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S&L: Episode 22



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Secrets & Lies: Episode 22
Friday, November 10, 2006

Written by: Ryan Chandler
Produced by: Ryan Chandler

Opening Video

- General Hospital opens up with Elizabeth Webber-Spencer sitting on the sofa in Jason’s living room. She stares deeply at the picture of her, Lucky and Cam, all together as a family. Things were much simpler back then. Then, she didn’t have these feelings for Jason, and if she did, she’d never chose to act on them. Elizabeth flashes back to the night of her and Jason at Jake’s:

Liz mounts Jason, the lust pouring out of them like water as they begin tearing each other’s clothes off. “Make love to me Jason,” Elizabeth whispers in anticipation.

The words “Make love to me Jason” echo through Elizabeth’s head very loudly. As a matter of fact, it was so loud that she almost didn’t hear someone knocking on the door. Liz gets up to open the door and much to her surprise finds her grandmother Audrey with a disappointed look upon her face.

- At the PCPD, Lucky stares at a picture of Elizabeth and Cameron on his desk. Lucky’s smile quickly fades as he remembers the sight of his wife about to make love to Jason. Nikolas interrupting his thoughts. Lucky asks if brother to leave if he’s there to try and patch things up between he and Liz. Nikolas tells Lucky that everyone makes mistakes and thinks he should forgive Elizabeth. Lucky quickly brings up whether he’d forgive Emily if she cheated on him. Nikolas quickly reminds his brother that Emily is no longer an issue, especially since she hasn’t kept in contact with ANYONE since she moved. Besides, Emily wouldn’t really be the best person in that example. She did in fact sleep with Nikolas when she was married to Zander. Then Nikolas slept with Courtney when he was married to Emily. But unlike them, Liz didn’t sleep with Jason. Lucky yells at Nikolas for not taking his side on the issue. Mac then walks over asking of there’s a problem. Lucky denies it, then is ordered back to work. Lucky asks his brother to leave.

- Lainey calls Lorenzo over when she sees him waiting outside her office. After the standard introductions, they get right to business. Alcazar informs the beautiful psych that his son Diego has been exhibiting some behavioral changes as of late. When asked to describe them, Alcazar says his son appears to be depressed and distant. Lorenzo continues on, saying that since his son returned from the State Correctional Facility, he’s been very moody and distant. Lainey tells Lorenzo that it’s just him adjusting to life outside prison. However Lorenzo thinks it’s more than that, especially since Diego spent less than six months the place. Lainey informs Alcazar that she’ll take Diego on as a patient, however Alcazar turns that down. He says that Diego will never go for it. Lainey then comes up with a great idea. In order for this to work, Diego has to have a good example to follow, so in an effort to get Diego to attend therapy, so should Lorenzo.

- While spying on Alexis and Ric’s lakehouse, Helena Cassadine runs into the mail man. She takes the mail, and then asks what is in the special teal colored envelop. According to the mail carrier, it’s an invitation to a Thanksgiving Dinner held at the Quartermaine Mansion. Important people all over town have been receiving them. When he leaves, Helena says this changes everything. Taking out her cell, she makes an important phone call, informing the person that there’s been a change of plans. She wants everything to be complete as soon as possible. In order for her plan to work, it must go down on Thanksgiving Day.

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-

- Lorenzo decides whether or not to attend therapy with Diego
- Audrey rips into Elizabeth for her actions with Jason
- Alexis is suspicious of the charges on Ric’s credit card
- Diego is shunned by the teens in Port Charles
- Carly asks Noah for help in regards to Bobbie’s alcoholism.


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Ryan, I have always been interested in reading your fanfic and tonight I had time to check it out.

I have always liked your graphics and the videos. I went to the first chapter on Secrets and Lies and worked my way back. I am familiar with GH through the message boards and magazines. I watched a little in the 70's so I know who Audrey and Bobbie and Luke are.

It was easy for me to catch on and keep up and be interested in the story. You are a good writer and I will check it out again!


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Thank you so much James :) I really appreciate the feedback that everyone leaves, be it small or large. I'm glad that someone who hasn't kept up with the show so much can still recognize the names that were on when you were watching. :)

I think you are an amazing writer and I'm really enjoying your storylines.

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Helena Cassadine.

Now why can't that family just leave folks alone? :lol:

Always damn plotting. Great episode, as always.

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