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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Episode#82 -It is Christmas day in Salem! All of the Hortons hang ornaments, while at the same time John reads the Christmas story at the hospital! -Abe spends a nice Christmas with Theo, but is worried about Lexie. -Chelsea and Billie are at the Brady Pub for Christmas, Billie tells Chelsea today she’s going to set things straight with Bo. -Rex is no where to be found on Christmas! Cassie and Kate worry that he has done something drastic because of Mimi going to prison! -Margaret



Weekly Promo of 12/25/06!

WEEKLY PROMO OF 12/25/06! It is a week of celeberation in Salem....but it ends in pain. A family celebrates Christmas....with a return. *clips of the Hortons at the Hortons house* Alice: Merry Christmas my family. *a huge light appears* Alice: Tom! A man gets one step closer to finding out who faked his death.... *clips of Steve and Kayla with Rex Balsom* Rex: I think your faked death had something to do with Victor Lord... And, a death will destroy many lives in Salem...




Episode#81 -It is Christmas Eve in Salem! -Mimi is in the Salem jail, about to be transported to a prison outside of Salem. Bonnie and Rex come to visit, Bonnie is in tears and she tells Mimi she is a failure as a mother and if she had raised her children right Patrick would not be dead and Mimi would not be going to prison for twenty five years! Mimi tells her it’s not her fault, and then Rex tells Mimi he has come to say goodbye! -The Horton’s celebrate Christmas Eve at Maggie’s house




Episode#80 -Mimi’s trial begins! Judge Fitzpatrick calls upon the district attorney to call his first witness, and he calls Cassie! -Ivan is nervous by Forrest’s words, and desperately tries to find Vivian! -Sam is shocked. She tells Lilly she’s not crazy and ain’t gonna go to see some psychiatrist. Lilly says “Yes you are, or I won’t break you out of here.” -Cassie is called to the stand! A nurse wheels her up to the stand and she purs her hand on the Bible and swears to tell the tr




Life in Salem has recnetly aired a brand new promo, but not a weekly one. It is one about the return of one of Salem's greatest vixens, Kristen Blake DiMera. Here is the promo for fans to read now! Announcer: A woman was locked in a dungeon prison and condemmed there for life... *shows clips from 1998 of Kristen at the Sultan's wailing in defeat* But now she's back.... *shows a clip of a door swinging open, with Sam in the doorway* Sam:Welcome back to the world...Kristen. *




Episode#79 -It is the day of Mimi’s trial! Bonnie and John continue to search for evidence that will free Mimi, but to no avail! Cassie relishes in the fact that after this trial Mimi will go to jail! -Sami is guilted by the evidence she has that could clear Abe! She remembers how since she confessed to Austin and Carrie about what she did, Lexie has nothing on her. Lucas notices Sami is troubled and asks her what’s wrong. -Shawn visits Mimi at jail, she tells him she was recently serve




Episode#78 -Lexie is shocked by Stefano’s statement! She desperately tries to escape, but Stefano says there is no way to escape. He has guards take Lexie away for now. -Celeste has a vision of someone dying on New Year’s Eve! -Jan just walks passed Nicole and heads to Belle and Philip’s loft. -Shawn realizes Paprica Springs is really Jan…which means Jan is his surrogant! -Mimi says for the last time she didn’t push Cassie! Rex is hesitant, she begs him to believe her. She begs hi



Blind Item REVEALED!

O-U-T The Blind item that was discovered earlier, said a role that recently came on had been recast. Now, just hours later, the blind item is revealed. Apparently, Brandon Tyler (Jeremy Horton, ex-Philip) has been let go from the role of Jeremy. "I love Tyler...but I think we might need someone a little bit older ad experienced to play Jeremy. He just didn't fit in, so we had to recast." the headwriter said However, the show is asking for the fans help on who to play Jeremy. "LIS wants



Blind Item

A blind item for Life in Salem has strangely popped up recently. The blind item said that a role that recently came onto the show has been recast suddenly and the actor or actress did not match up to LIS's expectations, so they recasted the character. Details other than that were not provided, so all that must happen now is guess or wait for news..




Episode#77 -Nikki is shocked when Victor says he’s having her integrated into Viki! She says he better not, because as much as she loves him he will pay, Victor says that no one has ever successfully crossed him and brought him down, so some lunatic alter certainly won’t! -Jan says there is no way she can lose Shawn, Nicole says yes there is and all she has to go is dig up that disguise Jan used to fool Shawn and Mimi into being their surrogant! -Shawn heads over to his loft, he takes h




SOMEONE ON LIFE IN SALEM IS ABOUT TO DIE!!!!! WHO WILL BE THE ONE THAT MEETS THEIR DEATH?!!?? EVERYONE IS AT RISK!!!! There have been wild rumours of a murder on Life in Salem, some said it wasn't true, but it is!!!!! Life in Salem has confirmed one of the characters on the cast will die on New Years Eve!!!!! It's a death that will rock Salem, but who will it be? John? Marlena? Sam? Faux Roman? Bo? Hope? Megan? Stefano? Victor? Nikki? Caroline? Tony? Tune in to find out!!!!!!!!!!! When the




Episode#76 -Melissa and Sarah remember all of their good times with Mickey. -Marlena is shocked to see Susan Banks (Eileen Davidson) standing at the door! She welcomes Susan in and in and asks her how she’s been. -Julie is thrilled when she learns David Banning and Scotty Banning, her son and grandson, will be home for the holidays! -Jessica and Joshua approach Maggie with the idea of Nick, their son, moving to Salem so he can get to know his Horton relatives. -Jeremy leaves the




