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January 19, 2007




-Arriving back at the Horton home are Alice, Doug, and Julie. They walk in with Doug holding up a still-distraught Maggie. Once they make it to the staircase, Maggie somberly tells the group that she would like to be alone. After a moment of silence, Julie asks her if she needs any help up the stairs but Maggie silently shakes her head no. She then slowly walks upstairs, using whatever strength she has left to climb up each step one by one.

After the group finishes watching Maggie make it upstairs and disappearing into a bedroom, all three then go into the living room. Doug walks over to the big window after placing his coat on the couch and looks out quietly. Julie looks at him with a sad expression and starts over to him but then stops, remembering what he said to her earlier. She then quietly walks around the couch and sits down next to Alice.

Alice looks at both of them disgusted and remarks:

Alice: You know, do you two know how silly you look being mad at each other?

Doug slowly turns around to look at Alice and then looks down at Julie. Julie is being stubborn but, feeling Doug’s eyes on her, turns her head slowly and looks at him briefly before jerking her head back and staring straight ahead.

Alice sighs deeply and then continues:

Alice: A shame, really. It’s amazing. You both act like this is the first time you have fought or have ever said something unkind to each other.

They both then burst out yelling, trying to get a word in edgewise before Alice shuts it down:

Alice: Be quiet, both of you! This is my house and my husband’s house and you will not speak to each other in that manner again, understood?

Julie looks like a scolded child and looks at her grandmother out of the corner of her eyes before answering:

Julie: Yes, Grandma. Understood.

Alice: Doug?

Doug: Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry for raising my voice.

Alice: Now, that’s much better. Well, since you have now remembered to have respect for your elders, can you remember to still have respect for one another?

They both look at each other once again as Julie then turns away and looks down into her lap. Doug looks down at the floor and both can’t bring themselves to admit how ashamed they are for the things they said to one another. Alice speaks up once again, telling the both of them:

Alice: Are you two going to throw all those years of marriage down the drain because of one disagreement? If you are, then do me a favor. Take me upstairs so I don’t have to witness it or go someplace else to do it. But if it does happen, that would tell me that your marriage was never that strong to begin with.

Julie raises her head slowly and then looks at Doug once again. Doug looks right into Julie’s eyes and then takes one step forward and stops. Julie stands up, smiles at Doug ever so slightly, and takes one step towards him. Alice looks on smiling as they both then walk towards each other and Julie starts crying as they both reach out and pull one another into a very loving embrace.

Julie pulls back and then looks at Doug lovingly while Doug, the gentleman that he is, takes a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and softly dries her eyes, smiling at her the whole time. Doug then puts his handkerchief away, kisses Julie gently on her lips, and softly says:

Doug: You know, here’s a thought. Why don’t we......(Looking at The ceiling, then back at Julie)agree to disagree about Victor. What do ya say ?

Julie: I say.......(Looking lovingly into his eyes) that’s another fine idea you have there. And, let me add to it.

Doug: Ok. Shoot.

Julie: Let’s never.....ever.....say anything like we said earlier today again. And.........(Resting her head on his chest) let’s never go this long being mad at each other. Ok?

Doug: (Lifting up her face by her chin) You bet, pretty lady. I love you so very much.

Julie: I love you too, honey. Never forget that.

The couple then hold each other and slowly rock back and forth as Alice looks on, commenting:

Alice: Well......another marriage saved. I guess I’ve still got it.

The camera then slowly pans up through the ceiling.....and into the bedroom where Maggie is. She is sitting near the window, looking out into the night skyline. The camera then goes to a still overhead shot as we see Maggie walk around her bedroom, lay on her bed, cry deeply near the window, all the while blaming herself for first Mickey’s death, then Victor’s. She blames herself for showing up at the warehouse unannounced, and says:

Maggie: This is all my damn fault. (Wiping away her tears) He told me not to get involved. But, did I listen? No. Mickey always said I was too damn hardheaded and stubborn. Wonder if he was right? Now.....another man that I cared about is gone and it’s all because of me. (Crying once again) Why do I keep hurting the men in my life? (Looking out the window into the night once again) Oh, Mickey. I wish you were here to be by my side. I miss you so much. (Crying heavier) Why did you have to leave me? I’m so alone, Mickey. So damn alone.

