I think the $100,000 question is what was good during the final year of Santa Barbara? IMO, not much of anything was good during the last year.
I certainly wasn't watching for any of the Pam Long creations or the other lame recasts, i.e. Eileen Davidson, Wanda De Jesus, etc. The only characters that I had a vested interest in were hardly on or they were doing things that were totally out of character. Even Cruz, a character I used to enjoy was left to spend his time with Eileen Davidson's Kelly or the screen hogs of the Walkers. The CC & Sophia - did we really need to see the umpteenth sleaze or bimbo come between them. Gina & Lionel - cute, but huh?? Mason & Julia - turned into either glorified extras or stuck in god awful storylines. And I will refrain from commenting on what had happened to my favorite character......
When I think back on SB, I rarely ever recall anything of the bitter end. So in my eyes it has been a bad dream, ala Pam's dream on Dallas. For me the show had been on a downward spiral for a good long while, but the final year was so wretched. The Walkers should be forced to suffer as painful of a death as it was for the viewers to watch the slow death of Santa Barbara...