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Posts posted by TimelessTQ

  1. inhales...........................EXHALES aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    I can so feellllllllll the love!

    Don't worry Im not hitting on anyone!

    This is a board about a SOAP OPERA CHARACTER not a social tete' a tete' between the soc's and the greasers!


    So was Tracy on today? Or am I not allowed to know?

  2. Good morning all, I see you've been very active in my absence.

    Halee, SD is a weird, weird place. We mostly go to the Insider's Lounge for possible scoops (although the fabrication on that board could create a new soap all by itself) or use the search feature. The new board doesn't seem as user-friendly, which is probably a good thing.

    Lack of manicured nails??? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Until you sit down to have tea with herself, and she tells you which side her bread is buttered on, you don't know squat.... and we do have a quote where she said the right man could take her away from all of this. :P

    Timeless... the trophy case door is a little hard to open, but once I do the statue is yours.

    I soooo love the diversity in this room!

    Nope, I don't know squat about many things, and nope, I do not know Jane.

    BUT I have heard lesbians say "the right man could take them away" before, ...either to keep their anonimity, or just beacuse they were JOKING.

    JUST like I have seen and heard VERY VERY STRAIGHT women, straight as arrows say, "Men Suck, and maybe I need a good woman" and that doesnt make them lesbian, anymore then the latter makes anyone straight.

    No biggie, we all like our Tracy/Jane buttered how we want her to be, and to each is own.

    I like my bread with preserves.....butter will clog your heart

    BUT, and someone has to say it, so let it be me,...being a lesbian,..I know what LONG MANICURED nails can do to the inside of a woman :)

  3. Oh you lesbians. Keep it in your pants would ya? ;) Just kidding.

    I guess no one here is really talking about today's show ( 'cept Lainey) because it was fairly disappointing? Not bad but not exciting either. Definitely not worth the wait. I agree there is possibility there with Claudia & Tracy stuff in the future. But man is SJB always that over the top? I may have to amend this wish in the future.

    Okay now I'm going to indulge in these clips Ms. Q graciously posted. Thanks.

    *Love Maxie's Hair too!

    Sara tried toooo hard.

    I am a south Philly Italian. I actully have the same haircut, (but longer) and bigger biceps then Claudia, and I am 1/2 sicilian,..soooooooo I find offense in her character. NO she isnt Carly anymore, but did Guza have to make her a f'ing cartoon

  4. Oh you lesbians. Keep it in your pants would ya? ;) Just kidding.

    I guess no one here is really talking about today's show ( 'cept Lainey) because it was fairly disappointing? Not bad but not exciting either. Definitely not worth the wait. I agree there is possibility there with Claudia & Tracy stuff in the future. But man is SJB always that over the top? I may have to amend this wish in the future.

    Okay now I'm going to indulge in these clips Ms. Q graciously posted. Thanks.

    *Love Maxie's Hair too!

    The les in me loves the un manicured fingers,...a STRAIGHT Tracy, baubles, and beads, suits and wealth would have a MAJOR manicure,...Lainey,..I am so so with you,..strong, able, [!@#$%^&*] the nails, hands.

    And um, love you hooked, so so much, but I am what I am, and so is Jane

  5. You are the nummiest Ms. Q,...I loathe Paul,..he's like a cheese grater on the back of my neck, but Tracy makes me gasp and swoon! Oh, what episode is that still that showed up on here a few weeks back, of her and Paul kissing, and they looked wet?? Swimming? Not sure


    OK oK OK,..somebody has to be the idiot on here, and I am used to assuming that role.

    I am in a debate with someone, and maybe there is an answer among one of you.

    Have Jane Elliot (considering so many fan kudos and complaints) ever mentioned what shampoo she uses,..I have a friend whom insists YES she said she uses Nexxus,..I call bullshit, and thought she never devulged such a thing like Fav Color, Perfume,. Shampoo, Music [!@#$%^&*] in interviews

    Correct me if I am wrong PLEASE!

  6. tracyluver, I found even more with Paul...

    These are all from the same night...

    Credit goes to Melissa.