Maggie then rests her head into her arms and cries uncontrollably for a few moments. Then, slowly, she lifts her head up and starts cleaning herself up. She realizes that, even though she wants a drink desperately right now, that it would not be the wisest move on her part and would be the wrong way to handle this stage of her life. She walks over to her closet and looks into it, picking out some clothes. She puts on something warm and then slowly creeps down the stairs. While she hears Doug, Julie & Alice talking, she walks quietly down the hallway, through the kitchen, and out the backdoor for some air on this cold winter night.

-On the other side of Salem, at the Cheating Heart, a very sexy lady, clad in a black see-through halter top with a matching black bra and skin tight black leather pants comes stalking slowly into the bar. She causes quite the stir as male customers hoop, cheer and whistle at this gorgeous street woman. She walks over to the bartender and sternly says:

Marlena: Hit me and keep ‘em coming.

She smiles at the bartender, who fills her order, all the while looking down her at her ample cleavage. Marlena gets another shot as men start walking over to her. She turns slowly around to see the audience she has and remarks:

Marlena: Boys, boys. Careful now. There is more than enough of me to go around.

The boys cheer out loud, especially when she places her hand on her stomach and slowly reaches down between her legs, gently caressing her crotch before she returns her hand to her mid-section. She coyly bites her finger and smiles broadly as the men cheer once again. She then walks past the men, touching their cheeks as she goes over to the pool tables, and asks:

Marlena: Who wants to get their ass kicked in some stick action?

Every guy in the bar raises his hand, begging to be that man. Marlena chooses a lucky guy. He stands 6'1" and seems to be quite happy that she has picked him over everyone else. She takes the pool cube and breaks and everyone is standing by, watching the action.

-Meanwhile, back at University Hospital, Shane has met with Roman and told him that he has called everyone over to meet him. Roman thanks Shane and then tells him that he prays everyone will understand what he and Bo had to do to bring peace to Salem. Shane hopes for the same thing. He also tells Roman to be prepared for the anger that will eventually come from his family. Roman agrees, saying that he didn’t mean to hurt anyone.

As Nicole, Eric, Sami, Belle, Caroline, Max, Frankie, Hope, Abe, Kayla, & Kimberly slowly arrive in Roman’s room, they all see that he is in fine health. When everyone breaks out in tearful applause, Roman yells to everyone that this is not what it seems. As everyone looks at each other and then at him for an explanation, he takes a deep breath and looks at Shane before he begins:

Roman: I first want to say how sorry I am for putting you through all of this. It was not my intension. All I wanted is what I’ve always wanted....for my family to be safe. And.....what I felt we had to do was part of that, you see. I also didn’t want Bo to get arrested for something he didn’t do.

Sami: Daddy, I don’t understand. You were shot......and all of us thought you weren’t going to make it.

Roman: I know, baby. That’s......what......we wanted you to think. That’s what we wanted all of you to think.

Belle: We? Whose this “we” you keep referring to?

Roman: (Looking nervous) Myself, Shane........and Bo.

Caroline: Bo? What does Bo have to do with this?

Roman looks at Shane, who shakes his head in approval. He continues:

Roman: Well, Ma, everyone.......I don’t even know how to say this.......this has been.....and I.S.A. operation.

Sami: What? What are you saying?!

Roman: That Bo.....went undercover into Victor’s family to get the goods on him. To finally bring that man to justice. By doing this, we also hoped to draw out Stefano and Ernesto while using the resources Victor has access to in hopes of bringing them down as well.

Frankie: So......what you’re saying, is that.....this whole damn thing.......

Roman: Right, Frankie. Bo turning his back on the family.......my shooting......everything.........was an inside job, thought up by the three of us.

