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Posts posted by TimelessTQ

  1. dorianfan very sweet vid. keep it up.

    timelessTQ were u able to get into lj (livejournal)?

    hooked i hope u feel better, ive been coughing too. i was on dayquil at work will be on nyquil later on.

    i hope all is well.

    No Funny, I am so sorry, and soooo pissed!

    I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong!

    send me the link again,..let me try while we are both here

  2. dorianfan very sweet vid. keep it up.

    timelessTQ were u able to get into lj (livejournal)?

    hooked i hope u feel better, ive been coughing too. i was on dayquil at work will be on nyquil later on.

    i hope all is well.

    No Funny, I am so sorry, and soooo pissed!

    I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong!

    send me the link again,..let me try while we are both here

  3. OHMYGOD!!!!

    Tracy femslash!!!!! and you write so well. Yummy Yummy Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm DYING for the next chapter (wanna email it to me? pulllleeeeeessssseeeeee? ;) )

    For the record, I FLOVE what you've done with Monica and Tracy here (never in a million years did I see it before you wrote it, but now I totally see it. Totally! HA! Good job!!).

    Anyway, if you're ever looking for another Femslash pairing for Tracy, try Diane!!!!!!!!!

    I disagree that there is "not one decent female" to pair with Tracy. Diane, baby!!!!! :lol: :lol:

    Oh yeah, come on! Do you see it? I totally see it!

    I am just back-flipping all over my house!!!

    Lainey,...I am SOOO glad you see WHY it works,...30 + years of catfights and BS,..what was the real reason??? They had cat scratch fever baby!

  4. Hello Lovelies!!

    Had a post earlier but i guess it didnt go through...

    Anyway...TimelessTQ read it...LOOOVED IT!! LOL about monica's face pre-botox-gone-horribly-unfortunate:)

    Loved your description of Tracy...very believable dialogue and transition...all around wonderful!

    Now, if i could only get my Diane/Tracy fantasy out of Lainey.... :D

    THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

    I am squeeing with teary eye'd delight!!!

    I appreciate the feedback soooooo MUCH

    I'm eyeball deep in Chapter 2,..will post as soooooon as its done!

    And Lainey,...I am bowing, and humbled, and soooo excited to make you excited!

    I feel like f'ing Sally Fields,..YOU LIKE ME>>YOU REALLY LIKE ME

  5. Ok kiddies,..here is my first Fanfic posting.

    PLEASE be gentle,..as I can see what everyone will say first off...MONICA????

    Ok ok ok,..we all know in the Femmeslash pickins of GH, there is NOT one decent female on that show to pair with Tracy. I can't imagine a woman on that show that Tracy would bed.

    None, nada. zilch.

    I mean the Alice pairings are funny and sweet, but YES I used Monica.

    Considering the history between them it seems like good fodder for tension.

    THIS is only chapter one, which I just edited incidently, (used the word Breast redundantly,..silly me :P )and the corrections of text havent posted yet.

    This attachment is from my preview, and it is how Chapter 1 with corrections will post eventu-effing-ly.

    OH try to picture Monica BEFORE she looked like she was hit in the face with a bag of Botox coated rocks., even though this is current in timeline

    (Leslie used to be attractive if I remember correctly)

    If your woman to woman squeamish, (then you just ain't doin it right...LOLOL)

    This may not be for you.


    OK the change that you see in my preview is now official onsite


  6. Ok kiddies,..here is my first Fanfic posting.

    PLEASE be gentle,..as I can see what everyone will say first off...MONICA????

    Ok ok ok,..we all know in the Femmeslash pickins of GH, there is NOT one decent female on that show to pair with Tracy. I can't imagine a woman on that show that Tracy would bed.

    None, nada. zilch.

    I mean the Alice pairings are funny and sweet, but YES I used Monica.

    Considering the history between them it seems like good fodder for tension.

    THIS is only chapter one, which I just edited incidently, (used the word Breast redundantly,..silly me :P )and the corrections of text havent posted yet.

    This attachment is from my preview, and it is how Chapter 1 with corrections will post eventu-effing-ly.

    OH try to picture Monica BEFORE she looked like she was hit in the face with a bag of Botox coated rocks., even though this is current in timeline

    (Leslie used to be attractive if I remember correctly)

    If your woman to woman squeamish, (then you just ain't doin it right...LOLOL)

    This may not be for you.


  7. JackPeyton WELCOME!!! and Actually I don't think I ever offically said WELCOME to TimelessTQ either!

    hooked, to answer your question about the Tracy vid, I decided last night that I was going to finish the one I had started like a month ago before I start on that one. :D

    **waves to everyone who is lurking**

    Curtsies to Nex......now thats official!

