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Posts posted by Delia

  1. Wow, so Candy Crowley corrected herself on CNN after the debate... Romney was CORRECT about Libya? Either way on the Libya thing, it's a problem for Obama because if it WASN'T a terrorist attack, why did the administration deny that for weeks? If he DIDN'T state it was a terrorist attack, then what was Obama's point in the debate? It's a paradox and the only reason Obama got away with it is because he received help from Crowley. No surprise there... but wow.

    It was interesting to see how many times Obama hid behind Crowley. To the point where he would actually LOOK to Crowley for help in shutting Romney up, or even interrupting asking to move on. Amazing, especially since the man had almost four minutes more speaking time than Romney.

    I think the two were even on substance, Obama wins in bluster. The fact of the matter is that this all boils down to Obama and his record. Can he defend it? Can he defend his economic and energy policies? And how long can he maintain this ruse regarding Libya and foreign policy in general?

    The one thing that I criticize Romney for in this debate is that he willingly limped off to his corner after being hushed by both Obama and Crowley. That was a mistake, in my opinion. He interjected a couple of times, one to Biden-like smiling from Obama... he should have done it more often. Nobody knows where you stand on an issue if you aren't heard... he should have insisted. What, Crowley was gonna call in security to lead him out? Come on... Romney should have been as aggressive as Obama, maybe even more so.

    If your complaining about the moderator, that means you lost.

  2. Republicans are making fun of Candy's weight so I guess that means Romney lost tonight.

    Nobody has mentioned Mitt's most awkward moment that he's got "ladies full of binders."

    Supposedly he was practicing how to sit on a bar stool because Mormons don't drink and he'd never done it before.

  3. I doubt Obama or even Clinton for that matters reads embassy cables. I'm sure this issue was handled by a small group of state dept. employees whose job is to handle these kinds of things and obviously they failed pretty badly.

  4. Anyone who thinks the hate for Romney is anywhere close to the hate for Obama should read up on the disgusting DVD "Dreams of My Real Father," which, among other things, tries to claim that Obama's mother was a porn actress hooked up with a Communist.

    Or wander over to WorldNetDaily were they say Obama is actually gay. Plus there is that 2016 movie, though I think the "Dreams..." movie is much worse.

  5. I think the hate amongst the fringe/mainstream left is amongst the worst I have ever seen, period. Largely because that type of hate and intolerance is masked behind this supposed "well-meaning" and "love" for others, but often doing, themselves, precisely what they accuse others of doing.

    From where exactly? I see dislike for Romney's positions, which will hurt the poor and middle class, his sneering elitist attitude, and his willingness to say anything and everything to win, but I do not see the absolute hate for him, his wife, or his family as people. Nobody's questioned his birthplace or his patriotism. And those questioning Romney's religion have mostly been far right conservatives.

    Then you have Mitch McConnell the Republican leader of the Senate saying his primary duty is to make sure Obama fails!

    For his entire time in office, the right wing has tried repeatedly to portray both Michelle and Barack as racist against white people from the manufactured Shirley Sherrod controversy to Glen Beck's "white culture" comment to the recent unveiling of that "bombshell" speech Obama gave at Hampton where he sounded "too black" that was nearly 6 years old and reported on by the media when it was originally given.

  6. Yes, Republicans should not get their hopes up. The Mormon thing is the big silent game changer here. As a Baptist, we were brought up to believe that Mormonism is a cult. And that attitude is still out there in spades.

    I think the hate among the fringe right for the Obamas is stronger than the disdain they hold for Mormons. But maybe I'm wrong.

  7. Romney is running a terrible campaign (the worst of any nominee since Dukakis) and deserves to lose. Obama has been a terrible president and also deserves to lose.

