Christmas S&L: Episodes 84-86

Secrets & Lies: Episode 84-86
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
- Elizabeth walks into Cameron's room, and she looks at him playing with his toys. She has a heartfelt smile on her face as she goes and sits down next to him. While playing with Cameron, she begins to reflect on the conversation Audrey and Lucky had. She begins to talk to Cameron as she begions to let out her griefs and frustrations.
Liz: Yes, Cameron, you play with your toys....yes, what is that?
Cameron: Fire truck
Liz: Fire truck! Oh, you are such a precious, little boy, yes you are. *sighs* I just want you to have the best Christmas this year...and with me and Lucky making things horrible for all around....I just want you to be loved the way that you should be. Don't take anything for granted, and don't settle for less. (Liz's voice start to break up as she begins to start crying while talking to Cameron) No one is perfect, but that doesn't mean for u to try to go for the alternative. You are going to be a mature, honest, young man. You're going to be strong. You will make mistakes along the way, but that is what growing up is about.
Liz suddenly felt the urge to look back, as if she felt a presence in the room who had heard everything she said, and sure enough she was right. She turned around slowly to see Audrey standing by the door. Audrey gives Elizabeth a smile as she walks over them, giving both Liz and Cameron big hugs as Liz begins to cry in Audrey's arms.
- Monica walks into Kevin’s hotel room and is surprised to see a very romantic setting. In the spirit of Christmas, Kevin has red & green candles lit and requested that silk blue sheets be placed on his bed. He greets Monica with a gift. Inside the box, she finds a pair of gold earrings with diamond jewels. Kevin tells Monica that even though they can’t be together openly, he wants her to feel special. He doesn’t want her to feel like she’s his dirty little secret. Monica hopes that Kevin doesn’t feel that way about her. She says that once everything is set up, she can be with him. Kevin feels bad about having the affair with Monica, but cares about her entirely too much to let Alan have her. Monica shuts Kevin up with a kiss when he keeps bringing up Alan’s name. She says this night is about spending time with the one you love, which means not talking about those you don’t.
- Meanwhile, Lucas and Brandon return to the apartment so they can share a private Christmas between the two of them. Brandon makes mention of how he feels that it is great that he and Bobbie are on their way of reconciling. He does however wonder Dillon reacted the way he did to the news even though he knew about it already. Lucas just explains that he was just happy for them both.
Brandon is surprised when he opens his gift and there’s nothing inside. He laughs, thinking it’s a joke, but Lucas tells him it’s not.
“The reason why the box is empty is because you already have your gift,” he says looking deeply into Brandon’s eyes. “Why give you a material object when I can give you something so much better.”
Brandon gently touches Lucas’ face and strokes his hair. “I don’t want you to think that I was being materialistic or any—”
“Shhhhhh,” Lucas says as he puts his finger on Brandon’s lips. “This is my time to speak.” Lucas grabs Brandon’s hand and caresses his fingers. “My Christmas gift to you Brandon is my heart. I was furious at you for outing me earlier in the year, but I should have come clean with my family a lot earlier. Over this past year you’ve been my brother, my best friend, my significant other. You’ve been patient with me while I’ve come to terms with my sexuality, you’ve helped me combat my mother and you’ve been considerate about my feelings.”
Brandon smiles while Lucas is talking to him. Lucas asks Brandon to close his eyes while he does something. When Lucas, he asks Brandon to open his eyes. The lights in the penthouse are now dim, the fireplace is lit and soft music plays in the background.
- The scene then fades over to Liz, where we see who is at the door. She answers the door and is surprised to see her brother & sister, Steven and Sarah Webber. They all embrace in a hug, and Audrey comes up, and is excited herself to see the two. They all go into the living room, and both Sarah and Steven see Cameron, and they started to play with the child. Liz and Audrey couldn't be happier.
“Come Oh Ye Faithful” as performed by Katherine McPhee plays as the citizens of Port Charles celebrate Christmas.
Note: To download this song, you can click here (located at yousendit)
- At the Spencers, Bobbie, Noah, Lulu, Robin, Patrick, Carly, Nikolas, Michael, Morgan, Sonny, Spencer, Courtney & Mike laugh and watch as the children open their gifts. Carly smiles at Nikolas and kisses him under the mistletoe. Robin & Patrick do the same on the other side of the room. The camera fades to a little later, Carly walks over to Robin. She surprises Robin by not fighting with her, instead giving her a Christmas gift. Robin is surprised and happy to find stuffed animal (a robin) with a halo over it’s head.
Robin laughs and goes to hug Carly put Carly puts her hand up, telling Robin not to get ahead of herself. They all laugh at what happened. Sonny & Courtney notice how happy Carly & Nikolas seem with each other and it makes them a little sad. Patrick hands his father a picture of them from when he was a child. Noah then goes into his bag and gives Patrick a present. He opens it and sees an engraved stethoscope. Patrick puts out his hand for a handshake. Noah grabbed and hugged him instead, and the two were able to put aside their differences for the night. Michael goes to hand Bobbie her gift when he realizes she’s not there anymore.
