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Everything posted by Sierrah1

  1. Keith Timmons = Think I'm in !!! Interesting to see elevator 'stickages' in SB are still so...(ehem) eventful. Now, JR, let's see if you're fast enough to outrun that fireball from the CC/Sophia connoisseurs! **grabs popcorn from Keith**
  2. Short but sweet!!! Wow, A is so elusive here, it's almost as if his answers were coming right from Greg himself! Anyway, VERY anxiously awaiting the return of ??Cruz?? - either way, glad to know the "end" (of "Mr. Martinez's" absence of course) is soon to be in sight!
  3. Of course word on Keith & his fledgingly harem is always welcome, yet was loving the interview none-the-less - RIGHT UP TO... <grumblings in progress> p.s. Happy, HAPPY Birthday+2 to our fearless leader!
  4. What a trip! HATE that Kirk guy, but the "beloved Robocop" reference still has me cackling. Like that Warren is keeping an eye ON Ashton and OUT for Kelly in all this. And love, love, LOVE Augusta's hutzspa - "faster than you can say Sophia Wayne Capwell" and of course, "consider them disturbed." HYSTERICAL!!!
  5. Just WOW! This one sure had some great moments. Loved that so many people came to show their respects (esp Pearl, Cain & even Brick!). Also the Carmen/Eden scene was particularly touching. And as for Eden's eulogy...can you say sniff? The line about Cruz touching everyone's lives was a nice throwback to his own words at Eden's memorial service before Eden herself called attention to it. And she's quite right that words just don't do Cruz justice. My heart truly breaks for her. Must admit to taking perverse pleasure when Eden socked Kirk and had Mason & Ted bounce him. Just hope her resolve remains and is rewarded in time.
  6. Personally, wouldn't at all mind if the bandage-wrapped corpse in Mexico turned out to be Victoria. However, if you MUST bring her back, how about an actress that could make us care about the character. Maybe Margaret Colin would consider a stint now that her husband has returned to the show (frankly she's too good for Victoria, but would be a wonderous addition to RTSB in any capacity). Loving the Jesse Metcalf suggestion for Chip and would vote for him over Mario anyday for that role (but hey, if Chip needs a cousin and there's room left on the casting couch...). BTW Greg, loving your new banner!
  7. Rouse or not, totally digging this whole Keith & Elizabeth 'marriage' (watch out Cruz & Eden - you have some serious competition here)! From the 'disturbing' "OPERATION CONSUMMATION" (bwahahahaha!) to Gina's 'blessing' - pure comic genuis!!! Still wary as all get out of the Ashton character (love CC's comment about courtship, not marriage, being when you're supposed to get to know a person...when will his "Pumpkin" ever learn?!?). Interesting point (one you should definitely call into the RTSB radio show again to discuss). It would make sense given he would KILL (literally!) to have Eden be an iota as taken with him as she is with her father. However, he is NO CC Capwell and has tried the whole uppity, business shark tact before...and failed...miserably. His over-the-top psychotic route was not so successful either. Perhaps he should give the whole morals/conscience/soul thing a shot along with dark hair & eyes, skin-tight jeans, and sprinkling some sexy Spanish into his conversation...that sounds like someone Eden might go for.
  8. MADE - MY - NIGHT! Love resolved, spirited Eden! Curious tact Jerk (that's C&E fan code for "Kirk") seems to be taking here (showing his face so soon is not in line with his usual style) and Santana's involvement in this whole thing is entirely too odd. What an enigma is this story! Any chance Pearl will take a slightly southern detour on his way to unruffle Mason and pop up to help straighten this conundrum out for us? Also not sure what to make of the 3M (Mason, Mark & Mary) developments yet...or that Sherri girl. Of course, the Dr. McCreepy & Loretta reincarnate story is just as surreal and compelling as always!
  9. As sad as these latest happenings in this kidnapping storyline appear, the scenes where Eden was running the gamut of emotions on the dock were exceptional - very vivid and heartstabbing (with the accompanying C&E theme music twisting the knife quite nicely ). p.s. Suggest earmarking this episode as a possible submission for Marcy Walker's 2007 SONBC Emmy nomination.
  10. ...and such a MODEST folk! Great interview, however there's one question that wasn't really touched on that perhaps you can address now: IS CRUZ DEAD?!? - Your favorite Sierrah
  11. Same ole Kirk! It's been twenty years already - the guy really needs to get over it and move on already! .I share Tishy's hope & feeling here. Now we have Eden, Julia and Santana in on the action and Angel's loyalties in limbo. And where's Joann in all this? Can't wait to see what happens next but almost afraid to know!
  12. Oh Goodie - Another unstable ex-husband* is back on the scene to stir up trouble! *Wait a minute - he may not be an "ex" at all!
  13. Despite being a CC/Sophia believer, Dr. McCreepy is growing on me. At the moment, I'm much more wary of that Creepmaster son of his.
  14. The whole Keith & Elizabeth exchange had this Keith & Gina fan rolling! From the whopping $40 Elvis wedding to his pet name for his new bride to one of the best lines yet: Can hardly wait to see what's in store for them! Also anxiously awaiting any reveals in/on the Sophia/Edmund storyline, that Ashton guy, and who's behind the kidnapping plot.
  15. Sorry to say I'm not too familiar with Adair's work, but Deas is dynamo with anyone! SOME of us not named Gina anyway! Looking forward to her wedding 'present' for the blissful couple!
  16. No "mar-ta" - he's got an "an-gel" on his side.
  17. Knew hilarity would ensue from Keith & Elizabeth's drink-a-thon! Edmund is indeed a great villian. Sort of reminds me of really sinister Marcello - only interesting!