    Did you ever download that song Nex?

  8. Hi Funny, Hooked, and anyone in the shadows!

    I was in and out so briefly last night. My neighbors kid wrecked his snowmobile, and I had to watch there dogs while they went to the ER an hour and a half away.

    I saw that pic of Tracy and (gag) Paul, and just finished scrubbing my eyes with a brillo pad.

    It suck when a shot of Tracy, wet and kissing has to be ruined by that dweeb Paul.

    What a louse!

    Anyhoo, any signs of our girl this week at all???

    I hope the new kid JackPeyton delivers on a candid Jane photo.

    I am currently working on my very first Vid, and I am holding it so close to my heart as it develops.

    MANY hugs and kudos to Nex for her clip assistance.

    It is still a few days from done, and I have slaved at this for weeks.

    I will be posting it here via megaupload, not on Youtube, as a thank you for welcoming me with open arms, and as a gift to the people here who really get and appreciate Jane Elliot the actress, and the complex character Tracy.

    I will keep you posted as to when it is finished

  9. Evening, all..

    We've had a crazy Sunday here, but now the kids are in bed and I'm on my second very large glass of wine. Seems nothing here is different:

    - still complaining about the hair

    - still complaining about that black jacket

    - still complaining about the lack of spoilers

    - still complaining about the lack of LuNacy

    - still assuming Jane plays on whichever 'team' we're on

    - still awaiting Lainey's fic

    Did I miss anything? :P

    You nailed it my dear... :mellow:

  10. :(

    I think the jackets are custom-made for her.

    (Read an SID article about it here).

    Not sure about the other outfits...

    I MISS TRACY!!!!

    :( WAHHHHH I want my Avatar to work!!!

    OH hey BTW Ms. Q,...of all the pictures I have seen, and I have asked Nex, and someone else,..maybe youd know.

    Minerva's Avatar ( the Jane Rocks My World)...WHERE did she find that shot of Jane, outside the Emergency sign, in the long dress,..( reminds me of the Hollies song...mmm mm mmmmm)

    If you could help, I would be grateful!

    Also, naturally, I am always, as everyone here I imagine, looking for candid, more Jane oriented pictures.

    thanks again :)

  11. Timeless TQ, beats me where she gets that atrocious wardrobe from. With the exception of a few pieces, I think it's all horrendous. It was starting to get a little better since the B & W Ball along with better jewelry, but for the most part it's still crap. Mama needs a sexy new wardrobe in the worst way.

    Funny1, YOU are a pisser! Can't wait to read Part 2. Thanks :)

    Thanks all. Ms. Q, to see that the Emerald Jacket,..and weren't there a few that color used to DEATH, was patterned after a fav of Janes is all well and good,...FOR THE YEAR IT WAS FIRST DONE!,..Man, Tracy is skilled, sexy, strong, and has so much appeal and allure,..I just wish someone in wardrobe would rise to the flippen occasion. ( Personally I would love to see her clothes in a pile, on my floor....LMAO)

    Frankly, I would just KILLLLLLLL to see her in a pair of jeans,..(the overall shot makes me squee all over myself)

    I mean yes, Jane looks so comfy nummy outside work, and Tracy's clothes are always either downright gaudy, unflattering, or skim JUSTTTTT close enough to OK, that it gets my hopes up, that someone has seen the light.

    We cannot be the only people who see this. I mean GH has HAD to have letters come in saying WTF.

    Budget schmudget,..Ive seen better clothes at SEARS

  12. Timeless TQ, beats me where she gets that atrocious wardrobe from. With the exception of a few pieces, I think it's all horrendous. It was starting to get a little better since the B & W Ball along with better jewelry, but for the most part it's still crap. Mama needs a sexy new wardrobe in the worst way.

    Funny1, YOU are a pisser! Can't wait to read Part 2. Thanks :)

    Thanks all. Ms. Q, to see that the Emerald Jacket,..and weren't there a few that color used to DEATH, was patterned after a fav of Janes is all well and good,...FOR THE YEAR IT WAS FIRST DONE!,..Man, Tracy is skilled, sexy, strong, and has so much appeal and allure,..I just wish someone in wardrobe would rise to the flippen occasion. ( Personally I would love to see her clothes in a pile, on my floor....LMAO)

    Frankly, I would just KILLLLLLLL to see her in a pair of jeans,..(the overall shot makes me squee all over myself)

    I mean yes, Jane looks so comphy nummy outside work, and Tracy's clothes are always either downright gaudy, unflattering, or skim JUSTTTTT close enough to OK, that it gets my hopes up, that someone has seen the light.

