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December 28, 2006




-High atop the new Titan Salem Towers, Doug and Julie have just walked in with Alice. Julie turns to Doug and tells him that you could cut the tension in this huge ballroom with a machete’. Doug concurs, saying that with what he’s heard, he hopes no one is hurt on this New Year’s Eve.

-Victor and Roman have a very heated exchange, having to do with their children’s marriage:

Victor: Claire is Philip’s daughter, Roman! And if he wants to raise her in his manner, who the hell are you to stop him?!

Roman: I’m Belle’s father, Vic! Neither of my daughters are going to be shoved into something they don’t want. I didn’t raise Carrie, Samantha or Belle that way and I’m not going to start now.

Victor: Oh, I see. Apparently, the only thing Samantha learned is how to be an evil little [!@#$%^&*] who will destroy anyone to get what she wants.

Roman grabs Victor by his collar.

Roman: Look here, old man. You watch what you say about Sami. She’s my child and she knows about the mistakes she’s made. (Letting go of his collar and shoving him) And the last thing I’m going to let you do is talk about her like a dog. As far as Belle is concerned.........she lives her own life. With her daughter. If she wants to bring Claire and live with Marlena and me, that’s just fine. (Walking up on Victor) And if that brat son of yours does one thing to hurt her......you wont EVER find his body, got that.........Vic?

Victor: Before this night is over, you may have to answer for your transgressions. I hope you are prepared.......Commander.

Victor walks off and leaves Roman to think about what he just said. Roman gets ready to follow him but spots both Abe and Shane, who has brought Kimberly with him. He pulls both men to the side to have a private conversation, leaving Kimberly with Kayla.

-Meanwhile, Victor is stopped in the ballroom by Philip. He tells Victor that he wants in on his war with Stefano and the DiMera family and won’t take no for an answer. Victor turns and gives hm a very stern look, telling him that instead of doing a Michael Corleone impersonation, he should be worried about his wife and daughter. He tells him to concentrate on that before he steps up and plays with men. Philip says that Victor needs him right now and that is one of the reasons he came home.

Victor tells him that something very dangerous is going to happen later and that he doesn’t want him involved. Plus, he says, Philip never wanted to be involved with his dealings in the past anyway. What has changed? Philip tells him that he is sick of sitting on the sidelines and letting people dictate his life. That changes right now and if Victor doesn’t want to let him in.....he’ll do what he has to do. All by himself. Victor warns him to not get into the middle of what’s going on and grabs Philip by the arm. Philip yanks his arm away and storms off. Victor watches him as he walks away.

-Two men have now entered the party. One is wearing a Yin/Yang authentic mask and the other is wearing a very expensive Chinese mask from the 17th Century. Both men walk around speaking to the guest when the second man spots Roman and cryptically remarks:

MCF: This should be one hell of a New Year’s Eve for you, sir. (Turning back around) It could also be your last.

He excuses himself from the first man and then makes his way to a secret corner of the ballroom.

The first man talks with some of his bodyguards who have accompanied him to this gala event. While he instructs one of the men to secure the perimeter, he tells one of his other guards to make sure no one sees him until the time is right. He then turns around, with his back to the crowd, and removes his mask to make a very important phone call.

The call.........to his daughter, Alexandra.

The man? Stefano DiMera, himself.

Stefano: How are you doing, my dear? Good, good. Now, you make sure you listen to all of the doctors, ok? No. No, don’t worry about me. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you here for what is going to happen. Look, I know what I’m doing. I'm sick of these people. These commoners have been ruining my work for years. Now.....they pay. They all pay. If I have it my way......

No one will leave here tonight....alive. And if I have to, I’ll bury this town, and everyone in it.

-Caroline watches Stefano stalk off, not knowing who it is that is so excited. She turns to see Hope walking up on Victor, and hears her start to berate him:

Hope: Victor, I don’t know what you have gotten my husband involved in this time, especially after that madhouse in Sydney, but I swear to God Almighty Himself, if one hair on his head is hurt, I’ll........

Caroline interrupts the conversation:

Caroline: Hope, what is going on here? Why are you acting like this in front of everyone?

Hope: Because, Caroline, I just heard from Bo that he and Victor have some sort of plan for Stefano and it’s supposed to go down tonight.

They both look at Victor.

Caroline: Is this true, Victor? My son is wrapped up in some mafia vengeance thing with you?

Victor: Caroline, you don’t understand and I have neither the time or patience to explain it to you. And, I wish you two would realize that Bo is a grown man! I’m sick of telling you that. He has to make his own decisions in his life and this is one of them.

Hope: Victor, all I want is for my husband to be safe, so we can get back together and live as a family.

