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November 24, 2006



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-The episode picks up at Salem University hospital. Bill and Laura are talking to the doctor about Eric's condition. Doug and Julie are comforting Caroline, along with Cal. Austin, Lucas, and Will are by a devestated Sami's side. Cal embraces Sami and says it's hard because he will always hold a bond with Eric and her since he believed he was their father. Sami understands and is in denial. Eric can't die and there has to be something they can do. Celeste comes up from behind them and says it's too late-for Eric and for many others they love.

-Nicole wonders what Greta could possibly tell her that would require her to stop her plane like this. Greta tells Nicole that what she saw at Eric's suite was fake. Eric asked Greta to help him with his plan to make sure Nicole went to LA since he didn't want her to give up her dream job for him. Nicole doesn't buy it. Greta reminds Nicole of Eric's secret and says that she has known what it is for months. In fact, she learned it soon after Nicole asked her to help find out what it is. Nicole is confused.

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Salem Bridge

-Max wakes up and asks Frankie, Cassie, and Kate if they are ok. They say they are and they get out of the car. Max sees that his car's front end is totaled from hitting the guardrail. Frankie then looks on the other side of the bridge and realizes the car they were trying to avoid went through the guardrail and off the bridge. The four of them race over to all the shattered metal and see a car floating in the river below. Kate realizes it's Chelsea's car and lets out a blood curdling scream as Frankie and Cassie console her and hold her back.

-In Sydney, Victor holds a gun on Stefano with Maggie by his side. Stefano laughs and says Victor can't stop him. Victor begs to differ and says his time is up.

-Roman spots Stefano's helicopter and sees Victor from afar and begins to race over.

-Hope and Bo decide to go look for the others so they can get out of the chaos they find themself in. They make a run for it while dodging bullets.

-Billie is releived when the CPR works and Shane is breathing. She says there isn't much time for him if he doesn't get medical attention. She tells Jack and Abe to stay with Shane and the helicopter as she goes to find the others.

-Steve is screaming Kayla's name and for help. Unforunately, the gunshots are drowning out his screams and Kayla, who is lying in a pool of blood, is unresponsive. Steve bangs on the door repeatedly and is desperate for some help. He then looks above and says he isn't sure if he believes in a higher power, or if he ever did before losing his memory, but he needs some help right now. Kayla can't die and he can't watch her die. Steve begs for help to come or for the power to do something to help Kayla.

Steve then hears two voices and looks outside. It's Bo and Hope, tending to Kayla. They look up and see Steve and open the door. Steve quickly jumps to Kayla's side. Bo says she has a pulse but it's faint. She has lost alot of blood and the wound could be infected. Steve remembers she was acting a bit woozy while tending to victims but he thought she hit her head or something. She must have been hiding her injury so she could take care of the shootout victims. A spray of bullets nearly hits them and Hope wonders when this bloodbath will end.

-The passengers, flight staff, and pilot are impatient and demand things move along. Nicole asks what Eric's secret has to do with Eric and Greta making it look like they were having sex to get her to leave Salem. Greta tells Nicole that Eric is sick. Nicole seems blindsided and is reminded of Eric's headaches and asks how sick he is. Greta says he is dying. One of the airline attendants asks if the situation can be rectified so the plane can take off. Nicole is stunned as Greta, with tears in her eyes, says that Eric may not have much time left and, even though he didn't want anyone to know or be there, his family is there now and the woman he loves SHOULD be there. Nicole turns her back on Greta and, clearly in shock, has no idea how to respond.

-Cassie is comforting Kate as Frankie and Max look down below as the car is sinking. Kate is desperate and asks them to do something. Her granddaughter is down there. Max says that the rescue teams are on there way. Frankie reminds Max they called sometime ago and they may not have much time. Max asks what Frankie is thinking. Frankie says they need to act fast and races off, with Max behind him. Cassie yells out to them and asks where they are going. Kate stands up and says they are going to try to save them...before it's too late.

-Back in Sydney, Bo says they need to get Kayla out of this warzone and to the helicopter where Jack and Billie took Shane and Abe. They can then use some of the medical tools there to help her until everyone gets there and they can take off. Billie arrives and Bo fills her in on what happened. Bo says he is going to find the others and tells Steve and Billie to get Kayla to the helicopter. They agree and Steve carries Kayla while Billie stabilizes her head as they leave. Bo orders Hope to go with them but she refuses. Realizing it is no good arguing, he reluctantly agrees to let her come and they race off.

