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It has been a long time since I update this. I can see I started a trend with blog fanfics. I'm not sure I'm going to have the time now that I'm back at school to continue this but I will start to conclude in a less-indepth way how I planned my stories to unfold. So here is a brief breakdown of what was to happen next: -Jack is alive but only he thinks his name is Frank. He's hanging out on a beach in the St. Lucia with no memory of who he is. He's been seeing a new woman, Claudia (ideally played by Ion Overman, Gabriella Port Charles), and doesn't seem to be too concerned about his missing memory. He quickly befriends another lost soul who has been a resident of these parts for years - his name is Owen. Owen is really Steve "Patch" Johnson, Jack's brother only they don't know it. THey live the island lifestyle until someone who is vacationing there stumbles upon them who recognizes Jack: Greta Von Umberg (see below). -Who shot Phillip? Would you be shocked to learn it wasn't Sami or Belle or anyone with motive to kill the Kiriakis heir? It was Abbey. She slowly starts to remember spinning into a mental fit and stabbing him that night before she was recommitted. But before this is revealed, Victor and John wage war on each other and Marlena is caught in the crossfire. As Marlena tries to peice together the events of her missing week in December, she starts to have more memories of her time in Mexico when she was impregnated with Rex and Cassie's embros. She is shocked to remember Alex was there too. What does this all mean? -Carrie's independence. Carrie and Frankie do not start a romantic relationship but Carrie does get involved with tentatively with Patrick. That doesn't last long and Patrick goes back to Billie. Billie and Nicole's revialry gears up as Max leaves Chelsea to be with Nicole full time. Drama ensues. -Lawrence's return sends shockwaves down everyone's spines. It is revealed that Lawrence is Greta's dad. Greta later leaves but pops up again weeks later on St. Lucia. As the plot unfolds, we learn why he kidnapped Marlena and Lexie, that he was invovled with Jack's coffin switch and most importantly, that he's out for revenge on Bo, Jennifer, Victor and John. -Lawrence's return also leads to questions about John's paternity - is he an Alimain? Dimera? Brady? All of this leads to the truth about the real roman, as Alex, JOhn and Roman all learn in individual storylines that they were all pawns, along with Steve. So will the real Roman Brady please stand up?... stay tuned.
Don't miss out on Part - 4 of January below this - posted on the same date!!!! Don't let this bump it!!! First off, thanks to everyone who had taken the time to read the fanfic so far. I think it has been a great success and I've been getting a lot of positive feedback. The number of similar blogs popping up is also an indicator that I'm on to something with this. This blog/fanfic is both for me and for the readers. This is where I'd like to see DAYS go and what I think the show can afford to go in a realistic context. My writers values are based on the idea of character-based relationship drama with events or plot points coming secondary. With that, I'd like to conduct a little survey if you dont mind. 1) What do you like/dislike about the story direction I've taken for the Jack story? On the real show, Jack's body's whereabouts are still unexplained and I've tried to make a big mystery about it. Have I been successful in developing this mystery? Are you intrigued where it is going? Has it lasted too long? Etc... 2) I've done a number of special themed episodes, like one where we watch different people wake up and start their day, or one where everyone is getting ready to go to the New Years party or go to Phillip's funeral. Are they successful? Do you get a better feeling for the characters and greater anticipation for the event? Any dislikes about these special episodes? 3) Which storyline is not working for you? And why? 4) Do you feel that I'm ignoring certan characters or is the character balance right? Who do you feel I write for more prominently and who do I leave out? 5) Do you have a sense of where this is going? Any guesses as to what might happen next? 6) I have been making an effort to blend my stories as much as possible. For example, I've included Lucas very heavily in Jennifer's life and Bo has remembered that he's Phillip's brother while still having stories of their own. Does this make things confusing at times? Or should I mix it up more? 7) What stories do you look forward to read the most? The least? 8) Which characters do you look forward to seeing in my episodes the most? The least? 9) Do you have a sense that the show is more about relationships/characters then plot or is the plot still very heavy? Do you want more gimmicks/high profile events or do you like the subdued character interactions better? 10) Rate the following character interactions/relationships as I've written them - 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest: a) Caroline & Victor - hidden love Mimi & Shawn - growing committed relationship c) Max & Nicole - sex affair d) Nicole & Billie - rivalry e) Max & Belle - potential love interests f) Alex & Victor - allies in a plot to take down John g) Lucas & Jennifer - siblings h) Jennifer & Laura - mother/daughter i) Carrie & Frankie - new roommates j) Patrick & Billie - full romance k) Carrie & Sami - loving siblings l) John & Victor - suddenly enemies Thanks for taking the time to do this. Either reply by comment or PM me. Thanks -Dave
Previously: Everyone involved took the news of Phillip’s shocking murder badly, especially Kate who lashed out at Sami when she learned she was brought in for questioning…. Both Sami and Belle’s hair samples failed to match the unidentified blond hair found at the scene, but neither has been ruled out as a suspect… Max sees Belle nude… Marlena goes to Marion Industries on the day of the book release and is shocked to find Lawrence Alimain there… Monday January 23rd -Canadians everywhere Vote!!!! Prediction: Liberal Minority. -In Salem, Bo agrees to help Victor with plan the funeral. While Bo was never close to Phillip, he does mourn his brother’s passing. This also gives Bo an opportunity to dig up some dirt on the funeral home that provided Jack’s coffin, and maybe learn more about the coffin itself. Bo learns that each coffin has an individual id tag (like a licence). Bo learns Jack’s coffin number. -Bo meets with the Marine officer to help coordinate Phillip’s funeral. Phillip is entitled to a military funeral. Bo picks out the uniform Phillip will be buried in. -Belle is upset with Max for finding her naked. When Belle dresses, Max is there waiting and offers a shoulder to cry on. -Carrie asks Sami where she was when Phillip was murdered but Sami dodges the question. -Austin, Lucas and Billie help Kate mourn while Victor shuts out the world. Inside his study, Victor blames John for this and vows revenge. -Alex arrives to see Victor and to everyone’s surprise, Victor agrees to see him. After a short time in the study, Alex emerges with a small brown envelop and leaves. He tells Kate he’s sorry for her loss and that he’s leaving Salem after the funeral. -Bonnie arrives at Mimi and Shawn’s place and annoys Hope while they watch as Shawn spends his first afternoon with his daughter. Hope is very annoyed with all of Bonnie’s parenting tips and they two have a comical exchange over the right and wrong way to do things. Shawn ignores them and is just thrilled to be with Claire. Mimi’s heart is breaking, as she is still insecure about the whole situation. -Marlena is surprised to see her former brother-in-law, whom she hardly knows. Lawrence explains that Marion is a private, international consortium of several companies that deal with a wide range of business, including importing, publishing, medical devices, burial supplies, telecommunications but its main enterprise is energy, mainly, oil. Marlena wants to know how Lawrence, or Marion, got the book and who the real author is. Lawrence says that all the SSK survivors signed a waiver when they were rescued by the coast guard; perhaps no one paid much attention to it. Marlena never signed it, since she was presumed dead. Lawrence told her that when she was revealed to be alive, her and the 5 other castle survivors each signed a release, perhaps without knowing it, sometime in the past few months. Marlena feels duped but more so, she feels angry and wants to know what Lawrence wants with the book. Money is his answer but Marlena isn’t buying it. -Abe gets a call from the hospital: Donor corneas have been found: Phillip’s. Tuesday January 24th (CSW’s real life Birthday, btw!!!) (new day) -The events of today’s episode take place in separate households across Salem as we watch different people prepare and get ready to attend Phillip’s funeral. -Patrick wakes up and is disappointed that Billie did not come home last night. Mimi knocks on his door and asks Patrick if he’d take her to the funeral later. Shawn and Claire are going with Bo and Hope and Mimi doesn’t want to go alone. The brother and sister bond as Mimi confesses her insecurities over the Shawn suddenly being a dad. They get ready and head to the funeral. -At the Brady home, Shawn tells Hope he feels weird about taking Claire to the funeral but Bo tells Shawn that he has to get over the shock and realize the responsibility of being a dad. They give him a parenting talk. Bo admits to having mixed feelings about being a grandpa, especially since the events lead to his younger brother’s death. Bo just hopes that Victor will be ok and that more bad news does not stem from this tragedy. -At the Black penthouse, Belle refuses to get dressed and go to the funeral. She is only concerned about getting Claire back and John tells her that they will get Mickey on that as soon as Phillip is buried. Marlena tries to coach Belle and Sami (who is also there) about the need to show respect for the family and to avoid appearances that they have something to hide that might incriminate them. They all reluctantly prepare for the funeral but not before two body guards show up as per John’s request. John knows Victor and wants to be prepared, just in case. -At Carrie and Frankie’s new home, Max questions why Carrie and Frankie are going. Carrie is going to support Lucas and Austin and Frankie is going to support Billie. Max asks if they think Nicole will be there but neither of them thinks Nicole would be welcome. Max stays behind to watch TV. -At the Carver house, Celeste shows up to take Abe to the hospital but Abe wants to attend the funeral to pay tribute to the man whose corneas he’s about to receive. There isn’t time and Celeste takes Abe to the hospital. Abe wishes that Lexie were here and wishes he knew how to contact her to discuss forgiveness. -At the Kiriakis mansion, Lucas, Billie and Austin try to coach a grieving Kate to get dressed and get ready for the funeral. After an emotional trip down memory lane, they are all ready to go when Victor, dressed sharply in black, announces they are going. There is no hint of sadness or remorse or grief in his voice or demeanour... He’s scary again and his heart is full of vengeance… Wednesday January 25th -Salemites and Marines all gather at St. Lukes for Phillip’s closed casket service. Lucas deliverers a heart-wrenching eulogy that credits Phillip for his braveness in Iraq, his generosity to charities and to his family and for his kindness after death by donating his organs. Kate breaks down during this speech. -As everyone pays there respect and the paulbearers (Bo, Austin, Lucas, Patrick, carry Phillip’s flag drenched coffin down the aisle, Bo (a paulbearer notices that the serial number on Phillip’s casket is the same as Jack’s. They are reusing the same casket. -At the burial site, Phillip is honoured with a full military salute. When the guns are fired Kate and Belle each break down. -As the funeral ends, Kate is irate and blasts Sami and Belle for attending. Belle tries to talk to Kate but Kate only slaps her. John steps in and tries to reason with Kate and comfort her grief but Kate is not willing to let her close friend in to her heart. When she looks at John all she sees is Belle and how they all contributed to Phillip’s death. Kate is convinced that Belle or Sami are the murderers. -Caroline and Shawn pay their respects to Victor but he is cold and disengaged. Aside, Caroline tells Victor that she’s afraid of him in this state. -Near the cars, Shawn-D and Claire meet with Belle. Mimi and Patrick are near-by with Billie. Belle wants to hold Claire and Shawn-D gives her to Belle. Belle starts to cry and wishes that none of this happened. Shawn-D says they need to talk about this and takes Claire back. Shawn-D asks Mimi to come back with him. -Bo, Hope, John, and Marlena discuss how they are all grand parents and what this will mean for their two families. None of them want a custody battle and all agree to support and nurture Claire, Shawn and Belle during this transition time. Victor interrupts and vows not the make this simple and will interfere to make sure his grandson (Shawn-D) gets full custody of Claire. John flips out. -At the hospital, Abe undergoes surgery and dreams of returning home to find Lexie. Abe’s dreams turn into nightmares when he envisions seeing Lexie in trouble, struggling for her life. -At the wake, Marlena pulls Bo aside and tells him that she needs his help. She tells him that she had a run-in with Lawrence yesterday… Thursday January 26th -John invites Hope, Shawn-D, Mimi, and Belle back to the penthouse to discuss arrangements for baby Claire since John and Belle are not welcome at the wake. -Sami, who is also unwelcome at the wake, goes with Roman to have a chat about her involvement in Phil’s murder. Sami tries to convince Roman that she didn’t have anything to do with it but she has no alibi. Sami says if her own father doesn’t believe her than how can you prove her innocence? -At the hospital, Celeste waits for Abe to return from surgery when she overhears other doctors complain how their workload has doubled since Lexie took off. Celeste is shocked to learn that Lexie did not even phone the hospital to clear her schedule. Celeste is even more worried that she has no “vibe” of Lexie at all. -Meanwhile, in her captive chamber, Lexie demands that she be released and returned to her son. Suddenly, the TV screen turns on and she’s about to see a live broadcast of the hospital’s security cameras. She sees Tek laying in a coma on one TV and Abe recovering from eye surgery on the other. Lexie is being haunted by these images. -Jennifer goes to visit Abbey at the mental facility and is shocked when the doctors say Abbey is in isolation because of violent outbursts. Dr. Mcgregor tells Jennifer that Abbey continues to see her father and these hallucinations are lending to her belief that death is immaterial. Jennifer asks what is next… -At the wake, Carrie comforts Austin who admits that he’s been away for most of Phillip’s life and regrets that. Austin regrets leaving Salem and his family. He admits to Carrie that he regrets letting Carrie go. In his grief, Austin kisses Carrie but she doesn’t kiss back. She backs off and asks him what he’s doing. -Victor kicks Nicole out of the wake after she gets drunk and makes as a scene. Nicole makes her way to Max’s house and barges in. Nicole and Max make it up to the bedroom and start to go at it. -Bo is stunned that Marlena spoke to Lawrence and is unsettled by his connection to the book. Bo doesn’t believe that Jack wrote it either. Bo, however, doesn’t have time to worry about this. He found Jack’s coffin but is no further along with clues than he was before. And now his son needs him more than ever when all of a sudden his arch rival returns… Bo is not amused… -Alex stuns Marlena when he says that he’s leaving Salem tonight and gives her a gift… Friday -Nicole and Max bask in afterglow when Max starts to think of Belle and realizes that the sex with Nicole is getting old. Max breaks it off with Nicole, much to her surprise. -Billie, Chelsea, Patrick, Frankie and Carrie arrive home after the wake and are shocked to see Nicole’s and Max’s clothes all over the house leading up to his room. When Nicole bursts out of her room, nearly naked and picks up her clothes Billie gets in her face about being a slut. They have another confrontation as Nicole leaves. -Alex kisses Marlena good-bye and pays his respects to Kate. As he leaves, he says to himself that he’s not going anywhere and that the fun is just starting… -Caroline is closing up the Brady pub when she tells Shawn that she’s worried about Victor and what he might do. Shawn thinks that Caroline might still love him. -After everyone leaves the wake, Kate and Victor still haven’t spoken to each other. They finally break the silence and tearfully confront their grief. Kate is convinced that Sami killed Phillip but Victor believes it was Belle. Either way, Victor plans to make John pay and Kate is too depressed to stand in his way. -Bo and Marlena arrive at the penthouse to learn that Shawn and Belle have agreed to joint custody. -Shawn and Belle talk alone about this and Shawn tells her he feels betrayed that he never knew. Shawn makes it perfectly clear that Claire changes nothing between them and that his life is moving forward with Mimi. Mimi overhears this. -Bo tells John that he’s been investigating the mystery of Jack and Steve’s missing coffin and how it turns out that Phillip is in Jack’s coffin. John doesn’t know what to think but knows that something is going on. If Jack isn’t in his coffin could he be alive? And if so, where is he? -Roman gets a call on his cell phone from the police station. A witness has come forward with evidence that Belle killed Phillip. -Abe awakes at the hospital and opens his eyes to see Celeste standing above him… -Roman arrives at the penthouse and arrests Belle, much to everyone’s shock. -In the control room watching Lexie, the man watching the tv screens (face unseen) is startled when he sees the door open. He turns around and welcomes his boss into the room. The boss walks into the light… it is Lawrence… (I’ll probably be taking a writing break over the holidays with few updates) Next time: Hope tells Jennifer about the found coffin… Laura and Roman start a relationship… Lucas wakes up in an unexpected bed… John investigates whether the witness is legitimate or not… Marlena and Bo go back to Marion to find Lawrence and get answers…
"Expect Jack to be gone awhile and to go on a long journey to find a cure. That journey may lead to the shocking reveal of a long buried secret." You better not be bringing Steve back before I am! Haha.... I'm excited to see where your stories go. I think the blogs are an excellent forum for this sort of thing and I hope that you can creatively tell and tangle exciting and intriguing stories. I like how you said that most of your stories are going to be realistic. I hope they are character driven as well. You have a wealth of history to build from so I hope that you get the momentum that you're looking for. I'd only warn you about making too many big moves too fast since it brings with it a dizzying feeling. If you're ever looking for pointers/brainstorming or fanfic chat, send me an IM or PM. In the meantime, I wonder how many of our stories will intersect... sounds like your Jack story will reveal Steve... just like where mine is headed. Good luck.
