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February 12, 2007




-Cassie is wheeled into the ER after the fall she took. Dr. Glancy rushes in behind her as nurses try to stabilize her. Abby, Chelsea & Max wait outside the ER room and observe everything through the window. Abby turns her wheelchair around and rolls away, unable to watch the medical staff work on an unconscious Cassie. Max and Chelsea try to piece together the events that led up to the incident. Max then hopes and prays that the baby is ok. Chelsea tries her best not to smile, knowing that even though she hates Cassie there is an innocent life at stake. Abby feels nothing but guilt at this point.

Chelsea then starts worrying how, if Cassie regains consciousness, will she work this to curry favor with Max? As she walks up and places her hand on Max’s shoulder, he observes the medical crew still working to save Cassie’s life and the life of her baby. Cassie slowly regains consciousness and then starts calling out for Max. Dr. Glancy looks out at him and signals him to come into the ER room. Max slowly walks into the room and takes Cassie’s hand, asking her how this all happened. She looks up at him and gently whispers “Abby.....” before grabbing her stomach in pain and passing out once again.

Chelsea walks back over to Abby, who worries that she will take the blame for this whole thing. Chelsea doesn’t see that. She tells Abby that, as far as she’s concerned, Cassie got exactly what’s coming to her. Abby just shakes her head, hoping that everything will be ok.

Frankie arrives at the hospital, followed closely behind by Jack and Billie. Frankie tells him that he was in court when he got the message and feels so sorry about what has happened. Abby does as well but Billie tells her to stay out of it for the time being, even if she does mean well. She also tells Jack to stay out of it, for his own sake. All Jack is wondering, is whether Max will chose that skanky DiMera girl over his daughter. If he does, Jack swears he will make Max’s life miserable. Before Billie can respond, Jack walks over to Abby and bends down. She is trying not to cry but her father tells her that what happened was just an accident.

He also tells her that she is her mother’s daughter and he knows she wouldn’t hurt anyone on purpose. Besides, the devil is probably watching over that hell spawn, Jack says. As Abby hugs her father for comfort, Dr. Glancy walks out and looks at Max. Everyone stands and looks at the doctor as he tells Max that Cassie lost the baby. Max’s mouth drops to the floor and he slowly walks over to the wall.....and punches a hole into it. Jack has to run over and, with Billie’s help, stop Max from damaging himself. Max then calms down as Dr. Glancy looks at his hand and asks if he could see Cassie. After Dr. Glancy says his hand is ok, he grants him a brief visit.

Meanwhile, Cassie sees Chelsea through the window and motions for her to come into the ER. Chelsea slowly walks in there and, when she gets close to Cassie, she grabs Chelsea’s arm and yanks her down towards her, telling her that she has instructions for her. She tells her to convince Abby that she is to blame for the loss of her baby and to cause Max to push her away. If she doesn’t, everyone will find out her secrets. Chelsea is torn about what to do. Can she really destroy her friendship with both Max & Abby just to keep her secrets?

Back out in the hallway, Frankie takes Max to the side and is shocked when Max asks if Abby could have something to do with what happened. Dr. Glancy overhears their conversation and tells them that two bruises were found on Cassie’s leg. One on her toe, the other on her leg. They look like they could have been made from a wheelchair. That news makes Abby shake her head in disbelief, as everyone, especially Max, looks at her stunned, thinking that she could be responsible for what happened to his child and Cassie.

At the Green Mountain Hospital, Eric and Nicole rush in with the newborn baby they found. Nicole asks Eric if this is the baby and miracle that they have been waiting for. Eric doesn’t know but he hopes that the baby is ok. She tells him that she never has believed in things like that before with the childhood she had, but she believes in them now. Eric tries to calm her down and bring her back down to Earth. The doctor then comes out and tells them that the baby is fine but they will keep him overnight to watch him, just to make sure he wasn’t exposed to anything.

