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February 6, 2007




-Eric comes home from work and says a loud hello as he enters their suite. He then realizes after a few moments that Nicole isn’t home. He starts unwinding from his day when he hears the door opening. It’s Nicole and she isn’t in a good mood. After they greet each other with a kiss, she tells him how she was looking once again for a job but now it seems like one has to know someone or be related to someone to find something that isn’t flipping burgers.

Eric tells her that it is a noble profession. It’s what got him through high school in Colorado. Nicole asks why he had to do that with a famous father as a police commander. Eric says the he and Sami were staying with their grandparents and he didn’t want to bother his father, who was still getting over the death of their mother. Of course, he says, she wasn’t dead, but that’s another story for another time. He then smiles at her, saying that he has a proposition.

He knows how upset she has been with everything that has happened and what she had to give up for him. He has made reservations at Green Mountain Lodge as a big Valentine’s Day present for her. It is also to tell her how much he loves and respects her and appreciates her taking him back after the foolish mistakes that he’s made. Nicole stands and walks towards the window. Eric follows and says that it is there if she wants to go.

She is reluctant but soon warms to the idea. She says they both could use the break from everything and everyone here in Salem. Eric smiles, happy that she accepted. Nicole pastes a half smile on her face and turns around to kiss Eric once again. After they do, he starts telling her about how exciting it is to work at Roberts & Associates, which causes her smile to disappear quickly. Eric goes into the bathroom and takes a shower, going on about his job and, unaware that Nicole is once again depressed.

-Back out at the cabin, Alan walks up to the cabin door and opens it up. He calls out to Carrie and, as he closes the door, calls out again. When she doesn’t answer, he gets worried and starts going through the cabin. He runs through looking for her and then happens to look down to see her unconscious on the floor. He picks her up, hoping she is alright, and takes her into the bedroom. Once he places her on the bed, Carrie starts to stir but then places her hands on her stomach, saying that the baby is on the way.

He asks what she needs and Carrie instructs him on what items to get. Alan is now a madman running back and forth through the cabin, getting everything she may need to give birth. Once he gets back into her bedroom, he gets his cell phone and tries calling her doctor from the clinic at home and at his office but gets his voice mail both times. He gets frantic, telling Carrie that he can’t reach her doctor. Another contraction wracks Carrie with unimaginable pain but it soon subsides. She then looks up at Alan, sweating and out of breath, and tells him news that he already knows.......

That he will have to deliver her baby. They both stare at each other as Carrie starts breathing heavy once again and Alan looks off into the distance, terrified at what he must now do to save their lives.

-On the highways of Illinois, Roman is racing through the night at a dangerous pace. Samantha, Lucas, Austin & Kate are in the car with him, as Shane, Abe and two officers follow behind. Sami turns to her father and sees the look of terror and desperation on his face. She fights back tears as she tells him....

Sami: Daddy, this is not your fault. Don’t beat yourself up about this. And please.....(Placing her hand on his forearm) you have got to slow down before you get us all killed.

Roman glances at Sami, then looks over at her. He silently hears her words and starts to slow down on the cold, slick highway. Kate, Austin & Lucas give a silent sigh of relief as Roman tells Sami.......

Roman: Thank you, baby. You know this is driving me crazy. My child is out here all by herself with that madman and I don’t know what he could do to her.

Sami: Then that’s why we’re heading up there. So we can see for ourselves and bring Carrie home, ok?

Roman: Ok, sweetheart.

Sami turns back and looks straight ahead as the car dissolves into the car behind them. Abe tells Shane that he should know what this means. Shane says he knows. He still can’t believe he let Carrie talk him into keeping everything a secret from her family. He also says that he hopes that the Brady's can see what he was up against and find it in their hearts to forgive him. Abe tells him, in a stern tone, that what the Bradys are feeling is the least of his problems. Shane asks what does he means. Abe informs him that he broke several laws by withholding this information and if Carrie or the baby doesn’t survive.......