Glad you're on board Bree. Phillip's murder will play out as the major story for the next little while but Lawrence's return will eventually grow into a major umbrella storyline. I'm putting all the peices together for what I think will be an amazing story. It will incorporate John, the mystery of Jack's coffin, Lawrence, Alex, Victor and all the dangling strings of that web. When we get to the bullseye my hope is that readers will be blown away with how i developed a great twist from organic roots. So please stay tuned And feel free to guess at some of the mysteries! Any guesses on who killed Phillip?
Tracy (or did I spell it Tracey, too lazy to read up) was not actually scene or heard on the phone, just referenced too. But I'm glad you caught that. If I could be in charge of casting, I'd picked Nancy Lee Grahn to play Tracy Roberts-Kaplan. But a point of order is, she's not the first new character I've created. Ariel is (Eric's fiance) who we met over webcam on x-mas eve. Lawrence's return has been one of my major plans since I started writing this spin-off. I wasn't going to bring him back this quickly but I realized that dragging out a "who is behind Marion" mystery probably wouldn't work with all the other mysteries going on, mainly: the mystery of the missing coffins, the mystery of Marlena and Lexie's kidnappings, the mystery of Alex and Victor's secret plans and the new murder mystery "who killed Phil?". So many mysteries, I thought a "who is the mastermind" would get diluted. I'm also trying to find a balance between non-stop emotional heartache and some happiness. The trauma over Abbey's mental breakdown and eventually being committed is definately weighing some heavy and dark emotions on the Hortons. I'm hoping that the tenderness of Shawn bonding with Claire, the sexyness of Max/Nicole/Chelsea and the "coming into her own" story with Carrie are enough to offse the heavy drama and mystery of the other main storylines. I've also tried to inject some humour, mainly using Bonnie and her New Year's eve fiasco. But you should notice some other breadcrumbs I've dropped in the past 7 weeks of stories. Colin is alive... Eric is engaged... Steve's coffin is missing (Bo and Hope finally know that)... Kate has a never-before-seen sister... and yes, Lawrence is back. Don't hold your breath for the eventual Lawrence/Jennifer meeting. While he will eventually be a central figure in her storyline, his re-introduction with Marlena is both non-historical and meant to be a non-event. The deep history Lawrence shares with John, Jennifer and Bo will not be forgotten but I won't go there right away. Patience!
Looks like things are shaping up. Things have moved very fast in your version but it is fun to see how you waste no time getting right back into the over-the-top element that has worked on Days so many times. And I think in this set up it works again. I'm interested to see how you deal with the fallout. That has been the real DAYS major flaw - it doesn't do fallout. I personally expect you to cut the cast down considerably with the explosion and doubt that we'll see the likes of: Patrick, Shawn Sr., Bonnie, Chelsea, Phillip or maybe Roman and the other "dead weight" but that's good. I'm interested to see how it is developed. Keep it coming.
Previously: Carrie moves in with Frankie and Max in their new house… Abe calls of the search for Lexie… As the truth about Claire’s paternity is revealed to all important parties, the list of people angry with Phillip, Victor and Kate for their roles in publicly humiliating Marlena and taking Claire from Belle grew… the result: someone stabbed Phillip with a shard of glass… Monday January 16th -Jennifer puts Abbey to bed and discusses with Laura to have her committed to an institution for round-the-clock care. Laura is against the idea. Kate waits impatiently in an abandoned Kiriakis mansion with the gut feeling that something bad has happened. -John returns home to find that Marlena and Belle are no where to be found. Victor shows up and confronts John, threatening to take John down if Phillip loses Claire. John fights back when Marlena returns, freezing cold, with no straight answers for where she’s been. Victor gets a call on his cell phone: someone has found Phillip’s car abandoned in the snow bank. -Mimi and Shawn return to their flat and discuss the ramifications of him being Claire’s father. Shawn invites Mimi to play an active role in her life. -Victor and John arrive at Phil’s car and search the surrounding area. The rain has caused most of the snow to melt and there are no track marks leading from the car. Victor is shocked to find blood on the driver’s side handle. -John sees Belle up ahead and drives to pick her up. She’s disorientated and says something horrible has happened. She tells John and Victor that Phillip is dead, she saw him get stabbed. -Victor and John race to the scene where Phillip is laying lifeless. -Victor accuses Belle of killing Phillip. Victor vows to make Belle and John pay. -Meanwhile, Roman is at Sami’s to leave her a note when Sami arrives with her jacket on inside out. Roman notices blood on Sami’s sleeve and pulls off her coat to reveal she is covered in blood. This is juxtaposed to Victor phoning Kate to tell him that Phillip is dead. Tuesday January 17th -Roman is called to the scene of the crime but first tries to get information from Sami about the blood. Sami refuses to say whose it is or how she got it. -When Roman arrives at the crime scene he orders John, Belle, and Victor in for questioning. Kate, with Billie, shows up at this point and drops to her knees in agony at the sight of Phillip being zipped up and put into the back of an ambulance. “who did this she cries?” as Victor says it was Belle. -Billie phones Bo, who was sleeping, to tell him that his brother is dead. Bo is shocked and asks if there is anything he can do? Bo agrees to meet her at the Kiriakis mansion and to help call the family. Hope goes along. -Roman continues to oversee the investigation at the crime scene with John, Victor and Belle already en route to the police station for questioning. Roman sees a blond hair and fears it is Sami’s. He picks it up and bags it, but does not tell anyone else about it. -Bo and Hope arrive at the mansion before Billie does and they start to call Phillip’s family. -One by one, Lucas, Austin, and Cassie are woken up with the news that Phillip is dead. They agree to come over to the mansion and be with Kate. Cassie tells Caroline and Caroline agrees to drive her over there. Caroline knows how crushed Victor must be. -At the penthouse, Marlena gets worried that she can’t get through to John when there is a knock at the door: it is Alex. He pushed himself in and tells Marlena that she needs to take him back. -At the police station, John and Belle are in the same room together and Belle tells John she didn’t do it but she saw it happen across the street. Belle didn’t see who did it. -Sami, meanwhile, takes off all her clothes and sets them on fire on the balcony when there is a knock at her door: Lucas… Wednesday January 18th -Kate returns to Victor’s where she is greeted by Billie, Austin, Cassie, Hope, Bo, Henderson and Caroline. Everyone wonders where Lucas is. -Sami (naked) is shocked when Lucas barges in. Lucas grabs a hold of Sami and gives her a huge hug and kisses her. He’s crying. As they embrace, Lucas says something about realizing what is important in life when he sees the fire on Sami’s balcony. Sami explains that she’s going through a “cleansing ritual” as Roman shows up with 4 police officers. -Roman tells Sami she has to come with him to talk about Phillip’s murder. Lucas is stunned. -Marlena asks Alex to leave the penthouse but he refuses, instead he offers to help her find how who kidnapped her a few weeks ago. -At Jennifer’s, Laura continues her case to keep Abbey out of a mental institution. Laura may not be a practicing psychiatrist anymore, but she will be there around the clock to help Abbey. Jennifer breaks down and asks who will be there around the clock to help her? - At the police station, John, Belle and Victor are shocked when they watch Sami being escorted into an interrogation room. -Kate and family show up and see this, where Kate instantly accuses Sami of murder and rushes towards her and attacks her… Thursday January 19th (new day in Salem). -Victor is furious that he’s been kept in holding all night when he had nothing to do with his son’s death. Roman explains that he had to otherwise Victor would have taken the law into his own hands. Caroline shows up to sit with Victor and Roman leaves. -Victor breaks down in front of Caroline, never wanting to go through losing a son. Caroline recalls the times that Roman was through to be dead and how hard that was for her and her family. Caroline will be there for Victor in his time of need. -Next, Roman talks to John who is equally furious at Roman for keeping him in holding all night when he had nothing do to with it. Roman isn’t so sure. Roman shows John the listening device that was in Phillip’s car that is registered to the ISA. John admits to tapping Phil’s car. John is let go, but Sami and Belle are to remain. -Marlena and Carrie arrive to support Belle and Sami. Austin is there and he and Carrie face off on the issue of defending Carrie’s sisters verses the impact of Austin’s brother’s death. -Both Belle and Sami try and convince Roman they did not kill Phillip. -The hair found at the scene is sent to the lab to be compared to samples from Sami and Belle. -Laura wakes up to find Jennifer has disregarded her advice. People from Bayview Sanatorium are here to take Abbey away. -Laura lashed out at Jennifer for this move and reminds her of the years Laura was drugged in that place. Laura has haunting flashbacks of being a ‘prisoner’ (her words) at the Marion run health facility. Marion Industries is the same company with a publishing stake in book Jack supposedly wrote about the SSK before he died. -Elsewhere, book stores across the world open in the morning with a new book on their shelves: Murder without Death: the Salem Serial Killer by Jack Devereaux. -Victor returns home to find Kate making calls to arrange the funeral. Kate can’t seem to place the call to her sister Tracy, who she’s been estranged for over 30 years. -Mimi and Shawn wake up to the news of Phillip’s death, news that is on the cover of the Spectator. There is a knock at the door: it is Bo and Hope for Shawn. They are with Claire and tell Shawn the he should look after Claire for now… Friday January 20th… -The blond hair found at the scene does not match Belle or Sami but neither have an alibi for the time of Phillip’s death. With no fingerprints on the murder weapon (sharp broken glass fragment) Roman lets them both go. -Lucas lashes out at Sami for her role in this and vows to never forgive her if she had anything to do with it. -The police are still searching Sami’s home, so Sami and Belle agree to go with Carrie to her new place with Frankie. -There, the sisters try to absorb what has happened. Belle breaks down in Carrie’s arms. She still loved Phillip but wasn’t willing to let him take her baby away. Belle is shocked to learn that Shawn has Claire for now. -Carrie convinces Belle to go upstairs and take a shower and then take a nap. As Belle is leaving the shower, she accidentally runs into Max and drops her towel in front of him… -Bo, Mimi and Hope watch as Shawn takes hold of Claire for the first time since finding out she’s his son. -Kate shows up and demands that Shawn give her Claire. Hope tries to calm Kate down but Kate is out of control. Bo finally restrains Kate when Shawn offers Kate to hold onto Claire. Kate hold baby Claire and remembers having Phillip. Kate starts to quietly sob. -Marlena, meanwhile is driving to Marion industries to find out who is in charge of publishing a book about her life she did not authorize. Marlena finds it hard to believe that Jack had time to write a book while he was help captive in the castle or dying in Salem without anyone knowing about it. -Marlena arrives at front door but there is no receptionist or anyone in the office. Marlena walks around the eerily empty front office when a man reveals himself from the top of the stairs. Marlena cannot see his face. She demands to know who he is. He finally speaks and says “Hello Marlena, I’ve been expecting you” and he walks down the stairs… it is Lawrence Alimain… Next week: Lawrence reveals some shocking details to Marlena… Max calls things off with Nicole… Abbey sees Jack… Bo discovers that the funeral home where Phillip is being shown is reusing coffins, one of whose is Jack’s… Abe gets a pleasant surprise… Carrie goes on a date…
January 2006 Edition - part 2 (a murder)
CSW commented on CSW's blog entry in CSW's Blog - a DAYS fanfic
I have wanted to kill Phillip since the beginning of this story and thought about doing it at midnight on New Years but that was too soon. I like the irony of he finally getting his life back (his edge, his manhood, his Kiriakis side) only to wind up dead thanks to a betrayal from his mom and his dad's other agenda. Who killed Phillip? I know. But all the motives will be fleshed out a bit more and then you guys can feel free to speculate. The rest of my stories are starting to pick up speed as well... slowly but surely. -
Previously: -Phillip wins a nasty custody battle that aired a lot of dirty laundry… Billie nursed Chelsea’s broken heart… Carrie decides to stay in Salem… People started to notice Lexie is missing… Bo and Hope step up their plan to discover who took Jack and Steve’s coffins, and why… *note, to make things shorter I’m going to get more to point in my bullets* Monday January 9, 2006: -Belle and family are outraged over the judge’s decision to award Phillip full custody. John vows revenge on Victor and Belle makes one final plea to Phillip to reconsider. -Mimi and Shawn cannot believe things have turned out like this. Shawn reconfirms to Mimi that he’s in love with her, and not Belle, but they both agree that Shawn should be there to help Belle recover. When Shawn offers a shoulder to cry on Belle lashes out, saying it is all his and Mimi’s fault. -Austin and Lucas recall the times they fought for custody of Will and attempt to reason with Phillip not to shut Belle out of Claire’s life. Phillip won’t listen to the combined wisdom of his brothers, and Austin realizes that Phillip is growing up to be scary, with the worst attributes and coldheartedness of Victor and Kate. -Billie, Bo and Hope discuss Chelsea and how important it is now that they work together to be good parents to her. Bo tells Billie that he wants Billie to have a more active role in Chelsea’s life and this surprises Billie, and makes her very happy. -Bo explains to Hope that he wants to devote a lot of his time to getting to the bottom of Jack’s coffin mystery. Bo remembers Steve’s death and how painful it was for everyone. -John demands that Kate get through to Phillip or their friendship is over. -In the hallway, Marlena and Victor share a confrontation over his use of her history in the trial and her utter disbelief that her long time friend would do that. Victor is unapologetic and Marlena promises to tell Caroline all the slimy things he’s done today. At the moment, a messenger shows up and hands Victor a package. Victor opens it up and it is an advanced copy of the Serial Killer book with a note, “to the accidental victim, enjoy reliving the past”. Marlena is stunned. Tuesday January 10th -Marlena runs after the messenger of the book about her life but he’s driven away. Marlena has no idea who wrote the book but when she learns that all the victims have received advanced copies she knows something is afoot. Perhaps Tony has done this from jail. But why would Marion Industries publish a book from a convicted felon? And who exactly is Marion Industries? -Carrie and Austin meet after the hearing and discuss how brutal it was in there. She tells him that she’s decided to stay in Salem and that her relationship with Mike is over. Does this mean anything for Carrie and Austin, he asks? No, Carrie not interested in going down that road again but she is hopeful he and she will become friends, in time. -Lucas goes to the hospital to see Jennifer and is glad to hear that Abbey will be released tomorrow. He tells Jennifer of the antics that took place during the hearing and how grateful he is to have Will in his life again. Jennifer and Lucas bond. -Frankie, meanwhile, finds a three bedroom house he is very interested in and thinks that perhaps a roommate might in order. He has an idea. -Phillip arrives home with Claire and is happy to have crushed Belle. Kate is worried if the truth is ever revealed he’ll lose Claire forever. -At the police station, Roman and Abe put out a search for Lexie. -Sami is surprisingly nice to Belle during her time of grieving. Sami knows what it is like to lose a custody battle but also knows that Kate’s family will do anything to protect their interests. Sami is sure that Kate or Victor are up to something. Wednesday January 11th (new rainy day in Salem) -At the police station, Abe receives a call from Lexie who tells Abe that she’s left town and left the baby behind to move on with life. He needs to call off the search. Abe tries to reason with Lexie but she hangs up the phone. Abe can’t believe Lexie would be so irresponsible but does call of the search. We see that Lexie was reading form a script. Lexie had to read from a script or else her captors promised to kill Abe and Issac. -Jennifer and family all show up at the hospital for Abbey’s release from the psych