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Episode 24




(EXT: Santa Barbara Hospital)

---Edmund sits in his office alone, waiting for Sophia. He flashes back to years before. He remembers arguing with his pregnant wife Loretta about the possibility of CC Capwell being her baby's father. Edmund is extremely confrontational as a teary Loretta tells him the truth. Loretta explains that CC wants nothing to do with her and blames their affair for Sophia's death. Edmund is shown in the present again. He flashes back again, this time remembering confronting CC with Loretta. CC coldly and callously denies the possibility of being the baby's father and rejects Loretta, telling her never to return to his home. She runs off, completely broken-hearted. Edmund emerges from the bushes after she leaves and confronts CC himself. He blames him for tearing up his marriage and not even being man enough to own up to what he did. CC tells him that if he thinks this baby is going to pay for Edmund's medical schooling, then he and his pathetic wife have another thing coming.

Edmund is startled when Sophia loudly knocks on the door, interrupting his memory. He opens the door and immediately compliments Sophia on her beauty. Sophia introduces herself and is surprised that Edmund remembers her days as Sophia Wayne and names some of her films.

"My, I haven't thought about those films in years- it's good to reminisce about those days. Your talents come highly recommended as well- Ben spoke quite highly of you."

"Kind of you to say. I studied and worked very hard to get where I am today. I've been going over your chart- and I believe I have a treatment that could help you."

Sophia is skeptical, telling him that Ben has told her that her condition is not curable. Edmund explains that while the United States hasn't approved certain treatments, there are studies he's been working on in England where they would have the freedom to explore these experimental options. Curious, Sophia asks him to lay out what his treatment would entail. Edmund tells her that she would be in a coma for 4-6 weeks, depending on how quickly it takes effect. He tells her that it's an intensive laser & radiation treatment concentrated at the center of the aneurism. Basically, for 6 hours at a time, the laser is shot into her brain repeatedly, breaking up the aneurism into smaller pieces which are subsequently attacked. Sophia asks why it hasn't met with approval in the United States. Edmund tells her that there's a risk of brain damage and that the medications used to keep the patient in the coma are not yet approved by the USFDA. He assures her that though it sounds stressful and potentially dangerous, it's her best shot at permanently relieving herself of the condition as opposed to merely controlling it. Sophia asks him if she can think it over & he agrees, but tells her that time is of the essence- he will only be in town for a short period of time and if she wants to do the treatment, there are certain medications that will have to be administered before they would leave for the UK to prepare her body for the comatose state. Sophia understands and asks if she could at least have until after the holiday to make her decision. Edmund agrees, but informs her that he'll be leaving for London on Dec. 30 and will need a decision at least 24 hours before then. However, he warns her that the sooner the medications are given to her, the quicker the treatment should take effect.

(EXT: DINER, just outside of town)

---Cruz sips his coffee as he waits for Angel to arrive for their rendezvous. Angel shows up and Cruz immediately asks about his progress. Angel tells him of his meeting with Carlos Esteban. He explains that Carlos is starting him off small, but if he comes through & keeps in line, he has a big deal coming in before Christmas Eve.

"Perfect- He won't know what hit him. You're doing good work, man."

"My word is all I've got you know- if I say I'm gonna do something, I'm gonna do it right. Thing is Castillo- I need to be sure my family will be protected. Carlos has already made threats..."

"You have my word, man. You're puttin your neck out on the line for us and I appreciate it man. You've changed- this is not the Angel Ramirez I knew 20 years ago."

"Yeah, well, 20 years in prison will do that to a man. You ought to know that Cruz- you had a taste of it once."

(EXT: Bar in the Capwell Hotel)

---Warren continues kissing Pamela until she pulls back, stunned by what has transpired. Warren is amused that she seems embarrassed and is blushing.

"What was that for?" she asks him

"That was....because I felt like doing it. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it..."

"No, I'm quite flatterred Warren, but considering I was married to CC and had Mason by the time Augusta was pregnant with you, that makes me obviously old enough to...."