    Romney was never my choice to be the nominee. Huntsman was. However, what pisses me off is this phony love affair that partisan Democrats have with the man (as it was the same type of phony love affair the Democrats had with McCain prior to 2007). Aside from the facts that he worked for Obama, and that he is not a partisan flame thrower, there is nothing in Huntsman's background to indicate a groundswell of liberal support for his presidential bid. Apart from civil unions, there is not a single issue I can think of where Huntsman is to the left of Romney; on some issues--such as guns and abortion--he has always been further to the right than Romney. (And the pro-gun control, pro-choice Giuliani was savaged by Democrats, so I can't imagine why they would take somebody who is considerably more conservative than him.) And like Romney, Huntsman is "filthy-rich" and part of the "cult" of Mormonism, but--in contrast to the former Massachusetts governor--he became the head of a big business solely because he inherited it from daddy. (Romney at least attained his position at Bain Capital without family connections, and gave away his inheritance to BYU.)

    There's no doubt that the GOP would be in better shape right now if Huntsman was the nominee. But, he would still face a big charisma deficit compared to the president, and he also is/was not an aggressive campaigner. More problematic is the fact that the Obama machine would be hammering him for being a super-wealthy one-percenter (anybody would be delusional to believe otherwise), who headed a company that did a large amount of business with China. (These criticisms were never waged against Huntsman because he was never a serious threat to get the nomination, but if he had been, you can bet the Democrats would turn on him on a dime. Just as in 2000, when McCain was far behind Bush, every liberal and his mother praised the Arizona Senator, yet the living s#it was kicked out of him eight years later when he had a real chance at the White House.) If Huntsman actually was the GOP nominee, I could imagine Jane and Wales (who aren't nearly as partisan as the rest of the Obama supporters here) considering voting for him. However, it is a total fairy tale for me to believe that the die-hard liberals here would honestly vote for Huntsman over Obama, especially after tons of negative advertising that would have drilled home the point that Huntsman is a conservative.

    I don't know if Democrats or liberals really love Huntsman, but he was unique in the Republican field and in the party in general. Although as you noted in his positions he is fairly in line with the Republican party, it was his demeanor and his tone that many liked. He seems less overtly partisan in a time of hyper partisanship. When so many Republicans were all but declaring Obama evil, Huntsman agreed to work for Obama. That earned major points in many people's books.

  8. I don't think that there is any concrete evidence that the film inspired this attack but I'm sure it's no coincidence that is happened on September 11th.

    Everyone, including The New York Times, says a youtube video produced by some neoconservative Israeli-Americans caused all of the uproar and violence. It started in Egypt when a radical cleric found the video and later added Arabic subtitles and began speaking about it on Egyptian TV. Supposedly, the video portrayed Mohammed as a pedophile and homosexual and the whole religion as a cancer. The man who produced it is now in hiding and that crazy pastor from Florida, Terry Jones, who in the past threatened to burn korans has been promoting the film.

  9. I don't know if anyone's posted this yet. But here is Julia Barr's first Emmy win in 1989. Everyone has always assumed she won for the episode revolving around Laura's death but I think in fact she won it for the story revolving around Brooke discovering Adam's affair with Dixie.

  10. I prefer films from the late 1930s through the 1940s. I know it was the studio era and actors were treated like cattle and whatever, but those movies had story, tension, romance, drama and laughs. The movies nowadays are mostly trash.

    I especially love "Women's Pictures" from this time (something that sadly went out of vogue a long, long time ago). Nearly anything with Bette Davis (The Old Maid, Dark Victory, In this Our Life, Little Foxes, NOW, VOYAGER (perhaps my favorite film), Beyond the Forest, A Double Life, and The Man Who Came to Dinner - are all fabulous highlights). Joan Fontaine (A Letter from an Unknown Woman - one of the most heartbreaking films ever) and her sister Olivia de Havilland are two more favorites of mine. One can't go wrong with Joan Crawford either (Mildred Pierce is must see melodrama and Humoresque is glorious too!)

    I never really like Katherine Hepburn, however.

