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Posts posted by Darcy

  1. 2 hours ago, Faulkner said:


    New York State Governor Cuomo says no decision has been made yet but New York City disagrees and says they were right about initial social distancing before Cuomo agreed.  Ridiculous that New York’s Governor and Mayor can’t get their acts together and work better without throwing out conflicting important information.

  2. I watched the last flashback episode with my 84 year old mother and she had no idea what was going on.  It confused her that the actors were playing different roles (she was confused that Nelle was Valentin’s daughter and that Joss wasn’t Carly’s daughter).  I wish they would use different unknown actors if they must show these fake flashbacks.  My Mom decided to forget that any of the flashbacks happened but I did have to explain to her that at the end they were implying that Nelle is Nina’s daughter.  Ugh!  I was hoping Nelle would die/leave soon.

  3. Jennifer Aniston was on Jimmy Kimmel this month and told the story of how she found her first audition tape on Betamax.  She was 13 years old and she auditioned for the part of TR, a 13 year old runaway on Search For Tomorrow, which her father starred on at the time.  She said he would not have approved of her being on the show and that she lost the role to Jane Krakowski.

  4. 22 minutes ago, dragonflies said:


    NJ Governor was asked about this a couple of hours ago.  He alluded that the Federal Government could threaten to pull back the much needed aid - financial, supplies, personnel, etc. if they did not do as ordered.  NJ has the second highest number of positive cases after NY.

  5. 13 hours ago, AdelaideCate007 said:


    I don't have any real clue on how this all really works in the US, but CNN basically said Biden and the Democrats want Warren and Klobuchar to stay in through Tuesday because they'll block Sanders from winning their home states and they'll keep him from running the table in other places.

    I also read that they want Warren to stay in  until the end so that her liberal supporters don’t switch their votes to Sanders.

  6. Ohio just became the fifth state to ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected (which can be as early as five to six weeks - before a woman may even realize she is pregnant).  Opponents in Ohio plan to sue.

  7. I love Cady so I hope this is true and I would be interested in a Kevin/Laura/Nina triangle.  It’s funny that about 30 years ago Cady was  involved with James Patrick Stuart when they played brother and sister (Will and Dixie) on AMC.  Although once the secret about Sasha comes out maybe Nina will finally be done with Valentin.  I doubt they will run a fourth DNA test so I think Sasha is going to have to confess soon or  Obrecht will blab.

  8. Cady McClain dated

    Terrell Anthony (substitute Tad Martin, AMC when MEK was injured) 

    James Patrick Stuart (Will Cortlandt, AMC, Valentin Cassidine, GH)

    Hunt Block (Craig Montgomery ATWT)

    Roger Howarth (Paul Ryan ATWT, Franco GH)

    and is now married to

    Jon Lindstrom (Craig Montgomery ATWT, Kevin/Ryan, GH)


    Cady also played the fictional love interest of all of the above (as Dixie Cooney on AMC and Rosanna Cabot on ATWT) except for James Patrick Stuart who played her brother on AMC.


    Also, Jon Lindstrom was previously married to Eileen Davidson (Ashley, Y&R)


  9. I thought the episode was very funny and the black and white was the best part. It certainly was very polarizing in that many seemed to love it or hate it. I grew up watching those 60's & 70's Christmas specials and many 1960's comedies which IMO they did a great job with parodying in that spoof. I was just waiting for someone to call Kurt and Blaine "confirmed bachelors". I'm also enjoying Season 3 with the exception of a couple of episodes which definitely were quite lacking, but overall I thought most of them have been entertaining. It seems that in 2012 they are going back to the way the show used to be and which the fans seemed to like by having lots of guest stars, a theme episode around one artist, and more current Top 40 songs. I appreciate that they tried to switch things up (but then I also prefer Broadway songs but generally I like most of the music on the show).

  10. This show doesn't seem very popular at this site, but the couple of Blaine/Kurt I think is one of the best couples I ever saw on TV. They remind me of Jenny and Greg in their sweetness and Blaine especially is so unrealistically perfect. But that is his charm I think.

    He is a very romantic character in a very old fashioned kind of way.

    ICAM. I really love Kurt CoBlaine together (I adored Jenny and Greg too). I am really looking forward to Tuesday's "Born This Way" episode - all the songs sound great.

    More evidence of romantic charm:

    Baby It's Cold Outside:

    Teenage Dream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E46BhMIRujI

  11. Kurt finally has a boyfriend! I was not expecting the Blaine / Kurt kiss in this episode, although I could see it coming after Blaine's reaction to Kurt's beautiful rendition of "Blackbird".

    The amusing original songs were a nice surprise: "Only Child" "Trouty Mouth" "Big Ass…Heart" "Hell to the No" - Very entertaining! I enjoyed the entire episode except for Sue's punching the Lt. Governor's wife at the end. I wonder how Jane Lynch feels about her character being turned into a such a physically violent caricature?

  12. Out local paper recently did one and over 70% of folks asked do not approve of what he has done so far, but I would expect that since in all the polls done during the election by the paper had McCain beating Obama by 69%.

    What part of the country are you from?

    I found both poll results a bit surprising. However, my problem with the Zogby poll was that there was no back-up or detail about it (what was asked? who was asked? what were the exact percentages?) and also the explanation of why the numbers went down (high expectations and things are not moving fast enough) which makes little sense based on several previous polls where large percentages were willing to be patient and did not have high expectations that things would improve right away or even this year. I would like to know what questions were asked to draw that conclusion. Also, although it seems a lot longer, the President has only been in office 2 months and 3 days.

  13. http://www.bostonherald.com/news/us_politi...E2%80%9850-50_/

    Just thought I'd add this article to the conversation, from the Boston Herald. It indicates that Obama's approval is slipping. I thought this was relevant to our discussion here, as the article was just posted today.


    According to a just released CBS Poll (released Monday evening March 23), Obama's job performance approval ratings have gone up and his job performance disapproval ratings have gone down and approval of the way he is handling the economy has gone up 5%.



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