He tells them both that CPS and the sheriff’s department were both called and, if anything comes over the wire about the baby’s parents or relatives, he’ll let them know. As the doctor walks out, Nicole still believes that this is the chance they have been waiting for. The chance to be parents to a healthy baby. Eric stands behind her, worried that there is more to this story than meets the eye.

-Sami stands before Lucas, begging him to forgive her for what she did. Lucas turns to Austin and tells him that he just can’t believe that he and Carrie would do this to him. He’s also sick of he and Sami being the ones who always do wrong but when they do it, everyone should understand. Austin is silent, as is Carrie. Sami grabs Lucas and tells him to lay into her as she kept the secret as well. Lucas can’t say a word to her and leaves the room in disgust. As Sami gets ready to follow him, Carrie tells her to wait, they have things to talk about.

She then tells Sami that she heard how much she has changed and grown up from saving their father to keeping her secret for everyone’s best interest. She tells her that she knows what she forced Lexie to do but that is in the past. She is grateful that she has finally grown up and Sami cries as she bends down to hug her as Roman, Caroline & Austin look on and smile.

Sami then runs off to find Lucas. After searching for him, she finds him on the roof. She begs for Lucas to forgive her. She tells him that this may be their last chance at happiness. She prays that he can forgive her and understand what she had to do. Lucas just stares at her in silence.

As a nurse walks into Carrie’s room and tells everyone that Carrie needs her rest, Roman walks over to Shane and Abe. Both Abe and Roman tell Shane that he may have to pay a heavy price for keeping this from everyone. Caroline walks over and once again tells him that she can’t believe that a man she once thought of as a son would do something like that. She is very disgusted with him right now and doesn’t know if she could ever forgive him. Shane then quietly says that he realizes that he isn’t wanted there and excuses himself.

Austin stands back and looks at everything unfolding, wondering if all of this will effect his chances with Carrie. He stands there as Kate walks over to him and hugs him gently.

-The nurse finishes checking on Carrie as Carrie sees Alan watching from the open door. She motions for him to come in and he does, as he stands by Carrie’s bed. Carrie tells Alan that now that she has admitted everything, she feels that she is free of all the secrets that could have ruined everything. She tells him that she had to reveal everything and now that she has, she feels that it is time to be reunited with her baby. She admits how stupid she was and that she now knows that she can raise her baby without any worries at all. She should've trusted that Lucas and those she cares about could handle this and that they could work it out, for the baby's sake. She then thanks Alan for everything he’s done but says she needs him to do one more favor for her.

She wants him to get her baby and bring him home. To her. Alan is now silent. When Carrie asks him what’s the problem, he admits that he doesn’t know where her baby is, nor does he know how to get it back. Carrie flips out, becoming hysterical at this latest revelation. She grabs a hold of him, begging him to find her baby, as the medical personnel rush in. The screen then slowly goes to black.

On the next Salem Lives...

Hope to Bo: Tell me. Are you coming home?

Austin to Alan: What the hell did you say to her?

Sami to Lucas: Please...Lucas. It can't end like this. We can't let it.

Billie to Chelsea: Something is wrong and I want to know what it is.

Abby to Max: Don't do this!! Please, Max. Don't!!


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Poor Carrie :( She just can't catch a break.

Poor Chelsea. :lol: She's had more medical emergencies on this show than the real DAYS! :P

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  • Members
Poor Carrie :( She just can't catch a break.

Poor Chelsea. :lol: She's had more medical emergencies on this show than the real DAYS! :P

Chelsea? Cassie is the one that fell :lol:

Chelsea is at the hospital but she isn't being treated.

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Yeah. I know. Between the rapes in the Fall and the car accident which she is just starting to recover from and was only released last week, your right she has been. However, she isn't in there right now. She is there for Max and Abby as they deal with Cassie's fall :lol:

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Poor Carrie. Love her interaction with Sami and how they seem to be growing towards a sisterly relationship.

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