S&L: Episode 33

Secrets & Lies: Episode 33
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na’Vell J. Lee
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
- When Lucky reports to the PCPD the next morning, he tries to act as if nothing is wrong. While he’s doing his paperwork, he keeps getting distracted by thoughts of Sam. It really bothers him that he wasn’t able to save her then, but he’ll do his best to save her now. His thoughts are interrupted when he notices the mayor enter the building and go into Mac’s office.
- Mac kindly greets the mayor but can tell from the look on his face that this is not a courtesy visit. After being ordered to sit, Mayor Floyd begins to speak.
Floyd: I am quite sure that you are aware of this Commissioner Scorpio, but I’ll say it anyway. Port Charles has a severe problem with crime, and I don’t believe that you’re doing the job up to par.
Mac: With all due respect Mr. Mayor-
Floyd: I don’t think I was finished. You have had the chance to clean up our streets and get rid of the organized crime here, yet you fail at every turn. Two of the biggest crime bosses reside in this town, yet you haven’t been able to make one crime they’ve committed stand in court. Your incompetence is affecting your officers Mr. Scorpio. I barely made it through another election term. The voters have made it perfectly clear that if I don’t do something to make this police force more effective, then I will be out of a job.
Mac: Mr. Mayor I-
Floyd: I will not lose my job because you can’t do yours Mr. Scorpio. Changes will be made in a few weeks. You’d better hope you have a job come January.
The mayor then leaves Mac’s office.
- At Lucky’s, Sam has a disturbing dream in which she is being burned alive. Unable to move or scream, the only thing she can do is take it. Two shadowy figures stand over her. One with the gasoline, one with a match while another watches from afar laughing at it all and other tries to save her. Sam awakens, screaming uncontrollably and drenched in sweat. What does this dream mean? And who was trying to save her?
- Ned, Luke and Skye walks into Edward’s office as he’s complaining to Tracy about the failed acquisition of Basic Black. Tracy says that some British tart found a way to convince her that BB wouldn’t be good business for ELQ Industries. Edward changes the subject and prepares them for big business. Tracy sniped that it may be best of Skye leaves the office. Edward tells Tracy to shut up. He informs them all that he will be making a huge announcement on Friday regarding the future of ELQ and it’s subsidiaries. He orders them all to attend the board meeting on Friday as they will be required to vote on some business. Once he dismisses them, Luke pulls Tracy into one of the supply closets.
Tracy: Now it is the not to pleasure your lower anatomy Luke.
Luke: There’s plenty of time for that my little dark angel. So who was this British bumpkin who tickled your fancy and got you to change your mind?
Tracy: First of all, no one tickles my fancy. His name was EJ I believe.
Luke: What the hell kind of name is EJ?
Tracy: Hell if I know. But I am not happy that we now won’t have the company under our wing. That would have been great momentum for me when I take over. If he thinks he’ll get away with that again, he’d better think again. I’m Tracy Quartermaine damn it!
Luke: Well spanky buns, come Friday, it’s put up or shut up time.
Tracy: Yes, I know that. Are we ready to go through with this?
Luke: Everything has fallen into place. Carly has agreed to give me the two proxies that she controls….in return for a few favors after the takeover is done.
Tracy: Good. It’s a sad day when our entire plan rests on your sorry excuse for a niece.
Luke: Trust me Tracy, this is a go.
Tracy: I’m telling you now, my first plan of business is to get rid of that guttersnipe.
Luke: But there are so many. Which one are we talking about?
Tracy: Skye….She must go first. Will you support me on this?
Luke: I’ll support you in whatever it is that you do.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
- Sam freaks out when Lucky tries to tell her what happened to her during the summer
- Lucas and Brandon face discrimination because of their sexuality
- Maxie tries to convince Georgie that Dillon isn’t into her anymore
- Carly tells Lulu about her new business venture
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