Episode#75 -Victor is suspicious at Margaret’s great obedience to help Philip keep Belle, he however remembers he needs to get back to business and find Philip! -Kim refuses to go back to Salem, saying she wants to stay and help Steve. -John decides to go investigate the loft, Jan hears him telling Marlena where he was going so she rushes to the loft herself to find any evidence that could incriminate her. -Cassie tells Bonnie she will never tell anybody anything else than Mimi was t




Weekly Promo of 12/18/06 Announcer: It is a week or twists and turns on Life in Salem... One woman prepares to break out of her prison.... Sam (to Lilly, who is standing in front of her inside Sam's room): So, after we escape her we head back to Salem and.... Lilly: No, I'm taking you to see a psychatrist. A man has a lost child... Tony(to Anna): My child is out there some where and I need to find it! Stefano(watching Tony from a distance): You will never find your child To




Episode#74 -Everyone is shocked when Tony reveals he and Renee had a child together! -Lexie screams and attacks the person that just grabbed her, she quickly runs, and runs right into the study where Stefano awaits! -Sam remembers Marlena telling her something about a person named Kristen Blake that Marlena despised, Sam wonders if this Kristen person could help her with Marlena. -The thugs quickly get into a fist fight with Max, they let Erin go but after Max tries to help her they



A Contrat is Up!

Well, Life in Salem usually keeps quiet about contracts, but certain sources have said Kyle Brandt's (Philip) contract is up and the actor is not interested in renewing! LIS execs have tried to convince him to renew with the show, but things aren't looking up. "I love having Kyle here and really hope he does renew," the headwriter said "However if he opts not to renew I will respect his decision, but that will not stop the role of Philip fromg being recast." Rumours are swirling that the c




Episode#73 -Rex is confused. Willow ells him he definitely needs help to come into reality, she says from what it sounds like he lives in this little world, she tells him if he wants to make it in life he has to face reality and settle his woman troubles. -Jan continues to taunt Mimi, Mimi snaps that soon Jan will be right beside her when she gets exposed for creating those fake files that said she was under hypnosis when she kidnapped Shawn. -Tony tells everyone if Faux Roman does have




Episode#72 -Tony tells Anna it is alright, but Anna objects saying Tony had every right to shoot Andre because he was holding her at gunpoint. -John is shocked to learn Alex was alive and kidnapped Marlena! Marlena also says she was NEVER married to Alex in the past, and he just brainwashed those memories into her under the orders of Stefano. Marlena says she saw Stefano himself there! John remembers finding Stefano at the DiMera mansion, and tells Marlena it’s time to finish him off once




Rumours have been going around ever since EJ Wells (James Scott) was revealed to not only be a DiMera, but also a Cassadine, that Constance Towers would be bringing her character Helena Cassadine, the main villaness of GH and the thorn in everyone's side, to Salem. Well not it's confirmed! A source from Life in Salem has confirmed she will be joining the Life in Salem cast. This has not been confirmed, but there are rumours that this is a permanant or at least long term gig. "We are thrilled




Episode#71 -Faux Roman informs everyone he has to arrest Tony! -Bo tries to guide Hope through labor! -EJ remembers how Helena told him when he was a boy that his father was Stefano DiMera, and Helena and Stefano had an affair years ago! -Lilly plans on how to break Sam out of jail. -Vivian is shoved onto the couch in the living room of the Alamain Mansion! She screams for Ivan or someone to help! -Mimi warns Bonnie not to do anything like that, as it will just get them into mo




Episode#70 -John is shocked to see Marlena and Hattie walk into the Pub! While Marlena is shocked to see Tony! -Victor tells Margaret they need to find his son, Philip. -Vivian comes back to the Alamain Mansion and someone grabs her from behind! -Chelsea and Jeremy run into each other at the Java Café, and Jeremy begins to develop a crush. -Marlena screams at Tony’s sight, but John informs her it’s alright and explains how the Tony that has been running around for the last few yea




Episode#69 -EJ is seen parking in a parking lot at some kind of institution and going inside. -Bo tells Hope to calm down, and quickly calls the hospital but Hope says it’s too late and she’s going into labor! -Tony continues to explain how he recently escaped and headed back to Salem, Anna walks over and tells him she’s glad he’s back. -Victor tells Margaret he needs some papers filed and she tells him all that is already finished, he says excellent and then they can get down to the




Episode#68 -Sami comes to see EJ, but he tells her he has something very important to do and gets in his car and drives off out of Salem. -Celeste screams at seeing the man’s face and then says that Steve and Kayla are in GREAT danger! -Greta continues to push Eric away when he tries to help her. -Vivian tells Sam it was all necessary, and Sam is confused. -Steve and Kayla find nothing at the hospital, but do bump into Paige Miller! -Jan tries to comfort Shawn, but he just trie



Life in Salem Returns!!!

Life in Salem has officially returned on SONBC!!! As viewers of all shows on SONBC well know, the network recently had technical issues which resulted with the whole network going off air, making all of it;s shows fall behind. Well, now that SONBC is back Life in Salem plans on posting multiple episodes to get caught up!!! Some should be posting tonight, however many other shows on SONBC must get caught up as well, so this will be done gradually to not overwhelm people with reading. Episod




Episode#67 -Bill comforts Laura over Mickey’s death. Laura wonders how Mike will take it…. -Vivian tells Sami she is just paying her a visit, and Sam asks why she freed her months back when she was being held captive! -Someone sneaks into the Alamain Mansion…. -Shawn just walks away from Kate, and as he walks around town he runs into Jan! -Lilly hears about Sam being committed and flashes back to how Sam proposed an alliance with her a while back…she contemplates saving Sam! -



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