ward. Alex still contents that this is a bad idea and that Abbey is potentially dangerous but Abbey has medication and will not return to school right away. Jennifer, Laura and Lucas take Abbey home (where Frankie has moved out). -Frankie, meanwhile, calls Carrie and asks her to come by 425 Ferris Cr. to look at a house he’s considering buying. Carrie shows up really likes it. She is impressed with the walk in closest in all the rooms, the authentic hardwood floors and high ceilings and huge windows. Carrie gets really into and starts suggesting ways for Frankie to decorate and paint when Frankie asks if she would help him do that. Carrie doesn’t really have the time but then Frankie asks if she’ll move in as his roommate. Carrie agrees. -Claire is sleeping so Phillip and Kate go to the store to get some baby things. While in Phillip’s car, Kate admits that she knows a huge secret – Phillip is not Claire’s biological father. -Through his listening device, John overhears this and cannot believe that Kate kept this secret. He now has the ammo he needs to get Claire back… Thursday January 12th: -John tells Marlena, Sami and Belle that he knows that Phillip is not Claire’s biological dad. Belle remembers sleeping with Shawn but until this moment, had no idea if it really happened or not and did not know that Shawn was the father. Belle is happy to hear this news because it means she can get Claire back. -Sami is livid with Phillip and Kate for this secret and vows revenge. -Mimi and Shawn, meanwhile, return home to find their place has been broken into. Nothing appears to be stolen. -In the control room where the man who is watching Lexie (she is pacing in the cell) we see another video monitor, this time from hidden cameras placed in Mimi and Shawn’s apartment. Mimi and Shawn are unaware they’re being watched. -Abbey is happy to be at home but memories of Jack are everywhere. Abbey has a bit of a breakdown but Laura gives her some medication. Jennifer silently worries if Abbey is well enough to return home. -Carrie likes the idea of living with Frankie and Max and goes to Sami’s to pick up her things. Carrie returns and Max is there and is happy to be out of Jennifer’s but is not totally thrilled that Carrie is moving in. Max, meanwhile, calls Nicole and asks if she wants to come christen his room tonight. Nicole rejects Max. -Abbey really wants to go visit Jack’s grave but Laura and Jennifer agree that is too big a step and that Abbey should take a nap. When Jennifer goes to check up on Abbey she’s gone… -At the Kiriakis mansion, Phillip and Kate return home in a massive argument in front of Austin, Billie and Victor. Phillip is irate and starts accusing Kate of nasty things when Austin steps up on Kate’s defence. Phillip drops the bomb that Kate lied and knew the whole time Phillip was not Claire’s biological dad. As Phillip says this, John shows up in the open doorway… everyone is shocked… Friday January 13th (rainy night of Friday the 13th… ouhhhh….) -The rain is fierce outside as a wet John invites himself into the foyer of the Kiriakis mansion as Phillip admits he’s not Claire’ dad. Victor tries to kick John out but John vows to everyone that Phillip and Victor will pay dearly for this and they should expect to hear from the judge and police shortly. -Caroline visits Alice and Maggie at Maggie’s house to discuss the book. There are many stories that only insiders would have known and they are not sure that even Tony would be aware of some of the details. Alice shocks them with the revelation that she knows who wrote the book. She says it was Jack! -Lucas, Jennifer and Laura frantically look for Abbey in the rain. -At the Kiriakis mansion, Phillip is upset and storms out to chase after John and go see Belle, to try and make things right so that he doesn’t lose Claire. -Mimi and Shawn, meanwhile, are confronted by Belle and Marlena with the truth that Shawn is the baby’s father. Mimi is devastated and takes off to be alone. Belle says she’s going to get Claire back and Shawn decides to go with her. En route, Shawn and Belle discuss the night Claire was conceived and what this means for their lives now. Belle’s car breaks down and while Shawn is out fixing it Belle sees Phillip drive past. Belle gets out and grabs a cab and follow Phillip, leaving Shawn alone in the rain. -Laura and Lucas rendezvous with out any luck of finding Abbey. -Jennifer, meanwhile, waits at Jack’s grave confident Abbey will show up there. After an hour of waiting Abbey does show up but she’s covered in mud and talking delirously. Shivering and cold, Jennifer takes Abbey back to the car drives her home. Jennifer reluctantly admits to herself that Abbey might be better off in the hospital… -Carrie has moved the rest of her stuff (a few suitcases) and she and her adopted uncles toast their new arrangement. -As things calm down, Shawn phones Mimi and asks her to come pick him up. She shows up and they hug. Shawn admits that things are going to be a lot different but nothing can change how much he loves Mimi. -Kate arrives back at Victor’s to find the place empty after her search for Phillip came up empty handed. She knows that Victor will stop at nothing to protect Phillip and not let John win… camera fades to black -Camera fades back to the show, only this time the image of Phillip laying dead on the ride of the road stabbed with a piece of glass…. Next time: Marlena goes to Marion Industries… Abbey is recommitted… Kate learns of Phillip’s murder… Roman catches Sami with blood on her hands… Hope finds the coffins…
Monday January 2nd (new years eve continues) - Bart’s arrival sweeps Bonnie off her feet as the two enjoy a humorous and magical private New Years at Alice’s. Bonnie completely forgets that no one showed up to her party. - Over at Chez Rouge, everyone is there and the combination of excitement, romance and drama circulates the room and outside patio. - Outside, Austin sees Carrie for the first time and she’s in the middle of an emotional confrontation with Mike. Austin is about to leave when Mike yells, “wait”. Mike tells Carrie he knows why she’s here and not with him goes inside, leaving Carrie and Austin alone. - Austin cannot believe Carrie has been back in town for nearly a month and hasn’t been in contact with him. He feels hurt. They talk about their past and Austin admits to moving on with Greta, almost with Nicole and with a woman in New York, who he nearly got engaged to until she lost her job and moved away. - Austin has no interest in Sami or Nicole and wanted an honest fresh start with Carrie. Carrie is not sure she can offer that to him. But thanks him for understanding and kisses him on the cheek. - Carrie runs after Mike, but he, Jennifer and Bill have already left. - Roman apologizes for his mega kiss to Laura but she’s ok with it. Taken aback, but ok with it. However, she believes she should go and find Bill. - Victor and John share words over their impending war, which will escalate beyond the courtroom and to the boardroom if John continues to back Belle in the custody fight. - Belle tries to plead with Phillip to rethink their marriage but Phillip is tired of being with a woman who doesn’t want him and pines for another man. - Belle feels she’s lost everything and asks Marlena to take her home. En route, they discuss this and Belle admits to still being in love with Shawn but loves Claire more and wants nothing more then to raise Claire, with or without Phillip. - Meanwhile, a stranger continues to lurk outside of the Horton Cabin watching Mimi and Shawn as they hold each other by the fire. - Chelsea is furious that Max and Nicole have been having an affair and takes off. Bo and Billie confront Nicole about her actions. Seeing how upset her daughter is, Billie vows to make Nicole pay for her irresponsibility. They two get into a verbal war of words. Patrick is there to cool Billie down, and they take Chelsea home. Chelsea is very civil and receptive to Billie as Billie tries to comfort her daughter’s broken heart. Once Chelsea is in bed, Billie is ecstatic that she was able to mother Chelsea and be there for her. But Billie vows to fight Nicole on this. - At the penthouse, Marlena does some old fashion mothering with Belle and puts her to bed as John finally returns home. John has a cut on his arm and his tux is dirty. Marlena asks him what he’s done. John replies, “getting ready for war…” Tuesday Jan 3rd (new day in Salem) -Frankie has a discussion with Max about his affair with Nicole, to which Max reminds Frankie that he’s been with many women before Nicole. -Laura reminds Frankie that he has to move out soon before Abbey comes back from the hospital. -At the hospital, Mike is there for Jennifer as she waits for Abbey to take up. Mike tells Jennifer about his and Carrie’ falling out after Carrie had a miscarriage. Jennifer tells Mike that he needs to, more than ever, follow his heart and not let anything get in the way of love. -Bill, meanwhile, shows up at the Devereaux house to talk to Laura about their relationship. They agree that they’ve had a rough go at it recently. They still love each other, but not in a romantic way anymore. Bill is grateful to Laura for staying in town to help Jennifer and Abbey. Bill will be headed back to Israel and then Africa later today. -Bill heads over to the hospital where he has a heart-to-heart with Abbey. -Bill and Mike head for the airport. -Carrie learns that Mike is leaving town and heads to the airport to meet him. Frankie drives her. -There, Carrie and Mike have a final discussion about their relationship breakdown. She cannot be with Mike if he’s too committed to his work. She blames him for the miscarriage, which she admits is unfair. She needs time to heal but they will always love each other. Mike and Bill leave. -On the ride home, Carrie tells Frankie that she’s got closure and now it is time to move on. She tells him there is no better place to do that then here in Salem, where she will stay. -Over at Sami’s, Sami is happy that she and Lucas were able to ring in the new years together. She’s confident that her 2006 will be alright since she rang it in with the man she loves. Lucas shows up to inform her that the kiss was a mistake and won’t happen again. Lucas tells Sami that they are over for good. Wednesday January 4th -John hires Mickey to represent his family in the custody battle, which starts tomorrow in court. -John admits to Marlena that he broke into Phillip’s car last night to plant a listening device. -Victor and Phillip strategize with their lawyer. Phillip will play the American hero card and the loyal husband card. Victor’s lawyer needs to put Belle infront of the judge to admit to being in love with Shawn. -Billie meets Nicole at Salem Place and they two go at it for breaking Chelsea’s heart. Nicole says Max is a big boy and can make his own decisions. After an afternoon of calling each other sluts and whores, Max shows up and tells Billie to mind her own business. Nicole revels in delight when Max plants a huge kiss on Nicole. -Chelsea, meanwhile, goes to visit her grandmother Kate. Kate gives Chelsea some “broken heart money” and they go shopping. They turn the corner and see the kiss. -Carrie comes home to Sami’s apartment, which is a disaster since Lucas left. Sami’s trashed most of the stuff, and Carrie believes she can’t stay here anymore because Sami is too destructive. -At the hospital, everyone is wondering why Lexie is missing her shifts. The hospital board approves Alex’s hiring as a full time doctor and Alex tells Jennifer that Abbey is not ready to go home yet. Jennifer wants a second opinion: Marlena’s. -In her padded room, Abbey is acting fine but still contends that Jack is alive. -In her locked up cell, Lexie realizes there is a camera and someone is watching her. She demands that her captor let her go. -Roman visits Abe, who is having a hard time with the break up. Celeste shows up with the baby and says Lexie hasn’t been home in two nights and is worried something has happened. Thursday January 5th (end of day and new morning) -Mimi and Shawn return to the main land and are not happy when they are summoned to appear in family court tomorrow. -Chelsea slaps Max and heads home with Kate and Billie to Victor’s for dinner. There, Victor has summoned all of Phillip’s siblings. Bo, Lucas, Billie, and Austin are requested to be there for Phillip tomorrow as a sign of family solidarity. -John, meanwhile, calls Sami and Carrie over to ask them to show up to support Belle tomorrow. Sami is not receptive at first but Marlena convinces her that if it were Will, Belle would be there for her. Carrie is obviously upset with all of this and she admits to her family that she had a miscarriage in Israel. -Marlena feels guilty for having abandoned her family over the past few months and vows to make things right for all of them. -Hope, meanwhile, goes to the hospital to talk to Jennifer about next steps in the investigation into Jack’s missing coffin. Jennifer doesn’t know what to think of this and wonders if Jack is still alive. Hope doesn’t see how it is possible but knows that anything might be possible. Their first step is to learn who is behind this and how it is connected to Steve’s missing coffin. -The next morning, the Black and Kiriakis families prepare for the custody battle with Kate, saying to her self, the truth that only she knows could stop this custody battle before it even starts. -Marlena gets a call to check in on Abbey before the hearing and goes to the hospital. She disagrees with Alex and believes that Abbey should be able to be let go soon but with extensive therapy. -Frankie starts looking for houses. Friday January 6 -The whole episode takes place at the custody hearing. -Things get very ugly Belle admits to having said she loved Shawn. -Shawn announces that he has no intentions of being with Belle and that he’s moved on. -Bo and Hope are suspicious that Victor is up to something. -Marlena makes a plea stating that she’ll help Belle raise Claire which forces Victor to bring up Marlena’s past (with Alex’s help). Marlena’s mothering skills are put on trial during this time. -During recess, Marlena lashes into Victor for doing that, recalling one time he admitted to Marlena that she was the best mother he’s ever known. What happened to their mutual respect? Would Victor really stoop to these lows? Marlena was opposed to the war between John and Victor before, but not anymore. -Phillip is portrayed as a hero, loving father and wealthy provider. -Belle is portrayed as an opportunist, liar and shallow girl. -The judge is reads the verdict: Phillip gets full custody. Next time: The fallout of the custody battle leads to deadly consequences – one of Victor, Phillip, Kate, John, Belle, Claire or Mimi is killed… Frankie finds a new roommate… The author of the SSK book is revealed… Abe calls of the search for Lexie…
With one "month" under wrap, here is a current cast list before I launch into the January editions: Cast of Current Characters: Kristian Alfonso as Hope Williams Brady Christie Clark as Carrie Brady Ashley Benson as Abigail Deveraux Kyle Brandt as Philip Kiriakis Darin Brooks as Max Brady Jason Cook as Shawn Douglas Brady Bryan Dattilo as Lucas Roberts Farah Fath as Mimi Lockhart Christopher Gerse as Will Roberts Deidre Hall as Dr. Marlena Evans Drake Hogestyn as John Black Brody Hutzler as Patrick Lockhart John Ingle as Mickey Horton Renee Jones as Dr. Alexandra "Lexie" Carver Lauren Koslow as Kate Roberts Martha Madison as Belle Black Rachel Melvin as Chelsea Benson Wayne Northrop as Dr. Alex North Austin Peck as Austin Reed Julie Pinson as Billie Reed Peter Reckell as Bo Brady Melissa Reeves as Jennifer Horton Devereux Frances Reid as Alice Horton James Reynolds as Abraham "Abe" Carver Suzanne Rogers as Maggie Simmons Horton Alison Sweeney as Sami Brady Billy Warlock as Frankie Brady Arianne Zucker as Nicole Walker Recurring Characters John Aniston as Victor Kiriakas Jamie Lyn Bauer as of Dec 1, 2006 Tanya Boyd as Celeste Perrault Judi Evans as Bonnie Lockhart as of Jan 1, 2006 Bill Hayes as Doug Williams Susan Seaforth Hayes as Julie Williams Peggy McCay as Caroline Brady Frank Parker as Shawn Brady Josh Taylor as Roman Brady as of Jan 1, 2006 Alexis Thorpe as Cassie Brady Recently Departed: Matthew Ashford as Jack Deveraux (Visions) as of Dec 1, 2005 Daphne Bloomer as Eugenia Willams as of Dec 1, 2005 Rhassan Orange as 'Tek' Kramer as of Dec 15, 2005 Recent Guest Appearances: Kale Browne as Bill Horton (6 Episodes) Roark Critchlow as Mike Horton (6 Episodes) Mary Beth Evans as Kayla Brady Johnson (2 Episodes) Patsy Pease as Kimberly Brady (1 Episode) 3 teenage actors as Jeanne Brady, Andrew Brady and Stephanie-Kay Johnson (1 Episode) Kyle Lowder as Brady Black (1 Episode) Nadia Bjorlin as Chloe Lane-Black (1 Episode)
Dec 2005 Edition - Part 5 (Christmas
CSW commented on CSW's blog entry in CSW's Blog - a DAYS fanfic
Bill is only here for one more episode when he and Mike will be leaving. I plan to tie up loose ends created by the writer (Dena Higley I think) who brought Laura back most recently. Laura mentioned at J/J's wedding she was back with Bill so I need fix that up because Bill is not staying but Laura is. So there really isn't much time to go over the particulars of their vast history. Laura, on the other hand, might seek comfort in Roman. I'm not sure if I'm going to follow through with this or not, since Roman's role in my version of the soap is limited, same with Laura's. They'd both be recurring characters at this point. Thanks for your continued support and interest. I pretty much uncovered the biggest hint of the story direction this week... any comments? -
