evil gaze. He paces back and forth at the foot of Will’s bed as Will wonders what will come next. He didn’t’ have to wait long as Alan stops dead in his tracks and says that.......

Alan: I think it’s time that I taught you the same lesson I taught your mother.

Will’s eyes grow wide with terror as Alan starts to slowly take off his shirt. Back at the doctor’s office, Dr. Harris has been successful in putting Bo under with hypnosis and now she begins to ask him a series of questions. When she asks him if there is someone in his dreams, Bo calmly says yes. At the very same moment, in the motel room, Alan is now partially undressed, telling Will that it will be ok. This won’t hurt one bit. He then unsnaps his pants and smiles sadistically as the scene once again shifts.......

Back to the doctor’s office, as Bo is now getting more and more agitated. Dr. Harris asks him what is the man doing in his dreams. Bo says that he is walking closer and closer to him, telling him it will be ok. He won’t hurt him. Bo then starts crying, calling out for his father, his brother, his mother & his oldest sister to help him. He tells the man the same thing Will tells Alan after having his mouth piece violently ripped out of his mouth.......

That he doesn’t want to do this. He wants Alan to leave him alone. Will is crying now as Alan is fully undressed and he walks towards Will in a menacing gesture. He gets on the bed and, after ripping Will’s shirt off, tells him that everything will be just fine. Alan says that he has nothing to worry about and tells him just to relax. This will all be over soon. Will screams out in terror.....

At the very same moment Bo does. He snaps out of his hypnosis and announces that......

Bo: I remember. I remember everything. I now know that.........

My Uncle Eric molested me when I was a child! That bastard molested me! HOW COULD HE DO THAT?! WHY DID HE DO THAT TO ME?!

Bo is crying hysterically as the scene split-screens, showing him on one side and a crying Will on another, with Alan touching him all over. The camera focuses on the faces of both Bo and Will and then suddenly freeze-frames on their crying faces as the scene slowly fades to black.

Next Time, On A Very Special Salem Lives....

Caroline to Roman and Kayla: What do you have to tell me?

Hope: Where are you, Bo?

Barbara to Bo: Where are you going?

Bo to Barbara: There is something I need to do.

Sami to Lucas: I am telling you something bad is happening right now. I can feel it.



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Thanks guys.

This is going to be an emotional, powerful story and it will be discussed tonight in the SL Insider.

This episode definitely changes things for many characters and stories and it's only just the beginning.

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Loved the parallel! I can't believe it! Dr Harris, is this Alan's mother? Did I miss something? WHat a wonderful twist and shock that I didn't see coming.

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No Tishy.

Dr. Harris is a separate character who just happens to have the same name.

Glad you all liked the twist. There is much more to come.

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:lol: Why didn't you remember that you had Alan Harris on the show before created Dr. Harris?! I'm smelling something fishy there.
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I just liked the name Barbara Harris.

There was no intention behind it. I knew Alan had the same name but it didn't care. People can have the same names in real life so it doesn't matter. I don't think about who has similar names/last names when naming a new character. I go with whatever fits and this seemed to fit.

I like that you all are thinking about it though :lol: However, I don't want the name issue to overshadow what happened at the end of the episode.

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