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A New Version of the Defunct Soap

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There will not be a new 'RTSB' episode posted today. This week has been hectic, and the last two days have really worn me down. I'm taking some well-needed R&R. There will be a new installment tomorrow, with no loss in the story, of course. Oh, and here's some teasers for tomorrow's show: Mary partially explains what happened to her to Julia. Angel is Released!!! Pearl makes his debut! Pamela & Sophia continue to go at it, but take things to another level. Saman



Episode 8

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: San Remos Hospital) Pamela is taken off-guard by Sophia & Eden. Sophia demands to know what Pamela is doing back in town, and she explains that she had intended to go to Ted & Lily's wedding. Eden reminds her that she wasn't invited, and Pamela seems to just notice her at that, asking her how she's "doing." Eden remembers the last time she saw Pamela, at the Capwell dinner party, when she was split with her alter, Lisa.



Episode 7

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Angela's Beachfront Condominium) ----Angela wakes up, and sees Ted has not slept in bed with her. She hears him in the shower & decides she'll surprise him. She sneaks up on him as he's washing his hair. "Need someone to do your back?" Ted turns around and looks at her. "It's done." Angela senses his anger. "Are you going to stay mad at me for the rest of our lives? We are married now, after all..." "Not after



Episode 6

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: the beach, panning up to the gorgeous church) --- The entire church is stunned to see Angela standing at the altar in place of Lily. Noone is more surprised than the groom himself. Gina immediately stands up & demands that Angela explain where Lily is. Angela gives Ted a look, trying to see if he's okay with her revealing their relationship. Ted looks back at her, still amazed she is standing there. "Well?!? Are you




'RTSB' is very pleased to announce that Bernard White will be returning to the role of Angel Ramirez, on a recurring basis. The role right now is short-term, but there is always a chance that his stay could be extended. Mr White first aired as Angel last week, and will be re-appearing this week. Angel has spent the past 20 years of his life in prison, at the hands of Cruz Castillo. In the story, he's being released under the condition he go undercover in the ongoing police investigation i



Episode 5

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT shot: panning into a grand church offshore from the beach) ----Guests begin arriving at the church for Ted & Lily's wedding. Cruz arrives with Julia, talking about the judge's agreeing to grant Angel an early release. Eden spots them and quizzes Cruz on the goings on, but he keeps a tight lid on things. Sophia & CC tell Julia about Mason running so late from the house, which Julia finds odd, since he was supposed to l



Episode 4

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT shot: the beach, then panning to the exterior of Mason & Julia's home) ---Mason is stunned to see Pamela standing in the doorway before him. She greets him warmly, with a kiss on the cheek & a hug. Mason is unresponsive at first, but his emotions get the best of him and he embraces his mother. "Mother, what on earth are you doing here?" "If I haven't been misinformed, I believe there is a wedding today...." Mason



RTSB Discussed on BlogTalkRadio!!!!!!!

Sort of cross-plugging here, but there's a radio show, hosted by SON's very own Ryan Chandler & Na'Vell, called "In The Zone" and yesterday, 'RTSB' (the BLOG doh dohs! ) was brought up by RC. Actually, he brought Santa Barbara up first, but used that as a segway to praise 'RTSB'. By happenstance (honest to Goodness), I had called in since I heard them talking about 'SB'. What resulted was a fun reminiscence about 'SB' as well as a discussion on 'RTSB' between the three of us and




I've looked & looked and for the life of me, I cannot find the actor who played the role of Angel Ramirez. Angel was a short-term character around 85 or 86, and was brought back in 87/88, when Cruz was jailed for the murder of Eleanor Norris/Elena Nikolas. I checked IMDB, which has a surprisingly comprehensive list, but after going over it with a fine tooth comb, I found no mention of Angel. There aren't many SB sites out there and on the ones there are, I have yet to find any informa




http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT shot- the Capwell Mansion) ---Ted wakes up, and is surprisingly tense on his wedding day. He walks down to the breakfast table, where he sees CC holding a newspaper. CC shows him the headline- which reads "Youngest Capwell to Marry.......Amidst Crises at Family Company" CC asks Ted if he said anything to Warrren, and Ted is insulted he'd even think so. When CC wonders aloud if Angela may have been the one to give the inside sc



Name Change

The character of Elizabeth, who hasn't yet been introduced, will now bear the name Elizabeth Wayne, not Armonti as previous reports have referred to her. Through research of the character's histories, I caught my error right away- while Sophia did previously have the Armonti name, it's because of the Count Armonti she married after divorcing CC, not a maiden name. I was able to dig up the real maiden name, Wayne, and made the necessary adjustment. Episode 3 will be up shortly........




