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Episode 9



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(EXT: San Remos Emergency Clinic)

----Julia is absolutely stunned when she realizes Dr. Beckman is actually Mary Duvall. Julia at first is disbelieving, saying she was there when she died. Mary explains that she would have died, had Mark not brought her to the San Remos Clinic & cared for her. Mary tells Julia that she was in a coma for four years. Julia questions why she never came back for Mason.

"Actually, Julia, I did. It took some time to get Mark out of my life, but he finally gave me a divorce. When he did, I came back to town, looking for Mason. And I found you. The two of you, happy together and with a daughter."

"You saw us?"

"I came to the house. Make no mistake, Julia, it hurt me deeply to see the two of you together......at first. But I watched Mason for a couple of days......and he was so......happy. I saw the way that he looked at you, and at your daughter. I couldn't come back and ruin that for him- he'd found the stability he'd always been searching for. I wasn't about to return to his life and throw it into absolute chaos. I couldn't do that to you either. We may have had our differences, Julia, but I always knew you to be a good woman, loyal and dependant. No. I couldn't do it. I let him go....."

Julia tears up as she hears Mary recounting her story. Julia tells her she thinks it was a mistake for Mary not to come back into Mason's life, and that things with she & Samantha haven't always been as perfect as they may have looked. Mary insists that she did the right thing and had no intention of ever coming into their lives again.

"Until our daughter was brought here after her accident."

"Exactly. But Julia, she's going to be well soon and there's no reason for me to see Mason or for him to know that I am alive or involved with this in any way. Please. I'm begging you- it's been hard enough seeing him now as it is...."

A light bulb goes off in Julia's head. "The vision.... Oh my God, Mary, the vision. He saw you. Mason saw you. That's why he's keeping her here......he thinks you'll pull her through......Wait, you risked getting caught? Were you trying...."

"To wake him up ? For him to see me so we could be together? No. I just saw him, sleeping in that chair, knowing his nerves were frayed with worry. It was almost instinctual for me to try to comfort him."

Julia realizes that seeing Mason has brought these feelings back in Mary. Just then, a call comes into Mary's office from Dr. Stanley, saying that Samantha has responded to the medication and is awake. Mary insists Julia go to her daughter.

(EXT: Santa Barbara Police Department)

---Vic and Cruz go over Angel's impending release from prison and the investigation. Cruz tells Vic that all aspects of the press have been agreeable and there will be no news coverage of his release. Vic tells him that it's imperative that they're very careful, and that he's a bit suspicious of someone like Angel turning on old drug acquaintances.

"Not to mention it's for the dude that put him in prison," Pearl Bradford says, bursting into Cruz's office.

"You ever knock, Pearl?" Vic jokingly asks him

"Knocking leaves options."

Cruz asks Pearl how he got wind of the goings on, and Pearl laughs that he's a PI; that it wasn't very hard. Pearl tells Cruz he doesn't think Angel can be trusted. Pearl crosses the line, however, when he suggests that Cruz is putting Eden & Adriana in danger. An irritated Cruz defends himself, telling his old friend not to worry.

"Still a buttinski Pearl. Some things never change."

"I watch out for you & Edie. You guys are close to my heart and I don't want to see anything happen to yas"

Cruz once again reassures Pearl and makes him promise to keep mum to Eden. Pearl agrees. After he leaves, he says to himself that he'll be keepng an eye on things. Cruz tells Vic he'll be meeting with Angel shortly after he gets out, which concerns Vic. Cruz assures him they're meeting somewhere low-key, outside of town. He'll surely be discrete.

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---Angela enters CC's office, prepared to fill him in on Joann's hiring. CC stops her and congratulates her on the marriage to Ted.

"I cannot begin to thank you for keeping that woman from ever re-entering my family."

"I love Ted very much CC. That's what it was about- Gina's humiliation was an added bonus, though in retrospect, I'm the one that ended up with a cake dumped on me."

