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July 3, 2006



-Lucas worries about Carrie being out in the jungle. Alice, Mickey, Doug, Julie, Caroline, Shawn Sr, and Kate reassure them that it will be fine. They are shocked when Roman and Austin return empty handed. Roman explains how the guards found them and brought them back. Lucas is worried about the baby. Austin nearly spills the beans about his tryst with Carrie and how her baby could be his.

-Shawn and Mimi discuss Philip. They assume he is on the island too but have yet to see him. Kate overhears and she beleives he is on the island but is being held hostage. He may be with Cassie. Shawn admits he is stunned that whoever is behind this would even go to such lengths as bring Cassie there too. Mimi is reminded of Rex and thinks about him. Bo, Abe and Billie tell Kate that they will find Philip. Roman reassures her as well. Bo thinks about Hope and is worried about her. Jennifer and Billie assure him that Hope is fine. Shawn lashes out at Bo and claims his father doesn't give a damn and has shown it by supporting Chelsea for months. Bo says they need to put their differences aside and fight to get off the island. They will work through this when they get home. Shawn walks away in rage as Billie and Jennifer remind Bo that he is just protecting his mother and that once she forgives him he will too.

-Frankie and Jack find it ironic how they all ended up beleived dead on an island like he was. Frankie tells Jack that he will keep his promise and step aside to let him be with Jennifer. Abby overhears and thanks Frankie. Jack doesn't think it is that easy as Jennifer fell in love with Frankie. Jennifer overhears and agrees saying she loves both of them but Jack is her husband. Abby is happy her mother has chosen Jack and leaves to talk to Max. When Abby leaves, Jennifer tells both Frankie and Jack that she is confused and still doesn't know who to be with.

-Caroline leaves Shawn Sr's side and goes to get a drink. She sees a bottle of Chardonay and speaks of a special night that should have never happened. She tells herself that no one can ever know the truth and vows to make sure no one does. Shawn Sr asks her if something is wrong. She lies and says no and they go over to the others.

-Max and Abby talk about everything going on. Abby tells Max that her mother has chosen her father. Max tells Abby not to count Frankie out yet. There is obvious tension but Max tells Abby they should just not talk about it and let Jack, Jennifer, and Frankie get through it. Abby tells Max she would have never made it through Josh's death and all this without him. She reminds Max that he saved her life back at the wedding when the car her dad was driving hit her. Max says it was nothing but Abby thanks him and hugs him saying he is a great guy and that Chelsea didn't know how good she had it. They wonder what is going on with Chelsea back at home.

-Hope tries to help Chelsea. She has torn a piece of her jacket to use as wash cloth and is dipping the cloth in a small stream to try to cool Chelsea's fever. She starts to say that the Bensons and her mom and dad are calling to her from heaven. Hope tells her not to give up. Chelsea again says she has nothing to live for. She has lost everything-her adoptive parents, her real parents, a good part of her real family, Abby, Max, her virginity-she has nothing to live for. Hope asks her what she means by virginity-she beleived that Chelsea had not slept with anyone. Chelsea then admits she was raped and says that she watched Abby's boyfriend, Josh, got killed when they accidentally interupted a drug operation. She then begins to feel pains in her leg and passes out. Hope begs her to wake up. While unconscious. Chelsea has a dream about the night of Josh's death and her rape and begins to cry out in her sleep for help and for her parents. Hope holds her and says she is here. Chelsea's eyes open and she beleives Hope is Billie and she smiles and says "mom." She apologizes for all the horrible things she did and says she is happy she got her miracle and her mother has come back to her. Hope begins to cry and thinks about Zach. She realizes maybe she was wrong about Chelsea and that all she is is a girl wanting to be loved and who has lost so much. Hope holds her and rocks her back and forth.

-Victor tries to help Maggie who is feverish. The cut on her arm is starting to appear infected and she is still losing blood. Victor begs her to hold on. Maggie dreams about Mickey calling to her in heaven with Tom, Alice, and all her deceased loved ones. Victor begs her to come back. Maggie wakes up but is delusional and belives Victor is Mickey. She reaches out and kisses him. Victor is stunned and so is Maggie when she realizes Victor is not Mickey. She apologizes and asks Victor what is wrong with her. Victor tells her that her cut is infected and she is losing blood. Maggie asks if Victor thinks she is dying. Victor looks at her and vows to save her-he will not let her die that easy. Maggie thanks him as Victor begs her to fight this and tries to figure out what he can do.

-Sami and Lexie are still in the cave. They discuss the past and their blackmail of each other. Lexie recites all the sins of Sami's past and Sami does the same to Lexie. Lexie says she has always been a hateful bitch and always will be. Sami says the same about her:

Sami: Well, at least I am not an adultress.

Lexie: I make mistakes Sami that I am not proud of but I own up to them and grow from them. All you do is repeat them over and over again.

Sami: I can't help it, Ok.

Lexie: Aww, here comes the poor Sami routine. Cry me a river.

Sami: Lexie I have been through hell. I didn't have my parents growing up and was raised by John.

Lexie: You were lucky Sami. John is a wonderful father and you know that he loves you and Eric.

Sami: Yeah and I loved him too until I caught him and my mother getting it on behind my father's back.

Lexie: Sami, people make mistakes. Your mother and John share a great love.

Sami: Yeah, look where it has gotten her. Kidnapped, brainwashed-the list goes on. Now she snapped and it's all because of him.

Lexie: Do you listen to yourself? How is this John's fault? If anything, it is my family's for putting her through hell.

