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Jerry Bruckheimer and Danny Cannon - new pilot


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'CSI' Team Spends 'Hour' with CBS

Jerry Bruckheimer and Danny Cannon will reunite for 'Eleventh Hour' update

CBS has ordered up a pilot from "CSI" veterans Jerry Bruckheimer and Danny Cannon.

The Jerry Bruckheimer TV production will be based on the British format "Eleventh Hour" and apparently already has a hefty network commitment behind it.

According to the industry trades, CBS has ordered a pilot to be directed by Cannon, but the penalty for not going forward to series is so hefty that the network has pretty well signed on for a 13-episode order.

The British original aired on Britain's ITV last year and starred Patrick Stewart. "Eleventh Hour" focused on a government scientist and his female bodyguard who travel the country investigating unusual occurrences of a scientific nature.

Mick Davis will adapt the American version.

Warner Bros. TV acquired rights to the format from Granada International Media and CBS snagged the property thanks to the hefty commitment they were willing to make to the man who brought the network "CSI," "Cold Case," "Without a Trace" and Emmy-winning reality juggernaut "The Amazing Race."

This is the second pilot CBS has ordered from Bruckheimer this development season. A story about freelance treasure hunters was picked up last month.

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