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Promo: Week 3 + Whos Joining The Cast?

This week on Days of our Lives Marlena comes face to face with Don Craig for the first time in over 25 years! Marlena: "I Never thought I would see you again" Maggie questions her choices since Mickeys death... Maggie: "Maybe i was fooling myself... about this life.. with Victor" Will finds out hes more his mother than he would like to admit.. Will: "Oh god... what have I done?" and Sami Brady stands trial for the Murder of EJ Dimera!! Plus, Emm



Episode 5

Marlena took off from visiting Carrie to meet Maggie for brunch at The Continental Hotel. When she entered she searched for her friend but was shocked, and horrified to see Stefano DiMera cross the lobby. Marlena tried to hide, but there was nowhere and the two locked eyes. "Good morning to you, Doctor Evans" greeted Stefano. Marlena knew that smirk he had his face. She hated this man for everything he and his family have ever done to her and her family, but she knew this wasnt t



Episode 4

Sonny was lacing up his running shoes as his boyfriend woke up. Will moved across the bed so he was pressed up against Sonny’s back. As he wrapped his arms around him and placed his chin on Sonny’s shoulder and asked where he was off too. “I am going running with Riley” was an answer Will wasn’t exactly thrilled to hear. “Why don’t you come back to bed, get a workout here… with me” Will offered in response, aware of how jealous he was coming off. “As nice as that sounds, I can’t just bail on him



PROMO week 2!

This week on Days of our Lives... A new arrival to Salem puts Will & Sonny's love to the test The return of Don Craig makes Maggie & Marlena question what is next Carrie sets out to win Austin back... But when she senses hes into Sami again will she take Stefano up on his offer to send her up the river? Plus, The murder trial begins, next week on Days!



Episode 3

Sami couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “No… no. This can’t be” she whispered to herself as she approached the man standing in the door way. “EJ? Is it really you? It… no.. it can’t be. I saw… she killed you for…” she continued on as she held his hand and stroked his face before leaning in and kissing him. As they kissed memories came flooding back to her: the first day they met in the hallway, the tango on the pier, the business trips before she knew who he was, the black wedding, fighting i



Episode 2

Marlena decided to head upstairs and check on Sami but was surprised to see she wasn’t in the home anywhere. “Oh Sami, where are you” she thought to herself before dialing Roman to see if she was with him. In the Horton Town Square Sonny was running late for a date with Will when he ran into someone, knocking them down. Sonny helped the young man up and couldn’t help but check him out before apologizing. “It’s cool dude, no biggie. I am Riley” the stranger said as he extended his hand. “So



Promo #2

This week on Days of our Lives... A young couple returns to town. Their bond is strong.... But someone new sets his eyes on breaking the happy couples apart Plus, when Billie returns to town she has a few choice words for Carrie... And a normally happy marriage hits the rocks...



Episode One

“What happened on the night of April 30th, Mrs Hernandez” Asked Detective Jensen of the FBI. “Brady” Sami said, softly. “Excuse me” He replied with anger. “My last name is Brady, not Hernandez.” She started before stopping herself. She always dug herself deeper when she was in trouble. “Listen here; I have a dead political official whose father is a known crime lord. The media is all over this and you are the prime suspect. So, let’s skip all the banter I hear you go for and ge



Episode One: Preview

Days of our Lives Preview/Episode 1: “What happened on the night of April 30th, Mrs Hernandez” Asked Detective Jensen of the FBI. “Brady” Sami said, softly. “Excuse me” He replied with anger. “My last name is Brady, not Hernandez, not anymore... not since... ” She started before stopping herself. She always dug herself deeper when she was in trouble. “Listen here; I have a dead political official whose father is a known crime lord. The media is all over this and you are the p



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