Victor: Well Hope, maybe you should have thought of that before you ran him out of your home. All he wanted was your support and you gave him anger and resentment.

Both women are silent.

Victor: And now, you want him to run back to you like a scared little boy who doesn’t know what he’s doing. Well, that's BS. Let him go back to being a man for God Sakes. And I’ll see that no harm comes to him. Now, if you’ll excuse me..........

Victor walks away to confer with Nico, his most trusted assistant, while Caroline turns to Hope and says:

Caroline: He better keep his word. Because if anything happens to my baby boy.........

Hope: Don’t worry. Let’s find Abe, Shane and Roman and fill them in, ok?

Both woman walk quickly to find the three men to warn them of the impending doom that may fall on this night.

-Maggie stops Victor and tells him she just overheard the argument he had with Caroline & Hope. She asks him if it true that he is going after Stefano tonight and Victor’s response is silence. She stares at him and then puts both hands on his arms, warning him to be careful. He steps closer to her and hugs her, saying that it has been a true joy to know her. He tells her he will be careful but also tells her to have a good life and do the best she can........if anything should happen to him. He then turns and is led away by Nico, as Maggie looks on terrified.

-Victor, Nico and a third man walk past Stefano and his associate, not realizing who it is. But, Nico finally does, and grabs Victor by his elbow and whispers in his ear. All three men then turn around and watch Stefano, whose still disguised, walk towards the corner opposite them in the main ballroom. Victor stares at Stefano and tells Nico:

Victor: Start getting our men together, and let them know that the devil has ascended from hell......and is here right now. (He turns to Nico) Make sure they are in place when I give the signal. We’ll only have one chance at this so lets make it clean, understood?

Nico: Yes, sir. Understood perfectly.

Victor turns to his associate and says:

Victor: Let’s get out of sight, my friend. We need to find Bo. We have plans to make.

Associate: Of course, Mr. Kiriakis. This way.

Both men leave out of an unknown door and into a secret elevator that Victor had installed when the Tower was built, since he funded the Salem Towers project. He and his men know the hour is drawing near.

-Bo sees Victor and runs up to the door but it closes and locks just as he makes it there. In his frustration, when he turns, he doesn’t see Hope standing close to him. She reaches out to him but he walks right past her. She runs and catches up with him, turns him around, and sternly says:

Hope: Bo, what are you doing?! Do you know how dangerous this is?!

Bo: Dammit, Hope! You act like this is the first time I’ve ever faced something like this. Think for a moment, would you? The Three Prisms, Roman’s disappearance on the island, Stockholm, Lawrence Alamain, and just recently Sydney. I think I can take care of myself.

Hope: I’m not saying that you can’t, Bo. All I’m saying is please, for me and your family, walk away from this. Being with Victor is going to get you killed and I don’t have the strength to say good-bye to you and bury you in your grave!


Everyone in the ballroom grows silent. Bo and Hope look around, embarrassed. Bo then turns back to Hope, puts his hand on her cheek, and looks at her lovingly. He then steps forward, staring into her soft eyes, and kisses her gently on her lips. She responds and hugs him tightly. They slowly pull away from each other and they stare at each other as Bo slowly turns and walks away. She watches him walk up to Austin and Lucas but does not follow. She only hopes, silently, that her man will live to see tomorrow.

-Bo ask Austin and Lucas if they are ready to go, to which both reply yes. They say lets do this. Kate, Belle & Sami have tried in vain to stop Austin and Lucas from joining up with Bo and getting involved in this plan of Victor’s. Now, all they can do is watch as all three men walk off with serious determination, looking to join up with Victor, whose associate has been sent to find all three men.

Marlena walks up to the ladies and asks:

Marlana: What’s going on tonight? This seems like half a party, half a showdown. What’s with all the tension?

Sami: I have no clue, Mom. But Victor has gotten Uncle Bo, Austin & Lucas mixed up in something. I just hope they don’t get themselves hurt or worse.

Marlena: They won’t. Just do them a favor. Stop treating them like children. I heard Victor tell that to Caroline and Hope and I happen to agree.

Kate sighs and walks off after that comment but Belle looks at Marlena, then at Sami, and then says:

Belle: Uh, Mom, we don’t want them to get harmed or do harm based on Victor’s word. I really hope you can see that. They don’t belong in this at all.

Sami: Belle’s right, Mom. That’s why Dad, Abe & Shane are trying to find out what’s going on and put a stop to it.

Marlena: (Looking At Both Girls) You know, listening to you two whine about this, reminds me of when you two were babies. Damn, let them make their own decisions for God Sakes.

Marlena shakes her head and walks off, leaving both women shocked at her demeanor during that exchange. They leave to find Roman and fill him in on what’s happening with their mother.