"A woman never wore French Silk Vanilla so well, Angela"

Setting that aside, Angela tells him of Joann's credentials. CC looks over her resume and orders a background check. Though he's sure she's trustworthy, in the situation they're in, CC tells her it's best to leave nothing to chance. Angela agrees with him, though she speaks highly of Joann. CC perks up a bit when she tells him that Joann seems to get under Gina's skin a bit. They agree that alone speaks volumes of her character. Nonetheless, they can't be too careful. Angela tells him that if there's going to be anything left worth saving, they'll have to move quickly. CC agrees and calls a meeting for Monday, and tells Angela to relay to Joann that he'll be very interested to hear her ideas. She should be caught up on all of her reading by then and be ready to present any strategies she comes up with. Kathleen enters and informs CC that Sophia has called from the hospital- Samantha has woken up! Angela is happy for CC, who heads to the hospital.

(EXT- San Remos Emergency Clinic)

---Dr. Stanley examines Samantha and is quite impressed with the improvement in her vital signs. He reports to the family that Samantha is making a dramatic improvement for the better, though obviously will still need plenty of rest and to heal. He informs Mason & Julia that he wants to keep her overnight for observation, but if everything checks out in the morning, she should be able to come home. Mason & Julia are thrilled and ask to see their daughter, but Dr Stanley informs them that she's asking to speak with Rafe first. Mason is taken off guard and defensive, but Dr. Stanley claims that Samantha insists on seeing him. Rafe obliges and enters her room.

---Sophia heads down to the cafeteria, only to bump into Pamela. Sophia becomes agitated when Pamela warns her that she will not be kept from her family anymore. Sophia remarks that Pamela seems to be implying her stay in Santa Barbara is permanent.

"I wouldn't call it permanent, Sophia. But for now, I'm not going anywhere..."

"For now..... you mean while you're still enthralled with your son and granddaughter, but before you get bored with them. You'll leave ..... you always do...."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you Sophia ? It would make things easier for you, no? I've left before to make things easier for you Sophia....."

"And because you had a nervous breakdown.......More than one for that matter"

"I'm far stronger now dear. And I see you for exactly what you are...... I never let my family think I was dead, Sophia. That was your game. To think, CC left me for the likes of you.......the classless slut that you are. I'm sure your sister would agree."

Sophia is stunned that Pamela mentions Elizabeth, and questions how Pamela may even know her. Pamela tells her there are many things she knows that Sophia may be surprised by. Sophia becomes incensed, accusing Pamela of using her sister to get to her and possibly even poisoning Elizabeth against her. Sophia suddenly becomes dizzy and starts losing her balance. Pamela tries to help her, but Sophia shoves her away. Sophia sits down and regains her composure. Pamela questions Sophia about the spell, but Sophia simply brushes it off. Pamela realizes that she's gotten to Sophia and lays it on thick. Sophia insists she's done nothing of the sort, but she's obviously rattled. She informs Pamela she's heading up, to check on her son & granddaughter. Pamela deviously smiles as Sophia walks away.

"That was just the beginning Sophia. You're going to pay. ALL OF YOU ARE!!!!"

(EXT: California State Prison)

---The guards bring Angel to the holding cell as he waits to be released. Angel flashes back to years before, being brought in by Cruz. The guard enters, telling him that he may go, he's a free man. Angel exits the prison and begins walking, toward the bus stop.

"A free man." He smiles deviously.

---Back at the hospital, Samantha tells Rafe that she doesn't blame him for the accident. When Rafe claims it to be his fault, Samantha rebuts that she's a big girl and got on the bike all by herself. He insists that he shouldn't have let her, however persistent she may have been. He apologizes profusely for driving so erratically and asks her what he can do to make it up to her.

"Well, from what they've told me, I should be able get out tomorrow, but I'm not going to be able to move around much on my own. Because of my ribs, I have to be seated for a couple weeks, and can't walk at all. Now my mom's the assistant DA and my dad is an attorney too. Plus he's going to be busy with the stuff at Capwell..... If I'm going to be at home, I'm going to need help getting from place to place, carried and what have you......"

"That's where I come in."

"Precisely" she smiles

Rafe at first is apprehensive, but Samantha reminds him that Lily's rejected him, things aren't going so well in his life and maybe helping her will change things. He grins at that, agreeing that things couldn't be much worse for him and he does owe her. He agrees to do it.

---Rafe comes into the waiting room & informs Mason & Julia that Samantha would like to see them. Adriana & Eden question what Samantha wanted and he fills them in. Eden remarks that Mason's not going to be too thrilled with the set-up. Adriana obviously is impressed with her cousin's skills. Eden tells them they'd better get out of there, if only to soften the blow that Samantha is about to deliver Mason. They head out. Sophia & Pamela come up the stairs and see Mason & Julia in with Samantha.