    We cannot be the only people who see this. I mean GH has HAD to have letters come in saying WTF.

    Budget schmudget,..Ive seen better clothes at SEARS

  13. WELLLLLLL crap...LOL

    All my pics are too big, and Bitmap!

    I gotta figure something out.

    ANyhoo, enough about my Avatar dysfunction..LOL

    Lets discuss Tracy's clothes,..(I cannot bear to talk about missing, with a deep ache, her longer hair)

    When she shows back up, I am going to scream if she has that dowdy black bell shaped jacket on again.

    She has a fabu figure, and that thing hides it.

    What ever happened to the thigh length, satin jackets? NOT the kimonos so much, just the nice, clean sharp longer blazers???

    Where does GH get her clothes anyway????

  14. timelessTQ make sure ur avi is small. if its larger than a certain size it wont take it. hope this helps.

    Thank you funny, but Idont think thats the issue.

    It gives me a this menu has been disabled error, like Im not a member or something.

    Ill keep trying.

  15. I stopped wondering when I started seeing her in real-life garb, and doing real-life interviews. She talks, acts and dresses as if she's a member of "my" club.

    YES!!! I think that's what I like about it, too.

    I think the two of them are playing this giant joke on the world. Hilarious. I Flove it. Flove it big.

    Oh.. Lainey so can't sleep.

    Getting up Sunday is going to be a b!tch.

    AHHH I think this is the begining of a wonderful friendship Lainey, I am so thrilled we are both apart of the same "club"...Hear Hear to us ladies who LOVE the ladies,...PLUS the ladies who Love Jane, and Lunacy!!!!! B)B)B)B)B)

  16. Hi all!

    OT, I live in Illinois for those who don't know, and a million and one schools have Pulaski Day off tomorrow.

    However, the school I teach at does NOT...


    Hate Sundays.

    Upcoming birthdays (for the month of March):

    4XCrazy (the one who wrote Homelands, but hasn't posted here in a long, long time) - March 5

    Lady Ashton - March 15

    TimelessTQ, would you like to share your birthday, so I can add it to the unofficial list? :)

    BSG, the latter (now that hooked and I have everyone's curiosity peeked, I'm going to RUN, fast). :P

    You betcha Ms/ Q! Oct 20th, 1971,...I am so glad to be here.


  17. cool!

    Yep you're right. But now there is someone to call me on my b.s... darn. ;)

    I don't have momdar, but I have gaydar... and it pings EVERYTIME I see that woman, and it goes off the charts when I see her in "real life" garb and not TQ garb. Sorry guys.. I'm convinced.

    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it! ;)

    Yeah, but I've been really busy and really freaked out about work. Maybe I'll finish this weekend.

    Hmmmm. Ordered from them once. Thought it was lousy.. never ordered again, and then they were gone. Was it Happy Texas or Happyland Texas. I think Texas was in the title.

    The Mom-dar,..Mom in quotes was just me being my silly gay self.

    Ping ping PING is right, and this is from me, a woman who LOVES women, and LOVES Jane.

    It explains oh so much, and I am with you Lainey 100%, and it just suits her. In my eyes, I honestly never "wondered"

    I dont fit any "type" per say either. I am assertive, and independent, I have a child, a career, and I look femme by most standards, I clean up well, but when the make-up is gone, and my hair is down, and the execu-dyke wardrobe back in the closet (no pun intended), I put on my sweats, and ball cap, take my son, and my dogs for a hike.

    I get the whole soccor mom trip, but I am hardly that.

    So I always just felt, comfortably felt Jane was "family" like I.

    I have friends though who cant seem to separate the roles from the actors, and I have to knock on their heads and laugh. I LOVE Lunacy,...LOVE IT,..but I think thats because my 2 fav (Jane not quite confirmed beyond Gaydar) gay Daytime actors playing straight lovers is just a nummy HOOT!!!

    Unrelated in away,...does anyone know what perfume Jane wears,..because she just looks like she smells KNEE WEAKENING good.

    I so love that woman :P:P:P:P

  18. We bow to your superior knowledge in all things fabric, Ms. Q.

    So... only a 7 year old can think this way... now that the emotional and physical shock has worn off, he comes up to me...

    "Mom, I think I got something from that shock, 'cause I have a lot more energy and I can keep running fast."

    I ask you... where's a 2X4 when you need one???

    LOLOLOL...YESSS I agree. You have been spared the grey hair so far,..mine is hidden well below a nice chocolate brown dye job.

    And Im only 36.....ball pen hammers work wonders in a pinch!

    Oh and THANK YOU THANK YOU Ms. Q!!!!!!! :P After waiting for eternity for my email validation I am pleased to be here.

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