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Posts posted by LeClerc

  1. Has anyone ever visited SoHo, and tried to find the building which was featured on The City? I was there around a decade ago, looking for the address -- and quickly found it didn't exist. Greene Street doesn't go down that far. So, I looked for the building anyway, since I knew it was in SoHo, regardless of the address. I was unable to recognize the building anywhere. How about you? Does anyone know the real address of the building? Any photos?

    I'm almost certain it's 109 Prince Street, which I think is also 109 Greene Street (it's at the corner of Prince & Greene).

    Go to this link and scroll a little over half-way down to the building under the "109 Prince Street" plaque: http://forgotten-ny.com/2012/06/prince-street/

    When I was in New York I didn't bother looking for it because I had just assumed "Greene Street" was made up for the show. Only later did I realize there actually was Greene street and that the building was indeed on it. (I guess they used 212 because it's the New York area code?)

  2. Gingrich says it's Obama's fault that so many people believe he is Muslim and that he should be bothered by it:


    “Why does the president behave the way that people would think that? You have to ask why would they believe that? It’s not because they’re stupid."

    I'm Canadian but I have followed American politics much more closely for years as I found it far more fascinating than Canadian politics (case in point: this weekend Canada's official opposition party is having a leadership convention and I have watched all of two minutes of it so far). But I'm getting to a point where I think, for my own sanity, I need to disengage from U.S politics (and I hope that will not be easier said than done, although it probably will be). It has become much too ugly and infuriating and I truly believe that the combination of widespread Obama Derangement Syndrome, the Citizens United ruling, the liberal ( <-sarcasm) media, and the various new voter ID suppression laws spell out what the outcome will be in November.

    Comparatively boring old Canadian politics will probably be much more conducive to lowering my blood pressure.

  3. So Mittens' own spokesman has likened him to an etch-a-sketch that will be wiped clean at the end of the primary. If you're concerned about any position Romney has taken all these months, don't worry: nothing he says now really means a damn thing. Just wait for the next version of the RomneyBot to be released.


    I wonder if this guy will be fired. That's a huge gaffe.

    I love the Santorum team's response:

    We all knew Mitt Romney didn’t have any core convictions, but we appreciate his staff going on national television to affirm that point for anyone who had any doubts
  4. Did anyone see Marc Romney's sound bite where he said he thought the President was doing a superb job?

    I read Matt Romney said Obama is "great", which I'm sure, if asked about it, the campaign will say was not in regards to Obama's job performance.

    And of course Matt Romney only thinks Obama is great when he is campaigning for Robo Dad in Hawaii, because elsewhere he has stoked the birther flames.

    A true panderer just like daddy.

  5. I thought this piece was hilarious


    These are a Few of Mitt's Favorite Things, based on this not-so-subtle Michigan pandering from the RomneyBot:

    “I love this state. It seems right here. The trees are the right height. I like seeing the lakes. I love the lakes. There’s something very special here. The Great Lakes, but also all the little inland lakes that dot the parts of Michigan. I love cars. I dunno, I mean, I grew up totally in love with cars.”

    My favorite:

    Mitt Romney Visits the Dentist

    “I love this place. I love drills and fillings. I love plaque, and also the removal of plaque. I like teeth that are inside the mouth, but I also like teeth that are outside the mouth. I grew up totally in love with novocaine. I’m addicted to novocaine. I wish I could go to the dentist every day, and get a shot of novocaine. My dentist is just the right height. He’s also approximately the right width.”

    Gingrich to Afghanistan: Figure Out How to Live Your Own Miserable life


    ‘You know, you’re going to have to figure out how to live your own miserable life… Because you clearly don’t want to learn from me how to be unmiserable.’”

    Learn from Newt how not to be miserable!? laugh.png

  6. I can't believe how bad Santorum was in the debate last night. And he was sitting there leaning back in his chair like he was performing brilliantly!

    The moment that irked me the most was Willard's "Screw the topic, I am going talk about whatever I want" moment at the end (Was it him that did the exact same thing in an earlier debate or was that Newt?). It was a total softball question and a good opportunity for MittBot2012 for humanize himself a bit, and instead he just recited his memorized answer to what he assumed would be a closing-statement type final question.

    And John King? "Fair enough"!?. Make him answer the question asked or else what the heck is the point? Another sign of things to come from the media where Romney is concerned...

  7. I remember that episode. I believe it was the first one that Agnes Nixon and Elizabeth Page were credited for. The guys all had brunch together at the Valley Inn and the women were all at the Glamorama.

    At the time I loved that episode as it really signaled the change that was coming. Watching it now the dialogue is pretty lame and Janet is so out-of-place, although I guess it was a slight improvement over the laundry-folding Robin Mattson was reduced to for a year.

    I know a lot of people hated the conversion of Cortlandt Manor into the Glamorama but I didn't have a problem with it and thought it was a shame that it only lasted a year or so before they stopped using it (surprisingly. I think it was under AN that it stopped being used).

  8. Willard also privately assured Ann Coulter that he would be as right-wing of a President as she hopes he will be.

    Joke making the rounds at CPAC: A conservative, a moderate, a liberal walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Hi Mitt!".

  9. And as always no one will care.

    My blood was boiling watching CNN's smarmy weasel John King pooh-pooh this with a panel of all repubs (can't have anyone from the left weighing in!) on CNN this evening. Silly Romney for using those words in that order, out-of-context, etc etc.