"Impress a man like me with your sophistication and worldliness. I don't think I've ever seen you look so beautiful- seriously, what is this glow you have about you?"

Pamela smiles and tells him that for once in her life, she feels in control of her own destiny, something she hadn't truly felt in many years. Warren asks her why she's back in town and she responds that she's returned to right the wrongs done to her and settle a few scores. Warren is intrigued and asks for more details, but she's very tight-lipped, telling him that he would be far better served if he just sat back and watched things develop in real time. Warren reminds her that's not in his character- he is, after all, a journalist. Pamela fires back that what he is is a writer- and any writer can appreciate that every good story has a beginning, middle, and end. A story is far more fun to watch play out, she insists, if it's done in that order. Pamela notices he's changed the subject and asks again about his sudden interest in her. Warren hears the music beginning and suggests they discuss that while they dance. Pamela accepts the invitation.

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---Keith stops by Gina's office and she tells him of Joann's blackmail. Keith tells her that for both of their sakes, it's best they keep mum about what they know about Joann......at least for now. Gina explains that she's not so sure if any of that is going to matter anymore, since she and Joann had quite a rumble earlier in the day. Keith admonishes her for antagonizing Joann, but Gina counters that something about her just gets under her skin. She admits that she lost control and let her feelings toward Joann get the best of her. Gina asks Keith what their next move is and he seems unsure, admitting he's feeling a bit defeated. Just then, Elizabeth buzzes Gina's office and asks to meet with her. Keith tells Gina he'd love to tag along and the two head to Elizabeth's office. She greets them and Gina introduces Elizabeth to Keith, one of the assistant DAs in Santa Barbara.

"So nice to finally meet you. I'd heard so many good things about you and insisted when you buzzed Gina that she had to introduce me. I'm a huge fan of your work."

"Oh? You've followed my career at Wayne, INC?"

"Actually, I'm talking about the policies you've implemented so far here at Capwell. Brilliant!"

"Ahh, I take it you're not my sister's biggest fan either?"

"An understatement if I ever heard one," Gina chimes in.

Elizabeth thanks Keith and he offers to leave, but she tells him it's alright if he stays. Elizabeth goes over the latest projections for Gina Jeans and informs Gina that she would like to see the line expanded. Gina is absolutely thrilled and immediately agrees to work overtime on it. Elizabeth is appreciative of her dedication and tells her she hopes they have a close working relationship. Gina replies that she would like nothing more. As Keith and Gina begin to leave, Keith stops and asks why it is that in all the years he's known her, Sophia never even mentioned to him that she had such a beautiful younger sister.

"She's barred from the building, Keith. Is it so hard to figure out?"

"Obviously there's animosity there, but I can't for the life of me understand why. I thought maybe you could fill in the holes."

"That's not a time that I really care to talk about Mr. Timmons."

"Please, Keith"

"Ok, Keith. That's an awfully personal question for someone you've just met. Then again, you are an attorney..... you all aren't exactly known for your tactfulness..."

"It's like you've known me my entire life. Perhaps we could get a drink sometime and swap Sophia stories."

"Perhaps. Now if there isn't anything else, I have a conference call I need to make."

Gina and Keith exit and Gina immediately notices the devilish look on his face.

"What are you thinking?"

"That I may have just met our next move....."

(EXT: Bar in the Capwell Hotel)

---Mason enters and immediately orders a scotch on the rocks. The bartender comments that he hasn't seen Mason in quite a while.

"Sobriety, however fleeting it may have been."

He immediately sucks down his drink and asks the bartender to pour another. As he finishes his second drink immediately, he orders another one. The bartender informs him that this one is on the lady & directs his eyes to the opposite side of the bar. Facing him is Augusta, sipping on a dry martini. Augusta walks over as he sucks down his third drink in a row and orders another.

"What's the occasion? No wait, pleeease let me guess. You woke up this morning."

"Two more of these and you may start looking appetizing to me." He looks her over. "Make that three." He downs his fourth drink.

