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Posts posted by Delia

  1. Marlo is the trashiest housewife since Tamra on the OC and hopefully, unlike the vile Tamra, Bravo bumps Marlo out before she destroys the show. I think when she said faggots, in such a nasty manner to Sherre, sealed her fate. I can't see Andy standing for that. And where did she learn all those etiquette tips? During her seven stints in the slammer?

    Clearly, everyone on BH is jealous of Lisa, which is quite sad. And I don't think it is because of Taylor. Instead perhaps it is because she is this season's breakout star or that she is the leader of the group (a position, I think, both Kyle and Adrienne have designs on). The special thing about this version is that all the women were friends (or at least cared about each other). This made BH rise above all the pettiness on NYC, NJ, and OC. I just think the cast works better as friends than as enemies.

  2. I love Kim (even though she can be so embarrassing it can be hard to watch) but if she is serious about recovering, she needs to leave the show. The show, however, will miss the connection she has with Hollywood. Furthermore, her sad story of an actress who lost her career seemingly overnight and since has had trouble dealing with that faded fame and loneliness at times could be very compelling.

    I think Brandi belongs more on OC than BH. Taylor needs to go. She needs to move back to Oklahoma or something. When your husband kills himself, you don't go on a reality V show, partake on a book tour, and become a media personality. Even with her life falling apart she is still totally unsympathetic because I believe most viewers know her undoing was her own fault.

  3. Only Kim would randomly find a vibrator in her purse and think its lip gloss. In what world does lip gloss vibrate? Although one of the only lucid things she said over the later portion of the season was in Hawaii when she said Taylor divorced Russell only "so she could be invited to the next white party."

    What happened to Dana? She didn't go to Hawaii (even tough she begged Camille earlier in the season to spend some time at her home there) and wasn't at Lisa's party, while Brandi was at both. I don't think the others like her.

    And SUR stands for Sexy Unique Restaurant. Really? ewww

  4. Taylor is wack. She was clearly drunk and her "i'm just a victim in danger" antics ruined that party. That hug with Camille also had to be one of the most incredibly awkward hugs.

    DD seems a little too into protecting Camille. It was as if she cares more about Camille's fight with Taylor than Camille does. But I'm glad someone confronted Taylor with all her BS.

    Loved Linda Thompson's weird philosophical musings. "See that ocean over there. It'll be here long after we're gone." "Humans are an evolved species." WTF! Didn't she used to sleep with Elvis?

  5. They seem to be really building up Brandi this season.Kyle is definitely the bitch this season, as she and Kim have looked terrible these last couple episode. What happened to Camille? Is it in her contract that she can only make fun of her ex husband and cry about the divorce?

    The aftershow was great - Brandi not so much. Pam er Dana seemed kind of revolted by her, as did Andy when she dropped the f-bomb live.

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