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Posts posted by TimelessTQ

  1. LOVED the fic Remos,...it helped fill the void left by the drought!

    I left you a review :D

    I rented Change Of Habit, Netflix,..AGAIN,..watched the Youtube clips, worked on my first Vid, (Thank you again Nex,..as always)

    And read Remos fic,...I can almost breath now

    Oh,..and HI everyone!!!!! :rolleyes:

  2. I just realized that today is the three week mark when GH turns 45 years old and we haven't heard any rumors that there will be anything special going on. :o Whats happening to the state of this show!?!?! **shakes head**

    I too am puzzled and in a state of purplexed ongoing disappointment

  3. They look like they're arguing. Judging from her body language in that picture, they are NOT back together yet. She's probably pissed that he went and opened the HS with Zacharra money/backing. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

    For the love of all that is TRACY, is it my eyes or is she in the friggin', effing, GOD forsaken Black JACKET again???

    Did someone lose the key to her wardrobe closet? Did someone take all her clothes to Goodwill by mistake, or did someone GET them there???

    When will this woman, this character get the respect she sorely deserves??? A wardrobe to match her savvy.

    I swear I'm going to pitch a fit.

  4. Which soapnet interview are you talking about? The '06 one where her hair was up and they were talking her wanting to produce and her earring was falling off?

    I have those...will upload them (don't worry about it Ms. Q)

    I am not in a fic writing mood right now. I am PISSED off that Tracy hasn't been on for 13 days!!!! My only hope with this RW thing is that everytime something has come up wiht Laura in the past year and half...it has always brought Lunacy closer together. Even the fake wedding, etc...the helping him help laura escape, etc....maybe this rick webber thing will be the catalyst to have them make up? Maybe Tracy seems him about to spin out or control and helps him? At least that secret can be out. He can't really get too mad at her now because she is supposed to be mad at him.

    Okay there is some positivity for you?

    GAWD she was just beyond nummy in that ....Man, gasp and swoon!

    But I even noticed the heavy pause that brought a lil Tracy glare to her eyes with the LnL comment, as it was discussing her friend who wrote that story at its inception

  5. Yeah thats right, Im posting twice...ha! :)

    OT (not that i really ever had a topic but, i digress) you wanna know who i just discovered i had this like really weird crush on? Leslie Hendrix. She plays the ME on all of the law and orders...i know its odd and a little morbid but i have found some REALLY good femmslash about her these last few days and..yea. i dunno why I posted but i guess its kinda cuz she reminds me of tracy in a way...shes not given NEARLY enough recognition (i mean shes been on like every ep of every L&O, come on) or sl and i think she has great potential...i dunno. just thought id share, i have nothing else to do LOL

    You still here????

  6. Yeah thats right, Im posting twice...ha! :)

    OT (not that i really ever had a topic but, i digress) you wanna know who i just discovered i had this like really weird crush on? Leslie Hendrix. She plays the ME on all of the law and orders...i know its odd and a little morbid but i have found some REALLY good femmslash about her these last few days and..yea. i dunno why I posted but i guess its kinda cuz she reminds me of tracy in a way...shes not given NEARLY enough recognition (i mean shes been on like every ep of every L&O, come on) or sl and i think she has great potential...i dunno. just thought id share, i have nothing else to do LOL

    Im writing as we speak.

    It is quite warm in here. My weekend was more eventful then I wanted actually...

  7. just bumping becuase I feel like it....

    Hello to Timeless and Big TL!! :D

    ETA: i just noticed that as of Feb. 10th i have been on this board for like 2 years...thats crazy!! and Im finally up to recurring status, Im not a dayplayer anymore!....yea i dont have much else to do with my time right now this is kinda sad...

    Hi sweet pea,..how was your weekend????

  8. Happy Sunday everyone!!!

    Did everybody remember to Spring Forward on their clocks???

    I did last night at 3am,..which was 4 am,...yikes.