"I truly don't see what my sister sees in you. You're arrogant, manipulative, devious, and your breath could sterilize a needle. Not to mention you're a duplicitous bastard- does Julia have any idea where you are right now?"

"Duplicitous? That may be true but it seems to have rubbed off on your perfect sister."

It dawns on Augusta what's going on. "You know."

Mason is stunned that she knew that Mary was alive as well. Augusta insists she herself didn't believe it at first, especially when she heard of Mark McCormack's supposed involvement with her recovery and preventing her from going after Mason when she awoke. Mason asks her what she means about Mark. Realizing Julia must not have gotten into that part yet, Augusta attempts to cover but Mason, however drunk, is persistent. Augusta explains that she, like everyone else, thought that Mark was dead, since his bones were found during the Hal Clark investigation.

"You mean he isn't? Oh this just keeps getting better. Bartender. Another round please."

(EXT: The Capwell Mansion)

---Sophia arrives home with the literature given to her by Edmund. She sits down in the living room and begins reading it over. Rosa enters and asks what she is reading. Sophia tells her of the meeting she had with Dr. Lavery. Sophia is very enthusiastic about the possibility of her condition being treatable. Rosa warns her to remain cautious and not get her hopes up. Rosa asks for the details of the treatment and Sophia goes over what she discussed with Edmund. Rosa voices her concern that the treatment is not yet legal in the United States and is even more concerned about the medications being used, which are not yet approved by the USFDA. Sophia retorts that they are legal in the United Kingdom and highly doubts that the British Government would deliberately put people at risk.

"I don't believe they would Sophia. But if it's something not approved here, then it may not be so safe either."

"That's what this book is for that Dr. Lavery is about. If you don't mind Rosa, I'd like to be alone right now, so I can read through it."

"Have you told CC yet? Or your children?"

"Rosa, you know that I haven't and you know why. I don't want to worry them- there's nothing they can do to help me."

"Yes, but this treatment you're considering.....Sophia you could be gone for months, don't you think CC is going to wonder where you are?"

"I haven't given Dr. Lavery a definite answer yet, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I'll come up with something."

"He would want to know, Sophia, especially if you were making any kind of choice that could potentially put your health at risk..."

Sophia tells her that the last thing she needs is CC involved with this in any way. It's going to be hard enough to overcome and recuperate, but it would only make matters worse with CC hounding nurses, questioning doctors, and not allowing Sophia to make decisions that concern her and her body. Sophia again asks Rosa to honor her wishes and she agrees, though she makes Sophia take note of her diapproval. Rosa leaves Sophia alone and she begins to read.

(EXT: Bar in the Capwell Hotel)

---Mason continues to drink himself into a stupor and Augusta tells him that she's calling him a cab. He tells her that won't be necessary- he's taken the liberty of reserving a room. Augusta asks if Julia is aware that he won't be coming home but Mason ignores her. Augusta informs him that if he won't call Julia, she will. She gets up and begins walking away from the bar, dialing her cell phone. An unbalanced Mason walks behind her as she stops mid-dialing. She is stunned when she sees Warren and Pamela cavorting on the dance floor. Her blood begins boiling as she glares at them.

"What is it, Augusta, what are you looking at?"

Mason looks up and sees Warren plant a kiss on his mother.. Unable to control himself, Mason rushes out toward them.

"Mason! What are you doing? MASON! DON'T!" Augusta calls as she chases after him.

Mason approaches Warren & Pamela on the dance floor. Pamela stops dancing when she sees her son closing in on them.

"What? "What's wrong?" Warren asks as he's turning around.

When Warren completes his turn, the last sight he sees is Mason's fist coming at his face, knocking him out cold.

THE END...................for today

Sorry so late. Piece of crap cable connection! :lol:


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  • Members

I love when Mason loses it!!

Maybe it's because I love Lane Davies and invision him playing out those scenes.

Good episode though Juniorz!. Solid work all around.

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