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Posts posted by Scotty

  1. Tim Pawlenty, who helped preside over a very divisive Minnesota GOP for years and is often hyped as some sort of thoughtful or intelligent alternative to hard right conservatives, panders once again by pledging to repeal DADT.


    Here we go again....with pressing issues in this country like high unemployement and the ever-increasing national debt, it's nice to see the Republicans are taking care of what's really important. :rolleyes:

    I mean really, between this and trying to repeal health care, the Republicans are showing that the only thing they truly care about is reversing any and all progress Obama and the Democrats have been in the last two years.

  2. Hey Scotty, I agree that the vote was definitely against Democrats, but not because they didn't get "instant gratification" -- it was because the majority in America rejected a liberal agenda and Democrats totally ignored the thoughts and opinions of both the general public as well as the people they represented in their districts. Almost every poll taken underscored these facts and the election cemented them.

    I absolutely agree that the popular vote was not FOR a Conservative Republican agenda... I do believe, however, that the wants and desires (and politically leanings right now) of the majority more closely identify with center-to-right-leaning candidates. I'm surprised that moderate Democrats were booted, which underscores the punishment mentality of voters this year... as if they were saying "You're Democrat? Get out!!!"

    As for Republican Tea Party "nutjobs"... they kicked ass this election, whether or not you actually like them. The biggest mistake, Scotty, you or any other Liberal make is to so readily dismiss them as bigoted, clueless losers... Trust me on this one...

    Just to clarify, I may be a Democrat, however I am NOT a liberal.

    And many of those Tea Party candidates were "nutjobs," just like Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle, and Rand Paul. That is why I have to give Lisa Murkowski credit for standing up against them and not caving under pressure like Mitch McDonnell did with his sudden flip-flopping on earmarks after supporting them for years.

    Just wait and see how well the Republicans handle things the next two years, and if Americans will be supporting them in 2012, and you can trust me on that one. ;)

  3. Not at all... I just miss Presidential Presidents, not losers with no plan, no hope, and an uncanny ability to turn everything he touches to crap. :D

    I never unfairly bashed Clinton back in the day... every criticism by me and everyone else of him was dead on. He was generally considered a smooth talker, a liar, and a perv in some circles. But he did (and still does) love America, cares for the people, and respected the office he held. Hillary would have, too, had she not been pushed aside by the party and the media. I don't agree with much of the Clinton agenda, frankly, but I have no concerns of an America in their hands. In fact, I believe the Democrats would still hold both houses of Congress if Hillary had been elected.

    A poor vote when I declined to Vote for Gore? Hell no. Gore remains one of the biggest idiots ever to run for high office. And in case you haven't seen any recent polls, the number of people who would vote for Bush today vs. Obama is about equal. People DO actually miss Bush... especially after two nightmare years with Obama running the ship aground...

    I long for a real President... don't you? Honestly, how can you defend Obama's record? Hell, pass over whatever it is you're smokin', dude! I want to be in your happy place, too... :blink:

    Yes, however most of those people are late night talk show hosts and comedy writers. ;)

  4. Well, Scotty, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. The fact is that the majority seems to agree with me on the issues and with politics in general. The election bears that out, eh?. I respect the office of the President, however I have little respect for the joke that currently occupies the office. Every time you and your ilk reach back to Bush in an attempt to prop up Obama, it screams of desparation and insecurity. Obama is a failure, as is the liberal agenda he espouses. Democrats lost control of the House because of his failures, and Republicans will capture the Senate and possibly the Presidency in two years because of his arrogance and refusal to listen and accept the will of the majority in America.


    Actually this election wasn't so much a vote for the Republicans as it was a vote against the Democrats because the instant gratification American public didn't get all the results they wanted fast enough. You have to remember that this nation suffered through eight years of Bush and his Republican cronies.....just like when Clinton and the Democrats had to clean up after the first president Bush back in the early '90s....it takes time to fix things.

    And Obama is hardly a failure....just look at the years of 2001-2009 if you want to see what a failure looks like. Think of Hurricane Katrina, the so-called WMD's in Iraq, and all the other things which Bush failed at during his term in office. And no, I don't need to resort to "desperation and insecurity" there...the Republican Tea Party nutjobs did a perfect job of that all by themselves during this last election. Everyone should be thankful that Christine "I'm not a witch" O'Donnell didn't win...