-Roman sees Victor aiming his gun at Stefano from afar. Meanwhile, Stefano realizes Lexie needs medical attention fast and tells Victor they will have to resume their battle some other time. He prepares to board his helicopter. Roman sees this, pulls out his gun, and takes aim. Victor aims and fires his gun but realizes he is out of ammo. He needs to act fast so he races over to Stefano to try to pull him off the helicopter before takeoff. Roman aims at Stefano and fires. Maggie sees Roman fire and sees that Victor is in line with it. She jumps in the way and pulls Victor to the ground.

-Billie and Steve get Kayla to the helicopter. Abe says that Shane is fading and Steve says that Kayla is too. They don't have much time. Jack asks Billie where the others are. Billie says she wishes she knew.

-Victor gets up and realizes Maggie is shot. She says she is fine. Victor sees it is just a flesh wound. Roman races up just as Bo and Hope do. Victor then notices Stefano's helicopter flying overhead and then pull away. Stefano laughs through his microphone and says, "Until we meet again, my friends." Victor is angry that he wasn't victorious. Roman takes aim but realizes he can't get a shot off. He tells Maggie he is so sorry. Victor realizes Roman shot the bullet and attacks him. Bo orders them to stop and says Shane and Kayla are in bad shape and need a hospital. They all need to get out of this mess now. Victor reluctantly agrees but tells Roman they will deal with each other later.

-Victor helps Maggie up. He sends a message to his men via radio that it's time to pull out and to collect all survivors and evaculate. Bo says they need to get out of here now as Dimera's men still aren't letting up and bullets are still flying. Victor agrees since he just called his men back. There will be no protection now. They all race off but, as they rush to the helicopter, Hope falls and hurts her ankle. Bo tells Victor and Maggie to go on ahead. Victor says that they need protection since his men have evaculated. Someone needs to cover them. Bo and Roman draw their guns, while also helping Hope along, and say they will provide cover.

-Back in Salem, Max and Frankie enter the river and swim over to the accident site only to find the car has gone underwater. Max is a better swimmer so he goes under. He finds the car, which is crushed up like an accordian due to the impact of the metal guardrails and the crash. He pulls one of the partygoers out from the back seat via a window and then pulls another one out. Frankie tends to them on the surface as Kate and Cassie join him below the bridge to watch the rescue. Max then pulls Seth out. Frankie can't get a pulse and realizes he is dead. Max attempts to pull Paul out but can't. He can't reach Abby and Chelsea, both of whom have head injuries and are wedged in between crushed metal and the front seats.

-In Sydney, Victor and Maggie see the helicopter on the clearing and race to it per Bo and Roman's orders. Bo, Hope, and Roman are slightly behind but are being shot at by Dimera men. Roman runs out of ammo. Bo tells him to take Hope and get her to the helicopter. He will be right behind them and will cover them. Roman doesn't like the idea but reluctantly agrees since they won't make it without cover and Bo is the only option. He asks Bo if he is sure he can handle it. Bo nods. Hope resists Roman and says she doesn't like this. Roman picks her up and tells her to shutup and just go along with things for once. Hope screams for Bo and makes him promise he is right behind them. Bo says he is and that he will be right there.

Ending Segment

-Bill and Laura tell Doug, Julie, Celeste, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Caroline, Cal, and Will that the doctors think Eric is running on borrowed time and that they don't see what they could possibly do. His tumor is too far advanced. Cal hugs Caroline and Lucas embraces and comforts Sami.

Just then, Greta races in with Nicole behind her, who asks where Eric is. Bill is about to tell her but Nicole notices him about to point towards the ER and rushes past everyone. Nicole bursts into Eric's cubicle and then stops dead when she sees Eric, hooked up to so many cords and machines. She slowly walks over and stands above him. Eric's head turns toward her slowly and he opens his eyes for the first time since being in the ER and seems stunned to see her. Nicole looks into his eyes and then embraces him, saying how much she loves him as her eyes well up with tears. Eric softly and tearfully says he loves her too as Greta and the others watch from afar, some in tears.

-Kate, Cassie, and Frankie are worried as Max hasn't come up in some time. The EMT's and search and rescue team arrive and Frankie fills them in. He hopes Max is ok and that the girls are too. Meanwhile, Max manages to pull Paul out and gets him to the surface. The search and rescue team take him to shore and order Max to return to the shore. He says the girls don't have much time and he is going to help. He goes down under with the S&R team and they work feverishly and manage to get Chelsea out. She is brought up to shore while the attention turns to Abby, who is not breathing.