http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT Shot: the ocean, panning to Cruz & Eden's beach house) --- Eden was pleasantly surprised when Cruz stopped home for lunch. He quizzed her about why she was dressed up, since she wasn't originally supposed to go in to Capwell. She explained about the takeover bid & the board meeting that CC had called. Eden started to say that the whole thing has reminded her of the last time this happened years ago.....when she paused,




Due to some surprise viewer interest & that I've got my creative juices going, I've decided to make 'RTSB' a daily blog. There may be some weeks where there are only 3 or 4 episodes, but I'm going to shoot for 5 every week & there DEFINITELY will be 5 posted this week. Again, I have some commitments today that I have to tend to, but I will have the 2nd episode up for everyone as soon as possible, most likely late afternoon/early evening. Thanks everyone for the comments, support, a



Episode 1

RETURN to SANTA BARBARA EPISODE 1 http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm ---Ted wakes up in a fantastic mood, discussing over breakfast his impending marriage to Lily Blake. CC remarks that though it's a slight improvement from Laken Lockridge, it's still inviting Gina right back into the family. Ted shoots back that he wasn't the one who involved the Capwell family with Gina in the first place. As CC's anger intensifies, he warns his son that he better be damn sure that



Part 2- Character Profiles/Histories

For the other 10 contract characters and 5 recurring stars: Warren Lockridge: raised as the son of Lionel & Augusta Lockridge, but has been told by Augusta that Lionel isn't his father; has a running rivalry with Mason Capwell; once had an affair with Angela Cassidy, while she was married to David Raymond; Newspaper owner & Journalist Adriana Castillo: Cruz & Eden's daughter; kidnapped as an infant; spunky, enthusiastic 20 year old girl, with a devilish side (not devious thoug



NEWS: Last Minute Change

I've decided to hold off a bit with the Steve Hall character, meaning Jared Leto is no longer in the cast. 30 Seconds to Mars (Leto's band) being on tour right now, caused problems with scheduling that actually better accomodate the story. So, for the moment, he will not be seen. I do, however, have story planned for his character and you will unquestionably be seeing him in the future. I've written the part out before, but to execute the story properly, I have to get certain characters



Characters- Brief History/Traits PT 1

For those who have never watched 'SB' I decided to do brief character profiles to help you figure out who's who. CC Capwell: (Joe) patriarch of the Capwell family- father of Mason, Channing Jr (RIP), Eden, Kelly, Ted, Greg (not on the canvas); adoptive father of Brandon, married to Sophia, was married to Pamela before & had Mason with her, also has been married to Gina 3 times; ruthless businessman, his family comes first; has a past with Elizabeth, Sophia's sister Sophia Capwell: (Fl



PREMIERE DAY SET!!! Previews of the 1st Week

With the cast I want in play and some final story kinks worked out, I'm pleased to announce that RETURN TO SANTA BARBARA will be premiering on Monday, November 6th, 2006. What you can expect: -Originally I was going to do weekly summaries rather than daily episodes. I have since decided to sort of merge those ideas together a bit and do Monday, Wednesday, Friday episodes, though much story will be covered each day. I may eventually expand to daily episodes, but for right now, I'm going w



Final Casting Announcements/Last Minute SWITCH!

OUT: IN: In a last-minute change of plans, RTSB has elected to bring previous Gina Robin Mattson back to the role, and Leann Hunley has been let go. Though we were pleased with what Leann was doing with the part, we ultimately decided that Robin is Gina and that the recast would do more harm than good to the character. We'll be keeping an open mind about having Leann on the show in the future, but at this time, Robin Mattson is our Gina. Since shooting is just about to begin on



Casting Announcements & More News!

I am pleased to announce that RTSB has cast the pivotal role of Pamela Capwell Conrad: The role previously played by Shirley Anne Field & Marj Dusay will now be played by Carmen Duncan. I am thrilled to have someone of Carmen's talents to be acting out this part. Pamela is going to be like we've never seen her before. There's a history with CC, Sophia, Mason, Lionel, and Augusta that is just begging to be played out. Some other tidbits: Charles Keating (ex-Carl,



Announcing My 1st Online FanFic

Sometime in late October/early November, I'll be launching my own updated version of SANTA BARBARA called RETURN TO SANTA BARBARA So far, there is no word on a final cast but the following have been confirmed: A Martinez as Cruz Castillo Marcy Walker as Eden Capwell Castillo Also confirmed in the cast so far: Jed Allan as CC Capwell Judith McConnell as Sophia Capwell Lane Davies as Mason Capwell Nancy Lee Grahn as Julia Wainright Capwell Margarita Cordova as Rosa Andrad



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