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Posts posted by TimelessTQ

  1. I would love to concur, but really who knows. These are not fish bowl specticals. Every, (few as they are) interview if shared IN the moment, reflect some of Jane the actress's mood, yet give a peep hole of information(and when was the SD interview, pre- or post op on Tony,which is a altogether AnOTHER subject,..Jane can stand her own even without the love of Lunacy,..blah blah)

    Bottom line, I do not believe JE is a betwixt woman on any scope. I feel deeply, that her privacy is fit tight with more then a modicum of humility. If you listen to her very few interview she is content to run with the baton that is handed to her. She does not need to beg for scraps, nor be beholdent to TG.

    THIS is a woman of substance, character, and talent that is beyond daytime.

    Remember kids, as much as I love Tracy, the character is not the actress, and no matter how it fetches us, I am sure no one can push or pull Jane Elliot where she doesnt want to be. Love the craft or not, if she FELT short changed, like we do, she could live comfortably directing, or producing.

    Jane isnt going to do a thing that makes her unhappy or frustrated. If you think,..(any of us) different? , We dont "get" what makes Jane exceptional at all, and we are creating a Soap, in place of a Soap.

    P.S. You dont take a decade off to raise your children if you NEED the work, or are chomping at the bit for scraps.

    Bottom line all, give Jane more credit, and the writers less. Tony should be honored he is tied to HER, not the other way around.

  2. She's probably even more frustrated than we are, Timeless. According to someone on soapdish, "Jane Elliot is loving her story with Luke but would like more." SD isn't the most reliable source on the planet, but this sounds legitimate if only because I can't imagine Jane not feeling frustrated with scraps of airtime and story.

    Let's hope the ratings stay in the basement, forcing someone at this rat network to make changes.

    I would love to concur, but really who knows. These are not fish bowl specticals. Every, (few as they are) interview if shared IN the moment, reflect some of Jane the actress's mood, yet give a peep hole of information(and when was the SD interview, pre- or post op on Tony,which is a altogether AnOTHER subject,..Jane can stand her own even without the love of Lunacy,..blah blah)

    Bottom line, I do not believe JE is a betwixt woman on any scope. I feel deeply, that her privacy is fit tight with more then a modicum of humility. If you listen to her very few interview she is content to run with the baton that is handed to her. She does not need to beg for scraps, nor be beholdent to TG.

    THIS is a woman of substance, character, and talent that is beyond daytime.

    Remember kids, as much as I love Tracy, the character is not the actress, and no matter how it fetches us, I am sure no one can push or pull Jane Elliot where she doesnt want to be. Love the craft or not, if she FELT short changed, like we do, she could live comfortably directing, or producing.

    Jane isnt going to do a thing that makes her unhappy or frustrated. If you think,..(any of us) different? , We dont "get" what makes Jane exceptional at all, and we are creating a Soap, in place of a Soap.

  3. gracias timelesstq oh shoot u mean the lunacy fans dont have esp. dam! i wish we did so we would know what they hell is going on with our couple.

    EXACTALLY,..this drought is BS,..UNless JE is happy with her time off,..if thats the case, we have NO business being selfish I suppose

  4. Personally I think LC has a very distorted image of herself. This is her REAL hair,..and its lovely.

    She feels her hair is thing and pin straight and self admittedly employes extentions, and 1/2 wigs. SOOOO not needed, and assuming that is an all encompassing feel, could explain the over done plastic surgery.

    Thank the GODS above, Jane is Jane, and security in ones looks speaks VOLUMES beyond the knife.


  5. Wow...so far JE has had only 16 episodes thus far this year. That is horrible! At this rate, she could have 64 for the year which is like 45 less than last year. Her airtime better pick up soon. She will probably end up with what...2 episodes for March. That sucks. I am pissed off now!


    I can't find that wet hair clip. I am sure Ms. Q has it somewhere. But here are the LnL wedding clip I have (I think the Tracy over the shoulder is in that but I didn't watch it cause I was already copying something in my windows media player. And the morning after Coleman stuff.




    Thanky Thanky hooked,..you rock!

  6. Let me see if I have that one timelessTQ. I think it was from 2005....if so, I will post it very sooN! Someone help me out with what month and year that was. I lost a lot of my clips when my computer crashed. I will check though.

    Halee--Rat Pack sucked! LOL. The guys who were playing sammy davis and Frank Sinatra were good in their roles, but the overall production was a snooze I thought...shouldn't have been a broadway show IMO!


