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Posts posted by dm.

  1. This next one is one of my favourite scenes. The episodes when Gregory revealed himself to be the blackmailer, thinking he had Annie backed into a corner, only for her to reveal all about Cole & Olivia's affair and that Trey may not be his son, were so captivating to watch. They really showcased how awesome actors Sam Behrens and Sarah Buxton can be - especially Sam. I think he was pretty underrated. Shame he hasn't popped up in any other major role.

    That's one of the things I really enjoyed about Sunset Beach. They built their stories for a long time then had the big climax which always had enough airtime, and then the consequences... everything was always done right. You could enjoy the story from the beginning, the suspense, the drama and then enjoy in the revelation. You would just have to wait for a little while and already they'd have another story just as intriguing.

    ITA on Sam Behrens. He should have done more soaps after SuBe, but they probably would have typecast him.

  2. I'm halfway through Season 1, just thought I'd share the love. The show is absolutely amazing. You are never supposed to think that you know what is going to happen next, with ANY storyline. Just surprises all the time. Wonderful portrayal of Emily and Victoria, with a great amount of eye candy and much much more.


  3. She was pale in comparison to Annie, but they could have been great rivals. If the show had lived on, there were so many possibilities.

    She was a bad girl disguised as a good one; they could have easily brought out her bad side even more had they, possibly, actually paired her up with Jude.

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