    The DNC better milk this. I don't think it's out-of-context at all and it certainly is no more out-of-context than when Willard­ took Obama's quoting John McCain ("If we keep talking about the economy we're going to lose") and made it seem like a direct statement from Obama.

    Romney refused to admit any wrongdoing, saying "Those were his [Obama's] words, that was his voice"

    I guess Willard will have a different standard on this one.

  10. I don't quite know where to put this since the cancellation II thread has been closed, but I recently noticed that the church where Dante and Lulu married on GH was the Wildwind chapel set. Have any other AMC sets been popping up on GH?

  11. I cannot wait to see what Jon Stewart does with CNN's caucus coverage. That was damn entertaining (some intentional, mostly unintentional).

    Fox truly is a disgusting little operation. They did not carry Ron Paul's speech, instead showing a live feed of absolutely nothing happening at the Gingrich campaign. Although even if they had carried Paul's speech they would have cut away once that veteran started speaking in support of him. No way could they let their viewers see/hear that.

  12. That must have been so emotional. Watching it on t.v. certainly was. I never voted for the NDP with him as leader, but you couldn't help but respect his approach. He seemed to genuine and fought so passionately for his objectives. Canadian politics now have a gaping whole with him gone. The saddest part is he never really got an opportunity to full-out challenge Harper and the Conservatives as Opposition Leader beyond the debate over the Canada Post strike back in June.

    The only time I've voted for the NDP in a federal election was the last election and that was mainly due to Jack's impressive debate performance. He exuded, as you said, genuineness and passion for his beliefs, both of which I found totally lacking in Iggy.

    Even my dad, who is as far out there on the right as one can get, always ended his tirades against Jack's politics with "But I have enormous respect for the man", an addendum he has never made after going off against any other politician on the left.

    I'm definitely glad I went. Normally I avoid spending a second more in Toronto than I have to after work and I don't like big crowds. But half-way to Union Station I realized I would probably regret not having stayed and headed back. There was so much goodness and civility on display Saturday. Even when Harper arrived I was worried he might be booed or something, but people applauded him.

    Speaking of Harper, Jack would have gotten a real kick out of Harper standing up and applauding his "manifesto for social democracy" (although that was an awkward situation for Harper and the rally-esque nature of the ceremony - mainly Stephen Lewis' eulogy- made me cringe a bit).

  13. I'll never understand why they did what they did with Frankie a few months into the show.

    You mean writing him out? Was he fired?

    I always assumed Alimi Ballard chose to leave because, at the time, TPTB seemed to have big plans for Frankie. They had brought in Monti Sharp on contract (I think?) to play his friend James. And they had put some girl on contract to be his love interest. But all I really remember happening is some drama over Frankie wanting to change his name.

  14. A Canadian moment: Just got back from watching Jack Layton's state funeral from the square beside Roy Thomson hall. What an amazing experience! A massive turn-out in the square and on the streets of Toronto and such a moving and inspiring ceremony.

  15. Thanks, Carl and AMS!

    I guess the better question is: if you had a chance to ask someone who worked on those storylines, what would you ask? :) I never really watched AMC, so I'm going to need some help. ;)

    :huh: Are you doing an interview with Frederick Johnson!?

  16. It's a good reminder of how good Julia and Roscoe were together. I always felt like it was a huge, and bizarre, mistake to make Jim Thomasen so vile. Some blame McTavish but he was actually really sick even before McTavish showed up. It was a big waste of a good actor and a strong leading man, which AMC could have used at that time.

    Were Brooke & Jim ever given a serious chance or was he portrayed to the audience as a porno creep we weren't supposed to like right off the bat? I didn't really get to watch AMC much in the fall of '97 and any shows I did catch Brooke and Jim weren't on.

    When I did start watching again I was really confused about what I was supposed to think about that pairing.

  17. I have an old issue of Soap Opera Magazine where James Harmon Brown talked about the plan to bring back at least one of Alex's kids:

    We do have plans, either by the end of this year or the beginning of next year, to reunite Alex with at least one of his children...And Tyler (Ally's son) is coming back. I think it's important and gives our characters a little more color and depth to create more family situations."

    This same sentiment was expressed by Brown and Jean Dadario Burke in an interview they did at the show's one-year mark

    SOM: Was it a conscious choice not to initially include older characters and families?

    JHB: Yeah, it was on a certain level. What we were trying to do was create a family of people who weren't necessarily related by blood, but who were related by common interest, friendship, and love affairs. But what we found, and what we're slowly evolving into now, is that you need that that family element.

    JDB: I think our audience really wants to see different generations, so we're going to bring in children and older people. We miss it ourselves, and I think the audience misses it.

    It seems like bringing some of the kids back was done in direct response to Harding Lemay's criticism of the show when ABC asked him to consult:

    It was all about the same kinds of people. Sixteen characters who are all alike. They didn't have a generational thing. Take "Hamlet." If you cut out the generational thing, you don't have a play. You have Hamlet and his buddies. The characters on THE CITY all lived in the same apartment house. Nobody lived alone with a mother, which would have made an interesting difference. It was all on a peer level. That is not how you write drama.

    In the same SOM interview Brown says, in regards to bringing back Ava, that they "haven't ruled out that possibility". Which to me says there were no plans.

  18. Okay so everyone else probably knew this but I didn't know that ABC let Lisa Peluso go with the transformation to The City. I only just learned that from reading Branco's recent interview with Peluso. I didn't keep up with the behind-the-scenes goings-on back then and I always just assumed that she had left of her own choice. It never crossed my mind that TPTB would be dumb enough to have ditched Peluso.

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