Previously: The Hortons ornament-hanging event just didn’t feel the same with Jennifer and Abbey in the hospital so late arrivals Mike and Bill took the show on the road to surprise the girls and celebrate Christmas with them…. With her memories back, Marlena chooses John but their reunion is cut short when they step in the middle of Phillip’s custody battle with Belle… Tek falls into a coma… Alex vows to get Marlena back… Monday Dec 26 (new day, Christmas Day) -The snow is falling outside but the warmth of the family gathering already underway more than compensates. Laughter and smiles abound as Shawn Sr. and Caroline welcome home for the first time a large gathering of their family: Roman, John/Marlena/Belle/Claire, Bo/Hope/Shawn-D/Chelsea, Frankie, Max, Sami/Will, Carrie, Abe/Lexie/Celeste, and Cassie. -Among the many cheerful happenings, Marlena and John are ecstatic about Carrie’s return and Carrie comments on how they will always be thought of as parents to her -Shawn-D is very pleasant with Belle as they play with Claire. -Roman and Cassie phone Rex to wish him a Merry Christmas. -Everyone gathers around Sami’s laptop to say hi to Eric, who is on webcam in Thailand, and Eric takes this opportunity to introduce his whole family to his fiancé, Ariel. Everyone waves, Marlena is surprised this is the first she’s heard of this. -Shortly afterwards, John announces that he has another surprise as Chloe and Brady arrive for the festivities. They are only in town tonight to celebrate Christmas with their honorary family. -Roman, Frankie, John, Max, Shawn Sr. and Bo join forces to sing Caroline a special holiday medley when they are interrupted with a knock on the door – everyone is elated when Kimberly and Kayla arrive with Jeanne, Andrew and Stephanie-Kay in tow. Shawn Sr. had arranged this little surprise. For the first time in a long time, all the Brady children are home (Roman, Bo, Kayla, Kimberly, Frankie and Max) along with honorary sons John and Abe. -Kayla surprises everyone by being 6 months pregnant; her boyfriend (the father) is a doctor in LA and could not take the time off. -Chelsea convinces Max to ditch the party for a while so they can “mess around” – Max things about Nicole during this. -As dinner is being cleared, Hope gives Lexie the evil eye and during the desert portion of the meal, Lexie admits to having an affair with Tek which sends Abe over the edge. Lexie agrees to leave that party. -As the night wears down, the shocking events of the Carver marriage breakdown, the excessive amounts of wine he consumed, and the emotional returns of his daughters lead Shawn-Sr. to take nap. Just as he is putting himself down, the phone rings and he picks it up. On the other end of phone Shawn is startled to hear the voice of his Irish Nephew Colin wish him a Merry Christmas, and confirm once and for all, that he survived the tsunami. -Elsewhere, Roman and Marlena come to terms over their turbulent year and Roman vows to dedicate his time to helping his children and moving on with his life. They discuss Eric’s engagement. -Bo and Hope discuss Jack’s death and its impact on Jennifer and Abbey with Kayla. Kayla thinks she should visit Jennifer in the hospital before she has to leave tomorrow afternoon. -By themselves, Bo asks Hope for her advice: should he tell Kayla about what happened in the cemetery, or would knowing that both her ex husband’s coffins are missing too much information for a pregnant woman whose moved on with her life to know?... Tuesday Dec 27 (new day in Salem) -Abe stayed at Roman’s last night to avoid Lexie. Lexie shows up, asking to talk to Abe. -Roman leaves to go visit Sami, leaving Abe and Lexie to try and overcome the affair. In the end, Abe says he cannot forgive Lexie and asks for a divorce. -Roman shows up at Sami’s and is glad to see his two oldest daughters all getting along. Roman asks Carrie is she has seen Austin yet and Sami interrupts with a no. They talk about the past they all had with Austin but how Sami has matured and only wants Lucas back. -Carrie leaves, meaning to go to the hospital to visit Jennifer. Carrie runs into Frankie outside of the hospital and they talk about things. Carrie is happy that Frankie is back in town as well and Frankie asks Carrie the million dollar questions: how long does she plan on staying in Salem? And where does she plan on staying? Carrie is not sure. -In Abbey’s room, Alex shows up to diagnose Abbey saying she should be committed for further tests. Laura is fully opposed to this, knowing what a psych ward can do to someone. Laura and Alex argue over professional diagnosis while Abbey remains completely detached and zoned out. -Jennifer leaves the room to talk to her family (Lucas, Mike and Bill). They are a great support for her and she is grateful to them. Having her parents and Brothers home at a time like this is exactly what Jennifer needed. -Lucas and Bill take an opportunity to catch up. This is juxtaposed with a father-daughter talk between Roman and Sami about Sami’s love life. Bill is really proud of Lucas and wants him to be happy and to find love. Roman encourages Sami to go after Lucas and Bill encourages Lucas to give Sami another chance and not to let true love slip away, as Bill looks at Laura through the glass arguing with Alex. -Carrie and Frankie make it up to the floor where Abbey is when Carrie sees Bill talking to Lucas. Carrie hasn’t seen Bill since Isreal. Carrie turns around and is stunned to see Mike there talking to Jennifer. Mike sees Carrie and walks away down the hall. -Carrie rushes to catch up to Mike, grabs him by the arm, turns him around. Looking at each other face-to-face, they exchange no words but there is emotional tension and the both start to swell up in tears when Mike finally breaks the silence and says “I’m sorry…” Wednesday Dec 28th -Buoyed by her conversation with her dad, Sami decides that New Years Eve is going to be the time she gets Lucas back and she hatches a scheme to be with him when the clock strikes midnight. -Bo agrees to drive Kayla to the hospital while Kim, Andrew, Jeanne and Stephanie-Kay (none of whom are actually in this episode) go to the airport. Kayla wants to make a brief stop to see Jennifer. -Jennifer is surprised to see Kayla. Kayla consoles her old friend about the pain of losing a husband and tries to assure Jenn that life will eventually go on. Kayla points to her growing belly and says that if it’s a boy, she’ll name him Johnson after Jack and Steve. Kayla knows that Jack and Steve are finally able to bury the hatchet in heaven and that Jack, like Steve, will always be there to look over them. Kayla leaves. -Carrie cannot accept Mike’s apology and runs away. Frankie shows up to ask what is going on and Mike explained that is none of his business. Mike goes to run after Carrie when Laura shows up and asks Mike for his help with Abbey. -Frankie and Jennifer talk about Abbey and the words Kayla just shared with her. Jennifer admits she is afraid they’ll have to commit Abbey and she’ll lose her too. -Frankie says he’ll be there for her and for Abbey. -Later, Laura asks Frankie what his intentions are and makes it clear she doesn’t think it is a good idea for Frankie to stay at Jennifer’s for much longer. Laura says that she will move in to look after her daughter. -Outside the hospital, Frankie finds Carrie sitting in her rental car crying. He gets in the passenger side and asks what is wrong. Carrie breaks down and admits “she’s not sure what she’s doing with her life”. Frankie retorts that he’s been evicted. They laugh as Frankie tries to console Carrie. -As Bo is preparing to drop Kayla off he decides not to tell her about the graveyard. He sees her off and wishes her all the best. Kayla tells Bo she’ll be back once the baby is born. They hug and she goes to catch her flight. -Victor, who is at the hospital for a board meeting, sees Lucas and asks for an update on his role in Titan. They talk business and their desire to see Austin’s company fall. -Alex stand firm on his recommendation to commit Abbey. Alex leaves the ward when he is approached by Victor a mutually beneficial offer to help both men rid themselves of a common threat: John Black… (reminder, John waged war on Victor if Victor helps Phillip take Claire away from Belle) Thursday Dec 29th (New day, the morning of New Years Eve – don’t you love how that works?) -Maggie is getting read at Chez Rouge for a big New Year’s bash. Bonnie, on the other hand, is doing the same at Alice’s. When each other get word that they are hosting competing parties, both make it their mission to out-do-the other and invite more guests. -When Bonnie calls Sami she lies to her and says that Lucas has already agreed to come to her party with Billie and Patrick so Sami agrees to go to Bonnies. Maggie, meanwhile, has roped Lucas into her party with promise of non-alcoholic drinks. -Mimi agrees to attend Bonnie’s bash but would rather spend the evening with Shawn. Shawn comes home with a shopping back full of goodies (junkfood and what not) and tells her to pack her bags, they’re going to Smith Island for the night to spend a romantic evening alone together in the cottage. Clothes optional. -When Austin shows up to get some files, Sami tries to convince him to come to Bonnie’s but he’s already agreed to go to Maggie’s. Sami is disappointed but wants to go where Lucas will be (or so she thinks). -John and Marlena prepare Belle for what will be the most difficult time in her life. John vows to stop at nothing to keep Claire and take on the Kiriakises if they intended to go through with their plan to take Claire. -Victor, meanwhile, goes over (in secret) his plans with Alex. Alex agrees to help Victor, but on one condition, Victor convinces the board to instate him as chief of psychiatric medicine to give him a legitimate reason to tell everyone why he is remaining in town now that Marlena is supposedly out of his life. Victor agrees. -Bill tells Laura that he and Mike are going back tomorrow but that she should join them at Maggie’s for the party. Laura is reluctant to leave Jennifer behind. Mike says that Abbey will be knocked out all night and that it might do Jennifer some good. -Mike invites Jennifer to New Years Eve. -Elsewhere, Kate asks Billie to celebrate New years with her family, as Austin, Lucas, and Phillip are all going to Chez Rouge. Billie convinces Patrick to ditch his Mom’s party and join her family. -Mimi and Shawn arrive on Smith Island and unpack their things (1 big sleeping bag, 3 bags of chips, 2 bottles of campaign he lifted from his parent’s fridge, some candles and oh yeah, Mimi brought her sexiest underwear. The two turn on the fire, light some candles and agree to ring in the new year in each others arms as they slip into the sleeping bag. -Chelsea asks Max to join her for New Years and he agrees once he finds out that Nicole might be at the party as well. -As everyone starts to get ready for their nights out, Bonnie is all set up with food laid out everywhere and clean glasses and door prizes and everything. In grand Sami fashion, wearing a very unfortunate outfit, Sami opens the door and launches into the party screaming “Happy New Year” only no one else is there. -Over at Chez Rouge, people start to arrive in droves and Maggie can’t be more thrilled… Friday Dec 30 (New Years Eve continues) -The party is getting started over at Chez Rouge. By the time Austin arrives, Carrie is in the next room. The continue to miss each other all night. -Jennifer feels very uncomfortable being out and away from Abbey all night but Mike, Laura and Bill assure her things will be ok. Jennifer is dreading midnight when she wont’ be able to kiss Jack. -On Smith Island, Mimi and Shawn snuggle in close when they hear a noise outside. Shawn gets up to investigate but no one is there. Outside, there is a man glaring into the cabin holding a gun. -Back at the party, couples dance the night away and there is a particular spark between Bill and Laura as they dancing. They talk about Jennifer and Abbey but also reminisce about their old life and the times they’ve recently spent together in Africa before Bill went back to Isreal for Mike. Maybe they should give it another shot? -Lexie is bummed out and wants nothing to do with the party and leaves, going to Abe’s house to beg for forgiveness. Lexie doesn’t make it there, however, as she is abducted. Lexie wakes up some time later in the same room Marlena was recently in… -As Bo and Hope dance they agree to work together to get to bottom of the mystery surrounding the missing graves. -John and Marlena break up a huge confrontation between Phillip and Belle. John and Victor exchange heated words over the custody battle and Victor says now that Brady has left Salem he can wage war without an interloper getting hurt. John is ready for fight. -Marlena, while dancing briefly with Bill, feels dizzy and has to sit down. Bill thinks that Marlena needs to take it easy after the trauma she’s just been through. -In Bill’s stead, Roman and Laura dance there is just a large a spark between them as she had with Bill. -Sami realizes that no one is coming to Bonnie’s and sneaks away while Bonnie goes to the back room to pour herself another bottle of pity-wine. Bonnie is loaded. -Max and Chelsea think the party is lame and Chelsea wants to go back to her house and ring in the new year with Max privately but he’s not interested. He’s only interested in Nicole, who is busy flirting with every man in the bar just to get Max’s attention. Chelsea notices and asks who that “whore” is… -Billie and Patrick discuss the state of their relationship and Patrick admits that he’s falling in love with her. Billie says this promises to be a great New Year. -Carrie eventually runs into Mike. Outside, they discuss what happened. Mike admits to still being in love with her and Carrie admits the same thing to Mike but says she can’t get over the distance between them after the accident. Mike says he’s leaving first thing in the morning and wants her to come with him… they can work it out… they can try again to have another baby… -Just then, Austin steps outside to come face-to-face with the woman he once loved with all his heart… -As the countdown begins… 10 John vows to Marlena that they’ll get through Belle’s crisis and get to the bottom of her kidnapping… 9 Lexie bangs on the door of her locked room she’s been through into… 8 Shawn and Mimi continue to make love as someone outside lurks in the bushes… 7 Jennifer asks Frankie to hold her close as she dreams it was Jack and not Frankie… 6 Bo and Hope make a New Years resolution to solve the mystery… 5 Nicole interrupts Chelsea and Max’s getaway by giving Max a huge kiss infront of everyone… 4 Phillip tells Belle that they’re through and he’s taking Claire away from her… 3 Bonnie is all alone, counting down in her restaurant when Bart shows up with a bottle of champagne and some streamers much to Bonnie’s excitement… 2 Carrie is stunned to see Austin as she looks back and forth between the two men she’s ever loved… 1… Sami comes barging in looking for Lucas as everyone screams: Happy New Years. At the stroke of midnight, Victor kisses Kate, Mickey kisses Maggie, John kisses Marlena, Bo kisses Hope, Bart kisses Bonnie, Mimi kisses Shawn, Nicole kisses Max, Sami kisses Lucas, Billie kisses Patrick, Roman surprises Laura with a big kiss, Jennifer lets go (thinking it is jack) and kisses Frankie while outside, Carrie runs off… Next time: Mike and Bill say goodbye, not before sharing moments with the women in their lives… Lexie demands to be let go… Lucas gives Sami some bad news… Alex gets the upper hand… Chelsea seeks revenge… Bo and Hope get a huge clue… Frankie makes Carrie and offer… Victor makes the first move against John…
At this point in what I have planned, there is really no room for more of Alice's children, except for special occations that I don't yet know of. But the beauty of a fanfic is you can bring back characters without contracts/coming/goings getting in the way, lol. But I should clarify, I'm not "writing for the Bradys" only. I'm writing for them all but I'm focusing some of my story at repairing the Brady's who I believe have fallen out of touch with their family roots. As the show has progressed, Caroline and Shawn's kids have had kids who are now starting to have kids. The funny thing, these kids all close to the same age because they've been "aged" by different writers at different times. So Sami, Eric, Carrie, Cassie and Rex all share the same dad. Do they all know each other? Nope. Shawn-D doesn't know all his first cousins either. Has Roman ever shared a scene with his adopted brothers? Ever? I'm not sure. But even if they have, I'm going to spend some time re-orientating this family so they they actually know each other. So that they've spent time together. For instance, Cassie and Carrie getting to know each other, Caroline and Sami baking Christmas goodies... these are day-to-day things that family members do when they are home for the holidays but not going on with their personal lives. Since it is the Christmas season, I will spend Christmas Day with the Bradys. Of course, this includes all the Bradys I can find (and some surprise guests from off canvas). But as for Tommy Jr., he doesn't quite fit the direction of the show and his too far removed from the current cast. You should be excited that Bill is back for a brief appearance (I'd have him played by Kale Browne, ex Sam OLTL ex Michael, AW). Bill will make more appearances next week as he tries to comfort Jennifer and shares a scene with Lucas.
