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Loved seeing Philip and EJ together. It was just so nice to have another person completely not intimidated by EJ. Although I don't think that Philip was going to have his 3rd an 4th condition met. It was kind of interesting to compare the quiet, sly and sophisticated atmosphere with their discussions at the bar today with the gritty, physical, and bravado filled bar discussion between EJ and Steve in Mexico.

It was nice to see Philip stick up for Billie and try to protect her.

Sami and Celeste. Well, to be honest I was not liking these scenes because I want to see Sami more in control and calling the shots rather than Celeste. However, they are both so beautiful in their own way that I love seeing them in scenes together from an asthetic point of view.

Sami's desperation in wanting to sleep with Lucas at the end, although hot in that outfit, was actually more sad than romantic to me. I CANNOT wait for Lucas to find out the truth. And please let it come from Sami herself.

As long as we *still* have Steve in the mental institution, I am glad that we are getting some humor injected (2 hairs past a freckle lol). Loved Steve's voice and expression when Kayla entered the room. He was caught off guard because of his pill hiding but also because Kayla seems to affect him when he sees her like that. I have noticed in their other scenes the way he kind of breathes her name when he first sees her.

I did like how we saw Steve's facade crack more today. When he turned and was grabbing Kayla's hand and *almost* kissed her - then the way he says, "Sweetness, we can't do this." What can I say, his "Sweetnesses" make me melt when he uses that hoarse voice. Finally, he just couldn't wait to get her out of there because she was stirring up so much emotion in him. Superficially, MBE looked gorgeous - nice and tan.

Even though I liked the S&K scenes, I am definitely ready to move things to another level in their storyline.

I am glad Lucas finally walked out on Kate, but I wished he did it after the first two minutes of their conversation. As much as I want Lucas to learn the truth about Sami and EJ, I am even more excited for Kate to learn about it. I hope she realizes that she will have to eat crow for the horrible accusations she was making to Sami. It was still unclear to me what Lucas will do about the financials - he will be in just as much trouble if he is caught hiding the truth about them.

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