S&L: Episode 96

Secrets & Lies: Episode 96
Friday, January 12, 2007
Written by: Jennifer Snyder, NaVell J. Lee & Venus Stone (SweetNYGal33)
Executive Producer: Ryan Chandler
Consulting Producer: Jennifer Snyder (SoapQueen89)
New Opening Video
- As the family bombarded AJ with questions as to why he didn't think far enough ahead to the consequences of faking his death, Monica slipped away to make the phone call. Her mind weighs heavily on Lucy knowing all about her and Kevin and her wanting to keep the affair a secret. She didn't know for how long now, now that Lucy knew. She had to make sure that her dirty little secret was kept under wraps, that would be all she needed -- she had enough going on at home, she didn't need the family to learn she had been keeping just another secret from them.
- Slipping into her coat, Elizabeth hoped that all she had to do was pick up the gift and be right back home; however, something told her she might be in for a surprise.
- Maxie calls Georgie and tries to talk about Dillon. As soon as she mentions Dillon, he walks into Kelly's, which gives Maxie the green light to do some damage. Maxie hangs up her phone and she goes over to talk to Dillon. He looks up and notices Maxie walking toward him, and he is already not happy.
- Monica sneaks to give her some privacy when calling Kevin. She forgot to do one thing before making her call, and that was to be sure she closed the door behind her, as it stood ajar just a crack. Monica went to the phone on the desk and dialed Kevin's number. There had to be a way to ensure Lucy's silence. There just had to be.
It rang a few times before Kevin picked up.
"What took you so long?" Monica questioned him.
"I got Lucy here all up and over my back, she is not happy, Monica." Kevin answered with Lucy standing in earshot of the conversation.
"Neither will I if Alan finds out, so she better keep what she saw to herself."
As Monica talked on the phone to Kevin, she wasn't aware she company in the room with her. Tracy had stumbled into the empty room to find Monica on the phone.
- At General Hospital, Lucy makes way to Kevin's office, but doesn't come to find him. She comes face-to-face with David Hayward.
Lucy: Oh, I'm sorry...I must be in the wrong office. I was looking for....
David: Kevin Collins? Yes, you're in the right office. And you must be Lucy.
Lucy: Yes, how did you know that? And just who exactly are you?
David: I'm Dr. David Hayward... (shakes Lucy's hand)....and I know more about you than you think. And if you'd like, I would like to get a bit more about you.
Lucy looks at the coy doctor with a sly grin, yet she is still a bit uneasy with how this complete stranger knows everything there is to know about her, or so she thinks.
- "And what exactly isn't Alan suppose to know?" barked Tracy, startling Monica. She thinking quick on her feet, came up with some excuse and covered the phone call with Kevin, telling Tracy it was Carly on the phone.
Tracy didn't buy the story Monica spun for her, but there will be another day when she will stumble on what is actually going on. Tracy left the room, leaving Monica on the phone with Kevin.
"We're going to have tread very delicately with Lucy ... it may cost us a hefty price." Kevin warned.
"Anything whatever she wants Kevin, you give it to her. We've kept our affair secret this long, Lucy is not going to ruin what we have together." Monica replied with a warning of her own.
"Can we meet later?"
- Back at Kelly’s….
Dillon: Look, whatever you have to say, just save it.
Maxie: Well, I know that you and Georgie are having problems. Obviously, something is troubling you. Well, I should say someone.
Dillon: You don't know what you are talking about.
Maxie: I can understand that you are upset and jealous that Lucas is with someone else other than you, but it'll be ok. Pretty soon, Lucas will realize exactly where your priorities lie, and it will all become clear, that you have feelings for him.
Dillon: Shut up.
Maxie: Then it will all make sense. Georgie will never be able to stand the sight of you again, not to mention the Quartermaines, and Lucas may not be able to trust you, along with Brandon, and you will be left alone. Funny how things work out sometimes, huh?
Dillon starts to stand up and berates Maxie. He tells her that she is wrong in her theories, that he is in love with Georgie, he will always love her, and that he does not have feelings for Lucas. Dillon storms out.
- While ringing the doorbell to Lucky’s, Elizabeth could feel her cheeks grow warm. Would he open the door and let her in? Would he be civil to her, or would he simply toss hate at her again. As she stood waiting to see if he would come to the door, she heard footsteps approach.
- Getting up to refill her cup full of coffee, Maxie suddenly was hit with the ultimate plan. She could drug Dillon and Lucas and have them sleep together! She would set everything up, then be there to take the photos and give them to Georgie. On top of that, Dillon was always putting his thoughts on that damn video journal of his; all she had to do was find a way to swipe entries, make a copy, and begin to slowly release the video on YouTube. Smirking mischievously, Maxie couldn’t be any more pleased with herself.
“Girl, when you scheme, you really know how to scheme,” she said to herself, taking another sip of coffee.
- Monica and Kevin agreed on a spot to meet later and she hung up the phone. She picked the receiver up once more and called Carly. Carly picked up the phone right away and Monica quickly spun some story about the Q’s having an important family gathering that her, Sonny, Michael and Jason were invited to. Carly asks if Nikolas would be able to attend and Monica ok’s it. Carly accepted and told Monica they would be over as soon as they could get away. Monica quickly hung up the phone and returned to where the rest of the family was gathering.
- Unlocking the door, Lucky looked at Elizabeth. He didn’t know what to say to her; he didn’t know what he could say to her. All he knew was that it pained him seeing her, but not having her in his life. “Um, Nikolas told me that you were coming to pick up the gift he had for Cameron,” he said, stepping aside to let her in. “You can sit down while I go get it.”
Taking a seat on the couch, Elizabeth looked around the apartment. Her eyes locked on a picture; a picture of the two of them on their wedding day. She diverted her eyes quickly. Everything in the apartment reminded her of his love for her. Items she bought him for birthdays, pictures on the mantle, even the jacket that she bought he was on the other couch. It all reminded her of how things used to be between them; now it was all gone.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
An ICU episode featuring Lucky & Liz, and the drama at the Quartermaines regarding their reveal.
- Liz thinks that Lucky may be moving on
- Things at the Quartermaine Mansion get out of hand when AJ is revealed to be alive
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