-Frankie joins Greta on the balcony outside. He covers her up with a coat, to which she thanks him and smiles. When he asks why she’s out there, she replies that she is just wondering about something. When he asks what, she says that she can’t understand why all these people seem to find love and not her. Nicole and Eric have gotten together and gotten married and, once again, she is left with no one.

Frankie sees her point and asks how does she think he feels having not gotten together with Jennifer before she died. He really digs Jack and thought that once he got his act together he made a fine husband but, for once, he just wants to be number one in a lady’s life. He asks her does she see what he’s saying and she says absolutely. They both then agree to wait for that special someone to come along and no longer be second choice to anyone.

Then, they shake on it, but take a little time letting go of each other’s hand. They stare at each other for a moment before excusing themselves and returning to the party.

-Roman sees Frankie re-enter the door and walk over to Kimberly, Kayla and Steve. As he talks to them, Roman turns his attention back to Abe & Shane, who have finished finalizing plans to get everyone out and stop Victor and Stefano from turning this New Year’s Eve into a bloodbath. He sees Victor talking to Caroline and walks over to them both. When he gets there, he asks:

Roman: What are you doing, Vic? My mother is off-limits to you. I thought you knew that.

Caroline stands in between them.

Victor: You know, Roman, that Dirty Harry crap went out back in the 70s, along with that eyebrow thing you constantly do. You may think it makes you intense. I think it makes you look like an ass.

Roman: Is that so?

Victor: Yeesss, that’s so. Now why don’t you run along and see what the other children are doing while the grown folks talk. Ok?

Roman: Old man (Pointing his finger in Victor’s chest) if you don’t leave my family alone, the only thing getting run up in this tower is my boot in your ass.

Victor: I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

Roman: Really? Well let’s see............

Just then, Nico and Victor’s associate are on either side of Roman. The ask, politely, if he could remove his finger off of Mr. Kiriakis before it gets really ugly really fast. Roman slowly puts his hand down and looks at Victor, warning him:

Roman: Be good, old man. And remember what I said.

Victor: Commander.......you have a splendid evening.

Roman walks back to Abe and Shane and witnesses Bo, Lucas & Austin join Victor’s group. He turns to Abe & Shane and tells them, in no uncertain terms, that:

Roman: Fellas, I hate to say this, but we may have to shoot to kill if Stefano shows up and things get deadly.

Abe: I agree. We better start getting people out of here and getting our plain clothes men into place. I’ve also ordered S.W.A.T. to be activated in case shots are fired. Roman, you will get your orders from me. When I give the signal......

Shane: We aim and fire. Gentlemen, this must end tonight. If not.......

Roman: Then none of us may live to see tomorrow.

-Celeste has entered the ballroom and looks around to see who has come. She is greeted by most of the party faithful and walks around cheerfully smiling and waiving at friends of hers. When she walks into the main ballroom, she stops dead in her tracks and stares horrifically.

She sees blood everywhere she looks and paramedics and doctors attending to wounded friends and family. She sees people that she loves crying hysterically and then she looks up to the podium and sees blood on the curtains.

And then, just like that, a flash occurs............and everything is back to normal. She says horrifically:

Celeste: Oh, Dear God!! Blood and death!! Please!!! For God Sakes, let this tragedy not happen on this night. Too many innocent people are going to die. (To herself) I’ve got to warn Abraham. (Looking around) Maybe he can stop this.

The screen once again goes into four separate boxes with Roman, Abe & Shane taking out the guns silently and arming them, Caroline, Hope, Sami & Belle watching the men, Victor, Bo, Lucas, Austin and Victor’s associate toasting a group of men across the ballroom, and Stefano and the Mysterious Cloaked Figure toasting them back.

The screen then slowly fades to black.

Tune In Tomorrow......For The Final Shocking Episode Of 2006!!! It's CAN'T MISS!!!

***(No Previews today since tomarrow is such a big episode)***


Recommended Comments

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Hmmmm.....wonder who the mysterious figure is. Interesting.....

Like the Roman/Caroline/Victor/Bo/Hope drama. Makes sense too. Now, I know that Bo is involved with a criminal mastermind, so Hope and Caroline have every right to try to get him out of it, but he IS a grown man! They need to keep that in mind.

Can't wait to see what happens at the ball! The Celeste vision was great.

Marlena is so out of character right now. What on earth happened to her after she fell into that volcano?

Darn, I didn't want this episode to end! :lol: This seriously left me hanging, and I was really invested and didn't want it to stop! I'm being serious! LOL!

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Absolutely loved Victor in this episode. Esp loved his scenes with Caroline and Hope.

Very good episode. I am so far behind and will try to catch up on the others in the next day or so.

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