Previous: -After a shocking run-in with Abbey, Phillip realizes life is too short to play second fiddle in Belle’s heart and shocked Belle with his decision to leave her and take Claire with him…. Bo and Hope dig up Jack’s grave but things get messy when Hope discovers Marlena running through a nearby forest and Bo is knocked-out after discovering a hollow grave next to Jack’s; both are rushed to hospital where Marlena gets all her memories back… Tek falls down a flight of stairs… Abbey’s mental health continues to deteriorate… * NOTE * Characters in RED denote recurring and GREEN denote special guest stars Monday Dec 19: -Lexie finds Tek unconscious and rushes him into an ER bed. Tek’s head injuries are tremendous and it is unlikely that he’ll wake up soon, or even at all. (Tek is dropped from contract). -Bo, who is at the hospital undergoing tests after being knocked out by a shovel to the head, finds out about Tek and immediately launches an investigation. Lexie is beside herself. -Hope is there to comfort Lexie, and she admits to Lexie that she knows about the affair. Hope is convinced that someone got to Tek and tripped him or pushed him down the stairs. -In side Marlena’s hospital room, John, Roman and Alex look on as Marlena’s memories come back. Marlena is overwhelmed. She looks up to Alex, crying, asking him how he could pressure her to make a decision so quickly now knowing the kind of love she had for her other ex’s. -John is thrilled with Marlena’s turn around on Alex and he offers to throw him out. Marlena is opposed to it. -Marlena says she wants to be alone. Marlena goes to the chapel to pray, for the first time, for her unborn child who died before she got amnesia. -Bo and Hope focus on the Tek incident. -Abbey is calm now so Jennifer uses this opportunity to get some sleep in Lexie’s office. Jennifer dreams of Jack and of the time they shared. -Away from the hospital, Abe is shocked to learn of Tek’s accident. Abe goes to the hospital to find Lexie. -Frankie arrives at the hospital and learns that Jennifer is sleeping in Lexie’s office. He goes there to wake her but cannot bring himself to interrupt. Frankie looks on longingly. -Inside the chapel, Marlena is alone crying when a man walks up behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders. At first she is jumpy, having just been abducted, but when she turns around the tears fill her eyes when she sees the man she hoped would come to her first. She and John embrace in huge kiss as tears stroll down both their faces. Tuesday Dec. 20th (special John and Marlena solo episode) -episode is entirely dedicated to John and Marlena in the chapel discussing their love and the events that led them to this place. Details include Marlena’s apology for being with Roman, for being rushed by Alex and for not instantly loving John. John dismisses all of those and says he never stopped believing Marlena would find their love despite her memory loss. They talk about Alex, Roman and Kate. John admits to falling for Kate in a time of loneliness and shared grief but their relationship is strictly that of friendship since Marlena came back. They discuss how Roman has not moved on since the miscarriage but he will. John asks Marlena is she remembers Alex from her past and she says she does but that the memories are hazy. She hates how he forced her to make a decision so rapidly but she does feel strongly for him. They talk about needing to remarry but Marlena first wants to know who kidnapped her. She remembers the pillow and its similarities to the one at Stephano’s will-reading. They suspect Tony is behind it despite being in jail. They deduce that the pin prick obviously lead to her memories returning and that she had been in that room before (during the stalker brainwashing). But most of all, they confirm their love for each other and embrace knowing that they’ve survived and will continue to survive the epic trials they will face in the future… Wednesday Dec 21st: (new Day in Salem). -John and Marlena wake up happy in the Penthouse. Alex arrives to claim his things and he and Marlena share a heart-to-heart. Alex reminds her that they are married still and Marlena tells him she loves John and will seek a divorce. -Alex is hurt and leaves. He vows to stop this from happening. -At the hospital, Abbey’s spirits are much higher and her manic state has disappeared. Jennifer and Laura are pleased. Abbey acknowledges Jack’s death for the first time and begs that they go visit his grave. -Bo and Abe discuss the Tek case and it appears to be clear of any tampering or foul play. -Tek is committed to long term care. -Hope consoles Lexie who is shaken to the bone over Tek’s accident and fears that she has to come forward to Abe about “the truth”. Abe walks in and asks “about what truth?” -Carrie stops by the pub to see her grandparents. They discuss plans for this year’s Christmas surprise. Cassie is there to help make decorations. Carrie meets Cassie for the first time and they get acquainted. -There is a knock on the door and when Caroline answers it there are only two wrapped presents one with her name and the other with Cassie’s -Elsewhere, a similar present is left outside Abe and Jack’s houses while Maggie, Doug, Roman, and Alice open their doors throughout the day to discover similar boxes with their respective names on it. -At the pub, Cassie opens hers despite Caroline’s cautious words to discover it is a book written about the Salem Stalker. Other stalker victims are shocked to receive this present and are very shaken up by it. -Belle arrives at home to find most of Phillip’s things have been packed up or moved out already by movers he hired for an overnight move. Belle is particularly shocked to see most of Claire’s things boxed up as well. Phillip comes down the stairs with Claire in his arms. Belle begs Phillip not to leave… -The doctors agree to let Jennifer take Abbey to see the grave. As they are preparing to leave the hospital they run into Bo and Hope. Bo tells Jennifer that there is something she has to know about…. Thursday Dec 22nd -Max is out at Salem place doing some last minute shopping when he runs into Nicole. Max is excited to see the older woman whom he recently bedded and tries to convince Nicole, using some of his best material, they should meet up again. Nicole laughs him off and says “in your dreams”. Max is determined to be with Nicole again when Chelsea shows up…. -Elsewhere, Doug is furious that he’s received a published book detailing the events of his “death” and calls other victims to find out if they’ve received the same book. He discusses with Maggie and Mickey that the publisher should be sued. The publisher of the book is Marion Industries. -Lucas goes to visit Alice to discuss Jennifer. Alice is happy her grandson has stopped by. Lucas sees the book and asks her is she’s upset about it. Alice reminds him that she doesn’t get upset over the holidays but that she’ll be sure to get to the bottom of things in the new year. Lucas agrees to help Alice get out the decorations and put up the tree in preparation for the annual tradition. -Kate show sup at Phillip and Belle’s. Belle pleads with Kate to ask Phillip to reconsider but Phillip won’t listen to either of them. John and Marlena arrive to find a devastated Belle. John tries to reason with Phillip but Phillip won’t listen. John vows to stop at nothing to protect his granddaughter, even if it means taking him and Victor on. -Marlena comforts Belle who is falling apart. Kate watches, knowing that if she reveals to anyone that Phillip isn’t Claire’s father then Phillip wouldn’t have any paternal rights to take Claire away from his mother. -At the Brady house, Sami & Will, Roman and Shawn-D arrive separately to help Cassie, Carrie and Caroline put together this year’s Christmas event. Sami is upset over everything that has happened but working together with Carrie to bake treats and relax and enjoy family over the holidays is exactly what she needed. -Bo and Hope explain to Jennifer that they dug up Jack’s grave site. The Devereaux women are stunned. Hope then explains that Jack’s coffin was missing, as Bo suspected, which causes Abbey to tailspin, going off into a violent rant about her father not being dead. Nurses try to calm Abbey and take her back to her room, leaving Jennifer to lash out at Bo and Hope for what they’ve done… Friday Dec 23rd: (end of day and new day: Christmas eve) -Phillip tells Belle that he is committed to leaving but won’t file for custody or take Claire away until after Christmas. Phillip and Kate leave Claire with Marlena, John and Belle. They all return to the penthouse for the night. -Jennifer cannot believe Bo and Hope would disturb Jack’s grave. Frankie has arrived and is the voice to calm Jennifer down who then begins to question what happened to her Jack. Where can he be? Jennifer begins to think he might still be alive. Frankie knows this is impossible. -Lexie and Abe go home and she does not tell him about her affair. -Nicole is ready to turn it in for the night when Max knocks on her door with some missile-toe to celebrate the clock striking Christmas Eve. Nicole lets him in as they kick off another night of very hot sex. -The next morning, Salemites awake to a blanket of snow covering the city. -Belle can’t believe she might lose Claire but John assures her they will fight this and win and to focus on spending Christmas with Claire. John tells them that Caroline has invited them for Christmas dinner tomorrow. -Over at Alice’s, Mickey, Maggie, Doug, Julie, and Laura are shocked to arrive and find that Lucas and Alice have put up all the decorations, save for the trimming of the tree. Lucas and Will arrive with treats and are followed shortly afterwards by Bo and Hope and sons. Laura doesn’t want to have to stay away from the Hospital for long and is upset that Jennifer and Abbey are going to miss this year’s Christmas ornament hanging ceremony. -As everyone settles in for some quality family time, Mimi shows up and is unsure if she should be there but everyone welcomes her as Shawn’s guest. He pulls her aside and kisses her under the missile-toe and wishes her a Merry Christmas, saying that is one of the best gifts he can offer: an invitation from his entire family to spend Christmas with them. Mimi is touched and they start making-out, and Hope looks on concerned yet happy for Shawn. -Mickey brings out the box of ornaments and asks Shawn to promise not to sit on them this year. Shawn rebuts by making sure that Bonnie’s extra large ornament not be hung this year. Mimi smacks him and everyone laughs. Julie makes a comment about who wears the pants in that couple. -More light hearted Horton time continues when there is a knock at the door. Mickey answers it and is delighted to find Mike and Bill standing there, arms full of gifts. -Mike and Bill come in and field of questions about being stuck in Israel and being out of communication because of recent terror activities in the region. They regret not being there for Jack’s funeral but are thankful they are there now. They look around and are stunned that Jennifer isn’t there. -All the Hortons in attendance hang their special ornaments, with the exception of Jack, Jennifer, Abbey, Laura and Bill’s…. as the Hortons hang their tree, the camera juxtaposes images of Jennifer rocking Abbey in her hospital room, stroking her hair and crying with her that everything will be ok. -As this is happening, Lucas, Mike, Bill & Laura show up with a mini Christmas tree and surprise Jennifer and Abbey with their ornaments. Together, this family hangs their ornaments with Jack’s closest to the angel on top… Next time: Christmas day is at the Brady’s brings up special memories, surprise guest stars and an emotional revelation that will leave one couple broken up in the New Year… Carrie comes to face-to-face with the two men in her past… Alex finds an unlikely ally in his bid to keep Marlena in his life…
Phillip is committed to leaving Belle and taking Claire with him. He realizes that he's a war hero and a an heir to a pretty important dyansty. He doesn't have to put up with Belle's indecisions and her dramatic bullshit. Finding that the she doesn't love him put him on the edge but seeing Abbey and hearing her go crazy struck a cord. Phillip isn't living the life that he can be or that he should be living. He is a powerful, arrogant and potentially influential young man. But he loves his daughter and likes himself as a father. So he'll walk his own path now and abandon Belle. If Belle loved him then he wouldn't leave, but she doesn't and he's not going to stick around and tend to her just for the sake of Claire. Claire will have a great life as a Kiriakis. But wait until he tells his mother this, who is the only one who knows that Phillip has no legal right to take Claire away from his mother. Phillip isn't Claire's daddy... I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. I'm trying to show what motivates the characters. For a long time the show has been in a state of lethargy and the characters just act complacent. Jack's funeral will act as the spark the ignites the fire in many of the characters - Lucas, Sami, Phillip, Marlena, Bo, Hope, Laura, Jennifer, Carrie, etc... so that they're not just walking pods anymore. I'm also trying to resolve something has bugged me for years. The Brady family has grown in so many split directions each time a new writer comes on board and they've never once awknowledged just how big the family has gotten. Carrie's return and Caroline's feelings for Victor will act as focal point for the re-orientation of the Brady clan. I've also dropped a few hints/clues as to where the stories are going. So here's a big spoiler for you: the two main stories - Marlena's kidnapping/memory return and the disapearence of Jack's coffin will eventually converge into the same storyline that will rock the foundations of nearly everyone in Salem. Have any idea where this is headed?