His career as an I.S.A. agent just might be over and he may be looking at some serious jail time. Well, Shane says, lets worry about that later. Right now, the only thing that is important is getting to Carrie and making sure Alan spends the rest of his days locked up behind bars. Abe turns to him and tells him that he better hope they aren’t cell mates. Shane looks at Abe and then slowly and silently turns back to focus on the road ahead, hoping that his niece will be alright and caring nothing for himself in this matter.

Inside the cabin, Alan slowly stands up and walks around the bed to Carrie’s side. They look at each other and then Alan slowly bends down........and places her newborn son into her arms. Carrie looks into his baby blue eyes and softly rocks him back and forth. Alan walks into the bathroom and washes his hands. He lets out a sigh of relief, proud of the fact that he helped Carrie through this alright. Back in the bedroom, Carrie stares at her son, trying not to let the tears flow. She marvels at the life she brought into the world and starts to talk to him, telling him that.....

Carrie: I didn’t want this for you. Oh my, you are so very precious to me. The most important person in the world. But........I can’t keep you. (Crying) One of two very fine men could be your daddy and to keep from ruining everyone’s lives, I have to let you go. Oh....this is not what I want. And, I hope and pray you find it in your heart to forgive me when you get older. But always know this, my sweet, precious little boy........I love you more than life itself. I’m doing this because you will have a much better life with people who will also love you like their own. I hope you know that, my wonderful boy. Oh, how I love you so........

Carrie wipes away the tears from her eyes as Alan walks back into the bedroom. He looks down at her but she keeps staring at her son. Alan bends down and softly tells her that now is the time. As much as it kills her, she has to let him go. Carrie looks up at Alan slowly and, with tears once again streaming down her face, she tells him that.....

Carrie: I’ll never be able to let him go.

Carrie then slowly puts her son into Alan’s arms and kisses him on his forehead, telling him over and over again that Mommy loves him. Alan slowly stands up and takes the baby out of the bedroom and into the living room as he bundles the baby. He then puts his coat on and prepares to take the baby away, as Carrie instructed. As he finishes getting ready, he hears the sound of cars coming closer and closer. He goes and looks out the window and sees two police cruisers headed in the direction of the cabin. He turns around suddenly and takes a moment to take everything in and then goes to the bedroom to warn Carrie about the company they are about to receive.

Carrie looks at Alan, who has a terrified look on his face, and asks him what is wrong. He stutters at first and then blurts out that the police are coming down the road. Carrie is stunned and she rationalizes that Shane must have told her family where she was . Alan asks what are they going to do. Just then they hear cars screeching outside. They both stare at each other in shock.

Abe, Shane, Roman, Sami, Lucas, Austin, and Kate arrive at the cabin, unaware of what has transpired inside. Roman races up to the door after jumping from the car, with everyone following him. Abe has the officers surround the cabin. Shane runs to the back as Lucas & Austin stand behind Roman. Roman pulls out a walkie-talkie and coordinates with Abe & Shane. When Abe gives the word, Roman bursts through the door and, with his gun drawn, calls out and searches for his daughter.

He looks around and then turns to the bedroom, where he sees her laying in her bed, losing consciousness. Roman calls out to everyone that Carrie has been found and Sami, Lucas & Austin rush into the bedroom to comfort Carrie as Abe, Shane & Kate look on from the doorway. Abe then turns and walks away, ordering the two officers with him to search high and low for Carrie’s baby. Kate stares at Shane with cold anger as Sami lays down on the side of her sister and cradles her head, wiping the sweat from her brow. Roman tells Lucas & Austin to call for paramedics and tells them to hurry.

Roman then gets up and slowly walks over to Shane. He then stares at him and, with his rage barely concealed, tells him that if Alan gets away with Carrie’s baby not only is their friendship over,.....he will make sure that Shane ends up in jail for what he kept from his family. Shane looks at Roman with sorrow in his eyes as the scene slowly dissolves to......