  11. I hated Sheridan for the bulk of the series. She was too much of a Mary Sue and I found her romance with Luis to be boring. She was such a bland heroine. I LOVED when they finally said screw this and turned her into a villian. She made for a much better bitch. I loved her morphing into a psycho, lying, scheming and causing trouble for Fancy. She had turned into her archnemesis Beth! I thought MW did good with the material they gave her in her final year. Unlike Teresa, they didnt sugarcoat this. They owned the fact that Sheridan was a selfish bitch and didnt try to justify her actions and act like she's this saint we are supposed to love.

    I always thought that change of tone for Sheridan was strange. She was built up from the beginning of the show as the great heroine - much more so than Teresa who was always painted by JER as somewhat flawed. Sheridan was perfect, angelic, and a noble martyr. She was friends with Princess Di! She had to be a goodie goodie. But when Beth disappeared (Kelli McCarty starting doing porn) Sheridan kind of stepped into that role and Fancy became the new bland heroine of the show. Oh how I hated Fancy.

    I did love the start of Sheridan in the hole story. It made no sense and was so over the top but it was fun for awhile until it dragged on and on forever. Westmore wore the same ugly baby blue pantsuit for a good 3 months!

  12. I thought another good time on Passions was when seemingly every single female on the show was pregnant (I think it was summer of '03). Gwen, Sheridan, Kay, Beth (faking), and even Tabatha were knocked up.

  13. I think the DirectTV storyline of Vincent being revealed to be as Valerie and carrying on with his/her father Julian, getting pregnant and having his baby was even worse.

    I think I blocked that out. Those taboos (all 4 of them) should never have been broken.

  14. I agree that the androgynous rapist story was a real low point. It was supposed to be campy; instead, it came off twisted, nasty, and sick. Nobody enjoyed that storyline. And the actor who played the character was pretty lousy too.

    I think my favorite was Ivy chasing after Sam (often in her motorized scooter). I think Ivy/Sam had the best dynamic out of all the other over wrought long lost loves like Eve/Julian, Kay/Miguel, Ethan/Teresa and Sheridan/Luis. The dynamic of this rich, elitist, pampered bitch on the outs fighting for a married, average joe was fun to watch. Kim Johnston-Ulrich was fantastic in the role. She was one of the few on the show to be campy in the right places, while giving dramatic heft to the more serious stuff.

    I think I am alone in liking Heidi Mueller as the final Kay. She gets a bad rap because of her reality show past, but I think she vastly improved over time.

  15. I think the OC ladies smelled blood in the water when it came to Alexis. Viewers don't like her and she's clearly not one of Andy's favorites. I don't think she's coming back, so why not all gang up on her or as Viki says "gang bang."

    But boy did Gretchen dump her friendship with Alexis like a hot potato or what?

  16. While OC may be getting interesting this season, it also seems really scripted with Heather's "introduction" and this whole Gretchen/Tamra secret best friends story which seems to be a ploy of some kind to aggravate Vicki and create tension within the group. None of these ladies really have anything going on so they have to stir up some kind of manufactured drama to generate a storyline.

    I miss Jena! Vicki alleged that she got really catty and talked behind her back, which I totally believe, but Jena didn't put up with anyone's BS and she had this calm aura around her. Plus, she was the perfect example of the real estate tumble.

  17. I thought Vicki - "I WORK!!!" - was all financially secure and set for life, yet she admits she needs Donn's paycheck to keep up with the cost of the house. She isn't selling because she wants to downsize, she's selling because she's running out of dough.

    It also seems like they've all had work done since last year. Tamra looks like she's lost some of her booze bloat and Vicki's face lift looks terrible.

  18. I don't think Camille will come back. Her image has recovered fully since the first season. Her heart doesn't seem in it and last night she told Andy that she didn't even think this season should've been aired following Russell's suicide. Of course, Taylor was all for airing her dirty laundry.

    I assumed Marlo's 80 year old white billionaire sugary daddy was Ted Turner. How many old white billionaires are in Atlanta? And wasn't one of Ted's daughters at one of the events Marlo attended with NeNe earlier this season.

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