    Tracy and Paul return home from the Outback: http://www.sendspace.com/file/57q13f

    Tracy and Paul after returning home from the Outback: http://www.sendspace.com/file/rgsla6

    Tracy and Paul are interrupted by AJ: http://www.sendspace.com/file/2rztmo

    Scenes of kissing are quite brief, but if you're looking strictly at the lip action, it's more than what we get with Luke.

    Addie, will have to check out SOC. It was a rumor started at SD, from someone non-trusted. Reliable posters have heard nothing about it, which is good news. :)

    You are the nummiest Ms. Q,...I loathe Paul,..he's like a cheese grater on the back of my neck, but Tracy makes me gasp and swoon! Oh, what episode is that still that showed up on here a few weeks back, of her and Paul kissing, and they looked wet?? Swimming? Not sure


    OK oK OK,..somebody has to be the idiot on here, and I am used to assuming that role.

    I am in a debate with someone, and maybe there is an answer among one of you.

    Have Jane Elliot (considering so many fan kudos and complaints) ever mentioned what shampoo she uses,..I have a friend whom insists YES she said she uses Nexxus,..I call bullshit, and thought she never devulged such a thing like Fav Color, Perfume,. Shampoo, Music [!@#$%^&*] in interviews

    Correct me if I am wrong PLEASE!

    Timeless, nex will have edited clips, I'm sure, as soon as the episode is posted.

  7. Hey, what's all this I hear about Tracy dying? SOC is all a buzz with it

    I've got JE's Law and Order appearences up over it my second YT channel (this is the one where Im going to post all of my clips of soap stars on primetime): www.youtube.com/user/addiefosure, so go check it out and leave me comments and subscribe and whatever lol. Also planning on putting some other Tracy clips up over on the regular channel tonight too. I found some more Tracy & Ashton clips for whoever requested so I hope to get those up tonight

    Law and Order links:




    hey Addie, which L&O clip is which,..considering my dial up challenged mountain living ass, I have the one when she is in the office, and tells the lady detective she should try the ocean, because it's wetter,..

    My comp will melt if I download or watch anything more then I already have.

    OHHH,..I am searching for the clip when Tracy looks like she got beat up. Butterfly band-aids, black eye,..longer hair, red coat. (fight with heather maybe?)

  8. BUMP

    OMG,..I hate not having television!!!!!! I mean I used to not hate it, but NOW I hate it.

    I didnt think she'd be on today, so I didnt go to my friend Bridgettes while she was working, sneak in, raid the fridge and get my Tracy swerve on !!!!

    Is anyone going to have CONDENSED, clip from today??? JUST the Tracy scenes??? I wish you could download from Youtube,...dial up sucks, and to watch clips it can take an HR for 6 minutes to be viewed.

    I sit and think quietly to myself, (the perks of living in the Mountains are????)

    I swear once my son Graduates and goes to college,..Im moving back to California

  9. tracyluver, in this one, Harlan (Brenda's father) pulls her into one (well, two) after their rollerskating adventure.

    Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/1l1320

    When Paul proposes, you get some more too... *

    Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/gb3777

    And at the end of this clip (after their argument), Paul plants more than one on her.

    Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/br98cb

    Here's the honeymoon with Paul clip, though, I think there is more lip action in the others.

    Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/z8aqey

    Jerk that he was, Paul sure knew how to kiss - haha.

    * I believe this one is the most you'll see of JE doing the kissing (in the other ones, it's more-so the guys).

    Credit goes to Melissa and our very own Lady Ashton.

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey is one of these when JE is in her bathig suit??? Isnt there a her and (yak, ) Paul swiming scene Ala here to eternity??

    Paul is such a dweeb

    On a completely unrelated topic...

    bday.gifBIRTHDAY REMINDERS bday.gif

    April 6: Tracy Quartermaine

    April 8: smirks

    April 11: IluvAandM

    April 12: MagicHappens

    April 23: BSG

  10. Timeless/Lainey---if you post the ending, email it to me! Lainey has my email.

    TL--Make sure you text me to have a safe flight in the am! LOL You don't have to!

    Remos--Thanks in advance for emailing any recaps!

    Hope I come home in one piece, with no broken bones!

