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Posts posted by Delia

  1. The show is so boring now. It's stale and overly light in the way it was in the early years minus the Debbie Matenopolis craziness. The political edge that Rosie added to the show is now long gone. And it's too bad because The View used to to be must see TV for me.

  2. Whoppi looked so bored and she was rolling her eyes as Barbara said a few final things about Joy. She really doesn't care at all about this show anymore, although I can't really blame her, as the quality of the topics they discuss has gone way down hill.

  3. Meanwhile, media darling Marco will likely get his way in pushing more anti-gay views in the immigration bill, and, as always, Democrats are happy to throw gays under the bus.


    Marco knows how to pull the con job. He can woo Latino voters while getting positive PR out of shunning those who likely would never vote for him anyway, due to his long history of homophobic legislation and statements. And the media will swoon on cue.

    The idea that allowing maybe 40,000 gay foreigners to legally immigrate to America to join their partners is too much or goes too far is ridiculous, especially when the McCain/Schumer bill will result in the eventual legalization of nearly 11 million people! I've read that evangelical organizations have gotten on board this time on the immigration overhaul and Republicans fear they'll lose that support along with support from the House republicans because they are totally, 100% anti-gay. That's a terrible excuse.

  4. Another failure from the House Republicans, namely Eric Cantor. They let the Violence Against Women Act expire after previously being reauthorized with little to no dissent. The Senate passed an inclusive bill, but the House Republican version excluded protections for Native American women, Lesbian and undocumented women. I guess the "War on Women" continues.


  5. Somewhat interesting article about Irna Phillips regarding how she lived "vicariously" through her characters.

    Harvard Magazine, Lynn Liccardo

    IF EVER A WRITER embodied Thornton Wilder’s observation that “art is not only the desire to tell one’s secret; it is the desire to tell it and hide it at the same time,” it was Irna Phillips.

    In 1930, Phillips—a 29-year-old, unemployed Chicago schoolteacher and part-time radio actress—was asked to write and act in radio’s first serial drama, Painted Dreams. She jumped at the chance. In the next 43 years, she would create or co-create 18 radio and television serials; four were still on the air when she died, includingGuiding Light and As the World Turns, the two longest-running daytime dramas on television. Acting out the parts, she dictated her stories to secretaries for six to eight hours a day, producing an estimated two million words a year and earning more than $250,000 annually in the 1940s, when she had five programs on the air. She knew the role soap played in “soap operas,” and had a decades-long relationship with Procter & Gamble, but she focused on content: her innovations included adding doctors, lawyers, and other professionals as characters and cliff-hanger endings for episodes.

    Soap-opera historians have long acknowledged the impact on the genre of As the World Turns in particular. When it premiered in 1956, serial dramas were all 15 minutes long; ATWT doubled that. Phillips believed “better story and characterization could be developed in a half-hour format”; when Procter & Gamble initially resisted, she took action. Aided by her longtime colleagues Agnes Nixon and Ted Corday, she wrote and taped a pilot at her own expense, and changed the face of daytime drama forever. ATWT also departed radically from its predecessors in style: for the first year, there was virtually no plot. Critic Robert LaGuardia has noted that “story to Irna was simply a vehicle; it was from the moment-to-moment emotions of her characters, expressed to each other in quiet scenes, that viewers derived vicarious pleasure.” Phillips knew that viewers would need time to get used to this format, and nothing illustrates her industry clout more than the licensing-agreement clause requiring CBS to air the show for a full year regardless of ratings. Fans expressed their pleasure by keeping ATWT at the top of the daytime ratings for 20 years, making it the first soap opera to fully penetrate the cultural landscape: an episode of the current television hit Mad Men showed secretary Joan Holloway engrossed by an “unmissable” ATWT episode from 1962—the end of the genre’s first super couple, Penny Hughes and Jeff Baker.

    The whole article is at the link


  6. http://www.politico....5509.html?hp=f1

    Not too sure what happened there. Perhaps the governor was trying to show he was boss, and not just go with what Inouye wanted. I imagine this causing controversy, especially since his pick is a white man.

    And it seems that all the other candidates were Asian, women, or both.

    Republicans will probably gloat now. They'll say they appointed Tim Scott (an African American) to the senate from South Carolina but the democrats selected a white guy over a bunch of Asian women in a state (Hawaii) that is 60% minority.

  7. Just don't read the comments sections, especially on yahoo, Washington Post and the Hill. They cheered the defeat of the treaty and so many believed that if it had passed, home schooling would be illegal because the UN opposes it. So crazy! People are so unhinged when they can be anonymous.

  8. I'd like to see Wynona, in all her glory, out their campaigning for her sister. It'd be hilarious. Plus I think Judd would call out McConnell moreso than some average democrat and at least bring media attention to the race which'll hopefully show how truly terrible McConnell is.

    I'd think she's lose too. But what democrat could win a federal race in Kentucky?

  9. Pretty much. I just hate that they're using the deaths of these four Americans for political reasons. Our embassies have been getting attacked for years and the deaths of those people apparently didn't mean [!@#$%^&*] to these people.

    Plus if they attack her enough then maybe Obama will appoint Kerry to the position and then their golden boy Scott Brown can run again for the senate from Massachusetts.

  10. Kim with her giant chicken salad which she tossed with her bare hands was kind of sad but endearing as well. I hope her recovery holds. She's also much funnier when sober and this show needs someone who can laugh at themselves as everyone else takes themselves too seriously.

    Kyle was brown nosing David Foster with the whole "Grammy? That's a grammy? I never seen one before. You have million. OMG!!!!"

    David and Yolanda are the definition of pretentious! That fridge? Oy. The name dropping. The weird groups sing along (but only certain people can sing).