Dr Stanley comes in to check on Samantha and she asks him to thank Dr. Beckman for her. He assures her that he will, and a nervous look comes over Julia's face, as she remembers just who "Dr. Beckman" is. Samantha tells them that she's asked Rafe to look after her while she can't move around, which Mason thinks is a terrible idea, though Dr. Stanley is enthusiastic. Samantha tells him that she doesn't want to be any burden on them & they need to work, which she understands. Starting Monday, however, Rafe will be with her during the days. Julia questions why she would want him to do that, and Samantha tells her that he feels awful about the accident and wants to make it up to her.

"What better way to do that than for him to wait on me hand and foot?"

"You make a good point" Julia enthuses

Mason, while reluctant, gives in to his daughter and his wife, saying he's just happy that his little girl is going to be alright. He looks up above him, silently thanking his ex-fiance, Mary. Though he tries to make it discrete & is unaware that Julia knows about his "vision", she picks up on it. At that point, she notices Mary looking in on them, then hurrying off. Julia excuses herself, and goes after her.

Julia tracks her down and thanks her once again for saving her daughter's life. Mary appreciates it and tells her she can show her gratitude by being happy with her family and keeping Mason happy. Mary insists that Julia not tell Mason anything about having seen her, though Julia isn't agreeable. She's adamant that Mason would want to know she's alive and deserves to know. Mary begs her to keep mum, saying she can't bare to face Mason and that it's too late for them. Mary lies that she's married now and very much in love- hence the name change to Beckman. Her husband knows nothing about Mason & she'd like to keep her life that way as well. Julia gives in and agrees to keep quiet.

(EXT: DINER, on a highway outside of town)

"Castillo. Long time no see."

"Angel. I know you're anxious to see your family, but this won't take long"

Angel tells him not to worry and Cruz details the investigation thusfar into the drug ring. Cruz claims that Tim was unable to penetrate them, which is what made them realize they needed someone more inside. Cruz drops some names of former associates of Angel's who may be involved in things. Angel worries that he may not be accepted back into things so easily. Cruz counters that he never snitched when he went to prison, which should carry plenty of weight.

"Yeah, but I'm narcing now. That won't go over well."

Cruz agrees that it is dangerous, but it beats being in prison for another twenty years. Angel concurs and asks exactly what he needs to do. He says he'll do anything to protect his wife Carla and Marta, their daughter. Angel can't believe how his baby has grown up and thanks Cruz for the opportunity to be with them again. Cruz offers him congratulations, but reminds him he'll be honoring his end of the deal. Cruz heads out, telling Angel he'll see him back in town.

"Nothing and noone will take me away from my family again. Not even you Castillo"

(EXT- San Remos Emergency Clinic)

---CC barrels into the clinic, asking the nurse about his granddaughter. Sophia approaches him and tells him that Samantha has woken up and possibly going home the next day. CC is thrilled with this & pulls Sophia into a big hug. He asks Sophia where Mason is.

"He's in there with our granddaughter, CC" Pamela says, emerging from the ladies room.

CC turns around and sees his long estranged ex-wife standing before him. His face turns beat red, his eyes begin bugging, his head bobbing and the vein on his neck showing.

"Hello CC. Happy to see me?" Pamela smiles.

THE END.....................for today


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  • Members

lol....I loved the end and I can just see CC...with the vain sticking out of the side of his neck. I am really enjoying the new Santa Barbara.

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  • Members

I loved the exchanges between Sophia and Pamela!!! I could really picture them yelling at each other. Can't wait to see what happens with Pamela and CC!!! :P Great job, keep up the good work!!! This makes me miss SB even more. :(

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  • Members

Hehe, when I re-read the episode, the Sophia/Pamela

exchange was by far my favorite part. Pamela's

agenda will be revealed piece by piece. Watch out

CC & Sophia!!!!

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I want to know when you are going to reveal who is behind the takeover? Now I am even more convinced it is Angela

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  • Members

The person who's behind the takeover will be

revealed sometime next week. I must say

that particular storyline won't be playing out

how you may expect.

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