Sami: Well, your right Lexie. You keep saying how hateful I am but, if you think about it, your family made me who I am. If it weren't for your father keeping my mother and father away, I would have never grew up without my parents. John would have never fell in love with my mom and I would have never had bulimia. Everything stems from that Lexie. I honestly think people forget the hell I have been through. Rape, my eating disorder, everything with my parents and John, countless wedding disasters that were my fault but still horrible, losing my son for years, nearly dying for a crime I did not commit-I am surprised I am not in the cuckoo's nest by now.

Lexie: Quit making excuses Sami and just take responsibility for your actions.

Sami: Yes Lexie the lies and deceit are my fault but the only reason I turned to them was because I had lost so much in my life when I was a good little girl. I was always trying to be good but Carrie always got the attention. Everything I did never lived up to her. I never even had Eric with me to get me through my rape and eating disorder. My brother was the one person who acted like he gave a damn (as she tearfully confesses) and he was out of my life for years while I was in hell. Carrie had Austin and my parents put her on a pedestal and they still do just like everyone does to Belle too. I make mistakes but it was everyone else who made me this way. Let me ask you Lexie-if Theo was older and he had caught you with Tek and then had been through things like I have-how do you think he would turn out?

Lexie then has a dream of Theo turning into a rage-driven, evil young man after catching his mother cheating on Abe.

Lexie: It doesn't matter Sami-Abe is gone and I am certain of that even with an empty casket.

Sami: I am just trying to get you to understand Lexie. I know I have screwed up alot but I can't help it. My life has been nothing but one bad thing after the other and, even when I am good, I lose everything. I was good when I was with Lucas and Kate framed me and I was left alone to deal with it. No one beleived me and the great John Black even turned his back on me, as did Princess Belle. Do you see what I have to deal with?

Lexie looks at Sami as tears well up in her eyes.

Lexie: I understand.

Sami: What?

Lexie: I guess so much has happened between you and me with Brandon, Tek, and everything else that I just let my hatred of you overcome compassion for another human being. I guess hearing everything you have been through laid out helps me understand and then just thinking about what would have happened if Theo was older and had found out something like that. I can see why you went down this path Sami and why it has been so hard for you change. My family really is to blame. They started a chain of events that made yoir life spin out of control.

Sami: Are you joking? You really understand. I mean, you are on my side with this.

Lexie: You do need to take on most of the responsibility Sami because you have destroyed lives but I guess I understand your motivation for doing some of the things you do and for continuing to do them. Have you ever sat down with your family and told them this?

Sami: I have doen everything but spell it out. They always say I am wrong or overreacting or something. Don't you remember my long speech at Lucas and my wedding about this? They may love me but their actions don't show it like they do for Carrie and Belle. I mean, look, when my mother had amnesia she never even looked at me or paid any attention to me. She did for Belle.

Lexie: Well, why didn't you just approach her?

Sami: Because she had amnesia. The last thing I wanted to do was just call or show up and frighten her by being this stranger up in her face calling her "mom." Things like that-that is why I have never been able to become the person everyone wants me to be and, just when I succeeded because of Lucas, Kate set things in motion and everyone just abandoned me and I was back at it again.

Sami turns away in tears.

Sami: Sometimes I cry at night and wonder when I will ever have my dream come true. When will I have the dream I had as a little girl where I sat at the table with my family and we were all happy? I never got to have the happy life kids have growing up. I came back to Salem and went through hell while other girls my age were meeting boys and taking them home to mom and dad. All I want is a man to love me and for my family to be happy but that is nothing more then a pipe dream. My family is a mess and I will end up alone because God knows my secret will come out even if you don't tell. God, my life is such a joke!! (Sami sits down and cries) When am I finally going to get happiness? When are people ever going to understand me and love me? (continues to cry)

Lexie: (walks over and sits down and embraces her) I understand Sami. Finally, I understand. I just think I needed to listen and let the hate and ill feelings go.

Sami: (looking at her) You really mean this?

Lexie: Yes, I do. It took me awhile and I get it. It's just too bad others haven't. Maybe someone could have helped you.

Sami: Well it is too late for that. My life is already screwed up.

Lexie: It is never too late. Things can still change.

Sami: Yeah right. How?

Lexie: Maybe I can help. If I can just see the side of you I just saw, then maybe others can too. If they just listen like you forced me to just do, maybe things will change. Maybe they will understand. After all, a few minutes ago I hated you and now.

Sami: Now what?

Lexie: Now I see what you want people to see and I understand.

Sami gets up and walks off.

Sami: I don't understand what you think can be done.

Sami then leans on a the cave wall and fall through a door of some kind. The door then closes behind the cave wall. Lexie runs over.

Lexie: Sami! Sami!

Sami is on the other side of the wall and is banging on the wall to try to get out. It doesn't budge and she looks around and sees a staircase in front of her. She grabs a lighted torch and makes her way down to see if she can find a way out as the screen fades to black.



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Thanks Drew. I try

to do dialogue for

scenes that are intense

like this. I would rather

do the whole show like this

but it takes so long and

don't like it.

I was fearing some would

find my dialogue amatuerish

and bad :lol: .

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A good episode. Even though it still seemed to me that Sami still doesn't get it. Alot of people have bad childhoods. But, they don't go around speaking vile things to people and ruining people's lives. I know you were putting across that no one listens ti Sami, but why don't they? If she would start taking alot more on herself and finally stop blaimg everyone for what she's done, I would be alot more forgiving.

But, well done. I can't wait for tomorrow.

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Yeah Roman I am

going to continue

maturing Sami in

the future. My

goal in this

episode was for

someone to finally

remember what Sami

has been through and

to see things from her

point of view. You

will start seeing a

better. stronger, more

mature Sami in the weeks

ahead. :)

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My apologies. I have done what I have accused others of doing - not giving you time to do your thing.

Again, my apologies.

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