    Thank you again so so much for all your encouragement and kind words about my Fic.

    I can't tell you what it means to me.


  9. Could someone answer this.

    Does Fanfic.net always post stories in the format they see fit??

    I mean I structure paragraphs, solid proper paragraphs, and it keeps chopping things into one sentance lines, making me look like an idiot.

    Now this is my first writing granted, and i know I suck, but I do not need any assistance to show the world how bad I am sucking

  10. Yes, TimelessTQ, I believe Lainey is right, it's from "A Change of Habit" movie with Elvis Presely, though I got the pic from something I clipped from JE.com (I think) that lists Jane's bio along with that pic. I do have several still's of Jane from the movie though, courtesy of MinervaFan :) who made an avatar out of one of the pics for me once.

    Oh just so you know, even though her name was Sister Barbara in the movie, around these parts we refer to her as "Sister Mary HotPants :)!! I bet you LOVE that. LOL.

    *waves to BSG* I am in the chat with funny. Come join us for a sec. Though I can't stay too long.

    EDIT: Hooked, Remos, Ms. Q, Why don't one of you start a drabblethon over at LJ? We could certainly use one about now.

    OOO OOO stills please,...yes yes yes,..I will takes some stills please

  11. I'm sending you healing thoughts, hooked. Take care of yourself! And thanks for the compliment re the Tracy banner. :)

    Knee surgery and, yet, it doesn't affect his taping schedule?? Sure feels like *something* affected *something*. That episode earlier in the week from "the house" was a jarring disconnect from the last time we saw Tracy and Lunacy. We went from what I thought was a reunion Lunacy style and Tracy wheeling Luke to County Hospital to Luke at "the house" with Alice for what seemed to be an open-ended time frame. <_<

    Even so, I'm a lot more concerned about where all of this leaves Tracy than I am Lunacy. We know that TG is headed out of there within the next couple of months if not before. We need some Tracy connections established, or re-established. If Edward is "reaching out" to Tracy, maybe he needs her at ELQ. There's such a wealth of story with ELQ alone! Maybe Edward screwed things up and ELQ is ripe for a hostile takeover. I never thought I'd say this, but I'd take a mob storyline if it would give us Tracy!

    You made a salient point in an earlier post, hooked, about how in flux things are right now at GH. So, if anyone wants to use those free cell minutes or free long distance, comment line numbers are on the first page of tracyluke.info

    Sorry if Im under a rock,..but "We know that TG is headed out of there within the next couple of months if not before"

    For hiatus, or he's leaving the show??????

  12. I agree Carrie! We need our LuNacy! We want them together 4EVA and we want to see them NOW!

    Hey there, does anyone have the dowload, or the Vid of the Wheels on the Bus thing???

    I cant get it from Itunes without subscribing.

    I would love to see Dillions video

    (that is what it is isnt it??? LOL)

  13. Evening Ms Q!

    hey question,..and I know this is asking alot, as Jane is fiercly private, but where did she live in Oregon?

    I have 2 friends in 2 different areas of Or, and they insist she lived where THEY live and they cannot both be right

    Thanky Thanks

    Oh, not 100% sure if Chapter 3 will be up tonight. I've played with it all night and half of today, and need to step away from it.

    I don't want to rush and give out 50%

  14. Hi kids, I am about to charter a effing bus, got to the GH set, and squat until I see some Tracy!

    This is beyond ridiculous.

    I hate to say it, and I believe someone else touched on it. I am beginning to resent TG.

    I mean yes, they share a storyline, but why dont they ever let Jane stand on her own for more then 3 seconds?

    Now that the writers are back, you'd think they would be spoon feeding Ms Elliot whatever they could!

    I love Tony, truly I do, but I think his ego needs a break, and all the writers seem to do these days is stroke it,

    Thats all,..I needed to be said, and I said it....sigh :mellow:

    Anyhoo,..to all my sick lil bidgies,..I am so sorry, Soup and Martini's and comfy covers all around!

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