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Interviewer: Hello, Deidre. How are you?

Deidre Hall: Hi there. I'm great. It's great to be back to work.

I: I can imagine. This is a nice way to go into the first question. How did your exit last summer come about and did you always know you would return?

DH: Well, when the new writing regime started in May of last year, new EP/HW Tim Lowery called me in about a week after he took the job. He told me that they had plans to kill Marlena off for an extended period of time. They felt the character needed to be rested and they asked how I felt. Strangely, I agreed. I felt the Marlena I had been playing since the SSK story in 2003 was not the Marlena the fans want. She was being destroyed little by little. Once I was told that they wanted to rest the character to give the fans time to digest and then bring her back at some point, I was on board because I think it was the best way to create interest and investment in the character again. I always knew I was coming back. They told me I would be back for the Christmas show so I knew it would be a tear-jerker. The return was amazing and so well-written. This regime has been great for all of us and they know the characters so well. They are dedicated to telling great stories but not at the expense of the characters.

I: EP/HW Tim Lowery told us when you left that he knew you would be back but wasn't sure if the character of Marlena would be back. Did he ever relay that to you?

DH: I saw that and that could be a number of things. We both agree that the character needs attention and to be repaired. However, he has this great story to tell and it's all top-secret. Is this person we are seeing Marlena? Is she ill? Those are the questions fans are asking and they should be. That comment could've been setting up the story we have now or just saying that the character would change and become, in a way, the old "new" Marlena. We want to bring back the essence of the character, that is if this is Marlena and she is in her right mind.

I: Tell us about your final scenes. How on earth could Marlena survive that fall into the volcano in July?

DH: I have no clue. It will be explained along with where Marlena was. Everything will be answered. It's hilarious because those final weeks were surreal. I had played the posession and Salem Stalker/SSK story but the way I had to play Marlena the final 2 and a half months was so different. She was completely out of her mind and evil. It was fun because supernatural or strange reasons were the not the cause of her behavior. It was everything she had been through and it was manipulation and mind control somewhat. There was no brain chip. It was realistic. I loved when they had be blowing up the plane on Morgan Island with so many beloved character on it. That scene reminded me of the posession story when I had to play Marlena throwing her hands in the air after setting St. Luke's in fire. They gave me so much great material to play. I was strangling my daughter, had some great one liners...the scenes I had with Stefano were great. The scenes between me and Drake (Hogestyn, John/Roman), as well as Martha (Madison, Belle) and Ali (Sweeney, Sami) on the volcano before Marlena's "demise" was some of the best writing I ever have had. Those scenes were so emotional . The struggle and angst...John fighting for Marlena to come back to him. The real Marlena. Marlena children being there...wow. At the time, I said what an exit. It couldn't be better.

I: What did you think of turning John into Roman again?

DH: I was fine with it. That was one of the reasons why they wanted me off for a bit, not that I minded the vacation time (laughs). They wanted to focus on Roman reclaiming his life on his own before bringing Marlena back into the fold. Marlena's "death" pushed alot of story forward so that is why they did it, primarily. I think it's great and they covered every angle. They reall paid attention to detail from changing Brady's name, to the effect it had on Belle and Shawn, and to the Roman/Sami dynamic. The whole change was handled with care and thought. That is all you can ask for.

I: Back to your story, can you give us any hints to what is up with Marlena? Yesterday's episode was wild for her!!

DH: Yes and the bar scenes were so much fun. I felt like I did when I played Hattle in 2004. It was fun and it's been fun since returning. When I first came back to tape my first show back, I thought everything was fine. Marlena was back and she seemed normal but, two episodes later, they are throwing weird hints out there. She is forgetting things, aggressive in the bedroom, snapping at her children, trying to kill Roman...I just said wow. The bar scenes really put it over the top. It was like 'Marlena gone wild" (laughs) I am playing it like she could do anything at any moment. I was happy they had her be remorseful after nearly smothering Roman. I was hoping they would show that side of her as she had been mean and snippy for a bit. I have no idea what is really going on as it's top secret but it's fun taking chances playing her right now. I can't wait to find out what it is.

I: Could it be something to do with her deceased sister, Samantha? It seems like her moods change...almost like she becomes a different person at times.

DH: Yes and that is why they told me to play her as being all over the place. We want the fans to guess at it and to think it's one thing and then throw them a curve and make them think differently. Before falling into the volcano, we know that she had emotional issues stemming from her past and that those issues were used to manipulate her. I think it could have alot to do with that. I mean, she was nuts before falling into the volcano so she could be nuts now (laughs). Or, it may not be Marlena at all? (laughs)

I: How is it working with Roscoe Born (James)?

DH: Lovely. What a great actor and loving man. I knew of his work and he is even more impressive seeing him work everyday. He has such great work ethic. They really kept his involvement with my character under wraps and the connection is still not really known. It's fun and I can promise that Marlena and James will interact much more.

I: We have to say goodbye now but, before we do, we want to thank you for joining us and we can end this with any hints you can give us to your story. Have any spoilers?

DH: Thanks for having me again. It was lovely. Well, my story is top secret. All I can say is that sweeps will be amazing and everything after that will be as well. It's really looking to be a great year for us so stick with us and enjoy!!



Christie Clark and Paul Kersey (Carrie Brady and Alan Harris): Both actors will return this week after making limited appearances in the past two months. Sources say to expect them to be heavily involved in story, especially during February sweeps.

Joseph Mascolo and Renee Jones (Stefano Dimera and Lexie Carver): Mascolo, who last appeared on January 4 and Jones, who last appeared in December, will return to the canvas full time next month.

Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault): The recurring actress is back taping once again so expect her to be turning up again very soon.


John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis): Aniston will be off the canvas for a brief hiatus. Sources say he will return by mid-February.

Previews and Peeks into Week of 1/22/07

-Steve comes to a surprising conclusion.

-Victor confesses his feelings to Maggie.

-Maggie falls apart.

-Kimberly seeks out Roman's help.

-James gets dragged into Marlena's 'Wild ride."

-Bo wakes up.

-Eric and Nicole get bad news.

-Billie takes a big step.

-Greta and Frankie celebrate.

-Cassie taunts Abby and Chelsea, who begin to lose hope.

-Kayla and Steve prepare to go on a journey.

-James issues warnings to his family

-Bo and Hope are keeping secrets from each other.

-Carrie makes a decision about her baby.

Next Week: Sami tells Will about her rape. Carrie goes into labor. Shane is ready to tell the truth. Cassie drops two bombshells. Jack has a new boss. Maggie returns to old habits. A shocking truth about Marlena and James is revealed. Sami and Lucas commit to each other. -Bo begins to piece together his memories.


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I love the new banner, but I soooo wish you didn't call it VENDETTA!!! VOM AND A HALF! LOL!

:lol: I know. But it really is what the story is

about. Trust me, it's nothing like you know

what. The story is rooted in history and

is not outrageous. Nor does it involve

a nun, a monk (even though the pic is the

Passions vendetta monk) and VR goggles.

I had other names but this one made the most sense.

There will be similarities to the Passions Vendetta but not

story similarities. You will. I am preparing a news bit on this

that will explain more about the Vendetta fun!! :)

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But, I equate that word in my mind to that AWWWWWWWFUL storyline slash show! And the monk and the nun and the horrible VR goggles. Oh, well.

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This Vendetta story will rock!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it will because it has two great writers but I'm like King! I cannot stop thinking of the horrible Passions Vendetta! :lol:

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Don't worry daysfan.

The only similarities are the Vendetta game and clips and the story

name. That is it.

Oh, and the picture of the monk is from Passions: Vendetta too but that is

about all the similarities.

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