I was aware that Frankie is Carrie's uncle but I thought they were never on the show at the same time. My intention with their meeting was to show how there are so many family members (like Carrie and Rex) who have never bet each other... I didn't realize that they had met and she once had a crush on him. Thanks for letting me... I'll go back and edit it to clarify first meeting in along time. I'm not planning to link them romantically so no worries there
Previously: Abbey has an outburst during Jack's funeral and later has a mental breakdown leader her to slit her wrists... After Jack's funeral, Marlena is abducted.... Carrie comes to Sami's aid in her time of need.... Nicole beds Max... and Bo and Hope hatch a plan to dig up Jack's grave to confirm whether if coffin is missing... Monday Dec 12: -Laura and Jennifer swiftly react to Abbey’s suicide attempt by tending to the wound (which was very shallow), disinfecting it and putting a crying and naked Abbey in the shower to try and calm her down. Laura has haunting memories of the times she’s lost grip. -Jennifer, fully clothed, joins her daughter in the shower and sobs and she rocks Abbey back and forth. Laura believes they should call an ambulance and get Abbey looked at. -Abbey is taken to hospital where it as agreed that her wounds are not life threatening but she is admitted for psychological care. Jennifer breaks down in her mother’s arms. -Also at the hospital, Kate hovers around waiting to see Phillip again. Victor arrives to see Phillip as well and he can instantly tell that Kate is hiding something. He demands to know what but she is evasive. -At the police station, Hope is stunned to see video evidence of Tek and Lexie having an affair. While Bo is making sure no one will be patrolling near the graveyard tonight, Hope shuts the door in the A/V closet and demands that Tek explain himself. -After admitting to have a few encounters, Tek confesses that he has no idea who is blackmailing him or what purpose. They both wonder if Abe knows. -Marlena is passed out asleep on the floor of the unfamiliar room when a man, dressed in black whose face is not revealed, replaces the pillow with the pin in it and wipes the small amount of blood off Marlena’s finger. Marlena starts to come to so the man leaves. -Marlena wakes up, dizzy and confused, but instantly has a memory of this place and she says she’s out loud that she’s been there before. -Shawn and Mimi spend the afternoon in bed but Mimi cannot get her mind off of Belle’s confession that she still loves Shawn. Shawn assures Mimi that his life with Belle is over and that nothing anyone can do or say can change that. -Frankie leaves the pub with some food he intends to bring Jennifer, Abbey and Laura (unaware of their current crisis) when, upon leaving, he physically bumps into a woman and spills orange juice all over her. Frankie sheepishly apologizes and offers to clean up the mess, saying he’s got an “in” with the owners. They both walk inside when Caroline, behind the counter, is surprised to see her granddaughter Carrie there, with orange juice all over her sweater. -Frankie is embarassed that he didn't recognize his adopted neice. Both of them laught at the mannor of their reunion. -Outside of the pub, Austin is finishing a jog and thinks to himself he should grab a bite at the pub. He motions to enter the pub when he gets a phone call. Caroline tells Carrie she can go upstairs and find a new sweater and just as Carrie leaves, Austin enters the pub. Caroline does a double-take as she watches Carrie leave the room and Austin enter.. Tuesday Dec 13: -At the hospital, Kate and Victor continue to bicker over the secret that Kate will not reveal when they both stop and spot Jennifer and Laura. Kate is shocked to see her old nemesis but her heart breaks for Jennifer, who just yesterday, buried her husband. -Victor walks over to offer his condolences. -Alex shows up at the hospital looking for Marlena. Kate spots him and takes this opportunity to question him about his motives but Alex brushes her off, determined to find Marlena. Kate phones John, to see if Marlena is with him and John is instantly worried when Kate tells him that Marlena seems to be no-where. -John reluctantly phones Roman to see if Marlena is with him. She is not and Roman agrees to help John look. Roman heads to the Pub. -John phones Marlena’s cell phone, which is seen ringing on the ground near St. Luke’s church where she was kidnapped after Jack’s funeral. -At the Pub, Caroline asks Frankie to tend to the bar while she goes to check on Carrie. Austin is disappointed Caroline rushed off, feeling that there must be tension or awkwardness between them after the way things ended with Carrie and Sami years ago. -Austin and Frankie talk about Jennifer and how she needs them to be there for her. -Upstairs, Caroline tells Carrie that Austin is there in the pub. Carrie is stunned. She doesn’t want to see him and she doesn’t want him to know she’s back in town. -Just then, Roman rushes in looking for Marlena and runs right past Carrie and Caroline, saying “hi ma, hi Carrie” and then he stops in his tracks and realizes his eldest daughter is home. Elated, Roman and Carrie share a pleasant but brief reunion when Roman tells them that Marlena might be missing. -At the police station, Hope agrees to not to tell anyone about Tek’s affair after Tek promises he’ll break it off. Hope leaves the AV locker to find Bo looking for her. He tells her that tonight they are going to dig u Jack’s grave. -With no one looking, Abbey gets up from her bed and sneaks off. She gets into the elevator and as it is closing she hears a man yell out to hold the elevator. It is Phillip. He gets in the elevator and realizes it is Abbey there. Phillip offers to take Abbey to see Claire. -In Claire’s room, Phillip introduces Abbey to Claire. Abbey is calm and collected for a minute when tears start to run down her face. Then without warning, Abbey freaks out and breaks down, nearly pulling one of the cords coming form Claire’s machines. -Upstairs, panic sets in when everyone realizes Abbey is missing and this is juxtaposed with Abbey’s breakdown in the paediatrics room… Wednesday Dec 14: -Chelsea is disappointed when Max won’t return her phone calls. Max, meanwhile, continues to remember his hot one-night-stand with Nicole. -At the in Brady kitchen (above the pub), Carrie and Frankie meet normally and for the first time officially. They both discuss their returns to Salem and wonder if they can ever truly fit in with their family and love ones whose lives are so dramatic. Frankie agrees not to tell anyone else that she’s in Salem, at least not yet. Carrie excuses herself to go tend to Sami. -Downstairs, Max arrives lets slip to Caroline that he saw Nicole last night. Caroline is furious and vows not to let Nicole ruin her adopted son’s life. Max wants to know the root behind Caroline’s hatred for Nicole when Grandpa Shawn announces that it is because Caroline still loves Victor, Nicole’s ex-husband. -Caroline tries to deny it but Shawn won’t let her. He tells her that he’s always known the she loves them both but that she chose to stay with him. -Max asks Caroline if she ever wonders what life would have been like if she chose Victor back then. She admits that she’s thankful for the many wonderful things that have happened as a direct result of her choice, including adopting Max and Frankie. Caroline believes in her heart that staying with Shawn produced stability for her children’s lives; Kayla might not have married Steve and had Stephanie-Kay; Kimberly might not have overcome her demons without her parents; John (thought to be Roman all those years ago) might never have stayed in Salem to meet Marlena on the pier and Belle might never have been born. Caroline loves her family and puts them family first, always. -Max suggests that they have a full family Christmas, unlike one they’ve never had before. Shawn and Caroline agree to this. -At Sami’s apartment, Carrie arrives with food from the pub. The sit and reminisce about their relationship. They both wish they could see Eric for the holidays or that Carrie could meet her brother Rex for the first time. The last time either of them got an email from Eric, he said he was backpacking through Asia as freelance photographer helping to rebuild Thailand after the tsunami. Sami continues to probe Carrie about what happened to Mike but Carrie says she’s not ready to talk about it but admits she’s not ready for another relationship, at least not for a long time. Sami asks if that means she’s over Austin as Carrie clams up… -Marlena remembers being in this room during the time Tony has her hypnotized to think she was the Salem Stalker. Suddenly, the door opens from the outside and Marlena exits the room into a long, sterile corridor with no other doors, except for one at the end of the hall. Marlena makes a mad run to that door and it is unlocked and she’s outside, in the woods. Elsewhere, someone is watching Marlena run away over a video feed… -At the hospital, Phillip tries to restrain Abbey before she hurts herself or baby Claire. The doctors show up and sedate Abbey and take her away, but not before Abbey eerily screams out inaudible crying but Phillip does hear what sounded like “…we’re not living... dad… you were alive… you can…. come back…” (looking at Phillip) -At first Phillip dismissed Abbey’s confusing rants and but something she said rang true… “I’m not living” he thought. Flashing back to his time in Iraq and the maturity he’s developed since being a spoiler brat in high school, he realizes he’s earned this gift that is Claire and to live without Belle’s selfishness and indecisiveness. -Just then, Belle walks in and Phillip drops a bomb: “I’m leaving you. And I’m taking Claire with me”… Thursday Dec 15: (late-night in Salem) -It is raining heavily outside as Bo and Hope sneak into the grave yard to illegally dig Jack’s recently filled grave. Bo and Hope begin digging Jack’s grave, which is situated next to his brother’s. -Bo and Hope have to duck out of the way of a police car patrolling the area but the cop does not see them or the disturbed grave. Bo thought he had pulled enough strings earlier in the day to assure the no one would be patrolling this area. But that is the least of Bo’s worries. -Bo and Hope reach the bottom of the grave; their suspicions were right: no coffin… -Close by, Marlena is running for her life in the adjacent park screaming for anyone to help her. She trips a few times. Hope overhears a woman calling and leaves Bo so she can go investigate. Bo starts to fill in the grave when he accidentally drops the lantern in the hole. Bo climbs down to get it when he notices a very small opening or tunnel (the size of his first) between the two graves. Bo leans over to look in and notices that the grave next to Jack’s is also empty. -Just then, someone above Bo grabs his shovel and knocks him over the head, causing him to collapse in the empty grave. -Marlena sees Hope and runs towards her. Hope is shocked to find Marlena, still in her funeral outfit from two days ago. Marlena says she was abducted. Hope and her return to the grave site to find Bo unconscious… -At the hospital, Abbey is restrained in her bed. This sight devastates Jennifer who has been trying to stay strong. -Frankie shows up when he realizes that Jennifer wasn’t at her home, he’s there to comfort here. Laura decides to call Marlena, a fellow psychiatrist, to ask for help even though Laura knows Marlena doesn’t remember Abbey, Marlena still has her shrink training. -Marlena’s phone rings and the camera shows it in the same room where the man had watched Marlena escape on a video screen. No one is in the room this time. -Alex is there at the hospital so the doctors ask him to look at Abbey. He is very reluctant to take on a patient and he’s busily looking for Marlena but Laura and Jennifer’s pleas convince him. -When asked why Laura doesn’t do it herself, Laura retreats knowing that Abbey might be developing the same disorder she once had to overcome all those years ago. -Elsewhere in the Hospital, Belle is stunned with Phillip’s bombshell decision. -Victor arrives and Phillip tells his father to call their lawyers and draw up annulment papers. Phillip leaves, as Belle falls to the floor devastated. -Tek shows up at the hospital looking for Lexie, needing to