The S&R and Max try to pull her out but can't. The S&R return to the surface while Max remains down below. They try to pull him up but he refuses. They manage to get him up but he then goes back underwater again. One of the S&R team members tells Frankie his brother won't come up until he pulls Abby out and that it is most likely too late for Abby. She isn't breathing and has been down there for awhile and, the longer Max stays down there, the more the chance of things not looking good for him either. Cassie looks on frightened along with a worried Frankie, who asks Jennifer to watch over his brother and her daughter.

-In Sydney, Victor and Maggie board the helicopter. The pilot amps up the engine. Abe says that Shane's pulse is weakening. Jack and Steve notice the same about Kayla's and reiterate they need to go now. Billie helps Roman get Hope aboard. Bo is still way out on the clearing and Hope and Victor are clearly worried. She begs Roman to go get him. Roman is about too when he sees Bo racing towards them. Hope, Billie, Roman, and Victor are relieved. The pilot says they are ready to go. Jack then sees a another helicopter coming towards them. The others take notice too. Billie looks through her binoculars and says:

Billie: Oh my God...

Roman: Billie, what is it?

Billie: It's Stefano. He is in the helicopter.

Abe: What the hell?

Billie: He is pulling out something...it's a blowhorn!!?

They all then hear Stefano give them a message via the blowhorn:

Stefano: It's not like me to leave quietly so I know I needed to leave you all with something to remember me by. I am just thankful I flew by so I didn't miss this wonderful opportunity. Here is a little something that I hope will send you all a little message...

Billie (while looking through binoculars): He put the blowhorn away. The helicopter is passing over us...

Hope: What is he...Roman...go get him..

Roman: Hope...

Hope: Something is going to happen!!! Get Bo!!!

Roman gets out and races towards Bo, who is nearing the helicopter.

Billie: Oh my...

Hope: Is it Stefano?

Billie: No...someone else in the helicopter...they have a machine gun. They are aiming it at Bo!!!


The scene is now in slow motion as Roman is racing towards Bo and Bo towards Roman and the others. We then see a sniper in Stefano's helicopter aiming at Bo with the machine gun as Stefano tends to Lexie, and watches, with a smile. The sniper then fires the gun several times, sending a spray of bullets in Bo's direction:

Billie: Oh my God!!

Victor: Bo...

Hope: BO!!!!!!

We then see Bo trying to dodge the spray of bullets as the sniper continues to fire. The camera then pans in on Bo as he takes several bullets. Roman gets to him, just in time to catch his lifeless body. Roman falls to the ground with Bo in his arms. Billie fires her gun at Stefano's helicopter to drive them away. Stefano's helicopter then pulls away. Billie turns and races over to Roman, who is cradling Bo in his arms.

Hope: BO!!! (Hope gets out and limps towards where Bo is)

Victor: Not my son... (Victor races towards Bo)

Roman: Bo...come on bro...

Billie: Bo...come on...not like this

Hope (kneels down at his side in tears and, with Roman, cradles him in her arms): BO!! NO!!! NO!!!!!

The screen then fades out on an overhead view of Billie and Victor standing by as Roman and Hope cradle a lifeless, bloody Bo.


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FYI: I hate Greta/Erica/Nicole, lol. I hated them on the real show. It's just a very boring triangle because all characters, but one are boring.

Why couldn't Kayla be the Brady that dies instead of Bo?

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Ouch, watch out now! :lol: Why so hostile, Roman? It wasn't a literal question. It's like one of the questions that Willow-haters ask, "Why Lexie instead of Willow?" Do you get it?

Anyway, Phoenix, good episode.

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Kayla is not out of the

woods yet Drew and

either is Shane. Bo you

will find out next week

about but something

HUGE happens there.

As for Eric/Nicole/Greta,

I get ya on that. Most

either love it or hate it

but it's reaching it's end

soon and what is happening

now will be better then the

story thus far.

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Damnit! For a minute there, I thought Abby was

the one pulled out & Chelsea was still down there.

Can't the b itch just DIE already? :lol: Great

episode you guys! And.....I...kinda...... like the

Greta/Eric/Nicole stuff :unsure:

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I am glad you do

juniorz1. Some

do and some don't.

It's a matter of taste.

It's going to get really

emotional next week


Oh, and keep in mind,

Chelsea isn't out of the

woods yet either ;)

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