  5. And I quote President Barack Obama:

    "The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." --Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010

    "No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something." --making an off-hand joke during an appearance on "The Tonight Show", March 19, 2009

    "I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon

    And to think that THIS nitwit IS the President. :unsure:

    He's much better than Sarah "I can see Russia from my house" Palin and that idiot George W. Bush, who once said "You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test." George W Bush, Townsend, Tennessee, 21st February 2001

  6. I remember the first time I watched an episode of Dark Shadows. It was back in the mid to late '90s when I was in high school. It was during summer vacation, and I was bored and channel surfing one day and ran across the show on the Sci Fi Channel. At first that theme music really creeped me out, lol. But I got hooked on the show and eventually watched it all the way through to the end.

  7. Marla Adams for Carolyn Jones preceding Marj Dusay as Myrna on Capitol

    Magdalena Andersson for Erin Torpey as Jessica on One Life to Live

    Ellen Barber for Robin Strasser as Dorian on One Life to Live

    Joel Fabiani for Michael Zaslow as Roger on Guiding Light

    Felicity LaFortune for Hillary B. Smith as Nora on One Life to Live

    Robert Montano for Kamar de los Reyes as Antonio on One Life to Live

    That one is on the list. ;)

  8. And the fact that the people in 1995 still dressed the same as they did in 1970? I did love how they "destroyed" the sets to make it look like the house was falling down.

    Haha....so true. Maybe they thought their clothing would be back in style by then. :lol:

  9. My favorite period on Dark Shadows was the time right before they went to 1795, and then parts of 1897 (some parts dragged horribly, others were pure deliciousness), and finally the 1970 parallel time story. I can't tell you why, but I have a very strong attachment to the parallel time story.

    I also adored Vicky and to this day I'm still bummed about her just vanishing into the past, followed by Peter Bradford showing up a few years later saying she'd been killed by the Leviathans. I wish she'd had a stronger exit, if they could have just brought Alexandra Moltke back for a few days.

    I've been trying to get through the pre-Barnabas episodes, which isn't easy. I'm near the murder of Bill Malloy.

    I used to watch the primetime version during the original airing. I've started again. I flipped when I realized Liz Foster (Julianna McCarthy) was Mrs. Johnson. I did not remember that at all. I think what stands out for me most is while they did a good job of casting actors who could play the roles (Barbara Steele, Joanna Going, Ben Cross all did fantastic work), they didn't match the quaint charm or distinctive personality which Grayson Hall, Jonathan Frid, and Alexandra Moltke brought to their roles. I think they should have moved away from the show in ways which would have helped create a new yet still familiar identity. Like keep Daphne Collins around (Rebecca Staab fit the part perfectly, which I can't say about the women who played Carolyn or Maggie) and write out one of the other young women instead.

    Can anyone tell me why some of the nighttime scenes in those early episodes of the primetime show looked like they were filmed in broad daylight?

    Not sure about the 1991 revival of DS....but as for the original Dark Shadows, it was notorious about keeping the budget as low as possible. Also, they would often times just keep rolling if someone messed up; no time for retakes.

    BTW, does anyone remember the brief 1995 DS storyline....when Barnabas and Julia found Collinwood in ruins and Carolyn with more than a few screws loose?

  10. I loved Loving and The Cit. But for real, I think that Loving could have gone a few more years if they would have brought back Trucker and Trisha (I hope I have the names right), my mind is on the fritz right now. I also think that Morgan Fairchild's character or Tracy Quartermaine cold have been brought on to Loving at an earlier time. I think there are alot of things that could have been done. Crossovers with Loving and All My Children would have been good where characters who were no longer on AMC could have made stops through Corinth and even stayed there. Just a thought!

    They could have done the same with Loving and OLTL.

    Remember that Llanview, Pine Valley, and Corith are all in the same area. It would be very easy for characters to cross over between the three cities.

    And they did at least once with Randolph Mantooth's cop character Det. Alex Masters (from The City) stopped in Llanview to help Bo search for Antonio Vega (who was at that time a fugitive from the law).

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