tell her that someone knows about them. He learns she is one storey below he decides to take the stairs but trips on falls down the stairs. Tek lays motionless after his tumble… Friday Dec 16th: (very early morning and wake-up in Salem) -Hope and Marlena pull Bo out of the grave and run get out of there, leaving the hole. -Bo starts to come to and is surprised to see Marlena. Marlena tells him that she was abducted but wants to know why they were at Jack’s grave. Hope admits that Jack’s coffin is missing. Marlena is stunned. -Marlena tells them about the pin prick she got from the pillow as they pull up to the ER. -Lexie and other doctors attend to Bo’s head wound – which will leave a big bump both nothing more – but are baffled over what knocked Marlena out. There are no foreign toxins in her system. -In all the commotion, Tek still lays motionless at the bottom of the stairs. -Alex arrives, having just sedated Abbey, to tend to Marlena, who is happy to see him. -John and Roman arrive (Kate, who was still there lurking like always) phoned them. -When they learn Marlena was kidnapped John instantly accuses Alex, but Alex was here at the hospital looking for Marlena. -As the sun starts to come up, Bo and Hope realized they left Jack’s grave unfilled and someone is going to notice. They have to tell Jennifer. -Jennifer, meanwhile, hovers outside of Abbey’s padded room. Abbey is inside sleeping. –Jennifer has another emotional breakdown as the events of the past few days (burring Jack and Abbey’s suicide attempt and Abbey nearly hurting baby Claire) take their toll… -Jennifer breaks down in Laura’s arms and Laura vows to stay and protect Jennifer and Abbey and steer them through this disaster. Laura’s been down that path before and she knows the way out. -Elsewhere, Salemites begin to wake up. Patrick is waking up next to Billie; Caroline wakes up to open the pub before Shawn gets out of bed; Mimi and Shawn-D remain in bed after their alarm for a morning snuggle; and Belle wakes up in the chair next to Claire to find Phillip standing there, reading to take Claire home without Belle… -Lexie can’t believe how crazy the night was just as she discovered Tek laying at the bottom of the staircase… -In Marlena’s room, all three of her ex-husbands are standing over her. Suddenly, as if waking from a dream, Marlena receives a sudden rush of memories. One-by-one, Marlena remembers her weddings to Roman and John. She remembers Sami & Eric’s birth, Belle’s birth, the time in Mexico when she delivered Cassie and Rex… all of it. Here memories are all back as she looks up at Alex with an angry look…. Next week: Maggie, Doug, Alice, Abe and other stalker victims receive an eerie early Christmas present…. Marlena chooses a man…. Abbey takes a turn for the better…. And, the Brady Brood gather to celebrate Christmas in a time of great family turmoil…
Previously: Phillip overheard Belle admit to Shawn that she still loves him and often fantasizes that Shawn were Claire’s dad and that they were married… Jack’s death circulated across Salem, causing Lucas to cancel his business meeting with Carrie in LA. Carrie decides to come to Salem instead… Abbey lashes out at friends and family who believe Jack to be dead as Laura Horton returns home to soothe her grieving kin… *note: Characters in green are here on a part-time or recurring basis Monday Dec. 5: (a new day in Salem) -Kate and John arrive at Marlena’s penthouse to pick her up for Jack’s funeral. Marlena says she is not going which surprises and upsets John. Marlena claims not to remember Jack so she shouldn’t go. John stresses how close Jennifer and Marlena are and how the Hortons are close and long time friends. Even if Marlena cannot remember them she should be there to support Jennifer in her time of grief. Marlena agrees to ago which disappoints Alex. -John and Marlena leave. Kate stays behind to talk to Alex. Kate is not going to Jack’s funeral because they did not have a good relationship and Kate demands to know what Alex is up to and what his real motive for being in Salem is. Alex feels threatened and kicks Kate out. -Due to the rain storms in Salem, Carrie’s flight is rerouted to Chicago and she will be forced to miss Jack’s funeral. -Attendees begin arriving at St. Lukes for the service. This includes: Alice, Mickey, Maggie, Jennifer, Laura, Abbey, Roman, Bo, Hope, Shawn-D, Mimi, Caroline, Shawn, Frankie, Max, Sami, Lucas, Austin, Will, John, Marlena, Lexie, Harold, Abe, Doug, Julie, Nicole, Victor, Patrick, Billie & Chelsea. -As guests get settled, Caroline questions Nicole for attending and the two have a verbal spar. Max, who is sitting with Caroline and Shawn, wonders what is going on with these two. -Abbey is dressed in red and this worries everyone. She does not seem to be digesting her father’s death at all. Abbey maintains that Jack won’t stay dead because he’s return in the past. -Laura is pleased to see her dear friend Marlena but is shocked to learn what has happened to Marlena in recent months. Aside, Laura offers John her professional help. -As the service begins, Hope reads a moving eulogy as Jennifer breaks down. -Abbey looked around to the back of the Church and sees Jack standing there. Abbey stands up, screams at Jennifer to stop crying and announces to the whole Church that her dad isn’t dead and that he’s right there behind them. Everyone turns around… Tuesday Dec 6: -The commotion caused by Abbey’s outburst settles as no one else sees Jack standing at the back of the Church. Everyone fears Abbey is losing grip. -Jennifer and Laura try and settle Abbey but Abbey won’t give up her conviction. -Hope finishes her eulogy and then Lucas stands up to speak to Jennifer and the friends that Jack left behind. Lucas is ashamed that he hasn’t been a bigger part of his sister’s life but vows to change that, because it takes an incident like this to bring family together. -Alice speaks next, humbled by Lucas’ words, and professes that “bringing family together” was Jack’s legacy. Jack loved his family and his purpose was to love and give and provide for them. Alice speaks about Tom and how, despite him being gone, his legacy lives on everyone in the Church, including Jennifer. Jack will do the same. -The pallbearers (Bo, Frankie, Lucas, Patrick, John and Doug) take Jack’s casket to the cemetery for the burial as Abbey finally breaks down realizing her dad is gone. -At the burial site (beside Jack’s brother, Steve), Jennifer shares a few words. -As the grounds crew lower Jack’s coffin into the grave, Marlena has a sudden flashback of another funeral she’s attended in the past, but doesn’t know whose. -As guests prepare to leave, everyone is sombre and their hearts break for Jennifer. Most people leave to head for the wake at Chez Rouge. In Bo, Hope, Chelsea and Billie’s car, Chelsea realizes she forgot her coat at the burial site and Bo agrees to return to get it. -Bo gets out of the car and walks to the burial site and grabs the coat and heads to turn around when he realizes something very shocking: Jack’s grave is empty, his coffin is gone… Wednesday Dec 7: -Phillip returns to the hospital where Belle has been waiting for him all night. Claire is still in intensive care but the doctors say she’ll probably be ok and won’t need any invasive procedures preformed on her. -Phillip agrees to stay with Belle and they’ll figure out the whole Shawn thing later. -Kate shows up and sees the two together and vows not to tell Phillip anything just as Phillip sees Kate and asks what she wanted to talk to him about. Kate stalls. -At the wake, Sami is upset with how little attention Lucas is showing her. Nicole claims it is classic Sami to demand all the attention, even at her friend’s funeral. Sami asks Nicole if she’s only there for the free drinks when Nicole reminds Sami Jack was her friend too. These two start to go at it when Maggie and Caroline show up to remind them to behave. Caroline grabs Nicole’s arm and asks if she has any decency. Caroline scuffs “of course you don’t” and walks away. Austin tries to calm Sami down and Nicole is upset about this. -Max walks up to Nicole and asks what that was all about. She said it was none of her business and when Max says anything to do with his adopted mother is his business, Nicole is surprised. -In Chicago, Carrie’s flight is finally read to take off as she wonders to herself if returning to Salem now is really a good idea? -Marlena decides to leave early and John asks to take her home but Marlena is fine. John thanks her for coming to support Jennifer. As Marlena leaves, a man comes up behind her wearing black gloves and puts a rag to her mouth to muffle the screams. Marlena is abducted. -Chelsea phones Kate, asking her to come to the wake for support but Kate says she needs to stand by Phillip right now. Chelsea is upset that Kate picked Phillip over her (that’s how she sees it) and pouts to Billie about it. Abbey overhears and asks Chelsea to think about someone other than her self, just for once. -Bo pulls Hope aside and tells her that Jack’s coffin was gone. They discuss what to do next and agree not to let Jennifer know yet as Jennifer overhears and asks what they are talking about… Thursday Dec 8th: -As the wake begins to wear down, Max continues to grill Nicole about why Caroline hates Nicole so much. Nicole is evasive and flirty with the young Max and Max is equally as receptive to Nicole’s flirtations. -Austin thinks it is best for Sami to go home after she makes yet another outburst about no one being there to love her. Afterall, Marlena didn’t even say goodbye. Roman agrees to take Sami home. -Austin sees Harold Wentworth there, an old friend of Jack’s, and they strike up a conversation. Harold is there to support Jennifer but to also extend a job offer from her father. Austin thinks this isn’t an appropriate time for Jennifer to go back to work. -Bo and Hope do not tell Jennifer what they are talking about as Jennifer goes to tend to Sami’s outburst. Bo tells Hope he’s got to leave to go investigate the disappearance of Jack’s coffin. Hope wants to go with him but that would raise too many suspicions. -Lucas has a heart-to-heart with Abbey about her flare-up earlier today at the Church when Abbey still insists that Jack cannot die. Her rationale is that so many others in Salem have died and come back to life that death doesn’t really exist anymore. Lucas is very worried for Abbey’s mental state and goes to tell Laura about this. -Roman offers to stay with Sami to calm down but she asks him to leave. Sami breaks down. Although she and Jack were not always close, he was her only friend. Jack was the only one to treat her with respect despite all the antics she’s pulled. Just then, when Sami is feeling her lowest, there is a knock at the door: It is Carrie. Friday Dec 9th. (after midnight & new day in Salem) -Hope has waited up all night for Bo to return. He tells Hope that the cemetery had already filled in the grave by the time he got back and he’s asked for a court injunction to disturb the site. The only way for this to pass with Jennifer’s consent; they have to decide whether they should tell Jennifer or not. -Nicole and Max leave the wake together, and thanks to many drinks and a hot spark between the two of them, Nicole seduces Max for a very steamy one-night-stand. Max leaves in the morning before Nicole wakes up. -For the second night in a row, Sami’s spirits have been lifted by a surprise visitor. Last night, it was the late night arrival of her older sister Carrie. They spent the night fleshing out Sami’s insecurities and made a vow to repair their relationship. Now, in the light of day, Sami asks the burning question: where is Mike? -Lexie has good news for Belle and Phillip: they can take Claire home tomorrow. They are thrilled but Phillip still worries that their marriage might be over. -Marlena wakes up in an unfamiliar but locked room. She hammers on the walls demanding to be released. As she looks around, she finds an odd assortment of artefacts and trinkets in the well decorated but windowless room. She notices an embroiled pillow and when she picks it up she gets a prick, there was a needle in it. This makes her dizzy. -At the police station, Tek receives another package but this time instead of pictures it is a video tape of him and Lexie together. -Bo and Hope show up, determined not to get the courts involved and to dig up Jack’s grave themselves. -Hope sees Tek in the A/V room and goes to ask for his help in covering for them when she opens the door and sees the video of him and Lexie on screen…. -Laura lets Abbey sleep in but Jennifer had the worst night sleep of her life. Her bed was so empty last night. Jennifer can’t imagine things getting any worse when Laura tells Jennifer that Abbey is losing grip with reality. Jennifer is stunned to hear this and thinks that maybe Abbey is still in shock when they hear Abbey scream upstairs. They run to here and find her in the bathroom with blood everywhere. Abbey is crying and has just shallowly slit her wrist…. Previews: Marlena is set free…. Phillip makes a life-changing decision…. Carrie meets Frankie…. Bo and Hope dig up more questions than answers….