- The Webbers gather around the Christmas tree and sing Christmas songs. Liz smiles as Cameron tries to ride the tricycle that Lucky got him for Christmas. Steven gives his grandmother Audrey a hug and says he’s glad to be home. Sarah puts her hand on Liz’s shoulder and smiles. The unspoken words between them say a lot.
- At the Scorpios/Jones, they watch the annual Christmas game and talk amongst themselves. Anna overhears Mac talking to Robert about the situation at work, but says he won’t let it get him down. Anna’s eyebrow is raised while they’re speaking. Georgie is upset that Dillon isn’t there spending the holidays with them. Maxie offers to be her “shoulder” to cry on.
- At Lucky’s, Sam falls asleep on with her head on Lucky’s shoulder; At Jason’s, Jason flashes back to the year before when he and Sam had a wonderful Christmas together.
- Some of the hospital staff with no family to celebrate the holidays with hangs out at the MetroCourt. David decides to get some air. He stares at a picture of his daughter Babe and grandson Little Adam and his heart, or the place where his heart should be begins to warm a little. His thoughts are interrupted when a little kid runs into him. The kid apologizes deeply, afraid that he’s going to catch hell. Surprisingly, David hands the kid some money and tells him to have a good Christmas.
- At the MetroCourt, the camera switches to the first person view, as someone makes their way to Kevin’s hotel suite.
- At the Quartermaine’s, the dysfunctional bunch all exchange gifts with each other. Edward is surprisingly civil to Lorenzo when he comes to the house with Skye. Ned is able to convince Brooke Lynn to give Tracy a call for Christmas. Though Tracy is happy, she gets pissed when Brooke calls her “grandma” and hands up the phone. Edward laughs at his children. Alan reads the latest e-mail sent to them from Emily, who apologizes for not being there, but says the entire family is in her thoughts. Edward flashes back to Christmas time a few years ago back when his sweet Lila was alive. He takes a deep breathe and wishes her a Merry Christmas. Ned wonders where Dillon is. The montage ends….
- Back at the Harbor View Towers, Lucas & Brandon finally stop dancing. Lucas walks Brandon over to the sofa.
“Getting my heart was not your only gift,” Lucas says to Brandon. Lucas takes off his shirt and pants.
“What are you doing?” Brandon asks.
“Now that you have my heart…..I’m ready for you to have my body.” Lucas pulls Brandon in for a kiss. The two begin making out on the sofa, but Brandon stops. “Are you sure?” He asks out of breath. “Are you sure you want this.”
Lucas kisses Brandon hard and looks into his eyes. “I have never been surer about anything than I am right now.”
Lucas pulls Brandon into another kiss and the two begin to make love. Apparently Lucas didn’t shut the door well because it was easily opened. Dillon arrives with gifts for his friends. He opens the door and is stunned when he sees Lucas with his legs around Brandon kissing him, obviously the two of them making love. Dillon’s heart stops and he drops his gift. Bobbie shows up as Dillon is rushing into the elevator. She gets to the door and witnesses Brandon kissing Lucas and pulling him onto him. Bobbie takes a deep breath and leaves through the stairwell.
- At the MetroCourt, Kevin and Monica bask in the afterglow after making love. Kevin tries to get the handcuffs off of him (Yes, they used handcuffs) but is unable do. Monica looks for the keys but can’t find them. Kevin tells her that the kind they used has a safety feature that you have to turn to unlock. Monica can’t figure out which way to turn.
“Monica turn it to the right. No no, you’re other right. My left.”
“It’s not working.”
“Try harder!”
“Damn it, it’s stuck. It’s not turning.”
Kevin sighs, then remembers the old saying of how to loosen things up. “Hey Monica, remember the expression for stuff like this. It’s ‘Righty tighty, lefty loosey.”
“Oh ok, let me see if I’ve got it now.”
The door to their hotel room opens, but they are too caught up in their own mess to notice.
“Come on Monica. Righty tighty, lefty….Lucy?”
Monica gives out a high pitched ‘yay’ as the handcuffs finally come off. She looks up at Kevin and notices the shocked look on his face. Monica slowly turns around and sees Lucy Coe standing in their room!!”
- At the Quartermaines, the doorbell is ringing. Alan calls for Alice to get the door, but tells her never mind. He’s having a conversation with someone in the other room when he gets to the door. He opens it without looking. Still talking to the person in the other room, he tells the person to hold on.
“Merry Christmas Dad,” says a familiar voice. Alan slowly turns his head and is stunned to see the person standing before him.
“Alan? Alan what’s wrong. Why did you stop—” says Skye before she stops her sentence abruptly. “No, it can’t be.”
Edward makes his way out shortly, demanding to know why the door is open. “Oh my god,” he says when he steps into the living room.
By now the rest of the Quartermaines in the house go the hall to see what’s going on.
“Merry Christmas,” the man says. “Glad to see me?”
The camera pans around to the stunned & mixed reactions of the Quartermaine family. Finally the camera pans to the man standing in the door. After moving slowly from his feet to his face, the man on camera is revealed to be AJ Quartermaine (played by Dan Gauthier)!!
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
It’s the day after Christmas. The episode will be told in flashbacks as it deals with the fallout from important happenings in the previous episode. Those featured in the episode include The Quartermaines, Monica/Lucy/Kevin and Brandon & Lucas.
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