  18. Yup, my interest in the kidnapping story is way up now - that last scene especially 'hit' me. In other words, brace for a long period of separation - get the feeling one from which Eden will likely have to extricate him. While, I understand Mason's need to sort this Mary/child business out, hate him for once again leaving Julia with her back to door, hand covering mouth in an attempt to cover an anguished sob - that scene is very vividly written and really had that old-time SB feel to it.
  19. Here goes: 1. Who do you think is behind Adriana's attempted kidnapping? Surely Kirk is somehow involved, but going to go out on a limb here and say...Elena! 2. Who does Mason belong with in the long-run- Julia or Mary? Tough one. Well, it seemed Mason always tried awfully hard to be good for Mary, where as with Julia he's more accepted in and true to his natural form (within reasonable limits). Then again, maybe things would be different with Mary at this stage in his life. On the other hand, M&J have built a life together by this point. Since this debate could be endless, let's say Julia. Their wit provides a nice balance to the qualities of the other main couples. 3. What character do you feel has been written truest to their nature thusfar on RTSB? (try to pick only one, but no more than 3) Characterization is dead on for all the regulars, but KEITH just shines (given up on trying to imagine anyone other than Justin Deas in that role). 4. What character has done something you wouldn't expect them to? Who did it, what did they do & why does it contradict their nature? CC anytime he folds to anyone. The guy wouldn't fold to a royal flush if he had two card high 5. Who is your favorite of the brand new characters introduced on 'RTSB'? Elizabeth has great potential, partly b/c she's not the most likeable of gals. 6. What character do you think needs to be further developed? Probably any of them we don't see that often 7. Who would you like to see more of? Cruz & Eden interacting more with each other. The were great as partners in crime. 8. What do you think Edmund has planned for Sophia? Something stinkin, rotten evil! 9. What storyline keeps you coming back for more? Dying to see what nasty thing(s) Juniorz has in store for Cruz & Eden. 10. Have you noticed any references to specific things on 'Santa Barbara' on 'RTSB'? If so, which ones did you catch? Have to go back & review for a detailed list, but generally love the wit and humor that were so true to the character of the original show that appear in each RTSB episode (i.e. Mary's line about Kelly looking so different, Keith's quip about a mourning CC watching old videos of Sophia, the mud fight etc). 12. Is there a plot on 'Santa Barbara' that was left dangling that you'd like to see resolved on 'RTSB'? If so, what? What can you do to address every single aspect of closure the show blatantly neglected? Actually, it might be interesting in the course of the storytelling to fill in some of the blanks between 1993-present for the more major characters. Maybe a flashback episode/moment here or there as/if they fit. 13. What do you think of the addition of the Ramirez family? Do you think they should stick around? Depends how things develop. 14. Who were your favorite characters on SB? Eden & Cruz were flatout favs. However, always enjoyed all the other core characters (Mason, Julia, CC, Sophia, Gina, Keith, Augusta, Lionel, certain Kellys) 15. Do you have the same favorites on 'RTSB'? Pretty much. 16. What two characters would you like to see paired up that aren't already a couple? Always thought Kirk & Elena would've been a lot of fun to watch raising all sorts of hell. 17. Do you feel that all of the new characters (Carla, Marta, Elizabeth, Joann, Edmund) have been properly integrated with the cast? Yes. Understandably some are still a work in progress/delayed due to storyline dictates 18. Who would you prefer to see comfort CC through his loss of Sophia- Elizabeth, Pamela, Gina, Rosa, Santana, or Joann? This is a man that can stand on his own two feet just fine. Period. 19. Rank these storylines in order of preference: So far:[/u] Mary's Return from the Dead! #2 Edmund & Pamela's Plot against CC & Sophia! #1 Elizabeth/CC/Sophia history visited! #3 Cruz, Angel, their Undercover Investigation and the ensuing kidnapping! #4 Samantha/Rafe/Lily/Ted/Angela and Lily's plots against Angela! #5 Who is Warren's Father? #6 20. Do you have a favorite 'RTSB' episode? If so, which one was it? New Year's Eve. 21. Do you listen to the theme song before each episode? Try to.
  20. What a great idea! Your inclusion and ingenuity never ceases to amaze me, Juniorz. Yeah, my interest pretty much fell off the cliff right along with Eden and couldn't tolerate enough of the last year to have much to offer here. Having a ball reading all yours though, however deeply disturbed with several of them, namely: 1) Cruz with anyone other than Eden = WRONG! 2) Smart, savvy Sophia in a victim role = WRONG! 3) CC & Santana = WRONG! 4) Gina with Lionel with each other instead of Keith & Augusta, respectively = WRONG! 5) Hostile take over of SB by the Walker family = WRONG! 6) Casting Eileen Davidson as Kelly = WRONG! 7) Rauch extinguishing his cigarette on the studio floor = WRONG! And they probably wonder where they went WRONG! <shakes head in dismay> If Juniorz and you all were on their team, they'd still be around today.
  21. GMTA, and yes, that would be very cool!
  22. Belated birthday wishes SB84Fan! ITA with Pentek Viktoria -it'd be great to see Lionel & Augusta discover Sophia abroad (London better brace itselfB))! Let's see, ole Kirk's lurking about, their daughter's already been kidnapped by some creeps (apple doesn't fall far from the tree ), so what else could be coming...it wouldn't involve another character returning from the grave by chance?
  23. Good one SBGrad! That Keith line had me rolling - that guy hasn't changed at all and Juniorz's characterization is spot on!
  24. You're killin' me here!
  25. Ohhhhhhhh, that Pamela!
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