    You guys... I just wanted to reiterate what TL said last night...we really all should still write in and call the comment line now. I think they are deciding the fate of Luke/Tracy still. I have seen some more stuff about couples doomed, etc pop up. Since they are only shooting early april now, maybe we can voice our opinions and maybe continue the postivie lunacy vibe!

    I have stills of those clips dated Jan 17th 2006?? Why that sounds off I am not sure, but it is the date of the screen caps,..OOOOO also,I am seeking Tracy & colemens "sex" scene, and Tracy hauled off over Alices shoulder at the LnL re-wedding!!!

  7. Happy Sunday Ms. Q!

    Hope it has been a nice weekend for all.

    Question, do you, or does anyone have the clip of Tracy, after the death fake, in the Blue Kimono, with NO makeup, and her hair slicked. She's speaking to Skye I believe.

    Thanks in advance.

    Chapter 7 is 3/4 done. I have just been careful to remain true to these characters. 6 was hard for me to finish, and give away. All you writers out there know what I mean, and considering this is my first work that other eyes have ever seen, its difficult.

    Hopefully 7 will post tonight!

    Thank you all very very much for your kindness and support, and for welcoming me with open arms!

  8. Question,...on the edited clip of the Tracy Monica gimme gimme,..Tracy has the shirt when she shoves Monica out of the right elevator, then the next clip, Monica exits the left ele. with the shirt and mussed up hair. then Tracy comes out of the right elevator again.

    What'd I miss????

  9. TimelessTQ--You are a wonderful writer. You have a gift!

    Rachel--here are some Monica spoilers for you..not sure how accurate but from Ravenbeauty's list...I think for week of the 24th...so far nothing for our girl seems to be happening next week at all.


    Monica passes out in her car after an accident.

    Monica confesses everything to Jason.

    Down the road

    Monica has to face the music for the hit and run.

    After Monica is found out as the drunken hit 'n run driver, she'll have to go into detox and rehab. Jason will faithfully tend to her, the two will work out their differences, and she may even be his confidante regarding the baby he had with Elizabeth.

    Thank you so so much, I cant tell you how much I appreciate your words and encouragment

  10. no update yet. I have not been to the boyfriends dads house since i seen them. But i think we have dinner plans with him and his woman, who from what i hear is a big GH fan so i think i can get it done. his dad loves me, i just have to push it. watching soap operas my entire life has taught me alot ;)

    Hello love,..Jack Peyton,...you arent ,..ahem FROM here are you??

  11. OH



    This is to die for wonderfulness. If you're not reading this, you're missing out!! Here's a little sample:

    Wonderful, eh?

    Told ya!

    Amazing job, Timeless. Amazing!

    Now where's 7? :lol: :lol:

    Thank you I say, with tears in my eyes, Hadnt read this before the email

  12. So i watched everything i could find on the internet about Tracey & Paul. I really liked the storyline and was torn over Jenny & Paul and Tracyy & Paul and Ned & Jenny. Really torn between them all. Jane was fab and showed so much emotion's throughout the story. You could tell how hurt and angry tracy was, but she really did love Paul and wanted it to work out.

    What Tracy Q storyline should i watch next? And has she ever hooked up with a Cassadine? Because i think that would be great.

    hey Jacky luv,..welcome back,..any verdict on those photos of Jane from the 80's you mentioned and got us all a twitter about?


  13. Of COURSE i read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAWT!! Monica turns the tables while Tracy doesnt have to lower herself or give up her pride....am i making sense? She kinda still has the upper hand here (although shes losing her grip a bit)

    Her submission was seamless...i couldnt have asked for better...and i AM your biggest fan. Oh, and i love your writing too! ;)

    Keep it up, dear. Its wonderful. How was your day?

    Blushes, (a little) I aim to please,...and I love to write. ;) Thank you thank you!

  14. Ha! (In my best Tracy-tone) Oh, midear..so do I...

    As for me breezing through..not so much, actually. LOL

    Oh oh please,..and begging doesn't suit me so well, BUT you are my biggest fan afterall,...have you caught chapter 5, or are you going to leave me hanging????

  15. nothing much to say here really. This is just me procrastinating like hell to avoid overwhelming my self with anatomy. I know it sounds like a fun class, but really, its not.

    I dunno. I love my girl, Tracy. What else is there to say?

    Oh I wish I had some anatomy to overwhlem myself with.... ;)

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