The family looks at Roman and some of them grow very angry. Caroline starts in on him, saying:

Caroline: Do you know what you put me through?! What you two put this family through?! What in the hell is wrong with you two?!?! If I had a belt right now..........

Kayla: Now, Ma. Don’t be mad at them. I knew as well.

Caroline: What is wrong with you damn kids?! Have you all lost you minds?!

Frankie: I think so, Ma. You know, you three need your heads examined for what you did to all of us.

Hope: I can’t believe this. Congratulations, fellas. You sure played me for a fool.

Belle: Shame on all three of you for what you’ve done.

The family is stunned.

Hope: You knew, Kayla?! Do you know what I’ve been going through with your brother and all the while you knew this was some damn mission?! (Walking up to her) You know, I ought to......

Max: Now....let’s calm down, everyone.

Belle: Calm down?! My father and uncles have been lying to all of us for months. Daddy, how.....how could you be so cruel?

Roman: Baby, I’m sorry. Really, I am. If it makes it any easier....this isn’t the first time I’ve been in an operation like this, ok?

Sami: No, Daddy. It’s not ok. (Crying in anger) As much as I love you, this was wrong. You have rightfully been preaching to me for years about telling the truth and the first chance you get, you keep all of us in the dark? Mom would have your head for this....even if she is acting strange right now.

Caroline: By the way......where is she?

Belle: Who knows. (Looking at Sami) Who knows what she’s up to these days?

Eric: Well, Dad...........spill it. Let us know what’s been happening.

Abe: Yes, Roman. Please tell me a decent explanation before I strip you of your badge.

Roman: Ok. Here it goes.

Roman then proceeds to tell everyone about how he went to Bo and Shane and set up everything from Bo infiltrating Victor’s crime family to Roman’s shooting. He tells them that there were scwibs under his clothing that he activated when he was “shot” on New Year’s Eve. He tells them that they got Kayla to work with them by saying that he was under an infection risk and that’s why he couldn’t be seen. He wants Victor and Stefano to finally see the inside of a jailcell for everything they’ve done from the island tragedies to this mafia war. He tells them that Bo wanted to be in on it and that they both decided not to tell anyone because, if the family knew, everyone could be in danger. Caroline asks why they chose to go after Victor way back in the Fall when the mafia war hadn't started and Victor really hadn't done anything yet.

Roman explains that Bo, Shane, and him were sick of Salem being overrun by criminal masterminds. They all understood that action needed to be taken, especially after what happened on the Island. Victor had a role in why the island tragedies happened due to his Ernesto connection and he had manipulated Belle, Shawn, Claire, and Philip's lives even though Philip ended up being Claire's father. Bo was reluctant at first as Victor had turned his life around in the last few years but he was still underhanded and shady. He is a part of the very threat they want to wipe out of Salem. That is why they formulated this plan.

He also tells them about the Mysterious Cloaked Figure and what this person has been responsible for, including the bombing of Samantha’s apartment. They also are working on finding out what exactly the MCF did at the New Year's Ball. They see this figure as a major threat right now, maybe moreso then Stefano and Victor. He then hopes and prays that:

Roman: You will find in your hearts one day to forgive me.

Roman looks at his family, who now stands before him silently. Sami is the first one to speak, walking up to him and saying:

Sami: You know, the old me would have slapped the taste out of your mouth and told you to go to hell for what you and Uncle Bo did........

Roman: And now? Look. I want you to understand something. Stefano, Victor & Ernesto have had free reign over Salem and it's people for far too long. It is time that it ends. On top of the fact........if Victor finds out what’s been going on, Bo may be a dead man.

Sami stares at Roman, then takes one step forward......before hugging her father. She then says to him:

Sami: Well, it doesn’t mean I’m not absolutely pissed off at you right now.....but, your heart was in the right place.

Hope: Well, Sami may be a lot more forgiving than I am but Roman.....you disgust me. Your brother is lying in a hospital bed and it may be because of this garbage you’ve gotten him involved in. If he doesn’t make it.......I will hold you personally responsible. You got that?!