I'm testing to see how comments/replies work. But last night's Episode of LOST rocked!
December 2005 Edition – Part 1 *note - Characters in RED denote first appearance. Recap: The events of my fanfiction begin as if I were taking over the reign as headwriter of DAYS as of Dec 1, 2005. All the events that happen on screen in reality after that have no effect on my version of events. Here is a brief recap of what happened before I start deviating into the direction I plan to take the show: -Marlena tells John that she chooses Alex, leaving John stunned and ready to fight for his wife -Lucas is ready to head to LA to meet the CEO of a new company Titan is interested in buying; Austin’s company is also interested in this company. -Jack’s car flew off the bridge in an ice storm as Frankie, Jennifer, Abbey, Billie, Bo, Patrick and Hope watch rescue workers try and save Jack in the freezing water. -Jack drowns. -Kate learns that Shawn is Claire’s father, not Phillip, just as Shawn and Mimi have made a commitment to start a meaningful relationship. Now, my version of what happens in the first weeks of December, mainly focusing on Jack’s funeral and the built up to it: Thursday Dec 1: -News of Jack’s death flies across Salem and reaches Lucas on his blackberry just as he’s about to board his flight to LA. Knowing that his sister, Jennifer, needs him at a time like this, Lucas promptly leaves the Airport and heads to the Devereaux household to comfort his sister. -Hope, Billie and Julie all try and settle Jennifer, who is in shock. Secretly, Billie wonders if Jack’s death was an accident or self-inflicted. -Others rush to Jennifer’s house, including Maggie, Mickey, Doug, Lucas, Austin, Patrick, Chelsea, Frankie, Bo and Lexie. Overwhelmed by the attention and the shock, Jennifer breaks down and asks everyone to leave her and Abbey alone. Mickey stays behind while Maggie and Hope promise to call family and arrange the funeral. -Bo asks Chelsea to come with him and Hope for the night but Chelsea wants to stay with Abbey, claiming she knows the pain of losing a father. Bo reaches out to Chelsea and says she has a father now and Chelsea reluctantly agrees to stay at Bo and Hope’s. -Lucas shares a tender moment with his niece, Abbey, before he leaves but he promises to come back tomorrow. Outside, Lucas accuses Austin of budding his head into matters that don’t concern him but Austin remembers being close friends with Jennifer the last time Jack left (early 90s) and claims that he wants to be there to support her again. -Lucas arrives home to find Sami sitting outside his apartment door. He is not in the mood for her antics but is struck by how upset Sami is. Jack was Sami’s only friend and Sami breaks down. Lucas invites her in and she cries on his shoulder and in his arms on the cough as they both fall asleep. -At the police station, Tek receives a suspicious package with photos of him and Lexie having an affair. He hides this package and investigates to see who dropped it off but no one knows who delivered it or what it came from. Tek gets nervous. -At the hospital, Claire’s vitals return to normal but she will still need to under go tests and a possible blood transfusion but the doctors are reluctant to go there unless that absolutely have too. -Mimi and Shawn have arrived to support their friends when it becomes obvious that Belle draws her strength from Shawn and not Phillip. Shawn, however, doesn’t want to be there and is forced to tell a crushed Belle that he’s moved on. Mimi and Phillip overhear this and are both stunned when Belle admits she is still in love with Shawn and often fantasizes about the life they would share if Claire was theirs. Phillip is heartbroken to hear this but Belle gets the shock of her life when Shawn says that he would never want that and that he has moved on. Friday Dec 2nd: (a new day in Salem) -The next morning, Hope tells Maggie that she couldn’t get a hold of Mike or Bill but that Laura is already on her way home. -Lucas asks Sami to leave the apartment and regrets having spent the night with her. To take his mind off his conflicted feelings for Sami, Lucas phones to speak with the woman he planned to meet in LA to cancel their meeting but is shocked when he learns that the CEO is on her way to Salem. He learns the woman’s name. -In LA, we see the woman CEO boarding a plane for Salem, it is Carrie Brady (played by Christie Clarke). -Lucas is surprised that Carrie was his contact in LA and even more confused that she’s not in Israel with his half-brother, Mike. Lucas tries to call Mike but he cannot reach him. He figures that Mike is already on his way home for the funeral with Carrie. -At Jennifer’s house, family and friends have gathered to assist in the preparations as much as possible. Sami shows up and Jennifer accuses Sami of making this whole thing about her. Sami is tempted to lash out, but Julie and Austin calm her and escort her home. Sami feels that she has no one she can turn to since her mother won’t even return her calls. -Marlena wakes up in the Penthouse to find Alex on the phone arranging a Christmas trip. Marlena probes Alex about where he’s going and he says it will be a surprise. -Marlena receives another phone call from Sami but doesn’t want to deal with her “needy” daughter right now and doesn’t pick up. Alex is happy Marlena is tuning out her former life. -At the hospital, Phillip questions Belle about her feelings for him and she cannot deny any more that she has strong feelings for Shawn and for Phillip. Phillip said he can’t take this any longer and once Claire gets better Belle has to make a choice or he will make one for her. He leaves Belle alone, crying. -Phillip goes to Alice’s, but it isn’t open for business yet. Bonnie lets him in anyway and they talk she opens the bar. Bonnie’s advice only makes Phillip more upset which makes Bonnie happy, as she thinks to herself that the more upset a rich boy is the more money he’ll spend on drinks and mechanical bull. Bonnie is disappointed when Phillip leaves after only one drink and no tip. -On the way home, Phillip receives a call from Kate, who says they have to talk. Kate hangs up and says out-loud that Phillip can never know he’s not Claire’s dad. -Lexie shows up to sedate Jennifer and Abbey who are acting irratically towards their friends and family. -Before Abbey is sedated, she gets hysterical and rants about her father not being dead. She says “he’s died before and always come back” and reminds Maggie, Hope and Doug everyone else in the room that half of their family has died in the past and come back to life. Abbey is convinced this will happen again. -Abbey calms down and she and Jennifer go upstairs and fall sleep in the same bed. Downstairs, Horton family members discuss Abbey’s fragile state when Laura arrives from the airport (played by Jamie Lynn Bauer). -Laura goes upstairs and climbs into bed with Abbey and Jennifer and strokes her daughter’s hair as they rest. Preview of Next week’s episodes: All 5 days will be outlined. Jack’s funeral takes place with some shocking outcomes; Nicole seduces a Brady man; Alex begins to lose his grip on Marlena; Abbey’s reaction to Jack’s death stuns everyone; someone very unexpected comes to Sami’s aid in her time of need.
Effective Dec 1, 2005, the content in my FANFIC is different than the stories of the real DAYS. That is when my version deviates from the onscreen course. Each FANFIC update edition will outline a week of story told in point-form notes. Each edition will follow the story progression more quickly than you'd see in real Soaps. The Cast of my show will start to change. As of Dec 2, for instance, the characters of Laura Horton (Jamie Lyn Bauer) and Carrie Brady (Christie Clarke) enter the canvas. Characters will also leave, in time. So if you see someone you don't like mentioned, such as Bonnie, don't just skip over her bullet because it will factor into the overall story development (I promise). A list of questions and answered asked to me by readers can be found in the "About Me" section of my blog. Click on "About Me" on the menu bar on the right hand side of the blog to view these questions/answers. I will update them as people ask questions. I encourage feedback on every edition. I want this to be very interactive. Please do not hesitate to comment or question or vocalize your thoughts. Enjoy!
SEE THE ABOUT ME LINK ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE TO VIEW RECENT "ABOUT ME" FAQ's ----------> I've discovered lots of components of this whole blog thing - there are a lot of section, including an "about me" section. I have decided not to fill this section out without user/reader feedback. I'll fill it out in a Question and Answer format. I won't volunteer information about me, but if you ask I'll answer it in the "about me" section. For example: Reader Question: What is your favourite Soap? CSW Answer: Currently, I enjoy Y&R but DAYS is my all-time favourite. So, to know more about your blogger, PM me a question or send a comment with a question and I'll add it the "About Me" section.
THis is my first blog entry. According to board censorship terms, I have to avoid topics that could be called labelled as follows: inaccurate, vulgar, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, or otherwise violative of any law. My question, does those same rules apply to the OT board? I haven't decided what I want my blog to be. For a while now I've been toying with the idea of going back to fanfic writing. For those of you who do not know me, I used to post on the coffeerooms sites under the alias "Dave". I had a good time on those boards, highlighted by my pro-active criticism of DAYS' faults and my weekly ratings analysis. However, I also used to post fake "spoilers" as triggers for a fanfiction universe or an alternative Days reality. The reason they were called "spoilers" was to hook people into reading them, liking my ideas, and then coming back for more. Spoiler bullets are much easier to read come demand a far smaller committment by the reader as to ensure a larger fanbase. I am debating whether to return to this format and take the current state of Days of our Lives and spin it off into the direction I would like to see the show move. Question: would anyone read it? Let me know. To wet your appetite, I'll hint at to stories tha I'm comtemplating: 1) mental health problems run in the family - Jennifer and/or Abbey are haunted with mental health problems similar to Laura 2) resolving the 2 Romans story once and for all. ------ Another option is to make this a personal blog where I can flaunt my self-importance and pretend that the trials of my life are really worth discussing with strangers. I somehow don't think I'm going to go there. ------ This could be a hockey blog. I am in a fantasy hockey pool league and my team is doing horribly. I drafted Raycroft second, that slimy bastard. (ok, I broke one of the rules). ------ Or I could just drop this whole blog idea entirely. Let me know what you think. Some people know me as CSW, others as Canadian Soap Writer and others as UWOsoapwriter. I used to be more vocal in the SON community and this might give me a venue to do so again. Of course, I can always be reached on AIM or YAHOO msger. Send me a PM for comments or contact details.