    Travel safe dear,...next ski trip, come to Sun Valley Idaho!!!!!!

  11. It must have something to do with your mountain mama dial-up.

    I see Lulu and Tracy.

    But hey -- you shouldn't be here anyway -- you should be busy finishing your story!!!

    Lainey needs an ending!!!! Sooooooonnnnnn.

    Oh be nice Lainey,..you can't kick me outta here,..you'll get your ending,...why dont cha read some of Funny's new fic to get you through <wink>

  12. Thank you all again, to everyone who read, and or enjoyed this fic. The last chapter is almost finished.

    You are a great bunch of people, with talent, heart and vision!

    Now where the F$CK is TRACYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!???!!!???!!!

    I concur that they put her in a frilly frumpy or froo froo dress at the HS, I am going to Cal, and poke someone in the eye!

  13. Oh boy, it is 5am MST, I have been writing for 6 hours straight. I thought this chap was done once, and then I re did it.

    I just have to say, I am crying and I am not sure why. This has been a journey to say the least.

    It is not just a fic to me, or a representation of lesbian erotica, or femmeslash or whatever else it could be tagged with. Sex is only a footnote in this story. At least to me it is.

    This is my first real written work I have ever shared with anyone. I am a guarded private woman, (with pitiful self esteem)The kudos that have come from you ladies, be you gay, or straight have moved and humbled me.

    There will be one last chapter to follow and then I am done.

    Thank you again or welcoming me here, and reading my work. The fact that writers of the merit that reside here have given it a glance leaves me speechless.

    Here is chapter 8 The Tide Will Turn


  14. Ok, I think one of the two squirrels that make the wheel spin that runs my computer died.

    I am trying feverishly after 3 months to finish my very first vid. I am so grateful to you( and you know who you are) for clips, BUT I need to be real specific from here on out.

    The Alan's service clip at 51mb is just too big for my dial up mountain living ass.I would love to have that for personal reasons, but I need tighter, smaller clips, it literally took an hour to download a clip a 1/4 that size.

    I seek, a trim Lila clip, I want My Mommy, or any interaction with her, and or, the enterance into that room full of Q's when Tracy calls B.S. and about takes Lois's head off.

    The argument OVER where Alan's photo goes before the service.

    I wanted Tracy in black, in the lobby with Bobby, and the kids, during Lukes surgery.

    I am good to go on all other Lunacy clips.

    The interaction between Monica and Tracy at the funeral home for Emily's service..that brief civility is huge

    (God that is a BIG mansion now with no Q's left!!,..makes me cry) :(

    When you see the vid, and hear the song, I hope you'll see what I was trying to acheive.

    I just got hit with a gastrinomical phone bill, and may lose long distance on the 31rst,..means NO internet... :o

    So I am in a race to finish my fic, and this vid before I lose contact for awhile

    any and all help is appreciated

    Thank you


  15. Hey all. We had unexpected company for dinner tonight. I think I drank a whole bottle of wine myself, even though we had another couple over for am impromtu dinner. We watched American Idol and hung out.

    I wish I could be motivated to write something. I am devoid of any creative thoughts these days.

    Sorry I missed you ladya! Maybe tomor

  16. I want to take a moment, yet again to say thank you to each of you whom has read, and complimented my fic.

    This has been a very personal, and emotional experience for me. I simply do not share what I write.

    This forum has made me feel very comfortable, and safe. Those are two things I don't feel often.

    I prefer my harder exterior show, then my heart.

    You have been so kind, and supportive, I truly cannot thank you enough.

    I am touched and humbled as the talent in this room is huge.

    I pale in your shadows.

  17. From wubs.net...nothing new...

    **Tracy gets the wrong idea when she sees Luke and Claudia together!!

    **Monica's drinking causes her to have an accident

    TimelessTQ--are there other clips you need? I am in a downloading/uploading mode now on my computer.

    Yes pleasy please!

    I am making a vid, have been forEVER, and I need some rather serious clips. Alans service, (or the prep for it) Lobby during Lukes surgery, and ANYTHING revolving around Lila's Death, I Want My Mommy etc

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