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Posts posted by DeeeDee

  1. Chit's favorite, Ilene Chaiken, says he's still gay, and this is just about fluidity. 


    (more spoilers, I guess, to be found in the article)




    I do think it's possible for gay men to be attracted to women, and act on that attraction. The problem is there are so few gay roles of value on TV that the standards for those roles needs to be really high. That means a story where they suddenly fall for a woman is going to get more scrutiny, and deservedly so. It comes across as feeling if a man is just attracted to other men, they are boxed in, so we need a sudden twist, and usually one that adds little to the storyline.


    (not to mention that straight men in major roles very rarely seem to be "fluid" and fall for other men)


  2. My bad guys, it turns out I'm missing 08/11/05. Completely slipped my mind.












    My bad guys, it turns out I'm missing 08/11/05. Completely slipped my mind.











    I finally was able to catch up some more haha....I actually just finished the 9-1-2005 episode....(My 15th Birthday LOL)

    I thought the scenes of Gloria standing up to Tom were really good.....again I know she ate the show alive, but I always get reminded that Judith is an excellent actress even though all the stuff with Gloria basically flopped in the next couple of years, which is probably why Judith decided to focus more on her theatre stuff...

    I feel like a writer who was less conservative would have made Kevin and Scotty a couple...LOL I don't ever want to see Rikaart in a gay story though he is in real life, but I can't help but noticed he does have strange chemistry with Redford here...IMO

    I don't get why they had Sheila change wigs with the Jennifer disguise here, unless she started out as someone else...It's a shame the alliance with Tom made it impossible for Sheila to interact with more people during this return....

    I guess this was one of Shemar's final cameos (before coming last year) as Malcolm.....Kind of weird but I never really feel like whenever I watch old episodes while Malcolm was still on, he was really on the show that much.....I know he was, but perhaps it's just lots of 1994-2002 2004-2005 episodes aren't on youtube besides a handful maybe...and he's only on one of my 94 and 95 episodes...

    Back when everyone thought Khalil was leaving for good...LOL I still can't believe they brought Lily back with a capable actress in Davetta, yet they was all blown apart cause somebody though Khalil was the "ideal" Lily and we have been stuck with her ever since....ughhh...they would have never paired Cane with LIly if Davetta was still there I bet...

    I didn't realize Devon and Sierra were that good friends.....and it was nice to see the original Yolanda before they F**ked it up with the horrible YoHARMONY retconned with Debi Morgan and Stephen Nichols....

    I honestly could have seen maybe Malcolm getting with Yolanda here to help clean up her act.....if only they were more invested to these characters or Shemar didn't get his rise to primetime...

    Nick and Daniel scenes were ok....though I'm guessing we don't see much of Daniel until the following winter when DS Lily returns..

    In less than three years Gloria went from an amusing recurring character to a primary lead.  It was especially irritating because when Y&R wasn't using Jill to prop Gloria Y&R was using Gloria to marginalize Jill. Between Victor & Katherine suddenly deciding Gloria was a corporate powerhouse to Traci & Billy being marginalized so Y&R could throw Jack & Ashley under the bus Gloria didn't just eat the show alive. She consumed it whole.


    Jill & Lauren being sisters made absolutely no sense but it would've been a lot more tolerable if Jill had been in Gloria's place during the Abbott Face Cream wars.


    Y&R wasted Shemar (which was ridiculous because they promised him huge story to get him to return) which is why he left abruptly & stayed away for close to a decade.


    Devon & Sierra had great chemistry but were dropped so Devon (like Danny & Cricket earlier) could go under the bus for Daniel who was useless until Davetta was cast.

  3. Luscious will have that sluttly prosecutor on her knees soon enough. She's itching for it.


    Loved that corpse in her car. Luscious just makes me smile! He's now the sole reason to watch this show.


    Cookie is a cartoon now and she will soon be at the point where she can't be salvaged. They are really messing up a good thing.


    Keem has joined Jamal in the land of completely uninteresting and only Andre still has my attention. Trai is doing a marvelous job.


    Gabby running from the Feds? Laughable, but she could certainly use the running!

    I also thought Cookie was just a tad bit over the top last night. They need to always remember to give her human moments if they are going to continue this route lest she become unwatchable. They did a good job with the flash black and her reaction to Prosecutor Tits Cheap Shoes I'm Going To Bang Lucious And Ruin My Career Ford threatening her children. They also made her smart with manipulating the prosecutor into going after the sell of Apex. More calculating Cookie please! 

    I agree that Andre is probably the most interesting brother. But thats caus he's still woefully underdeveloped as compared to the other two. They kill it the more he gets focus. 

    Grace Gaely continues to shine as Anika. She's also quite interesting. 

    Shari Sheppard was on the Tom Joyner morning show saying she didn't like the politics (cookie's comment about comitting suicide in police custody) in her entertainment but did like the video Hakeem and Jamal made. Is she too slow to realize that the show is political unto itself? Lucious going on nationally TV explaining rap music was political. Lucious' entire spiel to Andre about education and marrying white woman and people still seeing him as a Black man was political. Jamal's entire existence is political. Matter of fact this show, on this network, with these characters, in these roles, in this setting, with these actors whose blackness is relevant to the story makes it political. Example, the use of the nation of islam.  Alot of times, these things are ignored for black people on most shows. Example: Olivia Pope until her daddy came along. 


  4. But that's not what Cookie said. Cookie said if Hilary's camp wants to win the election (not an endorsement of her candidacy one way or the other) then she needs to pay attention to Black Lives Matter movement & the Free Lucious rally.

    That's not wrong nor is it that far off from real life & this show has always been political (from the very beginning).

  5. Yeah, but it really only does take once, so there should have been a DNA test before Lola left. The whole resolution to that story really drives me nuts. I'm choosing to believe that Lucious let her go because he's dying and not because he doesn't really GAF.

    Raven said she's open to returning in season 2 so that story isn't over.

  6. I think people who have black or dark skin(Latin) people in their market should give the show a chance.

    But these markets just follow after USA preaching. An all Black cast isn't going to work.

    Those markets don't even admit dark skin people exist in real life. ph34r.png

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