Outside the cabin, in the woods, as Alan holds Carrie’s son in his arms and looks at the police officers who are now searching for him. He sees them getting closer and closer and says to himself that he hopes he can make a break for it.....before he ends up back in prison.

-Back at Alice’s home, Doug, Julie, and Alice sit back and talk about Maggie. Julie remarks how she is afraid she may have fallen off the wagon again and that it is once again gotten out of control. Doug asks that they don't know that but Julie insists it's a feeling she has. Doug asks what they are going to do this time, if she is drinking.

Alice says she doesn’t know about anything yet but does know that if nothing else, they better find her right now and bring her over before she does some serious damage to herself or someone else, just in case she is turning back to the bottle. They need to be sure and they haven't seen her much so they need see for themselves that she is alright. Both Doug and Julie agree and, with Doug volunteering to go look for her, Julie stands up and tells him that maybe it would be better for her to look. Doug asks if she’s sure and she smiles, saying that it’s better that way.

Doug agrees and says he’ll stay with Alice while she’s gone. They kiss and Julie rushes out. Sometime later, Julie gets to Maggie’s restaurant and goes up to the front door. She uses the spare key that Maggie gave her awhile ago to get in. When she calmly walks through the doors, she turns towards the bar where she finds Maggie.......almost passed out drunk, sitting on a barstool and drinking Vodka from the bottle straight.

Julie runs up to her and snatches the bottle from her. Maggie laughs, telling her it’s too late, she’s already nice and bombed. Maggie then tries to stand and almost falls out of the chair. Julie catches her and tells her about how she is destroying her life. She then asks her, while holding her by the chin, would Victor want her in such a condition. Maggie says that it really doesn’t matter in the least.......

Since Victor is alive anyway. Maggie passes out in Julie’s arms, while Julie stands holding Maggie in utter shock at the news that Victor survived.....and is alive and well.

-In a high-rise futuristic office building in a big, metropolitan city, a very powerful businessman has just been told by his secretary that the man he has been waiting for is now here. He tells her to show him in and then tells her that she is done for the day and to have a great evening. She smiles and tells him to do the same. The man enters the businessman’s office and they shake hands. The businessman offers the other man a drink, witch the other man declines. Then, the businessman says, lets get down to brass taxes, shall we?

Businessman: So, did you find that information that I wanted?

Man: Yes, sir. Stefano DiMera is once again in hiding. We have a pretty good idea of what part of the country he’s in but can’t pinpoint him. He is one crafty devil, sir.

Businessman: Yes, yes I know. He wouldn’t have gotten away with what he did to my family for all these years if he wasn’t. Now, like I told you, I just want you to locate him. When you do, you contact me.

Man: Yes, sir. Will do. And Victor Kiriakis?

Businessman: He’s a family friend. He and my daddy went way back. He’s also a man who definitely doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty when the situation calls for it. And neither do I.

Man: I understand. Well, we just leave Kiriakis alone....

Businessman: For now. If he needs to reach me or my brother, he knows where he can find us. Plus you don’t exactly where he is, do you?

Man: Honestly....no sir. (Smiling) He’s just as crafty as DiMera.

Businessman: True, but it’s DiMera I want. Find him........and keep it quiet. You report directly to me. My brother isn’t to know a thing until I’m ready for him to know, got that?

Man: Yes, sir. Understood. I’ll get right back on it.

Businessman: Excellent.

The businessman walks the man to the door, shakes his hand, and wishes him luck. He closes the door and then turns around, walking to the window. He stands in front of it, looking out into the night city skyline, and makes a vow, a vow promising that......

Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy): Whatever I do, or whatever it costs me........I will make Stefano DiMera pay for killing my father.

Bobby the picks up his drink and takes a sip, as the scene dissolves into........