Hope then storms out as the family watches her leave. Caroline just stares at Roman and Shane, shakes her head, and leaves as well. Nicole takes Eric by her arm and walks out, as Roman notices his family not saying a word to him. As the rest of the family leaves, he turns to Shane and says:

Roman: Well, that went well. Now, the majority of my family hates me.

Shane: No they don’t. They’re just mad right now. Give it time, my friend.

-In the backyard of the Horton House, Maggie walks over and sits on a swing. As she swings slowly back and forth, looking down at her hands and then up to the sky, she feels a presence near her. Maggie gets very frightened and looks around at who it may be. She slowly stands and gets ready to make a break for the backdoor but is grabbed from behind by two powerful hands. One hand goes over her mouth and the other holds her in place.

Maggie fights and tries to scream out to alert someone inside that she is being attacked. She then bites the finger of the person holding her, stumbles forward, and reaches down to the ground, picking up a huge tree limb. When she turns to face her attacker.............

She is shocked to see who it is. She raises her hand up to her mouth to stop the gasp she was going to let out and slowly falls into unconsciousness. When she starts to fall to the ground......

Victor catches her before she can hit it. He picks her up and then takes her over to the swing, placing her gently on it. He strokes her hair lightly, and quietly says:

Victor: I just wanted to see your beautiful face.

He leans in and kisses her and then looks out into the cold night air.

-Later, Kimberly walks back into Roman's room and asks to speak with Roman alone. Shane excuses himself and when they are alone, Kimberly tells Roman:

Kimberly: I am really pissed off at you, big brother, but that will have to wait. I have a problem and you are the only one I can turn to.

Roman: Sure, Kim. What’s going on?

Kimberly: It’s Bo. Something is wrong with him. I think it may be...I think he may be remembering.

Roman: You mean...

Kimberly: Yeah. I am thinking that is what's causing the current state he is in. I don’t know what to do. We have to get to the bottom of this......we have to find a way to deal with this...

Before it costs him his life.

Roman looks at Kimberly in shock and she stares at him with worry.

-Back at the Cheatin Heart a while later, after she has beaten most of the men in the bar, she says she’s grown bored with that game and feels like dancing. She then tells the bartender to:

Marlena: Crank it up, Jack. Time for me to shake this fine ass of mine.

The men take turns dancing very sexy with Marlena, who is bumping and grinding her heart out on the dance floor. She goes from guy to guy, shaking her breasts in their faces and grinding her backside on almost every single crotch in the bar. She then says:

Marlena: Aye, boys, I need some help getting on top of this bar. Any takers?

Two men run up and she almost starts a fight between the men who want to help her. She eventually gets up there and then, with the sound of a hard charging country song in the jukebox, she starts taking off her clothing......one garment at a time. She then looks out into the crowd and says:

Marlena: The party’s just getting started, boys. The main event is coming up shortly.

The crowd hoops and hollers once again as, in the back, some of the bar patrons are seen taking off their shirts. Marlena spots them......and smiles widely. The scene slowly fades out on her laughing and smiling as she continues her strip show for the fellows as the screen slowly fades to black on her face while the music and guys screaming and howling can still be heard in the background.

On the next Salem Lives...

Maggie to Victor: Your back!! But how?

Victor to Maggie: I can't talk long. I've come to say goodbye.

Hope to Bo: Please, wake up. We need answers...we need to know what is wrong.

Kimberly to Roman: Our worst fears are coming true.

Roman to Kimberly: We don't know that yet and, if they are, we will deal with it. I promise you.

Steve to Kayla: You...you made it stop. You made the pain stop.

James to Marlena: What the hell is wrong with you?

Marlena to James: Just trying to have some fun...you want in, tiger?



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Wait, so this whole thing with Bo was a SETUP?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? OH.....MY........GOODNES! I NEVR EVEN EXPECTED THAT!

Brilliant! Excellent! It makes so much sense and I would have never guessed!!!!!!

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  • Members

So very very good! I loved Sami's comments because, true to form, she would have been so angry a few years back but now things have changed. The Marlena scenes are quite a chuckle.

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