    Adrienne and Paul are just petty and obnoxious. Are they seriously complaining about Lisa calling their dog crackpot? Yikes.

    Lisa is the best dressed of the season so far.

    I'm not even going to comment on how pathetic Taylor is with her drunk rambling and her outfit (an oversized men's dress shirt with silver leggings).

  11. How nice. Probably my favorite movie critic, Pauline Kael, is on the front page of Politico. Apparently the GOP is the new Pauline Kael.


    That quote about her knowing only one Nixon voter in 1972 is kind of hilarious, however.

    But I think Jonathan Martin who wrote that article has also been living in a GOP cocoon or bubble too. He was out there claiming either a small Obama victory or a huge Romney landslide would happen on election day. He was one of the chief media proponents of the Mittmentum fiasco.

  12. All the Fox News reactions were so over the topic:

    The Fox & Friends hosts kept harping on the lone Black Panther at the polling station in Philadelphia, one of the host's said with Obama's victory America is the most "shallow" country that has ever existed.

    Bill O'Reilly said "we" are not in the majority. We meaning white people. I can't believe he said that! And it got worse when he added the "takers" have also taken over. That people now demand stuff (welfare, food stamps, abortions, condoms, student loans, cash for clunkers) from government. So over the top!

    And then there was the Fox News meltdown on election night with Karl Rove going rogue and Megyn Kelley running around the studio.

    And then there are the crazy religious conservatives who are basically asking God to punish America for reelecting Obama.

  13. Supposedly, Paul Ryan wanted to go around to various inner cities and give lectures on poverty, social mobility, and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. Romney's aides nixed the idea although Ryan gave one such speech in Cleveland. He basically disappeared after the Biden debate.

  14. I am sad about Pete Stark, just because it sucks to lose the house only Atheist. Im still shocked he ever got in to be honest.

    Its very weird to see my little town mentioned, by name no less. We are normally just refer to as Riverside or The Inland Empire.

    I am fairly happy with the results of the props. 31/32/33/34/37/38 are all being shut down. The others are passing. Basically how i voted down the line, except i did vote no on 30. 40 was the most confusing on the ballot, IMHO. Im still confused on what a yes or no vote met. It was worded very much like Prop 8 in 2008.

    Krysten Sinema a bi-sexual atheist was elected from Arizona. Plus, I believe Mark Udall from Colorado describes himself as a nontheist.

  15. Scary. I find it funny when Republicans say so many democrats just vote blindly without any real grasp of the issues. When these Romney supporters are so strong in their support yet can't name a single thing Romney stands for. And then there is the crazy lady in the pink shirt who says Obama is a Muslim Atheist.

  16. Voter fraud!


    Meanwhile, Linda McMahon, WWF queen and two time Senate candidate, is pushing for the Obama vote. Remember when moderate hero Romney was supposed to be competitive in New England?


    Supposedly, she's only doing that in black neighborhoods. This woman will say anything to get elected.

    She'll probably lose again on Tuesday and she will have spent something like $90 million dollars on her two unsuccessful senate races!

  17. Let me guess... another D+8 sampling?

    Let's examine some other polls, too... yes, the very latest:

    Politico/Washington University/Battleground - TIE

    NBC News/Wall Street Journal - +1 Obama

    ABC News/Washington Post - TIE

    FOX News - TIE

    CBS News/NY Times - +1 Obama

    Pew Research - TIE

    Gallup - +5 Romney

    NPR - +1 Romney

    And how many of these polls are ridiculously unbalanced in terms of Dem samples vs. Rep samples? The electorate of 2008 can't be measured as the electorate of today. Republican registration is way up this year and Democrat registration way down. Enthusiasm is low for Obama, high for Romney. Even in most polls where Obama is ahead, I invite you to look at the sampling - it just isn't good news for the President when he runs only a point or two ahead of Romney - and with anywhere from a +5 to +9 Democratic sample! That means more moderate Democrats are breaking from the party and voting for Romney, or not voting at all.

    We also know for a fact that Independents are overwhelming in Romney's corner. There is no gender gap this time around; women are NOT favoring Obama.

    These are all facts... Look beyond poll numbers and examine the data behind the polls. The answers are there, Vee.

    The presidential election isn't decided by a national popular vote. Most swing state polls show Obama leading. I have no doubt Romney will win more votes than McCain did and his margin of victory will be astronomical in the deep south, but that doesn't really matter. It all goes back to who can win Ohio, Colorado, Virginia, Iowa, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Florida, and Nevada. And Obama is leading in all or tied.

  18. Three more days... very interesting things happening...

    With momentum on Mitt Romney's side and a growing consensus that he will take the Presidency... what do those on the left attribute to Obama's downfall?

    Okay, for those who refuse to accept any notion of an Obama loss... then IF he loses, what WOULD you attribute to his failure to return for a second term?

    Only people like Dick Morris and Michael Barone (plus those at Fox News) are claiming Romney will win handily and that all momentum is on his side. Even CNN and politico are now starting to finally admit Mittmentum has faded.

    If Romney is truly winning then why is their buyer's remorse in regards to Ryan as his VP selection as stories have now come out claiming Chris Christie was his first true choice and that Ryan hasn't worked out all that well.

    If Obama does lose, one should point to his abysmal first debate performance. Romney successfully changed the narrative of the race by trumpeting himself as a sensible moderate during and after that debate.

  19. From Mark Halperin (TIME): "Don’t kill me for the obvious, but the near absence of racial diversity in the Romney crowds is teased out further by the contrast with the rainbow the President draws. It is more striking than I have ever experienced it in any presidential campaign I have covered."


    I don't live in a swing state anymore so I haven't had the opportunity of going to any rallies this fall, but just from watching some of the events on CSPAN one is definitely stuck by the lack of diversity at Romney's events.

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