A condo safehouse, in another major metropolitan city. Stefano is there, with Alexandra, and they are sitting down to dinner. One of his lieutenants comes into the dining room and whispers into Stefano’s ear. He excuses himself and goes into his private chambers to converse with this man. This person tells him that the MCF that has infiltrated their family has been a very busy person. When Stefano asks about the damage he’s done, the man tells him that every single piece of information on John Black is now missing. Stefano asks if the briefcase is also missing, to which the man shakes his head yes.

Stefano looks on in shock, saying that everything in that briefcase proves that John Black is really Roman Brady. The names of the doctors who performed plastic surgery, the psychologists who wiped out most of his memory, and the mercenaries who retrained him. If Roman gets his hands on that information......Stefano may actually go to jail for the rest of his life. His lieutenant also tells him that this is the same person who blew up Samantha Brady’s apartment, trying to put the blame on Stefano, and who was with them during the shoot out on New Year’s Eve. He tells his henchman to prepare everything and everyone...they are returning to Salem, so that he can help his daughter with some personal issues.

Stefano also tells his henchman to redouble their efforts. They must find this person before he/she does more damage. As the man walks out, Stefano turns and sees Lexie standing there. She has overheard everything. When Stefano walks over to her, she tells him that she no longer cares what he has to do. Everyone in Salem, including her former husband, are now enemies of the DiMera family. And they will all suffer for what they have done to her......and her father. He hugs his daughter, promising that he will get back everything that belongs to both of them, including her son, Theo. She pulls away slightly and smiles, saying how happy she is at that news. They hug once again as Stefano’s face turns to a look of concern. It now fades into.......

A mansion on the coast. Victor Kiriakis is standing on the balcony, looking out into the ocean, and holding a glass of Brandy. An operative of his enters his spacious bedroom, informing him that the information he requested is now there. Victor tells him that was great work. He then says that he wants all of his men to redouble their efforts to find this person responsible for his supposed “death” and that little game he/she played when they called the police, Hope, and the I.S.A. to inform them on his & Bo’s whereabouts. He then asks, by the way, how is his son doing. The operative says that Nico has reported back in and says that Bo is doing fine. Good, good, Victor says.

As long as he is doing well, that is one thing to be grateful for. But, as God as his witness, he will not rest until this MCF is found......and dealt with once and for all. He takes another sip form his glass, as the scene splits into three separate vertical boxes.

One, on the left side, with Stefano tuning his head and looking to his left, as Lexie stands behind him, Victor on the right side of the screen, looking to his left........

And the Mysterious Cloaked Figure in the middle. The scene freeze-frames as the scene slowly fades to black.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Julie: I think I know just the thing to help you, Maggie.

Belle to Philip: Go to hell.

Philip to Belle: I don't think so, Izzy. You are the one that's going to be in Hell.

Roman to Carrie: We'll find your baby.

Carrie to Roman: No!! Don't!!

Alan: How the hell do I get out of here with you, kid?


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Bobby Ewing! I love it! I almost choked on my drink when I read that. Poor Carrie, why does she trust Alan so much? I hope that they are able to find the baby. Excellent episode

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I really feel like Carrie would NEVER do this. But I can see where you are getting it from so there's no need to explain. Just sayin'. :)

Good episode.

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Thanks guys.

Yeah, King, it is out of character somewhat but considering she is doing this to spare Sami, Austin. Lucas, etc because she doesn't want to shake up their lives given the paternity of her baby and all it explains why she would consider this.

However, she will have regrets very, very soon.

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I too find it very hard to believe that Carrie, who has wanted nothing but a child of her own her entire life, would willingly give up any child no matter who the father is. I'm sorry, but it's a miss for me. :(

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Oh, I know it's hard to believe but it's also in character for Carrie too. She always makes personal sacrifices for others. She doesn't want to cause problems between Austin and Lucas and she doesn't want to hurt Sami. It's a double-edged sword because, on one hand, Carrie would never do this but, on the other, she would for people she cares about.

It's not clear cut out of character. It's understandable and it's something I conflicted with while writing the story. Keep seeing how it unfolds though because it will probably make you feel better about it.

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